Dredar Ragant
Race: Human
Faction: Imperial Knights of the Grand Imperium
Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
Character Background: Dredar was born to a family of farmers on the quiet world of Dantooine, away from the constant wars and chaos of the greater galaxy. For the first five years of his life he lived on his homeworld until a wandering Jedi knight discovered his Force sensitivity. After that life changing moment he was taken offworld to the galactic capital of Coruscant. The busting city covered planet was a far cry from his docile homeworld, a radical change of scenery. It was a difficult transition for the young boy, being taken away from his family for hood. But Dredar was destined to become a fabled Jedi, the warrior peacekeepers of the galaxy. His father had told him tales of them as bed time stories, and now the boy was on the path to becoming one. He showcased ability and potential, passing his initiate trials with ease. After that he progressed to become a Jedi padawan and was taken as an apprentice by the Jedi knight, Vavi Mitrin.
The padawan years were a difficult one, Master Mitrin was a demanding but not unforgiving teacher. He was a skilled master who specialized in lightsaber combat but was also talented with using the Force. He'd expect only the best from Dredar and the padawan would frequently showcase his best. The martial areas of a Jedi came naturally to Dredar as he excelled in the more aggressive forms of lightsaber combat. Their missions together often involved defending civilians from raiders, slavers and pirates, the very worst of the galaxy. Through these encounters the young Jedi would frequently see the dark and twisted side of the galaxy, beyond the beautiful worlds of the Republic. He'd face his first brushes with the dark side of the Force. One of the most notable incidents involved him being seperated from Master Mitrin and surrounded by slavers. After being struck with a grazing blaster bolt he felt his adrenaline and pain amplify himself then followed it up by viciously lashing out at his opponents.
When his master found him Dredar was in the process of shoving his lightsaber blade through the gut of a surrendering slaver, adding to the group of broken and carved corpses that had amounted. All from the padawan tapping into the dark side. Mitrin reprimanded his apprentice strongly as he attempted to vanquish any future encounters with the dark side from the young Jedi's mind. His brief descent would serve as a constant reminder for Dredar, an event which would impact him greatly down the road. Both Jedi did their best to move on from the moment as the breakout of the Clone Wars drew nearer. The duo would find themselves plunged into battles which neither of them could find any prior comparison too. While fighting raiders and slavers were brutal, deadly missions they did not compare to war. Nothing even came close.
The scenes of battles against the Confederacy were unlike he'd anything else he'd ever been through. The constant death and destruction, the accumulated bodies of clone troopers, Jedi and civilians. His previous missions with his master had shown Dredar how unsettling the galaxy could get, and he liked to believe he handled it better than many Jedi did. He'd engage in several battles across worlds alongside Master Mitrin, repelling the droid forces in defense of the Republic. Unbeknownst to Dredar and every other Jedi, their order's time would draw to an end sooner than any of them had ever expected. Order 66 range out across the stars, and the once fiercely loyal clone troopers turned on their Jedi commanders.
The teenaged padawan and his master had been stationed on Allyuen where they were assisting with the cleanup following a long battle with separatist forces. Dredar was helping some of the civilians sheltering from the battle, when he sensed ten clone troopers approach him and Master Mitrin. As the Jedi looked to see why the soldiers had approached them he watched as they leveled their weapons at both him and his master then opened. Master Mitrin put himself in front of Dredar to protect his weaker padawan, as he tried his damnedest to fend off the sudden betrayal. A trio of clone troopers went down from deflections before Mitrin collapsed in a volley of blaster bolts. Dredar screamed in shock as he charged at the attackers, carving through them as quickly as he could. His emotions rocketing inside of him until he was the last one standing. He didn't even have a moment to try to collect his fallen master before more clones approached him as they fired off more shots in his direction. The Jedi darted into the wilderness of the world, as deep as he could run.
