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"Certainly," the receptionist would respond to Chunji's declaration of interest, a genuine smile on his face - perhaps the first of the day. "It's always good for the youth to know about basic medical practices. In the coming days, I'm sure you and your peers will get a lot of mileage out of even the most basic studies and procedures."

With that, he would allow the boy passage towards Davil's room. The smile remained on his face even as he returned to a mountain of paperwork, doing his best to stay optimistic even as the wave of injuries would undoubtedly come flooding in, in the coming days.

As Chunji knocked, the door would push open, the slightest bit of pressure seeming to be enough to allow entrance to the room. From the doorway, Chunji would see an empty infirmary bed directly in front of him, blankets cast aside, the curtain pulled aside. There were several empty vials strewn about on the nearby desk, uncharacteristically messy in comparison to the otherwise immaculate room, their corks rolled out onto the floor as if popped in a hurry. A small stream of liquid trickled out of one of the vials, crimson in color but too thick to be blood. Apart from this, the room appeared untouched, with no indications of any exit apart from the one singular entrance that Chunji took this in from.



The goblin shook his head and waved his hands in front of him, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. "Slow down there, champ, I can only do so many things at once! This brain don't work like it used to, see."

He taps his foot against the wooden floorboards, arms crossed as one of his sunlight crocs tap, tap, and tap again on the floor, all cylinders firing to process the series of inquiries. "Fabrics are in the corner over there. Weaving tonics to allow for essence-enhanced clothing? We've got that, just gotta let me know and I'll grab it for ya - just know it'll cost a pretty sizable chunk extra," he'd state with a chuckle, rubbing his index finger and thumb together.

"...Wait a sec," he'd mutter, tracing a hand along the damaged dress, eyes darting about around as if to gauge its very existence. "This is made from vouivre leather. Softened, de-scaled, but unmistakable. Even in that state of luxury over practicality... even a dragon's flame wouldn't be capable of so much as sparking a dress woven from vouivre flesh. Either it was met with an extremely potent attack bordering on a war crime, or its weaver intentionally extracted the various durable essences of the vouivre, leaving it... mundane."

A vein was fit to burst on the little fashion criminal's head, looking up at Otis with secondhand rage. "Otis, my name is Scuzzy, and what I see before me is wasted potential. To a guy like me, this is akin to defiling a corpse, or cooking a marbled steak well-done. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen vouivre leather, and I've never seen it in such a sorry state. Its creator should be ashamed! Should end their own life, if able!"

The tapping foot turned into a stomp, Scuzzy pointing back to the corner from before in which he noted that fabrics could be found, and said, "I'm sorry to say you'll find nothing over there that can replace that fabric. Silk would be the closest in appearance and texture, though the quality difference would be notable regardless. We have replicas of several elven royalty gowns near the register, for some artistic inspiration, though this appears to be more human in make."

Before Otis might start moving around to inspect, Scuzzy would raise an arm out to stop him another moment. "...And for bringing me a work of art like this, so wasted in what it could've been, I'll cut you a discount. Half off on anything you might buy to repair it, champ."

The goblin's eyes shown with sincerity from under his sunglasses - almost apologetic, if given a deeper look.



"Shadow witch..."

The words rolled off of Gulliver's tongue with venom, the boy placing a bookmark within his tome and setting it aside. For a moment, a runic circle began to appear near his palm, clearly intent on beginning to cast, when all of a sudden, it dissipated. The moment that Ciara had mentioned the notion of another 'him', aggression turned to anxiety in his eyes. His own head tilted to meet the same angle as hers, as if feigning curiosity, leaning back in his chair away from her.

"Two of me? Preposterous. In the best of cases, somebody is illegally shapeshifting without written legal consent, and in the worst?"

The silvery scholar would lean forward, closer to Ciara, regaining his composure somewhat despite the tension in his shoulders. His hands were clasped together as he slid his chair in again.

"In the worst case, perhaps your eyes need adjusting. Perhaps the madness has already taken you, and everything you say or do from here on is the delusion of a madwoman the world forgot to cull. Was too soft, perhaps, to cull."

With these words, and despite the tension, a small smirk teased its way around the corners of his mouth. He looked almost satisfied at being able to say such a thing, raising up the tome he was reading to show Ciara its cover, which read, 'Astra Bids Higher: Slayer of the Dark', with the cover art depicting soldiers raining arrows upon shadowy cloaked figures en masse.

@Psyker Landshark


The doors to the chapel would open, and in would walk Alto. A hand relaxed on the pommel of the sword at his hip as he sauntered in, scratching his head upon seeing Iraleth. It was a loud enough entrance that there was no way to simply flee now without an awkward encounter later, and so the professor ventured inside. As he moved closer to the altar, he would await the end of Iraleth's prayers before daring to say a word, simply looking about the room until such a time would arise.

