My response was to say, "If every word anyone could think of in writing is already listed in the dictionary, then nobody can ever say anything new. Where's the fun in that?"
“… Even when we first met, Asa used to talk about you all the time. One time she said, 'My brother may come across as an easygoing sort of person, but on another level he has a tendency to brood over his mistakes. He's constantly tormented by regrets and misgivings about the past: deeds not done, roads not taken, and so on. He's been that way for as long as I can remember, going back to childhood. I'm the same way. However, since I've gotten involved with the Caveman Group, and especially as my relationship has grown with the female members of the troupe — and with you especially, Unaiko — I've begun to feel as if I should be able to overcome that undesirable character trait. I've noticed young women nowadays don't appear to have any regrets about anything, or any awareness of the possibility that their present actions might be sowing the seeds for future regrets. That's perfectly natural, of course, since they probably haven't had time to do anything they regret. They seem to feel completely fine about everything: clean and true and pure of heart. Since my eyes have been opened to that approach, I've been trying to adjust my own attitude accordingly?’…”