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Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Back! To the future!

Mary Sue's eyes widened as she found whe self traveling backwards in time. This was something that she knew little about, her mom had managed to do it ones though? She'd have to ask for more information later. She was moderately afraid of tripping over a rock and destroying the fabric of time itself, but this was so far out of her wheelhouse that she really just tried not think about it. Zari had this on lock, a technopath with thirty minutes to spare could probably make a flashlight into a musical instrument after all, they were safe and she knew it.

As people awake from their stupor though, she wasn't one of the ones quick to violence. She'd had a little more time to process after all, and she knew killing Arcade would be easy, just, at the same time, pointless. Setting aside the fact that murdering a fellow classmate was a surefire way to get kicked out of the upcoming tournament, if not the school all together, he simply didn't deserve to die; the Arcade that almost killed them was, categorically, not this Arcade. They were never really in any danger, and though she knew that he would have killed them if given the chance, he still deserved a chance to get better and learn from this experience.
Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Phantasmagoria -> IRL

Death. Death was coming and there was almost nothing she could do to stop it. She could feel pain breaking through almost every corner of her body. She knew Dorian had pulled them into the Astral plane to try to save them, but it didn't work, and they were still at risk. She knew this wasn't real, that her body was in some tank somewhere, and that however it was connected to her brain, it was about to fry her brainstem and turn her into a corpse. She closed her eyes and tried to find the center of herself, believing that her mind was in both of these places, virtual and real, and she just had to pick which to target.

Then, at just the right moment, she was hit with a surge of power, and she knew that that was the moment. She wasn't a physicist, but she knew that wherever her constructs formed, they took up space. Displacing air wasn't a problem, it would move out of the way, but water in a sealed container? It should shatter. And it did, in a snap, her body was reunited with her mind, and she could see her body was surging with some odd power. She wanted to use it, to save her friends, and so she held her hands out to try to crush the monster that was killing them, but she collapsed to her knees in weakness. She gasped for air and felt the oxygen burn down her lungs. Sputtering and spitting up fluid, she realized she'd just come closer to death than ever before.
Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Phantasmagoria.

Mary Sue knew that, even for all her provocations, Gideon was likely in real danger right now, and she absolutely didn't want her to get hurt. Going to face this thing directly seemed like the more dangerous of the two options, and so she favored summoning it directly. "Here, Sabine, can I see your salt?" She asked, before taking it from her, and moving towards the door to lay a line across the entryway. "Let's bring it in here, trap it, and then be ready to leave the room if it gets violent. Hopefully then we get it away from Gideon and can safely regroup"

After laying the line of salt down, she looked to Dorian, "Does that sound like a reasonable plan? I still don't really understand all the mechanics here, but between Gideon and those steps outside..." She started to say before drawing a breath, clearly nervous at the situation they found themselves in, "I think it's better that we act rather than wait for something to happen to us. That way, we might be able to at least exert some control over what's happening here."
Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Phasmophobia
Skills: N/A

Looking at the music box, Mary Sue pursed her lips. She knew she was at one life, and she knew that she didn't know nearly enough about this game to be taking risks. She turned to Dorian and said, "Any idea what that is?" Looking it up and down, she felt real fear for a moment, and considered if she should maybe go out to investigate it herself. Heroes had to risk their lives to do what they did, true, but smart heroes, she thought, didn't take unnecessary risks. Jumping off cliffs wasn't heroic, it was stupid, and patience was what would be rewarded here.

Mary Sue didn't at all like the Gideon went off on her own. What was the point of that? From the scary movies she'd watched with Andy, she knew that the single worst thing you could do in the entire genre of horror was go off on your own. She didn't like Gideon from the way she'd been acting, but she also didn't want her to get hurt. She hoped that, perhaps, they could wait here for her to come back before moving forward, not wanting to stay separated for too long.
Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Phasmophobia
Skills: N/A

Mary Sue couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, however slightly, at the complaint that there wasn't a gun. She couldn't imagine a fire arm being particularly useful against something without a body. An afterlife where she was unable to interact with the world, save for bullets seemed like the sort of experience that could only be conceived by a cruel and vindictive God. Mary Sue really didn't consider herself the smartest, and maybe it was just the recent near death experience, but this really didn't seem like the sort of thing that was that hard to think through.

Mary Sue was however, incredibly thankful for Dorian. He really seemed to know what hew as talking about, and was very willing to share just about everything he knew about the game. She was making mental notes in her head where she could, even if it was a lot to take in all at once. She turned her head at the fact that there had been no danger as of yet, "Shouldn't we count ourselves lucky that nothing has happened yet?" She asked. Especially if there was a chance the ghost was friendly, that gave them ample opportunity to come out of this situation unscathed.
Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Phasmophobia
Skills: N/A

As the world shifted around Mary Sue, she felt at peace for a moment, fairly confident that, if they were being loaded into a new game, they'd at least have a brief moment of reprieve. Games, she reasoned, typically didn't come out with things to kill you right out of the gate. She didn't know how they were actually going to get out of this situation, but that just meant they had to assume that it was going to last awhile. She was already down two lives, and that meant that she no longer had room for error. Now was the time for tactics, to try to understand their situation so they could take advantage of it.