"Hope I'm not interrupting," he would gingerly declare, setting his backpack down and kneeling by the altar. Looking over at Iraleth, he'd do his best to gauge her expression and general 'vibe' while maintaining the most civil smile he possibly could. "I tend to come on down to pray, when my head's full of bad nama. Back home, and now here, thankfully. Ponder on what could've been, and what couldn't."

With hands clasped and offered towards the altar, the smile would dissipate somewhat after completing a small, silent prayer. "I wanted to apologize for how class went earlier. I got carried away, and pushed things to a place where a simple training exercise shouldn't have gone. I owe these words to the rest of them, too, but you're the only one I could find right now, so..."

Alto would trail off with a sigh, shrugging his shoulders. "I also know you and Ciara are fighting later tonight. I won't be able to make it over to watch, but uh... try not to do what I did, alright? There are plenty here that would cheer if things 'accidentally' went too far and a girl suspected of Umbralist worship died, but..."

Rising to his feet, he would turn towards the paladin with a more stern expression, concern plain as day on his features.

"...It hasn't been confirmed beyond doubt that she is, indeed, Umbralist, or that she follows their ideals. I hope you fight while remembering this. To win, but not to kill. Understand?"
Sorry, been dealing with a really bad stomach bug that’s lasted since all of yesterday. Next round later today!
I was imagining it'd still continue in the actual RP, personally. I think that's fine.

Next round tomorrow!
Yeah, it would presumably only be known to faculty and anybody that was around or heard of it directly from Ciara or Iraleth. Though funny enough, I think Chunji is the only player character that doesn't know at the moment, lol.
And on the front of the fight, we'll see! It depends on how much players wanna do that requires being honed in on and how much can be skimmed over as, "They did some things and stuff, and now it's time for THE THUNDERDOME!"

For Timber, it'd be noted that the material requirements would be non-poisonous plants, wooden planks or sticks, or a pouch full of seeds, for casting. Either that, or channeling sufficient 'kindness' emotional and 'growth' conceptual essence mixed together while performing the casting motion and uttering the spell name - the motion in this case being to slam your palm upon the ground while either wielding the materials or channeling and expelling the required essence.

If preferable, I'll try to remember to include details like this in future spell learning that characters undertake!
Fair warning that, with the FFXIV expansion dropping tomorrow, I'll probably be a bit less active for the weekend. But I'll still try to post when it's my turn!


"Mmm? Well, let me see..."

As Chunji inquired at the reception desk, the dreary dark-ringed eyes of the receptionist scanned over files on the clinic's Adapa. He traced a line across with his finger, muttering, "Steeler, Steeler... Wund... ah, here we are," he would conclude, nodding and turning his attention back to Chunji.

"Chloe Steeler is still under observation - her wounds have healed, but campus security swung by for questioning. Even if that weren't the case, though, she's been asked to stay under close watch for the next hour to scan for any potential permanent damage to her prime essence as a result of her injuries. As for Davil Wund, it appears he's been approved for visitation, though with instructions to stay bedridden for the rest of the day."

Leaning forward in his seat, the receptionist would clasp his hands together and lean against them, head tilting to rest as he spoke dozily, asking, "Would you like to see Mr. Wund, then?"

Just then, an orcish individual would exit through the door in front to Chunji's left, dressed in a dark blue uniform with a matching cap and cape. His posture was iron and his gaze was ice, staring towards Chunji a moment with a look betraying suspicion. With a grunt and a tip of his hat, he'd withdraw a cigar from his breast pocket, a lighter from his pants' pocket, and light it, inhaling deeply while maintaining eye contact. After another moment savoring the devil's smoke, he'd exhale and briefly lift up the side of his cape to reveal a baton and a winged badge dangling around his belt, then begin walking towards the front entrance.

"Stay out of trouble. It's day two, and our logbook is already a novella," he would state as he pushed open the clinic doors and walked out, the trail of syrup-scented cigar smoke lingering behind.

"Y-You can't smoke in the... clinic... sir..." The receptionist would give up before continuing to speak, realizing that the man had already left by the time he'd worked up the courage to speak. With a frown, he'd turn back towards Chunji, turning the clinic's Adapa towards him.

"The previously mentioned campus security, Sir Lazris Toil. The head, at least, when mannekin won't satisfy. I'm afraid that even though it appears his questioning has concluded, Steeler will remain under isolated observation for a while."

The receptionist's hand would gesture towards the clinic's terminal now pointed towards Chunji. "But we can still allow you to see Wund, if you would like? Just sign in here, by placing your Adapa against the clinic's, as proof that you were here visiting at this time. Just walk through this door, and he'll be the last door on your right," the receptionist would gesture, pointing to the door that Lazris had walked out of.



