Lunise slowly drew back the plate and tea. Again, she fought back a wave of her own sadness, but she was still ready for comfort. She placed the tea and plate on the nightstand beside the bed and sat on the bed, her upper body turned toward Meesei so she could put a hand on Meesei's large wrist.
"'If,' Meesei," she began. "It does not have to be."
All of a sudden, Lunise had to stop and think again. The short while Meesei had to weep may have given some catharsis, depending on the nature of Meesei's thoughts, but Lunise did not leave her side.
By the time Lunise caught Meesei's eyes again, she was surer of her words. "Listen, I would wager very few people go through life without periods of intense self-doubt. Myself included, on a number of occasions. I have learnt during those times that circumstances differ, thus advice to help Lunise after her comrades died in the Battle of the Red Ring may not be as useful to help Lunise after her first lover secretly betrayed her for another for a year before she found out." Lunise's tone made light of the issues in spite of their implications. "It remains that each time I emerged from those...chapters, I learnt little things that helped me rise more powerfully the next time. Think back, for a moment. Was there a time before this one where your thoughts spiralled you down like this? What did you have to do to emerge?"
Lunise reached to take the plate of food and offered it again. "And eat while you think about it." It was a calm demand, rather than a suggestion. "It will help, and you need to keep your strength maintained."