Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Welkins kept eating the biscuits thinking about how to respond to Reia's question. "I don't know why she reacted that way and I was serious about us only being friends. We hang out all the time so maybe she was just mad about me paying more attention to you." He honestly didn't know what to say. He never had a girlfriend before. It surprised him that Isara would think that they were together. "I promise you that there's nothing between us. And if I'm completely honest with you, I think you are much kinder than her." He looked over at Reia and smiled gently, realizing he was still holder her hand. "Oh.. I'm sorry." He let go and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

The sun was fully down now and the stars started to shine. The was beautiful and romantic. The best thing about living in an windmill. "I love this view. It's one of the best things about living in Galia. I hope you like it."
Reia had left and Welkens sighed. He didn't really want her to leave, but was also a little happy she did. He needed to fix his eyepiece and didn't really want anyone to know that he could use magic. "See you soon.." He whispered to himself after Reia left and started to work on his eyepiece. He pulled out a new slab of glass and placed it on top of the outline. Once in place and the glass was cut, Welkins put it on to see if it was all right. "Okay time for the easy part." He closed the blinds over the windows and started to chant over the eyepiece.

After a few minutes of chanting, the eyepiece was finished. Welkins smiled at his handy work and tailored it to his face. He laughed to himself a bit then started to make dinner. He turned the oven on and left to get some new clothes laid out for when he took a shower. The oven dinged and Welkins placed some biscuits in then turned the timer on for 15 minutes. While waiting he quickly took a shower and thought about how the day was. Isara was very rude to Reia and it really pissed him off. Oh well Reia seemed to be able to stick up for herself. He quickly washed up and turned the water off. Right as he did, the oven went off. Welkins grabbed a towel and got the biscuits out then turned the oven off. While waiting for them to cool off he changed into his new clothes. They were fresh and looked really good. A blue shirt with some jeans. Now all he had to do was wait for Reia to come over again. He went over and unlocked the door so she could just walk on in when she got here. Instead, he heard three knocks on the door.

He got up and opened the door for Reia, giving her a big smile and took her hand. "Come It's better when you get to se the sunset first." The two of them made it up to the top of the windmill and started looking out. The sun was just about to clear the horizon and the night was rapadly creeping up. Welkins brought the biscuits with him and started to eat them and offered them to Reia to.
Roxas smiled and took the food from Ophelia , kissing her in response. He loved the feel of her lips against his. They were cool and soft and tasted sweet. After he finished kissing her he looked down and started to eat. "Well as long as they don't have sex on the couch. That's why there's a guest room." Once he finished, he placed the plate on his desk and started to pack is bag for the day. Placing his cloak and mask on top. "Also if she has an issue with what we did last night then we can just bring up her atrocious behavior at the club. I don't think she's going to say anything." He smiled and kissed her again. "Come on lest go downstairs before they do anything." He took her hand and started for the door.

They both walked down the stairs right as Morthos asked Jax to get off so he could eat. "Okay you two break it up." He teased them as he entered the kitchen and tossed the plate in the sink. "So how do you two feel this morning? Got a headache?" He winked then grabbed some water, Ophelia still next him. "What's the plan for the day? I hear something about a mission?"
Welkins looked Reia in the eyes as she pushed away his hair. Regardless of not having the cloth on he could still only see out of his left eye. When he looked at her all he could see was her blush and how beautiful she was. He had the strange urge to lean forward and kiss her, but decided against it.

Welkins had never felt that way about anyone before and it was odd that he felt like that to someone he only knew for a day. 'Lets just get to know her first Welkins.' He thought to himself. Reia said that she would love to stargaze with him tonight and that made him happy. "Well then come around 10 tonight. Unless you'd like to stay while I fix my eyepiece." He smiled at her then looked over at the table where his broken eyepiece was.
Welkins blushed at Reia's words, this time he couldn't hide it. "Well I knew we just met, but I really liked you." He gulped a little not really sure why he was telling her this. "I really enjoy spending time with you and if I'm honest with you. I have had more fun today than I have in a while. Yeah we just met, but I feel like I can trust you." This time he finally looked away and blushed beet red. "I also think you're incredably cute." his voice hardly louder than a whisper. There was a silence and for a minute there he wasn't sure what she was going to say to him.

