Davil gulped down the tea without hesitation, as if a traveler wandering days without supplies in the summer heat. The boy was quick to tire, but also quick to recuperate, savoring his liquid reward to its every last drop with the same passion as earlier. Whether it was short term memory loss, an unbreakable will, or simple naivete, it never took much to get him back on his feet after a painful experience.
"Well, see, I normally imagine the starting gun - like the kind you'd see in foot races - to help me visualize the starting process. I used to be an ace runner back in elementary, so it's my closest frame of reference, I guess."
Ruffling a hand through his hair, he pondered something a moment, as if something unexpected had entered his thought process. A bead of sweat traced down the side of his face, uncertainty painted clear as day. "But this time, channeling into my hands, it felt different. Sounds. Someone was..."
Pondering, for a longer period than the crimson klutz had ever displayed before, took place. As if he were to speak his next word or words carefully, unsure of how to phrase it, his eyes darted about as if paranoid of something. Finally, he met Otis' eyes once more. "...Crying. Someone was crying, but I dunno where. And once I heard that, it was like every blip of emotional essence in my body rebelled all at once and shut it down. Some weird shit, chum."
After being pulled up and having time to calm down while listening to briefing on the final test of the day, the tester's face squirmed in anxiety. "If you're sure, chum, then I guess. As long as you've got a plan for helping me with the landing, 'cuz I won't even have time left to steer," Davil would accept skeptically, shrugging as he withdrew back to the center of the courtyard to prepare.
Otis would receive a nod and a knowing look from his test subject once he had taken the time for a deep breath in and out. "If I don't make it back, uh... tell that Ciara girl I thought it would've been cool if we got coffee and donuts some time, but that it sucks we couldn't. And maybe tell Leuvalt that his massive throne is surely compensating for something equally tiny in another area of his life."
For the final time that day, Davil took up his position, heels dug into the ground and teeth grit in anticipation. He closed his eyes as he visualized that same racetrack, that same distant road in front of him - impossibly far, intentionally unreachable. It was the same sight he had long grown accustomed to, the same feeling he had long since grown numb to. It was all fine, the odds shown to be against him like this even in his own mind. It was what was needed, after all.
"Linearic Liner!"
The starting gun fired, and seconds passed. Other phantasmal runners took off down the track in his mind, and yet he knew it was fine to wait; with time and patience, he'd surpass them all. He just needed the time to focus. Seconds passed, and wind began gathering around him. This time, however, it was more like an aura enveloping him fully, rather than in a controlled area. He seemed fully at peace, and his prime essence reflected this: raindrops, almost, in a downpour towards his feet. A puddle of energy would slowly form on the ground around him, and at the end of the ten seconds of charging before ascension, it had risen to his ankles. His prime essence was growing dimmer, and by this point, it drained at a rapid rate.
All at once, the entirety of the gathered essence erupted like a volcano. As if shot out of a cannon, Davil rocketed upwards, cracking the ground beneath him as he rapidly ascended further and further into the air. Regardless of its limitations, the speed of this flight surpassed what the Fly spell, or other similar spells granting flight, would accomplish. With the eight seconds that remained after charging, the boy had risen high enough that he could see the entirety of the campus apart from the Iris Record, which still shadowed over him as a looming reminder.
Upon reaching the last second of his Ethos, an unusual shift would occur. An Ethos deactivation would normally consist of the gradual winding down of one's prime essence over multiple seconds, but in the case of Davil, it was as if everything shut off the very moment that the arbitrary time limit had been reached. There wasn't even the potential for the flier to accidentally push himself into rebound - his prime essence had gone from active to dark the very moment he had reached his thirtieth second.
Davil wouldn't notice such intricacies, however; what he instead noticed was that he was now falling, and very quickly at that. His screams echoed across the campus for all outside to hear as he plummeted towards the ground like a brick. He had said his prayers, but the eager beaver of a boy still closed his eyes in prayer regardless - a prayer to Astra that Otis really did have some kind of plan to ensure he didn't unceremoniously paint Wingram's floors and walls with his body.
A coffee date did, well and truly, sound like salvation right about now.
"What I'm researching is an answer, I guess. An answer to a question from childhood, though I'm not sure what the right way to go about figuring it out would be. Alchemy is just the next attempt to help him, really. I've no strong passion for the subject on my own."
