Avatar of NoriWasHere


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Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
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"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts

The Return of Magic - An intro.

Magical was once as essential to the development of mankind as fire or even the wheel. The witches and warlocks of our past worked hard to uplift their fellow humans and push them forward toward the future. However, as you know, our history books make no mention of our magically adept ancestors. No mention of the great wonders they built or the evil they defeated and banished away. This is by design. Those who could not wield the magic felt jealous, afraid even, by those who could and hunted them to extinction. It has been a thousand years since the last spell was cast, five hundred years since the last authentic trial and one hundred years since those whose bloodline was devoted to the murder of magic sheathed their blades and considered their quest completed.

Yet magic stirs once more in the realm of mortals. A new day dawns on a new generation of witches and warlocks, and only questions remain. Are they ready for the perils that await them? The monsters of the night that have been locked away seek to break the chains that bound them. Most importantly, would they be ready to stand up to the whole of humanity and face the wrath of their fear? These questions will not be answered overnight. As such, an invitation was sent to each of those that the magic returned to, inviting them to a place where they can learn to harness their powers.

They should do well to learn quickly. In the quiet corners of the internet, people have begun to report strange creatures, and people have started to disappear randomly. Could it be a coincidence, or could the return of magic be tied to something much more sinister?

** Howdy **


Whale here looking to do this magic-themed RP again. I think the IRL medical issues that sidelined this are under control again and I look forward to advancing through the story/

The basic premise is magic was once a natural part of our world. After years of hunting witches and warlocks to extinction, magic, among other things, disappeared seemingly for good. Now that magic has returned, and with it, the monsters of old, a new era of witches and warlocks much rise to the challenge. I plan to allow players to have some liberty with the magic their character can wield, but remember that you *just* got these powers. You will not be powerful yet.

Let me know if anyone has any questions! I am aiming for 4-6 players and could be happy to start with more or less than that!


Hermes’ first stop and delivery was not too far from Olympus proper. Moments after teleporting away from the scene of Zeus’ death and turning off all the unnecessary flare that normally accompanied the action, Hermes anticlimactically bled into view in a storage room to retrieve a small handheld device from his cloak. It was an old throwback device similar in nature to a pager. By pressing the only button available on its surface, he triggered the diminutive LED light on its partner, which likewise possessed a similar button linked to his own.

It was the compromise he and the Goddess of Deceit had reached for signaling each other whenever they needed to meet. She was simply far too caught up in her own divine role to have any of her preferences and options for IRIS enabled - meaning she was one of the few deities Hermes could not effortlessly pinpoint at every hour of the day. Likewise, Hermes had similarly rendered himself difficult to locate using IRIS just in case the former Zeus ever decided to try and use the Kerykeion - the real Kerykeion, not the glorified prop that Hermes carried with him - to locate him.

The arrangement between the two deities was simple. After pressing the button, Hermes then waited for the led on his device to blink twice rapidly, pause, and then blink three times rapidly. That was the signal indicating that the Goddess of Deceit had noticed and was available to meet at the predetermined location.

The site in question was the atrium of a waypoint temple on the road leading up to Mt. Olympus. The shrine was barely maintained, with no interior camera coverage. Eschewing any fanfare, Hermes promptly teleported directly there, his form bleeding out of existence upon Olympus and bleeding into the largely abandoned, ran-down atrium like water seeping into sand, with no dramatic sounds or lights accompanying the transition.

Apate was in her temple when she noticed the beeping of the crude device. She had held it in her hand for a few minutes, expecting the inevitable call that would come. A sigh escaped her lips as she slid the device into one of her pockets, away from view. She knew what this meeting was for, as did everyone in her inner circle. That did not stop reality from slamming into her all the same. Zeus was dead, and no one was any the wiser as to who murdered him. Apate had a feeling that much of the blame for his death would fall on her shoulders for failing to spot the threat ahead of time, and not spotting the assailant as they were in the act or fleeing. Apate knew she could not dwell on that and instead she and her acolytes would need to focus and find any clue that could point the High Pantheon in the direction of their enemy. Her role in that search would have to wait, Apate knew, and she set off out the temple doors after signaling to Hermes she was on her way.