Taking in the situation around them, Mary Sue was briefly reminded of a scary story her dad had told her once, where he and her mom had been forced to go toe to claw with a demon bear. That was the extent of what she knew about ghosts, but she considered that her indirect knowledge of the real supernatural wasn't particularly useful in the context of the video game. Mary Sue grabbed for a flashlight. "There are a lot of myths about salt protecting from ghosts; lines of salt blocking their entrance to an area." Mary Sue explained, absently, as she took the EMF detector and UV light, before heading out, sticking close to Dorian and Sabine,
Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Mushroom Kingdom (World 1-1)
Skills: Friendship
Avatar: Toadette

One moment, Mary Sue was in the thick of it, and then quite literally, the ground had been pulled out from under her. Inn that moment, the world slowed down to a crawl. She was looking for anything to stop her from hitting that lava, but Dorians hand was out of reach before she could react. Desperately, she tried to use her power to summon up anything that could stop her fall, but it was too much going on, too quickly. She wasn't enough here, and that meant what happened next was her fault. As her body hit the lava and glitched out of existence, she was fully terrified that she wouldn't survive.

Shortly after this though, she reappeared at the foot of the bridge, and barely was able to keep standing up. She looked at the situation ahead of them. Her head was swimming, not with self analysis as she might normally, but with thoughts of betrayal from Sabine. She didn't wait for her to get off? She didn't care if she lived or died? What was that? That wasn't what heroes were supposed to do. She didn't know much about this girl, but she was now fully confident in at least one thing; she didn't like her, and even if one day she could, she was confident she could never trust her.
Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Mushroom Kingdom (World 1-1)
Skills: Friendship
Avatar: Toadette

As the world shifted and glitched in front of her, Mary Sue tensed up. The situation had changed over and over again, it was getting hard to keep a continuity of what was going on, and she was absolutely disoriented. Now they were divided, and she had no idea what could be happening to the others. She had to push those worried about them aside though, as morbid as it was to think about, whatever happened to them now was firmly out of her control. Nothing would get better by her worrying and distracting herself. That wasn't, of course, actually comforting at all, but it was the throughline of her thought processes at the moment, something to cling onto to try to keep bad thoughts away.

Thankfully, Dorian made this easier, almost making decisions for her. She didn't need to worry about what to do here, because somebody else was taking lead. She had always imagined herself as a leader, or at hoped she could be one, but this was something she really hadn't done. She recognized, in this moment, that she could learn a lot from Dorian. Taking his advice, she focused on making the situation less deadly. She could play defense here, and in that spirit, she tried, though albeit failed, to cover up a lavapit. She did however, manage to jam one of the rotating beams in place, making traversal easier.

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Mushroom Kingdom (World 1-1)
Skills: Friendship
Avatar: Toadette

Mary Sue watched with a since of awe as Leah launched herself through the air, screaming at Ed. This was a creative and interesting application of whatever it was she was capable of, but god she seemed to be hot headed. Taunting the person with most of the power in this situation was a bold move, and the sort of thing that might work in their favor, but seemed just as likely to get retaliation. She'd already hurt one of her teammates, and she didn't was almost paralyzed at the fear that this behavior would result in the loss of one of them, even if not herself.

Glancing over at Andy again, Mary Sue matched her forced smile. The only way though this would be to act, not overthink everything while danger ebbed closer. With that in mind, she tried to summon up a set of stairs like Percy had requested, but found herself unable to. Operating her powers in this space seemed harder. Jumping over to the blocks Andy was on, Mary Sue was determined to make it up to her that she'd lost Andy one of her lives. Trying to connect the platform they were on to the pipe, Mary Sue managed to bridge the gap about halfway, hopefully making the trip across easier.
Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Gym -> Mushroom Kingdom (World 1-1)
Skills: Friendship
Avatar: Toadette

Mary Sue hadn't been sure exactly what to expect when entering the simulation, but it certainly wasn't this. She appeared in a retro game, as a pink... mushroom person? Toadette, as it would turn out, though Mary Sue didn't know that. This was the sort of thing she knew her dad would love, and though she never caught his love of video games, she had at the very least heard about the basics of Mario. Jump on mushrooms (hopefully not the kind she was), save princesses, all that jazz. At the shifting change in circumstances, where it seemed Ed was now intent on killing them, Mary Sue instantly went into problem solving mode.

First, she needed to know if her powers still worked here. Holding her hand out in front of her, a turtle shell materialized, and she was left with a satisfied smile. She could throw this, hopefully, and knock out the oncoming goombas, as they were apparently called. Throwing it forward, her smile quickly turned to a look of despair, as it fumbled out and hit Andy, causing her to glitch out for a moment. Horrified, she ran over to her friend, materializing a brick block in front of the group to hopefully keep them safe from the any remaining creatures, before attempting to tend to her friend almost frantically saying, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry." The calm, calculated mind she'd normally have about being in a situation like this, the detachment she hoped she had, shattered at the idea that somebody she cared about could actually be lost.
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