Avatar of Naril


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6 yrs ago
To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us always give the Devil his due.
7 yrs ago
And when you said hi, I forgot my dang name.
9 yrs ago
Everything beautiful is math! Everything beautiful is a problem.
9 yrs ago
But whatever they offer you, don't feed the plants!
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9 yrs ago
Do you like cyberpunk? Do you like stories? Do you like complicated characters, and conspiracies? Take a look! roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..


Hi! I'm Naril. I write, build things, and I'm incredibly busy, all the time. I'm probably older than you. I'm not interested in isekai, school settings, sandboxes, excessively grimdark settings, or invitation-only threads; I'm very picky about militaria, I don't care for A Song of Ice and Fire, Nation roleplay bores me to tears, most fandom doesn't really catch my attention, and though I prefer Advanced-level writing, I'm not going to help you write your book (Unless you feel like paying my day rate) - which almost certainly means I'm not here. Some day, maybe. Probably not, though!

I am interested in science fiction, cyberpunk, space operas, and stories of working together, uplift, and progress. You'll catch my attention with fantasy adventures in an interesting world, or with almost any modern fantasy. I have a soft spot for superhero stories, and you might find me in the occasional Star Wars or Star Trek fandom.

My standards are high for myself and mild for everyone else; I love writing dialogue and making you feel like you can taste the place I'm creating. I write in the style I like to read, which is the part I find fun. If you want an example of the authors I enjoy, look at Ann Leckie, Tamsyn Muir, N.K. Jemisin, Martha Wells, Terry Pratchett, and Neil Gaiman.

Most Recent Posts

@WaywardK Samara is absolutely on board with trying to get Clint to come out and actually have a good time, rather than scowl at a beer bottle. :3

Also, I was sitting here thinking of what color Sam's bike is, and...well, there's really only one answer, isn't there.
Actually, to that point, I do have a question - how much do our characters have to "generally" exist in society? Does the Division keep all of its agents in huge compounds, hidden from the world? I've been kind of assuming that Sam has an apartment (and, to at least some small degree) a life outside of the Division. It can't all be monster fighting and wrangling of supernatural forces, but it seems like a couple of our characters...er, well, not to be mean, sort of can't exist in normal mundane society well, at least at the moment. If that question is obviated by "we have a cool little fiefdom with Magic Starbucks and Eldritch Bodegas," that's fine, I'd just like to know. :3
@Klumsykrow357 I can only imagine Sam's pride when Wendi manages to order drinks at the local coffee shop by herself. :3

Small character update! I added the times when Sam's died to the end of her sheet. I don't think it'll be necessary for much, but now we all know. :)

@The Harbinger of Ferocity Thanks! It's the kind of thing I like thinking about. <3

For everyone else, let's see your takes! I'm very curious. :3
I love the idea of drinking buddies, just know Jason’s crowd is... colorful.

You might have heard I run with a dangerous crowd
We ain't too pretty, we ain't too proud
We might be laughin' a bit too loud
Aw, but that never hurt no one...
Well, if we're meant to come up with how these characters think of one another, I suppose I'll get us started. Besides, I need to actually read all the character sheets. :3

Clinton: I imagine Sam probably gets along with Clinton, and I'm not just saying that because he's the GM's character. :3 I think she's absolutely walked by him doing pullups in the Division's gym for the third time that day, and told him he should relax. Sam has almost certainly offered him a pull on a a marijuana vape pen (she has a selection to choose from) to that end. I feel like they might have a standing sparring date, where the loser buys lunch, and the result goes back and forth. She likely helps to take care of the Oracle in Clinton's care, on occasion.

Jason: Sam has definitely gone drinking with Jason, and probably (intentionally or not) tried to pick up the same person, at the same bar, at the same time. I feel like they may very well be social beyond the level of 'work friends,' but that Sam is often telling him that he needs to stop trying to be everything to everyone, and be something for himself. I also think Sam's had to come 'rescue' him from one of his bad decisions - something for which she is never judgmental, only supportive and with gentle suggestions on how to make the next time less stupid.

November: This probably isn't a surprise, but Samara is absolutely not afraid of November. She's impressed with his physical power and capability - who wouldn't be - but doesn't find a lot to be worried about otherwise. I suspect November keeps himself apart from the predominantly "human-ish" rest of the Division, and I think Sam's generally content to leave that well enough alone - save that, at random, she'll sneak cat treats, catnip toys, or a CD with a song about the month of November (including several covers of November Rain) into his locker. Whether or not November knows it's Sam doing it is something I'm not going to comment on. I feel like Sam has won a sparring contest once with November the entire time they've known one another, something she is smug about to exaggerated, comic effect.

Wendi/Wendigo: Sam's probably intrigued by Wendi, and likely takes time to try and calm her down a little bit, to get her a little more comfortable with the modern world. I'm guessing that this probably includes invitations to sit down and have tea and biscuits, and, more to Sam's own amusement than anything else, to read Wendi faerie stories from human writers. She may even be trying to teach Wendi how to read. None of this is to get Wendigo to be a 'good little human,' just to be less scared and edgy about what's going on with the Division. I think it'd be fun of Wendi were to try teaching Sam the longbow (Sam's only ever used crossbows), if Wendi would be interested in that.

Other notes: I don't care if anyone decides they want to know about Sam's long, strange career with the Division, or if they want to know about her relationship with Death. It isn't a secret, although I suspect she probably only really wants to talk about it with people who are at least 'work friends,' and, of course, other members of the group we're all part of in the story. In other words, if you want your character to know, knock yourself out. I do, however, think it's fairly unlikely she's slept with any of the other characters to this point. Gone on a date, though, maybe. Had drinks, certainly. Exchanged good books? Most definitely.
Omg Naril, I love Sam! I cant wait to see how she reacts to Wendi.

That actually does bring up the question - how many more characters are we looking for before we start working on this kind of thing? :3
I apologize for how long that took! I've run the character by our lovely DM, and received approval to put her in the Character tab. :3
I should have my character up later today. <3

Edit: This got long. Tomorrow!
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