Avatar of Nikki Moonlight


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current So, wont be getting replies out for a while. I was recently diagnoses with a severe disorder and am dealing with some stuff regarding that... So once well enough to reply I'll be back! Thank you.
5 yrs ago
Oh no.... SNOWING...
5 yrs ago
Okay. Question. If I got a group together for a discord server for an RPG for a specific fandom, would it be considered advertising inappropriately?
5 yrs ago
Responses might not come for a bit. I'll respond as I can. Being homeless and attempting to find a home is a bit of an arduous task.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Six hours on my feet, no breaks....I'm dead


Hey, y'all!

So I've been a long time RP'er since I was 13, and am constantly working on honing my skills as a writer.

Side note: Please check my statuses regularly if you have a roleplay going on with me. I have a lot of stressors in my real life so I will post a status to update my partners on what's going on, and if I cant reply as much as I usually do. Even if you dont wanna hear about my life offline, it still is a good idea to read my statuses so you know if I cant reply in an immediate manner. Thank you for understanding.

Most Recent Posts

@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena@CriticalHit

Aya's hands were shaking as she fired the gun at Ferid but he had dodged and ran towards her, then cut off her arm. "Agh!" she screamed as the gun dropped to the floor. The children began to run. Aya was on one knee and she shouted, "Run guys, now! Go toward the exit!"
@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena@CriticalHit@Wraithblade6

Aya looked and saw Ferid had one of the children and had his fangs in the child's neck. "No!" she cried and she aimed the gun at Ferid.

Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy your stay!
@CriticalHit@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena@Wraithblade6

Aya was surprised to see Ferid here as much as the others. At Ellie's accusation she turned to her. "Ellie, I swear this wasn't part of the plan!" She seemed stressed as Ferid smiled. "Oh my, Aya-chan. Such a weasel, stealing my map and gun. I bet you can't even use it." Aya held the gun at the ready in front of her. "Stay away from them! Let them go free, I take full responsibility for this."
@Lady Athena

Haha yep!
@Wraithblade6@Lady Athena@IceboundMemoire@CriticalHit

Aya led them to Ferid's house and she said, "Stay here." She slipped inside and quickly grabbed the map and gun. Then she came out and she said, "I've got what we need, let's go." She led the way holding the map until they got to where they were supposed to be going to get out.

But Ferid was waiting for them.
@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena@Wraithblade6@CriticalHit

Aya nodded. "We need to be careful...Alright, come on everyone, and keep quiet please." She led the way out the back door.
Sarah shook her head. "No..I haven't had anything all day come to think of it...What were you thinking?" just as she mentioned she hadn't eaten her stomach growled angrily.
@Lady Athena@IceboundMemoire@CriticalHit@Wraithblade6

Aya pushed the dining table into the door and dusted her hands off. "We'll need to go through the back door or a window." She went to rouse the other children.
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