Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Back! To the future!
Mary Sue's eyes widened as she found whe self traveling backwards in time. This was something that she knew little about, her mom had managed to do it ones though? She'd have to ask for more information later. She was moderately afraid of tripping over a rock and destroying the fabric of time itself, but this was so far out of her wheelhouse that she really just tried not think about it. Zari had this on lock, a technopath with thirty minutes to spare could probably make a flashlight into a musical instrument after all, they were safe and she knew it.
As people awake from their stupor though, she wasn't one of the ones quick to violence. She'd had a little more time to process after all, and she knew killing Arcade would be easy, just, at the same time, pointless. Setting aside the fact that murdering a fellow classmate was a surefire way to get kicked out of the upcoming tournament, if not the school all together, he simply didn't deserve to die; the Arcade that almost killed them was, categorically, not this Arcade. They were never really in any danger, and though she knew that he would have killed them if given the chance, he still deserved a chance to get better and learn from this experience.