"Oh, sorry, my name is Zim Hero, so yeah, I am like one of those heros from the old much shows. I plan to expand my weaponry once I have the experience to support it, but what I implement will depend on the needs of our combat situations," Zim replied to Katya. When she implied that she would be seeing more of him then the others it didn't bother him at all, the same passive/annoyed face played out the entire time, "I'm sure you will, and I look forward to your support."
It seemed as though Zims attempt at changing the flow of conversation was successful, just not in the way he intended. How much squabbling did these children intend to bring go the battlefield.
Quietly, after the response Katya gave Harold, Zim politely said to Katya, "I don't think that he meant anything by it, simply that as a squad leader he literally has a licence to train people. I don't think he was implying anything about you specifically. Besides, we all need training and teaching, otherwise we would already be on the front lines. I want to know what he has to offer, I want to know what everyone has to offer, even about card games."
A joke, a rare one from Zim. He wanted to get over this mingling moment so that they could move on passed the pissing contest and get into the actual proof and training.
"You've missed the point. The XO said the battle would be between us Cadets. We aren't fighting dolls, we are fighting each other. Those of us who have already been through some of our training in our units have probably already dealt with fighting dolls and simulation modules. We will be using live firepower on live, moving, erratic targets. No since in forming groups and strategies, it wont amount to anything in about 20 minutes. They will let us know the details before they enable our weapons, I'm sure. Harold, whether you've piloted a framewerk before or not, you've got the most experience in a combat situation, especially with the Cruxi. You've created and implemented strategies. They will need modifications, of course, you know that. Whether you are the officer or not, I personally hope to hear more from your experiences so that we all make it out of our first battle alive."
Zim still hadn't bothered introducing himself to the whole group yet. They would figure it out eventually. He retreated at this point, the conversation was simply going in circles. Zim returned his attention back to Serah and Katya. "Well, it is well met all the same. I look forward to working alongside you Serah. You said you use barriers for defense? What type of melee weaponry are you using, if you don't mind asking? Blackstar is equipped with just one weapon at the moment, but it is effectively a thermal scythe, intended for rending and cleaving. My armored wings are more effective against physical projectiles then energy attacks. I suspect that your barriers are the opposite. We should indeed make a good team, I suspect."
Though in truth he grimaced a little at the idea of having to spend that amount of time with someone as young as Serah.
"And I am curious, what are you armed with?" Zim asked as he looked to Katya, to keep her included in the conversation. He might not be able to control the flow of the entire room, but if he drew people away from the main group discussion of spinning in circles then he might be able to at least stop that particular train of thought.
@Ammokkx "Wrong?" Zim asked raising an eyebrow, "Nothing is wrong... I just have one of those faces I'm told."
Zim folded his arms in front of his chest again. It was a bad habit, and while distracted by conversation he forgot to not do it.
"You seem awfully excited about being here, though. I'm Zim Hero, by the way. I pilot the Black Star. It is kind of a hybrid machine, heavy armor up front when it is needed, pulls out of the way when it isn't needed. Close combat model. Hows Atty designed to work?"
@Dragoknighte "I suspect that it is more then meets the eye," Zim said, changing his focus to the other conversation happening near by, "But it isn't a bad idea either. We are all coming from different backgrounds, different training programs. I suspect that some of us have been operating machinery longer then some of us present have been alive, meaning no offense. A toe-to-toe test of ability is a good way to learn what each of us is truly capable from, rather then just a data sheet from our previous trainers. Often times the best way to develop a team is to make sure everyone knows what everyone else's strengths and weaknesses are, as so that way we know how to best compliment one another. Further more, we know so little about the Cruxi that we will never truly know what we are going to get when we go onto the battlefield. This battle among us is perhaps the best approximation of what we can expect on the battle field."
Zim went through the motions of the salutes, the yes sirs, everything else military that was required of him. When dismissed to mingle, Zim hated that term... mingle, the short man stayed put and crossed his arms over his chest, only changing his posture so that his legs were placed wider. Otherwise he kept the same blank expression on his face as he surveyed the room and the people around him.