As Otis made his way into the campus town, a fabric store would indeed present itself. A building seemingly made of solidified velvet and denim almost seemed to announce itself, with its pretentious array of blues and purples upon its walls, and the three sentient flying carpets that circled its rooftop like vultures. A wolf mascot danced outside with a striking red scarf, trailing the air with its movements and briefly leaving behind runes in the air that would spell out statements such as, "Hrunting for your heart," or, "There's always a suit for you," before silently cheering and breakdancing. People seemed to mostly pass by the store regardless, attracting very few eyes to its presence. Was such a pretentious and loud store even here yesterday, in the plaza of the campus town? The neon sign that blinked and shone with attention-seeking intent, reading 'Clothier de Hrunting' would certainly be hard to forget.

Regardless, were Otis to enter, he would hear the jingle of a bell above him followed by what sounded like three women singing in harmony, "Clothiiiiing, Deer Huntinggggg~," trailing off from a speaker hooked up to the ceiling. The scent of overpowering perfume radiated through the shop, which consisted of many fine tapestries and display pieces all throughout. A goblin would peek his head out from behind a checkout desk on the other side, stretching to catch sight of Otis from over some cloaks and robes, his red sunglasses reflecting off of the sunlight peering in through the nearby windows.

"Oi, oi! Day finding you well, sport?"

The goblin would waddle out towards the Strigidae, dressed in a sleeveless trench coat that dragged along the floor, jean shorts, and yellow crocs. He'd look up at Otis with an iconic customer service smile reflecting off of his flame-patterned sunglasses, hands clasped together as he looked briefly to his left and right. "Anything I can help you with today?"



As Ciara flipped to the page, she would briefly see references to the 'Shadow Hunt', a bloody time in the mid to late sixth century in which lycanthropy - a branch of Umbralism dedicated to the marriage and fusion between mortals and beasts from Kazaar's realm - was deemed heretical after repeated mass murders from werewolves and other such man-beast creatures forged through rituals. It was noted as the first point in history in which a branch of Umbralism was completely and utterly condemned even by fellow Umbralists, with all public information on the rituals of its practice purged, all practitioners and scholars of its use put to death without trial. The main character in this book appeared to be one of the hunters called to exterminate the practice of lycanthropy, but found himself conflicted upon falling in love with a werewolf girl struggling with her own murderous tendencies at the end of her life.

Regardless, Michael would see no problem with any of that, instead fully willing to move on to the more important subject of Ciara's book search.

"Primal, huh? Well, ya can't learn anythin' too crazy in a day regarding an entire quarter of magic's history," Michael would muse, scratching his head from overtop his hood. "But if ya want a few basics, I've got my recommendations. I ain't too good at magic, myself, but I think I've been around long enough to know what might help a beginner out."

He'd lead Ciara over to the back of the library's ground floor, though on the opposite side of Gulliver. Michael would gesture towards a sign that dangled in this quarter of the library that read 'Primal', then shrugged, muttering, "Somethin' about how primal magic always 'blooms in the northeast', or somethin', I dunno. They insisted that all primal studies and stories be compiled in the northeast corner as a result; still in alphabetical order, of course."

The hooded janitor would trot towards the 'T' section of the primal quarter, withdrawing a book titled, 'Tanglous', and handed it over to the shadow mage. Much of its color seemed faded from age, but it was a green paperback with a tree crudely carved on the front. "Here we have Tanglous, written by the Vaalin pixies of the fourth century. It details all kinds of stuff about the manipulation of vines and minor movement of trees... y'know, basic tree-hugging fey shit. Despicable little fuckers that'd decorate the trees with your guts over an unripe apple, but their stuff doesn't sound so threatening at first glance."

He'd point at the book, gesturing for it to be flipped. "Last chapter details the spell that has since been translated into the common tongue as 'Timber', in which you channel... I dunno, the belief of pixie dust or friendship or somethin' and you can summon a quickling tree - a tree that lives its entire life in six seconds, and only reaches about eight feet tall before tumbling over and crumbling into dust."

Michael's demeanor grew more uninterested by the second as he explained this, clearly doing this more for Ciara than for himself - a professional and objective scholar he was not. "Apart from that, some more minor spells in there would be 'Puff', that lets you breathe out an allergenic pollen that gives people the sniffles 'n watery eyes for a few seconds, or uh, 'Deep Breathing', to let you hold your breath longer. The fey mages in this book really just liked breathing, I guess. Breath out the bad, breathe in the good, conjure a tree because... trees let you breathe better or somethin', I dunno."

The janitor would begin walking back towards the checkout desk, but would turn on his heel one last time towards Ciara. "Hey, but don't let my indifference get in the way, I dunno the first thing about the primal discipline, compared to the greats. Who knows, ya might find something in there that I never saw."
Today's been a scorcher and it's really been killing me, but I'll try to get the next round going once it cools down.
Mmm, if there's nothing by the time I wake up, I'll be going to the next round.
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