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Trying to think of the next scene for the Kaznia arc. Hit a bit of wall after Giganta.

Shoot me a PM if you want to talk it over or something. Maybe we can figure something out. Two brains are better than one, and all that noise.
@Gowi Where are we on a Wonder-Woman post?
Don't ever change, baby.

I figure this is the only way I got Damian in past the Batman writer!

On balance, I'm okay with the decision. I'm personally not fond of Damian as a character and I think his becoming Robin in the comics is a retrograde step but I do enjoy your Damian. You're active, which is the most important thing, and you've been proactive in integrating into the New Frontier universe.

That's not to say there aren't a dozen ripples that have been created as a result (Dick, Jason, and Tim etc.) but I think they can be accounted for as and when needed.
@Blue Demon I guess as long as you think you'll be able to make the time further down the line, that's alright.

Oh, and I want to know those Bucky plans. Totally unrelated to the fact that BuckyCap is among my favourite characters and I attempted to play him in the last One Universe-esque game. Totally unrelated.
I'm pretty sure a deal was struck regarding some posts in another game in exchange for this sheet. I'm not saying anything... I'm just, you know... saying.

@Lord Wraith I love how palpable your disdain is.

@Minimum With respect, I think it might be a good idea to first provide some post references before going to all of that trouble again. Everyone has to do it and usually it's a formality but considering you copy and pasted your origin, I'd definitely like to see some references on this one. So start with that.
@Kingfisher Hella is approved.

@Minimum Copy and pasting your entire origin is not okay and considering Eddie has said his Peter is not at the stage for this I'm going to have to deny you. You're more than welcome to apply for another character - though I expect you to write your own origin if so. Knowingly copy and pasting an origin from somewhere is going to be an auto-denial, I'm afraid.

@Blue Demon Ultimately it's your call. Maybe a good idea would be to sound out whether somebody else is interested in picking up Captain America before taking a decision. I like your Captain America but if you have too much going on in real life, it can't be helped, I guess. Either way my preference would be for Cap to be PCed given that he's an important character in the game.
@Natty I can't believe I forgot about this. I remember thinking it was so cool seeing Matt get gassed after all that fighting. It's not something you usually see in action films/shows, especially not comic book ones, so it was pretty refreshing.

Plus I can never say no to a homage to Old Boy.

CA: TWS had some of the MCU's best fight choreography to date. The Winter Soldier actually seemed like a credible threat and (as stupid as this might sound) the fighting honestly almost seemed fairly realistic. It might not be the most epic fight scene but it's definitely the one that made me feel most like the bad guy could actually do some damage.
For the lazy, the game Byrd is referring to is The Octopus: A 19th Century Political/Crime RP and it is recruiting at the moment. So if you're into history, politics, or period games I would suggest you take a look at it. It's undoubtedly going to be the fucking bomb because everything Byrd touches is dope.
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