Chloe looked up at the sky as she spoke, watching clouds roll by with her hands on her hips. She was holding back her words, though her sincerity was direct and clear. She'd allow herself to say nothing else on the matter when asked by a stranger, and appeared all too glad to move onto a different topic when it was presented.
"I don't actually know who the alchemy teacher is, though. All I know is that he's some big shot from Golem's Rock up in the NNT. Strigari alumnus too, from what I hear. As for where he is, I can't say I'd know. At this hour, I wouldn't blame him if he were still sleeping. Janitor would definitely have the keys, but I've no idea where he'd be in this place."
Within the vision of Chunji's Ethos, he wouldn't find any notable faculty nearby. Looking towards the workshop, he would see an alchemy lab fit for even commercial use inside, undoubtedly fit for any practice an aspiring alchemist could need. Deeper within, however, he would note a lower floor underground - a basement of sorts, in which he would see a man. The man would be hunched over, passed out with his face pressed firmly against a wooden desk, papers scattered about. If there were ever an individual who fit the stereotype of an exhausted scientist, it'd be this man, asleep seemingly mid-study.
"You're looking... with intent," Chloe would blurt out, walking in front of Chunji's line of sight, her furrowed gaze staring straight at him. "Is that what you do? Your Ethos, I mean?"
@Estylwen@Psyker LandsharkMAIN BUILDING/CAFETERIA
"Appreciate it. Best be gettin' on, kid, there's a whole day ahead for ya," Michael said, retrieving his toolbox from the freshly polished floor as he waved Ciara off with a smile before walking in the opposite direction towards his next tasks for the day. Other students passed by her in the halls, seeming to be in much the same situation as her. Some could even be heard arguing with one another, stressing about whether they were assigned to a 'compact' or 'standard' class. Beyond that, though, there was something even more pressing as Ciara neared room 103: the sound of a rapidly approaching rumbling footsteps from behind, closer to a stampede in many ways.
Should she look behind or acknowledge the movement as it passed, Ciara would bear witness to the sight of a
bucket-wearing boy charging full sprint ahead, with an
animated doll of stone and clay perched atop his head. The doll was making 'woo' and 'wee' noises, cheering and screaming in a childlike voice as it waved its wooden branch wand - though closer to a staff for its size - around as if commanding the boy.
"Onward, onward, onward! We move, we move, Stallion. The knight awaits ahead, yes?!" With a few well-placed bonks to the bucket boy's head with its stick, the bucket would nod enthusiastically up and down. "Aye, m'lord, the knight awaits in the cafeteria. They will abide your request without delay - this, as is known, has been foretold." The bucket's voice, in contrast, was rough and gravelly as if he were a hardened veteran.
They wouldn't acknowledge Ciara as they passed, apart from the doll looking towards her and giving her a nod as they moved by, and turned a corner in the hallway in the direction of the cafeteria. Room 103, as it turned out, was rather close to the cafeteria - within sight at this point, in fact. The pair would disappear down a sharp turn, though they would be heard long after leaving sight.
As Iraleth began to leave the cafeteria, she would hear the thunderous sound of the western side's double doors nearly rattling off their hinges, accompanied by deep asthmatic breathing and triumphant 'wahahahaha' laughter. "Iraleth Kyriooooooos," a child's voice would echo through the entire cafeteria, the sound of a stampeding animal approaching as the bucket boy continued his voiceless charge. "You have been seen and heard, and found acceptable!"
Upon declaring this, the doll would use the momentum of the loyal bucket boy's sprint to flip forward, tumbling many meters in the air before landing on its feet in front of Iraleth. Raising its tree branch wand to point up at the knight, there would be sunny joy and a kingly presence in the doll's expressionless and unchanging face. "As per your performance yesterday, I, King Vassago Re'Gale, have deemed you an ideal candidate for knighthood in my growing party of heroes. As per tradition, you will need to prove yourself in a sanctioned duel against my right hand, Stallion, at a time agreed upon by both parties."
At this, the bucket boy would slowly and silently shuffle his way into frame, giving a half-hearted wave to Iraleth. Vassago would continue, once more waving his wand. "And so the great Stone Monarch comes to you in earnest: will you, the shining knight of angelic wings, join the holy lineage to save our world from evil?! Your light, wings and deeds have indeed dazzled this humble yet demigodly king, you understand, and so the Re'Gale family heir has called upon you, Iraleth Kyrios."
Slamming the end of his twig down on the ground as if passing judgment, the child-voiced doll would continue to stare up at Iraleth as if waiting for a response.