Once he felt he was far enough in that the clones wouldn't find him he fell to his knees and broke down, shattering emotionally from the sudden betrayal of their once trusted soldiers and the rapid death of his master. He blamed himself for it, for not being able to keep Master Mitrin alive. Still, he forced himself to push on, it was what his master would've wanted him to do. For nearly two weeks Dredar survived in the wilderness, using the survival techniques his master had instilled in him when his rations were gone. He re-emerged in the spaceport of the world at the height of nightime. He snuck aboard a merchant's vessel and stowed himself away without the faintest clue where it was headed. As it landed he crept out, to find himself on Nar Shaddaa, the notorious Hutt controlled world. Outside of Republic space and hopefully far enough from the treacherous clones.
On that dangerous planet Dredar took on a new identity, as he watched the Republic fall into becoming the merciless Galactic Empire. His kind were branded as traitors and hunted down throughout the galaxy. Nar Shaddaa in a way was a blessing for him to have found himself on, he could blend himself into the endless crowds as just another face. It was a brutal, unhappy life but it was better than death. He stowed away his lightsaber and forced himself to learn how to use a blaster pistol. He'd take a job in a slummier district of the world as a helping hand in a speeder repair shop. As he blossomed into adult hood and gradually lost touch with the ways of the Jedi. The unforgiving ways of Nar Shadaa had its effects on him. He'd spend almost ten years on the vicious world, eventually climbing to become a mechanic in a more prosperous shop.
For once in his life of exile he felt safety, until a dark cloaked figure wandered into his shop and ignited a red bladed lightsaber. Dredar pleaded with the man, an inquisitor working for the Empire to hunt down rogue Jedi. He swore he was no Jedi, but the man tore through these words. The Jedi did the only thing he could do, he ran back home to his humble apartment. He attempted to lose the dark sider in the crowds and as he made it home he truly believed he had succeeded. He gathered up what little items he could, including his lightsaber and made a beeline for the nearest port. As Dredar turned down an alley he felt eyes watching him from above, as the Inquisitorius landed in front of him with their blade drawn.
The runaway Jedi had nowhere left to flee, and reluctantly drew his own lightsaber. The last few times he'd ignited the weapon were in solitary training sessions to try to prepare himself for this exact moment. The two clashed, filling the alley with the sounds of fierce lightsaber combat. Dredar briefly held the advantage, the naturally talented and well trained rogue Jedi calling back the techniques he'd been taught. But he ultimately not matched for the inquisitor, their constant training and battles with Jedi. He watched as his Jedi lightsaber was severed in half at the hilt, the inquisitor complimenting his attempted resistance as he held the crimson blade to Dredar's throat. He stared up at his attackers, no fear in his eyes as he attempted to bring himself to peace, focusing on a reunion in the afterlife with his long departed master. Instead he felt the inquisitor's boot slam into his temple and knock him out cold, unconscious but alive. A result the Jedi at the time would not have taken over death.
Dredar would awake to find himself in a strange new place, far from Nar Shadaa. The inquisitor who had captured him began to torture him brutally, scarred his skin and twisted his mind to force him to reach for the dark side. The former Jedi had his share of brushes with the dark side and fell easier than others did. Then Dredar was brought before the infamous Darth Vader and made to train. The rush of combat came back to the fallen Jedi, and he showed promise in becoming a future inquisitor. Despite this, as customary with other new inquisitors he'd watch as Vader severed his left lower arm clean off. As Dredar screamed in shock the Sith lord told him it was to teach him what happens when he lost, there would be no mercy for such failures in the Empire. He would continue to suffer sessions of torture, and be fed Imperial propaganda until he had fully cracked, pledging himself to the Empire. As he knelt before Darth Vader his former name was wiped away, and he was proclaimed as the Eleventh Brother.
