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Elizabeth Flame

Location: Boston
Skills: N/A

Rolling into Boston, Elizabeth felt her feet, and hands, hit the pavement. "Where are we, can anybody tell?" she asked. It'd been a while since she was last on Midgard, and she didn't exactly keep up with what civilizations had or hadn't fallen since she left. She knew America was big right now, she'd picked up on that from the new kids that had shown up. That being said, even if she had, she didn't expect to be able to tell where she was just buy the ground in front of her, but she hoped she'd hear a name she roughly knew about. Either way, she needed a moment to breath.

She picked up on the fact that Runa was less than happy, and normally she might try to say something to make her happy, or at least provide insight, but she knew that that just wouldn't be welcome from her. So instead, she just kept her mouth shut, if only to keep a mental breakdown of one of her team members from further endangering the mission. She got it, in a way, the words of Ratatoskr could be cutting, especially to somebody who just moved onto the hotel. It was too much, and if Runa could make it through this in one piece, it'd be a miracle.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Junkyard
Skills: N/A

Arthur took a look at what Andy had produced, seeing it was something actually hand held instead of the massive thing he had found. Honestly, he felt a little worried for a moment; should they be rummaging through a gods belongings like this? It seemed like the sort of thing that could spark their wrath, and that really wasn't something he wanted to see. He was told the thing he found was an "Archimedes Screw", and that apparently it was some sort of farm/irrigation tool, which he supposed was neat. That being said, he had no idea what a gimbal was, and the description provided was lacking.

Following after Lauryn, he too was curious about the source of the crashing noise. He figured that, if this place wasn't safe, hiding from whatever monsters may reside here would just end poorly. Instead, he would face things head on, and make sure to be ready if he needed to fight. He felt better now, knowing that killing things meant they wouldn't be gone forever, but instead was, functionally, just a way to get thing things that want to eat him out of his immediate vicinity. Drawing his dagger, he kept it near his side, wanting to be armed if there was a beast waiting for them.

Oliver Sullivan

Location:St. David's Hospital - Cardiff
Skills: Molecular Oscillation

In a way, Oliver was glad that Fury didn't react to his impromptu security advice, but that was supplanted by descent of all things into darkness and fear. Everything Fury had said up to that point was incredibly ominous, why would something go to the trouble? Sadism? Evil? He didn't know, but he was scared to find out. Hoping Niah would have some kind of information on what in God's name was going on, but when she did, it was the furthest thing from reassurance. As his arm was grabbed, he ran with her, and shivered at the words "murder bear". He had no idea what that was, but it sounded bad.

Soon, he saw said murder bear, the size of a god damn bus. It ate Nick Fury, if that was Nick Fury, and charged at the two of them, grabbing Niah by her shirt, and waving her around like a ragdoll. He knew he could run or fight in this moment, but the words of himself echoed in his ears, and his expression emboldened. Today wouldn't be the day he stopped playing hero; he'd save Niah, even if that put him in danger. He tried to grab for Niah, but she was flailing around, so he redoubled his efforts, and got a good grip on her. Unfortunately, that meant he was along for the ride as well, as the two of them were tossed around. He still had a way out though, and he closed his eyes, and vibrated the two of them free, landing them squarely on the floor. Breaking heavy, he righted himself, ready for more.

Elizabeth Flame

Ellis Island

Picking herself off the ground, Elizabeth grumbled at Folly, it wasn't her fault this girl's skin was unbreakable. Just as she was about to come up with some kind of clever response to Folly's snark, she watched Cass snap the neck of the kid. "What the fuck?" She asked, getting ready to take a shot at her on principle alone, only to watch Folly get back up. Blinking for a moment, her anger started to subside, now more confused than anything. The girl was hearty if she could fix herself after something like that. As she thought that, something bounded off her metal arm, drawing her attention right before another one embedded itself in her real arm. Cursing under her breath, she cried out in surprise, as she felt a rush come over her head. She looked towards the shooter, ready to engage and find out what the hell she was shot with

She would have continued there, but she was dumbstruck by the emancipation of Cass's eye from her head, and the subsequent addition of it into Folly's stomach. She threw up a bit in her mouth, saying again, "What the fuck?" coughing onto the ground. "That's a bit overboard, don't you think?" She asked, thinking about keeping herself away from the action, as members of her team started to reign hellfire down on the Agent. "Hey! Lay off her, she's had enough yeah?" Elizabeth said, before struggling over, and interposing herself between the two of them, hoping whoever was shooting rainbow would stop it if a teammate was in the crossfire. She shivered though, unsure how long she could keep this up. She felt dizzy, as if she could pass out at any moment.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Tree -> Boston
Skills: Blindfold of Sith

If Elizabeth still had them, she would have rolled her eyes at the monster. The words would have hurt her maybe, if she didn't know she was trying to be hurt. She'd learned a long time ago that the pain of indifference was fundamentally worse than a pain of intent, and she wasn't about to grant anything to the rodent that was indifferent to the end of all creations. Creatures that revealed in misery were of little interest to her, so she had no trouble brushing its words aside. "Your life is a worship of suffering, pity to you." She spat towards the creature, before righting herself on the tree.