"Well what I was going to ask you." He changed the subject quickly. "Was if you wanted to. I would really like to show you the stars from the to of my windmill. That's my favorite place." He looked back at Reia and smiled. He could feel her eyes on the cloth. There was no getting around it. She wanted to know what he was hiding and Welkins wan't great at keeping secrets. Especially not from cute girls. He sighed then came closer to her. "I know you want to know." He said softly. "Just.. don't freak out." He took of the cloth covering his eye. When he did his hair fell forward and kept it covered for him. His eye was all scared up and completely ugly. It was frightening to most people and no one ever talked about it. After taking off the cloth he dropped it to the ground and waited, looking at the ground.
Welkins saw what Reia nod her head in agreement. She took his hand and helped him back to the house. He held her hand tightly so he knew that she was still there. It was hard for him to only see with one eye. Not that he wasn't used to it by now, but still hard all the same. After a few minutes of walking, the two finally made it to the house. Reia opened the door and let Welkins in first. "Okay, we made it." She said softly. He could tell that she was still stung up from the confentation. "Thank you for helping me. You're welcome to make yourself at home if you'd like to stay."

Welkins took the eye piece out of his pocket and placed it on the table. He looked over at Reia slightly then smiled gently. "I hope your oppinion of me hasn't changed. I'm sorry I got your clothes dirty. I didn't want you to get hurt. I'd rather take the slap then you." He looked right at her and smiled. The white cloth covered most of his face.
It all happened so fast. One moment Reia was holding onto Welkins' arm. Then the next her and Isara were having a yelling match. He was stunned at what both were saying. Isara was pissed and Welkins just couldn't understand why. They weren't a couple at all, not even close to one. So what was Isara so pissed about? Reia started to talk back and she brought up that Welkins was Isara's boyfriend. That took both of them by surprise. "She's not my.." Before he could speak more, Reia was stalking off. 'No no no why is this happening?' His mind was running wild at this point. Before he could react Isara went after Reia. "How dare you talk to me that you you sleazy little bitch?!" She caught up to Reia and turned her around as if to smack her. That was what she was going to do and Welkins had to stop it. Reia was his friend and no one was going to hurt her.

With lightning speed, Welkins pushed Reia out of the way before Isara could hit her. The hand came right down on his left cheek and made a loud smack. The sound echoed through the town and everyone was watching at this point. The force behind Isara's hand was great. So great that his glass eye piece flue off his face and shattered on contact with the ground. There was a gasp. Isara had just realized what she had done and didn't know what to do. "Welkins I.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to.." She pleaded with him as he was still looking down after the smack. He couldn't see a thing out of his right eye. He didn't want to look up because if he did, everyone would see the scares on his face around the eye. "Isara it's time for you to leave." Welkins said frankly and sternly. Isara was still trying to apologize to him, but Welkins wasn't having it. He had never hit a woman before and he wasn't going to start now no matter how angry he was. "Welkins please.." She kept going. "Isara." He cut her off his voice gone low. "You are my friend and only that. I don't know why you are acting like a child right now, but I'm telling you to leave now."

There was force behind his words and that scared Isara a bit. Without saying anything else to him or Reia, she left swiftly. Before anything else, Welkins grabbed a cloth from his uniform and tied it around his eye. After securing it, he looked over at Reia. No smile just a faint tier in his left eye. "I'm really sorry about her I honestly have no idea what has gotten into her. I'm sorry to ruin your day Reia." He said softly to her hoping she wasn't angry at him too. "Would you please help me back to my house. It's a little hard to see with just one eye." He smiled faintly then looked down. "I hope you can forgive me for all this." He picked up the broken pieces to his eye piece and stuffed them into a side pocket.
Welkins knew exactly where he wanted to take her, but they would have to wait a few more hours when the sun went down. Not many people cared about it so he wasn't to sure if Reia would like it or not. "Well.." He stammered a bit. "If you want I would love to show you the top of my wind.." Before he could even finished he heard a familiar voice come from behind him. He knew it was going to happen eventually, but he really didn't want it to happen now. "Hey Welks!" The voice of Isara cut through the air and right into Welkins ear as if she was right by her. "What are you up to toda..." She cut herself off the second she saw Reia attached to his arm.'Oh god. Not now.' He thought to himself and closed his eyes, not ready for what was going to happen next.