As he stood there, waiting for someone to come mingle with him, he remembered the things that Fleck used to tell him about standing with his arms crossed. 'It makes you look like you think you are better then everyone else, that you are on the defensive and want nothing to do with the people around you.' With a small inaudible sigh, Zim Hero uncrossed his arms. Not sure what to do with them now, he awkwardly put them in his pockets as he looked around.
He was one of the older people in the room, this didn't bode well for his personal pet peeves, but they were in it together now. Despite this, Zim knew that he needed to keep his mouth shut, any disturbances socially can greatly affect the team work of the unit. Even worse it could affect an individuals performance even unto the point of risking their life. Zim knew to keep his mouth shut, normally this wasn't going to be a problem, but perhaps in this instance this was going to be a problem. He realized this as he scanned the room and saw the girl on the brink of tears. He then saw another young girl approach her and offer up a handkerchief. 'Great, another one is already flocking to her,' Zim thought.
Hero stand a diminutive 4'9", but is built like a fortress. His body has been tempered towards high gravity situations, perhaps this is part of the reason that he is so short. High gravity planets, tending to stay hotter on average then most other planets, Hero keeps his head shaved habitually. When the stubble does begin to show through, it grows in pitch black, just as his dark unkempt eyebrows project. Below these black lines are piercing ice-blue eyes. The high gravity life he has lived thus far has made his bone structure extremely dense, giving him and anyone else from his home planet a much stronger frame, and his muscles are also just as compressed, giving way to much higher definition of his anatomy. From sunken eye sockets, to raised cheekbones, and a prominently dimpled chin, Hero has an otherwise chiseled complexion.
On his right shoulder is a tattoo of a black star, an un-tattooed line flies through it, giving the viewer an impression that it is meant to be a falling star. Otherwise his body is riddled with scars from his hard life and his previous encounter with the Cruxi. There is a burn on his left hand that has permanently left his otherwise pale skin a deep red. The burn encompasses his entire hand and runs raggedly up to his elbow. On the right side of his chest there is a scar from a puncture wound, with a matching scar on his back were the impaling spike exited his body.
Gender: Male Age: 25 Experience: 100% (114) Synchronization Rate: 72.5% Personality: Hero is a relatively level headed individual, the hard life on his home planet left little joy in him. He is serious in all things that he does, and has little patience for stupidity, naivety, ignorance or arrogance. He is, however, very respectful to everybody he meets unless you have made a particular effort to cross him. The closest thing to humor for Hero is sarcasm, but it is generally intended as an underhanded insult. The Cruxi are about the only thing that he shows an overly aggressive personality towards. Background: Hero comes from a planet that is known as Fortress. The planet's upper atmosphere was unique in that it reflected much of the heat away from the planet despite its close proximity to the systems star, putting it much closer in comparison to what is generally considered the 'Hospitable zone.' In addition to this, the planet is surrounded by debris from a long destroyed moon, making approach from outside rather difficult. It did not take long before this debris field was rigged up to be controled to make entrance and exit easier when needed or nearly impossible when needed, valuable resources have long since been mined from the debris field, and synthetic weapons platforms have replaced many of the debris that have been destroyed or mined out of usefullness. Despite protection from above, life on this high gravity planet was harsh, the heat made it very difficult for most fauna to florish on the planet surface. Most of the food from the planet comes from synthetic sources, or is removed from subterrainian growth veins. At twenty he moved off planet with an exploration and settlement team and found himself on a planet near the outer ring of planets. The planet hardly had a name before the Cruxi came. When they did, they didn't just destroy the settlements to reclaim the world for their own, rather they destroyed the entire planet itself. Hero was lucky in that he was on a topigraphical scan at the moment from a satilite oribter. Debris from the planet made the orbiter unusable, including a large piece of debris from another satilite orbiter punctured the cabin and impaled Hero. It was due to the self-sealing nature of his space suit that he survived. It sealed the suit against the vacuum, and sealed the jagged pole into Heros skin, stopping the bleeding. The force kept him moving through space for three days before his pod was found by a merchant freighter and transported him to the nearest planet. Notable Deaths: His family all remained back home on Fortress, and his personality made making friends difficult. However the person he was closest too, he quietly reveared as his brother. His name was Fleck Jawstone and was a ship navigator on the expidition ship that brought him to the new planet. Hero regrets not being more open with him.