The Eleventh Brother crafted himself a crimson red bladed lightsaber of the inquisitor, and donned the armor as he was set upon the greater galaxy to hunt down Jedi and force sensitive children. One of his most notable encounters included hunting down Iwil Rinam, a former friend of his when they were both Jedi. He'd successfully converted the twi'lek to the dark side. His years as an inquisitor were well served, earning him praise within the Empire. He'd been alone so long on Nar Shaddaa that even acceptance in the brutal Empire was pleasing. It was part of the reason he'd become so fanatically devoted to the Empire and their ideals. During these years the Eleventh Brother developed a friendship with Koren Ozell, the future Lord of the Grand Imperium. He'd frequently partake in missions within the Governor's territory and respected the intelligent man.
Still, he was helpless to watch as the Empire fell. The man who had trained him, Darth Vader perished alongside with the great Emperor Palpatine. The Empire broke apart, as the Eleventh Brother aligned himself completely with Ozell's remnant. The inquisitors had lost their use in the shattered Empire, yet he had plenty of opportunity in Ozell's resurgent Empire. Dredar would play a key part in consolidating the man's power, undertaking key missions to build the Grand Imperium. Along the way he established his own order of Force users, the Imperial Knights. They were pledged to no creed or side of the Force, instead to the Empire and its eternal power. They were a better, more refined answer to the New Republic's new Jedi Order. He's tasked himself with building this order, recruiting Force sensitives within the Empire of any age and species. While thoughts of greater power stir within his thoughts.
Character Personality: Dredar is a complicated man who has seen both the light and dark side of the Force, giving him a unique outlook on the ways of the Force and life itself. For nearly the entirety of his adult life he has been a part of the Galactic Empire and has developed a strong loyalty to its ideals, even in its collapse then restructure as the Grand Imperium. Dredar has a reputation as someone who does not lie, his honesty is the blunt variety. He is a lawful figure, who is quick to take firm and certain action against those that wronged him or the Empire. He is typically against cold blooded murder, but has had moments of rage where hes lashed out and struck down people. In general these types of brash, unexpected moments are far and in between as Dredar tends to keep a very composed figure. He's logic minded, pragmatic person who is willing to give his life to uphold his ideals.
One of the ideals he focused on with the creation of his Imperial Knights is the abdication of loyalty to either side of the Force, Dredar is much the same. While he tends to lean dark, drawing power from his emotions and pain he is not needlessly sadistic or cruel. He does have a desire for power, to grow stronger to the point where he is unopposed. Inwardly his thoughts have been building against being ordered around, though the birth of the Imperial Knights has helped with that. These more radical thoughts have been dismissed as doomed at the moment.
Character's Physical description: Dredar is an imposing figure, with a stature standing at three inches over six feet in height and an athletic frame. Smiles rarely etch their way onto his facial features, and his hazel colored eyes are often cast in glares. His light brown hair is at near shoulder length while his face is constantly shaven clean of any facial hair. He walks with a purposeful, fearless stride. His left arm below the elbow is entirely robotic and he does not speak of how he lost the half limb.
Character Class: Force Sensitive head of the Imperial Knights
Items: Dredar carries a single white bladed lightsaber, a commlink device, a credit chip, several thermal detonators, rations and a wrist mounted grappling hook within his armor. His armor, the attire of the Imperial Knights is akin to a stormtrooper's armor albeit with alterations. It is more lightweight in its creation while still providing a good deal of protection from blaster bolts and physical blows. Crimson red armor plates adorn the entire armor, while the powerful insignia of the Grand Imperium is branded on both shoulders. A long black cape hangs from the back of his shoulders.
Dredar is also a capable pilot, his main spacecraft being an advanced model of the classic TIE Fighter. It comes equipped with four laser cannons, two missile launchers, hardened armor plating and its speed is more akin to the TIE Interceptor model. Another special feature is a hyperdrive which allows Dredar to travel the stars with maximum efficiency. He has given it the name, the Vigilance.
Supporting Characters:
Iwil Rinam - A longtime friend stretching back to the day they both were padawans, Dredar was the one who corrupted Iwil to the dark side as an inquisitor. It is only naturally the hardy twi'lek serves as one of his most trusted Imperial Knights. There does exist a sort of tension between the two Force users but neither men chooses to address it.
Approved, he is.