"Now who the HELL is that tiny girl on your arm!?" Isara said in a shrill voice. They weren't together or anything, but Isara liked to think so. They never even kissed before. Welkins turned around still keeping his arm for Reia. "Hello Isara this is Reia. She's my new friend. I was just showing her around the town since she's new and all." He tried to smile, but couldn't muster up the guts. "Oh so YOU are the new girl huh? Sleeping your way into Welkins heart now are you. Who the hell do you think you are?" Isara got up close to Reia, but not quite in her face. "Welkins I have half a mind to slap you right now. You just met this girl and you already have her clinging to your arm like a lost puppy." She was going a little to far. This must have really pissed her off. "Isara we're just friends. I was trying to be a gentleman to her. I like her I want her to feel right at him here. Please don't make this out to be a big deal." Isara scoffed at Welkins and kept her eyes trained onto Reia. This wasn't going to be good.
Welkins blushed when Reia took his arm. Even though he let it out to her, he wasn't expecting her to actually grab it. He didn't mind though, he liked the feeling of her holding onto him. Before she chould see his face, he quckly turned away wanting to look like he was expecting it the whole time. Welkins was trying to think of where to go first. 'Maybe the main windmill?' He though to himself. Without thinking anymore on the subject, they were off. "We're going to start at the center and work our way out." He smiled as they walked and pointing out little land marks as they went along until they made it to the town center.

"This is the main windmill the powers most of the town." He exclaimed. "I think you remembered it from yesterday, but it's one of our main historical land marks of the town. It's said that the first settlers here wanted a windmill so badly that they made it the center of the town. A few battles were fought over it if you'd believe that. I don't remember to much about those, but it's pretty interesting. Actually the last battle was supposedly the reason why the Order of Galia was founded. Originally to keep peace. You'll probably learn more about it in your history class." He smiled down at her, taking in her features, trying not to stare. He could feel her looking at them as they walked to the windmill, but didn't really think anything by it. Maybe she found him attractive. Who knows, but he didn't want to be rude and ask.

After looking and talking about the windmill for a while he pointed out a little building next to it. "That's the grocery store as you might have figured that out from yesterday as well." He started to laugh a little as Reia turned and looked at him gently. "I'm just teasing you a little. Where would you like to go next? We have the market place and then the outskerts of town. That's mostly just houses and a few farms, but it's still cool to see." They started to walk again slowly with Reia still holding his arm. Even though he was a little used to it by now he still blushed every time he looked at her. A cute girl was holding onto him. Could you believe that? He felt a little giddy, but tried to hid it. Didn't want her to thik he was an odd ball.
Roxas turned the hot water on full blast, still thinking about the night before. He could still picture Ophelia and smiled as he stepped into the water. He quickly washed his hair and scrubbed his body. After getting all clean he let the water beat down on him, closing his eyes.

The water started to go cold a bit and Roxas quickly shut the water off. He grabbed the towel and dried off, grabbing the and tooth brush then quickly brushed. When he was all finished, he walked back into the bed room, tossed his clothes in the hamper then noticed Ophelia's stuff in there as well. Turning around, Ophilea was on the bed waiting for him. She was in one of his shirts which made him smile. "I see you found my shirts." He laughed a bit. "It looks very nice on you." Roxas quickly out his clothes on and walked over to kiss Ophelia. "How are the others? Are they talking at least?"
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