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@Sifr Is it lookin' like you'll be able to get a post up today?
Oh, I wasn't aware that the image was actually from something.
@ERode I would! Visually, she would be known in the modern day most for her red dress and flowing crimson hair. She hasn't made many public appearances since the Afternoon Revolt, and whenever she does, it's known that high level illusory magic is cast on her to obscure her face. Some descriptions from the far past do describe her striking red eyes, however.

Picture below.

(The shadow arms would not be a constant thing on her, but she is infamous for being one of the few remaining world leaders to continue to openly practice Umbralism, and is known for using Umbralist magic to defend herself against attempted assassinations. The shadowy limbs being one among many kinds of spells she uses often in those situations.)
Well, alright. So long as it's not a serious inconvenience. IRL takes priority!
Hmmm. If two people are going to have busier schedules, it might just need to be a slower week rather than skips depending on how it goes.
@Psyker Landshark

I think if the character lived a lifestyle of intensive study of essence or required them to participate in live combat, it would make sense if they'd have either heard of it or had some level of experience with it.
No murder in the classroom.
@Estylwen@Psyker Landshark@ERode@AThousandCurses@Sifr


Chloe shook her head at Otis, her mind seemingly made up as she took a seat at the back of class by the window. "It's probably for the best if I grow accustomed to the backline early, anyway," was all she would say, an expression of pure neutrality on her face.

As students began to make their introductions, Alto's face built up with sweat gradually. His face was a stone block and his eyes were aware and comprehensive, but there was tension in his posture as he held on for dear life with his clasped hands laying on his desk. He'd nod as each student finished, up until a brow raised at Otis' stated goal and immediate question. His left brow made the slightest twitch, for the slightest moment, before returning to its prior state upon the stony exterior that Alto was trying to maintain. It was unclear what got to him more: the brutal honesty of moving towards Valen's defeat, or being asked more about himself. Perhaps both tied.

"It's my first name, in fact. I consider myself an escapee of the Rekordia regime, and so like many others throughout history, I've taken up the surname of Wund for the purpose of forms and documentation. I realize it's fallen out of popularity nowadays for exiles removed of their family crests to take up the name Wund, but it has a certain 'new start' kind of aura to it, doesn't it? The Old Rekordian word for 'Wander'... it has a very romantic connotation that I think goes unnoticed in the modern day, quite frankly."

Alto would stare directly towards Davil as he finished, smiling at the boy, who returned a confused and anxious look. He shot out of his chair as he stared at Alto, nodding as he cleared his throat.

"Davil Wund, original surname unknown! Seventeen years of age, I like reading comics depicting the adventures of the Shoguknights of Eastern Loustrain, and one hundred percent of people who have consumed water have died at some point! Er, throughout this year, I'd like to train my body and mind so that I can become a student of the Mirrisian Waterstep - an Azuris fencer!"

Alto's brow again raised at this, followed by a dismissive chuckle shortly thereafter, saying, "You and everyone else, at some point. Best set your sights lower. Far too young."

At that, the teacher would quickly shift from Davil's crushed expression over to Chloe's head just poking out from under her hand - a facepalm echoing seconds prior as Davil made his declaration. With her forehead still red, she spoke next. "I'm Chloe Steeler. Eighteen. My family have been the honorable owners of a very successful Shaktan coal mining company since the late 1300's. My unfun fact is that clearly, nepotism and underhanded tricks are what get one into the Ascendis Dormitory, or else I'd have my rightful spot there instead of... here. My goal for this year is to find the answer to something from childhood, and to see someone again as a result."

While Chloe was in the middle of her introduction, Rio exited his seat and slowly nudged his way over towards the teacher's desk, a note gripped in his hand. As she finished, he would place the crumpled note on Alto's desk, who would then read it in silence while half-nodding in acknowledgement to Chloe's words. He'd shoot a glance at Rio as the boy returned to his desk, and then crumple the note in his pants' pocket.

"That takes care of class intros, then. Good to hear, good to hear, I'm already feeling the love from all of you! In the process of going through this, the build-up of emotional essence has definitely circulated through you all in one form or another. While the weakest type of essence, it's also the most plentiful for absorption as we go about our days. Simply speaking about who we are and listening in kind, taking in our various reactions and quirks, I'm sure you all understand that you're already filling your metaphorical batteries for the proper task?"

In a single motion, Alto reached for his longsword, unsheathed it and tossed it directly upwards above him. It almost felt as if time slowed as he spoke, and a small breeze passed by his desk and through him as the sword spun towards the ceiling. A smile was on his face as his eyes stared across the class.

"The more we listen and understand of others, the further we'll go. Emotional essence is weak individually - the weakest kind - and a single thought or feeling cannot alter the wind's course. But when we share ourselves and our collective experiences, process, and internalize? Genuine understanding amongst the many?"

The sword began its descent, tip pointed directly towards Alto's head as it fell. He sat in his desk, finishing his scan of the room as he prepared to end his introductory lecture. Davil panicked and jumped out of his chair at this point, and made a mad dash to try in vain to move the teacher out of the way. He wouldn't be fast enough.