Apate walked through the alleys, back roads, and even through a tunnel or two, as she made her way to the atrium temple. The path she walked, as she always did, was one that would keep her from the sight of both mortals and gods alike. She was a blight on the otherwise perfect appeal of most who resided in Olympus. Her dark black, halter-top dress flowed down to her ankles and stood in stark contrast to her pale skin and the holy glow of the capital city. She knew this, but still, she wore what she normally would help mask any knowledge she may have of what may have happened. Eventually, she found her way to the Waypoint Temple and stopped just short of entering the door. With a deep breath, she mustered her wit and walked in.

“I really hate what you’ve done with the place. Really, they say a man’s temple is a reflection of who they really are, and this,” Apate motioned around to the destroyed pillars, and the rubble-covered floors, “Actually, this really does fit you forget I said anything. Pray to tell, Hermes, what prompted you to call for me this time?”

“I designed and tidied the place with you in mind.” Hermes quipped as he nonchalantly tossed the Kerykeion to the side to clatter against the ground. Both he and Apate knew it to be a mere prop rather than the true article - keeping up appearances here was pointless. “Though I must say, I would have had more time to make it truly miserable had you been the one to contact me. How long have you known Zeus was dead? You should have signaled me the moment you learned rather than waiting for the reverse.”

“Mere moments,” Apate responded as she moved to the side, “if you had only waited a minute or so long you would have got my message.” Apate paused her step and stared into her counterpart’s faceted visor for a brief moment before she tore them away and continued her steps. She once again gazed at the room around her, letting her eyes linger for a moment too long on the stone and dust that adorned the place. “You have outdone yourself, this place is a stunning rendition of myself.” Apate paused as her eyes darted around the room. “Cold, dark, and with more spiders than either of us care to admit.” She shifted her focus back onto the visor once more. “I ask again. What prompted you to call for me?”

“Oh, Zeus’ first official order as King of the Gods was to instruct me to deliver these invitations along with verbal notice that all of the High Pantheon and their scions are to attend him upon Mt. Olympus at the stated place and time.” Hermes rattled off, flicking his wrist and producing a black letter with gold filigree from thin air. With a flourish, he sent it drifting through the air like a leaf on the unseen wind towards Apate. “It is strange - despite his vow that the perpetrator of Zeus murder shall be found, he has yet to even think of contacting you. I suppose he has other more pressing concerns and people on his mind.”

Apate chuckled as she caught the letter and opened it. She read the instructions briefly before she put them back together. “You’re right. He has you hand delivering these messages and yet I have yet to hear from our father. If I was a weaker goddess I may just weep at the thought of being left out.” She paused as she feigned a feint by throwing one hand up high and leaning back. “Zeus does have more pressing concerns and people on his mind, and yet not one of them is me. It is almost as if he is not concerned with me nor my ability to deliver for him.”

“Not concerned, or not convinced?” Hermes shot back with a lazy tone as he sidled over to a nearby pillar to lean against it irreverently. “Or, if we are being honest for a moment here, something I think we both know he is not interested in.”

“And yet he keeps you around and you keep yourself around him. Are you hoping that one day he may forget who and what you are? That he would get careless with his grip around your precious Key?” Apate paused as she leaned her back against a pillar. “If we’re being honest, I don’t know if I should be flattered or offended that this mail dog found his bite.”

“I knew I should not have used the word honest, it always triggers you so.” Hermes tutted. “Read my lips:” He gestured to his completely inscrutable, faceted visor with both hands. “What I meant to imply is that I do not think we should expect a culprit to be identified anytime soon.”

“Neither do I,” Apate spoke honestly once again, “whoever killed Zeus did so with no warning and did so without being seen by any guards, servants, or by any of my spiders.” Apate pulled herself from the pillar and began pacing the room. “Not many can manage that feat and then they had the power to take down our father. They are either incredibly strong or incredibly connected.” She paused as she let out a deep breath and locked eyes with the visor once more. “I wonder which option scares you more, more powerful than Zeus or more connected than Apate?”

“Do I sound scared to you?” Hermes actually laughed then, an echoing titter that echoed throughout the atrium. “If this hypothetical assailant was either, they would have no need for duplicity.”

“So be it,” Apate sighed. Speaking to Hermes always tested her patience and this time was no different. “I will return to my temple and prepare myself for tomorrow's journey to Mt. Olympus. Thank you for the timely delivery of this message and for your conversational skills, wit, and” she paused as she jestered across the dilapidated room “this stunning rendition of me.”

