Avatar of Monochromatic
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
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  • Posts: 124 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Monochromatic 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current People who can just shoot their shot every time are insanely brave. There is always some serious trepidation in messaging strangers hoping to become RP friends, even if you are confident!
4 yrs ago
That computer showed up a lot later than expected. ^^;
4 yrs ago
New computer will be here sometime Monday. Sorry for any delays.
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4 yrs ago
Haven't slept in two days and have done absolutely nothing productive! Fantastic.
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4 yrs ago
I don't like getting older.



Most Recent Posts

Seems rather interesting. I've got a couple of character ideas already in mind.
Sorry for poofing. My internet got cut off and the nearest library is nearly two hours away. My cellphones screen is so cracked it is nearly impossible for me to type posts in a reasonable time frame. Been keeping track of all this though so I can hopefully jump back in once it gets turned back on sometime
Next week. Hopefully.

@Narcotic Dollie@Ace of flames01
; ;

Are you sure...?

ACTUALLY THOUGH, is that offer still open from before? 'Bout the information? Been meaning to ask, but have not gotten around to it yet.

Until now, obviously. D:

@Jangel13@King Atlas@Narcotic Dollie@ArenaSnow

"Re'Mane." He stated simply to Naya, one could nearly hear the smile in his voice. The phantom didn't really 'walk' into the shop. He just sort of turned to face the shop and phased completely out, leaving nothing in his wake but a small burst of unusually warm air. He didn't stay gone for long though, after the three had fully entered the store, he reformed himself. Though he wasn't standing his time, he was simply sitting upon the corner of a table, carefully turning the stick as he inspected the bird-skull that was now his. His feet dangled, swinging back and forth very gently- one couldn't see anything but the impression of his feet in the cloth that covered over them.

Normally things wouldn't be able to phase in and out with him, but the stick was kind of a special item, he supposed. He could touch things and take them with him, but only sometimes. It was a very fickle item, but he was glad he was able to take the bird-skull with him, in a bit of a weird way. He was dead, he wasn't supposed to have 'things' or items to possess! Yet now he had two things that were his, even if one of them was annoying and the other thing he couldn't even touch without the first thing. Bleh. A minor problem. Maybe it would be easier to leave his new trinket somewhere safe, just in case the stick decided to do one of its infamous disappearing acts. Or worse, to merely avoid damaging it more.

Re'Mane turned his attention from the stick and trinket to look at the vampire that finally took notice of him. He carefully released the stick with one hand and raised the other to give both the vampire and the angel a rather friendly seeming wave. While one couldn't see the smile on his nothingness of a face... the air about him just sort of gave off the impression that he was smiling. Or at least looking friendly.

Without much warning, he lifted the stick up a bit before aiming it directly at the space where his head should be. And then promptly shoving it into his hood until it vanished entirely along with the trinket he had been gifted just a short while ago. And with his minor distraction out of the way, Re'Mane turns his attention to the angel.

"Ah, excuse me, holy one. But will you be playing again sometime soon? Here? I wasn't fortunate enough to be close enough to hear if you spoke of singing elsewhere... or hear anything aside your music." But after he finished speaking, Re'Mane twitched as a hand was brought up to gently rub at the side of his hood.

A bit late, but hadn't Naya said the name Caezel?
Now why in the world was that a familiar sounding name...

@Jangel13@Narcotic Dollie@King Atlas
"How kind." Re'Mane spoke quietly, gently pointing towards the bird skull with his stick while watching the witch loop her shoe lace through the unbroken eye socket of the tiny skull. When the witch stood up straight, he followed in suit, nodding his hooded shadow of a head as she gave the now-necklace a bit of a jiggle.

Very carefully he moved the stick around and snagged the end of it on the lace. With one quick jerk of his sleeve covered hand he twisted the stick around and towards himself, causing the lace to tangle up among the simple two-pronged stick. He was quiet for several moments longer as the hood tilted downwards, inching closer to the lace and the bird skull that now sat contently upon the stick with little disruption. Inspecting it, if anything.

"Thank you." He hummed, quickly returning to swinging the skull back and forth on the stick- much more carefully this time, even though it was now tied in place with the lace. "Is it... okay for me to keep this? Or is there someway I can pay you for it? Or... since I broke it, replace it? I see you weave them in your hair sometimes, very beautiful."

As he asked, he stopped swinging the skull back and forth, gently extending it out towards the woman. He finally lifted his other free hand and pointed at the skull with a tilt of his head. He never kept anything before, not that he could remember anyway. But oddly enough, having the skull attached to his unholy weapon of a stick, he felt kind of odd. It wasn't the warm feeling the music the angel played gave him, but it was a different kind of feeling. Of living. But it was so far and so foreign to him now it put a bitter taste in his mouth. One that he liked.

"Might not look like I can do much, but I can sort of collect certain things that you might find useful." Another hum escaped Re'Mane, but he tilted his head to the side a bit too much, the cloth hood constricting a bit oddly. He glanced back towards where the witch had left from, narrowing his unseen gaze slightly. People were approaching. Humans were always in danger from everything. They could die so easily. Getting sick, tripping, decapitation, the list was endless! And with that thought in mind, it only made the bitter taste in his non-existent mouth worse. Why did humans have to be so fragile? Maybe, even if she didn't accept his offer of paying her back, he could keep an eye on her instead.

Dead? Yeah. Powerless? Hardly.

Minora, I think.

