Avatar of Nikki Moonlight


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current So, wont be getting replies out for a while. I was recently diagnoses with a severe disorder and am dealing with some stuff regarding that... So once well enough to reply I'll be back! Thank you.
5 yrs ago
Oh no.... SNOWING...
5 yrs ago
Okay. Question. If I got a group together for a discord server for an RPG for a specific fandom, would it be considered advertising inappropriately?
5 yrs ago
Responses might not come for a bit. I'll respond as I can. Being homeless and attempting to find a home is a bit of an arduous task.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Six hours on my feet, no breaks....I'm dead


Hey, y'all!

So I've been a long time RP'er since I was 13, and am constantly working on honing my skills as a writer.

Side note: Please check my statuses regularly if you have a roleplay going on with me. I have a lot of stressors in my real life so I will post a status to update my partners on what's going on, and if I cant reply as much as I usually do. Even if you dont wanna hear about my life offline, it still is a good idea to read my statuses so you know if I cant reply in an immediate manner. Thank you for understanding.

Most Recent Posts

@Lady Athena@DriveEMOut

Hana said, "My parents were that way...My sister...She was a Scout. When they brought her home...her legs were bitten off. She had bled out. When I said I wanted to be a Scout they forbade me from even speaking of it."

One of the other escapees, a willowy yet busty teenage albino girl, looked at him. "That was reckless, Gregor! You could have gotten us all killed!" She was just as fast as he was, though a little winded, panting softly. Her white skin was unmarred by any imperfections except a large black tattoo in the shape of raven wings on her back. The other escapees were following closely behind. She was only dressed in a shift as white as her hair and skin, her colorless eyes holding a look of bewilderment at this man running beside her.
@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Hana smirked lightly, almost unnoticeable to anyone who hasn't known her for a while, and she sat down. Once Archer brought the food she smiled. "Thank you, Archer." She was beginning to let down the guards she often put up, but only let them down for Archer. She looked at Enya. "Enjoying your food?" she asked softly.
@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

She said, "I was going to say you're the only person I trust completely and that I care about you...a lot." She held onto him.
@Lady Athena

Hana glanced at Enya then looked back at Archer.
@Lady Athena@DriveEMOut

Hana looked at him and tried getting up on her own but had a lot of difficulty. "Please help Archer..." she finally said. As he came to help she whispered to him, "And you never let me finish what I was going to say yesterday, you idiot." She gave him a pained smirk.
@Lady Athena@DriveEMOut

Hana looked up at Archer. "Scout." She said, her voice laced with pain.
@Lady Athena@DriveEmOut

Hana bit her lip a little feeling her stitches throbbing and she laid on her side off her back. She let loose a groan of pain.
@Lady Athena@DriveEMOut

Hana woke from the pain in her back and sat up, noticing Enya looking at her. "You should get some sleep, Enya..." Her tone was more tired than anything.
@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Hana got released from the infirmary and she went to the barracks, not caring where she went to sleep, she just needed sleep. The numbing agent was wearing off, so she knew she wouldn't get much sleep tonight. She sighed. She laid down and was asleep before she hit the pillow. Her face was contorted into a small mask of pain.
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