Appearance: Number of Framewerk Systems: 2 primary, 2 secondary. Primary Weapon System 1:
The Thermal scythe has a pair of super heated blades that can be deployed when activated and can be turned to face different directions or point straight out of the staff like a spear head. This puts the Black Star in a relatively close combat position, but gives him reach over most other melee combat frameworks.
Primary Weapon System 2:
Equipped over the left hand. This oversized hand has several functions. First, it has a built in energy source that can emit extremely powerful microwaves that can be used to destroy what ever part of an opponent it grabs hold of. Secondly, if given time to charge (two turns, firable on third turn), it can shoot out a prolonged energy beam allowing Black Star to make a sweeping motion and hit several targets, or keep it on one target that may have more durable armor, requires a cool down after use (two turns to cool down). Thirdly, it can be launched from the fore-arm for a short ranged distance with the intent of using the first function at a range. The Wave Surger can be re-equipped once recovered, requires a turn before usable again for the system to reinstall.
Secondary Weapon System 1:
A set of armor wings that fold out of the way during combat for easier maneuverability, or fold down and add an extra layer of protection during blitz maneuvers to break through front lines.
Secondary Weapon System 2:
https://youtu.be/nWWOdDgxhwE More of an upgrade to the system of the Armor Wings. Active cloak has two modes. The first makes Black Star virtually invisible to electronic surveillance and radar, however it can still be seen by the naked, organic eye. This stealth mode is only usable while the armor wings are closed. The second mode, decoy mode, is the exact opposite in that it makes the appearance of three Black Stars, this shows up on radar this way as well. Again, this does not effect the naked eye. This mode can be used with armor wings closed or opened. Both modes work on both friend and foe scanners.
Weight Class: Medium weight. Other than the armor wings adding much heavier armor, the Black Star is relatively lightly armored for faster maneuverability in combat. Special Ability:
Give a quick short burst of speed for approach or evasion. Provides extra 3 movement.
Automated Targeting System, used for choosing the right weapon for the right target, acquires targets automatically and assists with aiming. Passive System. If equipped, provides the ability to use two weapons in a single turn, or a single weapon after dashing. These weapons can be used on the same target or separate targets.
Long Range rifle with interchangeable clips, can fire as a rail gun, emp, or use plasma projectiles, depending on configuration. Each clip holds 30 rounds, one clip each. Only enough capacity for two clips. Omnirifle has a range of 5 for rail gun, 2 for plasma, and 4 for EMP. Requires a turn to swap ammo. Rail gun and EMP rounds equipped.
Energy Shield that projects a large field in front of the werk. Provides enough coverage for two addition werks. Attacks from the friendly side are unhindered. Once the shield is exhausted it takes 3 turns to recharge. If equipped, grant a hand-held device that activates an energy shield with a considerable resistance to damage that is lesser than Paladin's shield. Allows protection of self + two other Framewerks. Hand-held weapons may not be used while activated.
An addition to the Wave Surger. A pre-charged battery designed designed to make firing of the Wave Surger faster, reducing the required charge time for three shots of mode two down to one turn of cool down. After the third use the mechanism is simply extra weight and will automatically eject from the Wave Surger.
Unless this deputization gives you the ability to do actionable role play in his stead, whether my character is approved or not make no difference. I'll keep my eyes open for activity for the next week.
My response as to whether I keep my much the same or not will depend on this: synch rates change, right? Over time I can increase the level that I start at, and there are things I can do in battle to try and temporarily increase my sync. At least that is how it sounds to me. If that is the case then I'll keep black star the way she is and fumble through it for a while. If not then I'll change it to more of a support roll mech.