"We convert all of that into something tangible, with the right practice. That'll be Compact 3's word of the day: convert. If you prepare and anticipate, you become unbreakable."


For a brief flash as the sword's razor tip made contact with the top of Alto's head, it was as if a thin, solid layer of wind made contact with and repelled the blade with the durability of thick steel, sending it clattering uselessly into the wall behind him. The sword stuck there, a slight chip beginning to form along it as Alto stood out of his desk. Davil returned to his desk in confusion as Alto removed his longsword from the wall, not a single bruise or scratch atop his head as he sheathed his weapon.

"I've prepared a course for the lot of you today. Some hands-on training, let's say, to test how well you can form a Personal Barrier and keep it active against attacks, and how much pressure yours can take before it breaks. Any questions or concerns, before we begin? How much practice does everyone have with forming a PB?"
This also screwed with me a bit realizing how close it was, but Rio and Hildegunde moving over one seat to the right would result in a perfectly symmetrical seating arrangement and I can't unsee it.
@Estylwen@Psyker Landshark@ERode@AThousandCurses@Sifr


Chloe leaned away from Otis, her eyes darting about the room at the faces of her fellow students of Compact 3. Her focus half-turned towards Otis as she cupped her hands together, spite taking hold of her. "How could you think I'd just say yes to that? Front of the class is my stars given right, and I won't be denied it just like that."

Glancing elsewhere for a few moments, her attention met Rio, who was now staring dead at her while ignoring Davil's mundane corner ramblings about whether crunchy or smooth peanut butter was superior. Their silent exchange was brief, but telling. With a softening of her previously sharp features, Chloe looked directly at Otis, her sunset irises showing defiance, and after another moment... resignation. As quick as that, she raised a welcoming hand towards her former desk out in front, and pouted like a child. While still looking at him, she'd say, "I-I suppose you can have it, yes. This will, indeed, be to both of our benefits. Just... some more manners next time, maybe? Some pleasantries wouldn't hurt."

The frill-elf retreated slowly to her new seat at the back corner by the window, sulking as she turned her attention to the courtyard outside. As the clock ticked down to the turn of the hour, Rio and Davil also took their respective seats - Rio now directly in front of Chloe by the window, and Davil off in the opposite corner in the back. As conversations died down, leaving nothing in its place but anticipation, the door once more swung open as the final moments of 8:59 were preparing to roll over to 9:00.

A young man in a blue tunic nearly slid through the doorway, leather traveler's bag in one hand and sheathed longsword in the other. Tossing each haphazardly onto his desk while still only just standing inches from the entrance, they landed perfectly on top with not so much as a clatter. His eyes were wide with anxiety and his breathing was arrhythmic, hands on his knees as he leaned against himself. He'd mutter, "Made it," to himself with a triumphant chuckle as he did his best to regain his composure.

Taking a deep exhale, he turned to look at the class before him. "Good to meet all of you. I'll be the primary teacher and overseer of Compact 3 for the year. My name is-"

While pacing towards his desk, chest puffed in an effort to look official, the man tripped over his own feet and stumbled into his office chair, doing several spins before slamming hard against his desk. A thousand yard stare plagued him for several seconds as his heart beat like a jackrabbit, before brushing it off as if it were part of the process. A planned, stylish jump, rather than an ongoing mental battle against first day jitters, clearly.

"My name is Alto. I'm twenty two years old, I have a pet goat named Vermilion, and I'm guilty of losing many paycheques every year gambling over Strigari Academy's skirmish tournament. I'll be Compact 3's teacher in the ways of essence manipulation, the history of essence's uses, and in refining each of your Ethos... Ethosi? Whatever the plural is."

Alto withdrew a thermos from his bag, uncorking it, allowing the scent of strong, bitter mixed spices and meats to overtake the room as he took a sip of some kind of steaming homemade stew. His posture loosened as he did so, sighing in relief as a warm smile graced his features. Finally, he would set it on his desk and clear the space of clutter as he looked out among the class with a more focused expression.

"Today's topic will be on survival. There's no point in preparing you guys as defenders of the Union and beyond if you haven't even grasped the basics of keeping your own body working in battle. And so today, we'll be focusing on a coating-type application of essence: the Personal Barrier, otherwise known as PB for short. You'll be seriously maimed or dead in seconds without it, against the kind of opponent that would threaten national stability."

Wiping a bit of sleep from his eyes, the teacher peered over his desk to make eye contact with Hildegunde, his brow furrowing, seemingly having just noticed her for the first time. Running a hand through his short windswept hair, he'd glare at her in confusion for a few moments before speaking. "If you wouldn't mind heading to your seat, before we begin, miss? Please and thank you, with a hint of cherry on top."

Regardless of whether Hildegunde complied, Alto would continue with a slow sweeping gesture of his hand across the class, stating, "And also before we begin in full, how about a little bit from each of you? Your age, a fun fact, an unfun fact, and what you hope to accomplish this year within Wingram's confines. I'm sure we'll get to know each of our abilities intimately, so why not start with something a bit simpler like that? Whoever wants to start first may do so - I hope we're all mature enough to where I don't need to pick!"
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