Don't quote me on that though. D:
And Ace, it would be an interesting relationship, wouldn't it? She could lock him in the cellar on full moons so he won't kill anyone else. <3

I'm open to it, but I also really like the idea of Naya x Ra'Mane, not gonna lie. It would be so cute, they just hang out all the time and one day Naya realizes she's in love with him, but she can't ever touch him and she'll never see his face (plus, I'm not sure he's capable of loving someone at this point). All the sad, unrequited love feels.

@Narcotic Dollie@SouffleGirl123
A Witch, a Werewolf, and a Phantom.
Can feel the angst and fluff here already.

I am now having some seriously strong feelings about Naya n' Re'Mane tho. Like, holy shit. The fluff and angst truck just hit me so hard. He can love, but after being the way he is for so long, he probably wouldn't even realize it until a whole five seconds before he disappears for good or something. And then it would just be kind of really sad. OR, he would realize it early on and just be like... "Nooooupe. Cant do that to someone, I care too much. HERE. LOVE THIS ONE INSTEAD, they can actually hug you."

Also. Just waiting for King Atlas to post. Going to give them another half-day before I bother. @King Atlas

@Jangel13@Narcotic Dollie@King Atlas

Crouched in front of Ashgrave Aromatics, Re'Mane materialized. In his left hand was a stick that currently had a small bird's skull hanging on the end of it, just barely hanging onto the blunt end. He couldn't touch the skull directly, but with the stick, he could touch things. And right now he was amusing himself with a bird skull that had rolled out from 'Ashgrave Aromatics'. He wasn't sure how it had ended up outside, but after the witch had hurried out, it must have been underfoot and forgotten.

Child-like was never something he could ever remember being, but that wasn't saying much considering he hardly remembered anything past a certain point. But he was positive he was never allowed to be a child. Or maybe he didn't actually make it out of childhood before he became what he was now? Hm. The question plagued him, but only for a moment before a bit of a laugh escaped him. A very choked sound that sounded much more like someone gagging for breath rather than a laugh. It wasn't really funny to see the skull swish and swoosh as he carefully moved the stick from side to side in time with the music the angel was playing. It wasn't even particularly funny, but he found it endearing in a sense.

The music, if he was being honest, was what probably had him in such a good mood. Such a soothing, warm thing that flooded his non-existent senses and filled his chest with false peace. And really, it was nice to have a small break from the endless restlessness that was engraved into every fiber of his being. Such a playful tune was always-


"HNGH." A sudden gasping noise escaped Re'Mane as he accidentally gave the stick a slightly too-hard flick, the delicate bird skull flew right off of it and banged against the door of the shop. The skull cracked from the impact and the phantom felt immense amounts of dread fill him over the false warmth from the angels music.

"Oh no." He whispered, quickly shuffling himself forward with the stick, attempting to once again pick up the skull with the end of the stick. But this time, it wasn't going too well. With how it broke, it simply couldn't be picked up as it had been before.

"Oh, come on... go back on." A very small sigh of defeat as he continued to fiddle with the skull with the stick. "Please?" He asked, just staring at the bird skull, like it could actually reply to him or something. It wasn't like this was the first time he appeared at this shop to play with the tiny skulls the witch had, but this was the first time he broke one of them. But it had just gotten kicked out side... it couldn't have been that important anyway, right?
@Narcotic Dollie

I've been a bit busy the past few days so I haven't really had much time to actually jump into the RP yet. But appearing at the shop playing with little animal skulls seems like a good idea. :D


Child of:


Old, Very old.



Relationship Status:
Stalker Status.


Ghostly Annoyance

Bad Weather
Small Animal Skulls
Someone to have a Good conversation with


Being Touched
Any sharp object bigger than a common kitchen-knife EVEN THOUGH THEY CANT HURT HIM

There are two sides to Re'Mane and anyone who has known him for longer than twenty years has at least met one of them. The first side of the coin is very common and human-like. Friendly and talkative, a bit naive. But always courteous and understanding, not wanting to step over boundaries of others or cause any emotional harm. This side is a bit desperate for connection with others, even though it is only verbal and he cant really offer up much about himself, considering he cant remember most of it. So he tries his best to avoid things like that the best he can, but it doesn't always work out. While he might be very talkative and friendly, he can be quiet as well, though it is rare.

On the other side of the coin, Re'Mane is what people would expect of a Phantom. He is restless and doesn't talk much at all, but when he does it is vague and cryptic. Or it is downright cynical and abrasive. This side cares little for the living and even less for everything else. He does seem to find some amusement in watching humans or small, overly-cute animals, that is about it. Though, if you can get past the cynical and crypticness, this side of Re'Mane isn't so bad. He is a great listener, even if he isn't really paying attention. And at the least, if you haven't upset him somehow or proven yourself annoying, he will give you warning before you run into something or nearly trip. Maybe. He might actually laugh at getting to see someone get hurt while he was there.

Re'Mane is a very old Phantom, ghost, apparition, whatever you want to call him. Old enough to the point that he really doesn't remember much about how things were before he became somebody of the dead. Occasionally he will get small flashes of memory about things long past or things more recent- its hard to tell considering he has an insanely crappy memory most of the time. But what he does recall is nothing good. Something about being beheaded, demons, and a stick. And to make it worse, the only thing he is 100% certain of is the stick.

If you are looking for a face, you won't find one with Re'Mane. For one reason another, even in death, he remains without a face or most of an upper body for the most part. Not that anyone would actually know that, considering 99% of the people he meets cannot touch him to knock his hood back or anything. Even in bright lights- there is nothing there to see! But thankfully he still appears to have hands, even though they are well hidden in the sleeves of his clothing.

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