Focusing as moment, she got her bearings, and rested her fingers on the bark. Solid enough for her blindfold to give her a sense of the landscape around her, she plotted a route. Getting to the portal was of course, the number one priority, and she'd be making sure she reached it without running into anybody. Putting on hand in front of the other, she scaled the tree, making a beeline for the exit, looking forward to at least being on solid ground again soon. With a last pause as she reached it, she thought briefly of saying one last thing to Ratatoskr, but decided against it, and went through the portal.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck -> Junkyard
Skills: N/A

That was certainly nice, that they were given, as demigods, a nicer afterlife. He had to wonder, a bit, if as a child of the lord of the undead, he had something different. Royalty among the demigods, perhaps? That was an interesting thought, he he could of sworn he heard something like that when he was being reassured about the circumstances of his sister's death. As it seemed they reached their destination, he got up, and smiled at Andy, before following after Kiera, up to the top of the deck, and quickly taking the rope ladder down to explore the junkyard.

Taking a peak around, he saw celestial bronze everywhere. He was curious about where this actually, physically was, and what mortals saw when they stumbled across it. Moreso though, he knew he was in the domain of a God right now, and that led him to want to be careful. He'd seen what they could do, and so he felt a bit uneasy coming here. Poking around the rubbish on the ground, Arthur eventually managed to unearth some sort of odd, large object, which was a bit unlike anything he'd ever seen before. "Huh... neat." He remarked, examining it.

Oliver Sullivan

Location:St. David's Hospital - Cardiff
Skills: N/A

Oliver rubbed his eyes as the man, the myth, the legend, Nick Motherfucking Fury showed up. Oliver had never met the man himself, but he'd pwned enough of his systems that, almost automatically, he said, "Foxtrot isn't a secure password... Foxtrot." It boggled his mind that he was the most paranoid man on the planet, engineering dinosaurs back from the dead, and having designed more defensive protocols for the base than Oliver could ever dreamed of, secured all of it, all of it behind his own codename as a password. That was almost the definition of a cybersecurity expert's nightmare.

Shivering visibly, he said, "Not to be rude, but why are you here?" Oliver's eyes narrowed at him, things weren't right, and Fury showing up made even less sense. He just didn't understand what was going on, and it made him think he could potentially not be the real Fury. He turned his head to Niah, and took a step closer to her. He didn't trust this situation, and he wanted to be ready if he was gonna turn violent. "Things have turned upside down and-" He started to say, before remembering, "Actually, I know how we can get some insight. Niah." He said, pulling the piece of clothing tied around his waist off. "I got this off of Zuko Oli after I knocked him out, can you use your psychometry to figure out what the hell is up?"

Elizabeth Flame

Ellis Island
Skills: Transmutation

Elizabeth gave Folly a bit of an odd look, "Yeah ,are you not?" She asked, as the chaos unfolded around her and the fight began. What especially caught her attention though, was the adamantine knives, not only because of how interesting that metal was, but because it failed to cut the girl's skin that they had begun to engage with. It was then that she had absolutely terrible idea. Closing the distance between her and Cass, she grabbed for her hand, before saying, "At the end of this, I'll fix you back up. Promise." Before trying to meld the agent's fingers together.

This was the start of things going bad, as it turned out. Whatever this girl was made of, Elizabeth couldn't shape it, so now she was holding a trained agent's hand, with almost no tactical combat training on her own part. Thinking on her feet, she put her gun arm on her chest, and fired. She had figured her skin would be strong enough to not be punctured, and in fairness, she was correct. Unfortunately however, she was a bit too correct, and the shot rebounded, throwing Elizabeth back far away from her, disengaging the teen from Cass, but leaving her flat on her ass, on the ground
Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck
Skills: N/A

Arthur turned his head with interest at Andy's question. That was a curious point; he knew that people went somewhere when they died, so that meant that monsters probably had a fate as well. That made him feel better, at least, at the prospect of killing them, knowing he wasn't extinguishing the light of life. He wondered if, perhaps, his godly parent would be upset with him over his aversion to killing, being a deity of the underworld, though not, as it had been pointed out to him, of Death. The world had a natural order about it, perhaps he had to respect that, in some way, and not fight against it all so hard.

That being said, "The Pit" didn't sound like a particularly nice place, "So they're kinda immortal, that's neat. It's certainly better than what I'd been imagining." He noted, resting his head on his hands. "And I guess it kind of explains where monsters come from, given that I thought most were... unique?" He didn't have a good word for it, but he knew that the minotaur was The Minotaur, a specific monster, not some race, as were most of the ones he read about. If they just respawned eventually, then them not being all wiped out by now made sense.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Lobby -> Tree
Skills: N/A

Walking up to the tree, Elizabeth rested her hands on the tree, and began to climb her way up. She wasn't gonna sugar coat things for the kid, Runa deserved a straight answer. Shrugging at the silence, she didn't actually hate climbing. There was only one direction to go, locked into a 2d plane, traveling up, rather than three directions for her to get lost in. The only thing she had to worry about was the squirrel, and how bad could that really be? She had that thought, as her body was knocked around like a rag doll by Ratatoskr, nearly kicking her off the tree.

Trying to keep her breath steady, she barely held on, finding her hand grabbed by a familiar touch. She gripped it hard, but didn't pull herself forward yet. She called over to the Squirrel, and called out, saying, "Leave us be Ratatoskr, you have better things to be doing." She tried, hoping to appeal to the monster's nature, "We'd rather not be fighting you, and we promise, the mission we're on is one you want completed." She proffered. It was a good point, if they failed this, Ratatoskr would probably end up dead, "Save us the trouble this time, and I'll get you back for it later, you have my word."

Oliver Sullivan

Location:St. David's Hospital - Cardiff
Skills: N/A

Oli felt slow, which was almost a nostalgic feeling at this point, which might have been nice if not for literally everything else about the situation they were in. Looking down at the head, Oli was so confused. Initially, he thought this might be some kind of hallucination, but everything felt so real. He rubbed his eyes for a moment, almost thinking what he was seeing had to be some kind of trick, an LMD, or anything, but it was too real. What was in front of him was a screaming severed head, and by everything he knew about the world, that was impossible.

He turned to look at Niah, wanting to say something to her, before it was too late, and she was deaf to the world. He was almost jealous of her, not having to hear that anymore. He was perfectly fine, however, with the fact that she was the one who got to play with the severed head instead. Keeping a close eye on the situation around them, Oli tried to hear anything that wasn't the screams, and a look of confusion crossed his face. He could hear under it the sound of ocean waves crashing. Oliver was just confused at this point, nothing was making a lick of sense.

Elizabeth Flame

Ellis Island
Skills: N/A

If Elizabeth was being totally honest with herself, she probably would want to be with Mister Stark; she felt like she owed him for the arm, but apparently he wanted to stop her from being an x-man, and that wasn't going to happen. If she was gonna be stuck with these godforsaken mutant powers, she would at least get to punch evil things in the face, or more accurately, shoot them with her Starktech Gun Arm. This wasn't gonna be pretty but hopefully there would be a resolution that didn't end with her having to stop doing this or go on some registry.

That all being said, Captain America was a god damn inspiration to be around. Something about the Star Spangled Man With A Plan just hit Elizabeth different. She wasn't much for role models or leaders, but even she had to admit that it was easy to just kind of fall in line for him, or at least, mostly. She already had a couple of ideas for how to be useful in this fight, especially if they were aiming for non-lethality. She wasn't about to start transmuting chemical bombs, but turning Iron Man into Lead Man sounded like a perfectly good option. Considering her options, Elizabeth crossed her arms, waiting for Team Iron Man to show themselves.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck
Skills: N/A

Arthur nodded at Kiera, "I know, I didn't mean to cut you out Ki." He said. He wasn't used to being this outwardly empathetic, but things were changing, and he had to in kind. Kindness was something everybody needed right now, and he didn't want to be the person to withhold that. He needed that returned to him, and the best way to get it, would be to give it. That seemed to be accurate as well, as the table turned to an outpouring of support for Dem. It was so hopeful to see, that even though things were terrible right now, everyone was trying to be there for one another.

As he was pulled in and nuggied, Arthur made a strange yelp, before laughing. He was glad to see that he helped him. It looked like he was feeling significantly better than before, and that made Arthur happy. It felt good to know that he was having a positive impact among all the shit that was going on. Listening to Leda continue to speak, he was a bit surprised at the power for demigods to prophesize, but his well for surprise was also pretty much bottomed out. All he could really muster in response was, "That's um... neat." with a bit of a deadpan.
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