“As decrepit and hoary as it was the last time we met here.” Hermes quipped. He then stared expectantly at Apate for several long moments, a heavy silence filling the air between them. Eventually, he stooped low and retrieved the Kerykeion replica, and teleported away once more without any accompanying fanfare - simply seeming to seep out of existence like water dribbling away in sand.

It was but a moment later that Apate realized the letter Hermes had given to her - which she had never read - was missing.

“Awww Hermes, is my presence not enough of a gift for your services,” Apate asked the sky with a sly grin. She had known that Zeus instructed Hermes to deliver these messages to each member of the high pantheon instructing them to arrive the following afternoon to swear their fealty to the newly crowned father of all. Apate wondered what Hermes would do with the invitation with her name on it. Regardless, Apate had work to do and she would begin her search at once for the culprit behind the murder. She would also begin her work molding the new Zeus to better serve her station. She set off towards home. Apate had work to do. When she arrived back she was first greeted by Eris.

“What news did Hermes bring?”

“Nothing we did not already know,” Apate paused, “I am requested to attend the coronation of our new lord tomorrow. I want to have something, anything, that I can deliver.”

“Nemesis and Moros are running down leads as we speak. Nemesis is combing through the web of information from the mortal empires and Moros is doing the same through the godly ones.”

“And S.I.H.T?”


Apate walked over to a console attached to a large holo-table and typed in a command. After a few flickers, the table projected out a reconstruction of the terrace and showed Zeus. A moment later an unnatural fog had descended over and obscured the view. After it dissipated, Zeus was seen on the ground rapidly decaying as the nanites dissolved his flesh and bone. A few moments later the servant girl entered the scene, screamed, and ran to alert the guards.

“I see two possibilities, both equally hard to prove. Either another god, with the knowledge to hack into the city's weather control systems, killed Zeus and used the weather to hide it and their involvement from sight or the old man killed himself and his final act was to rob us of the pleasure of ever witnessing his suffering.” Apate paused as she rubbed her chin. “Keep trying to locate any possible witness, pay close attention to the interrogators and what their captives say, and tell Nemesis and Moros to double their efforts.”

“Yes, Goddess.”

“Have the servants prepare my wardrobe, I wish to make a statement at the coronation tomorrow.”

Apate, Goddess of Deceit

The Web Layer

Apate is a very secretive woman who hides behind her identity as the Goddess of Deceit. She was born and raised as a Goddess among mortals and thus, was never given a mortal name. Through her subterfuge, she has taken on many a moniker when it suited her.




Titles and Roles

Artifacts of power and renown:

Background and Relationships:

Here is my current WIP


I’ll be opening up a spot or two due to drop outs. Feel free to IM me or we can talk here!
I do find myself interested. Let me take a deeper look in the morning!
Mae and Sam

Mae stood in silence as the house consumed the mages. Nothing had prepared her to witness the haunting of the hill house. While her nerves were already primed by a real-life spell that portaled in, they unraveled more. There was no doubting the scene that unfolded before her and that made it harder to actually take in everything she was seeing.

"Holy shit," she spoke aloud. While she was someone who was online since she was young, she was never exposed to actual magic and actual ghosts. Was it ghosts? Mae followed the thought for a moment. If it was a ghost how would she know? Would it simply reveal itself, or would it try and possess her? Would it do something more extreme than the complete home makeover?

"Well, I still have no clue who this benefactor is, but I can tell you this much. They could make a fortune flipping houses."

Ghost girl joked but she had a point. Mae turned her body towards the young woman. "If the house is haunted, and if this person can see the dead, that means..." Mae paused as she brought her hand to her chin. "That means if something has our friends, they can handle it. Right? That's how talking to the dead works ?" Mae asked before another voice made its presence known.

"Hello? Mr. House?"

“Hey! I think it’s safe to come in!”

The others had all started to move inside. While there was still a small crowd outside, Mae began to think she needed to make her way in. Thoughts and doubts flooded her mind and began to take root. She lacked a familiar feeling of control in the real world. She could not back out of a sketchy situation by severing a connection. She could not hide behind anonymity. This was real, and it was happening right in front of her.

"All right." A single voice next to Mae pulled her from the spiral. She looked over and saw a young, gruff man that had arrived.

"That was all the proof I needed to know that this," he paused as he flashed his invitation, "was true. Magic. That's going to take some getting used to." His eyes darted across the remaining group outside the house. "If we're all here, and if everyone is safe inside then we should head in."

While he presented this challenging, and rugged exterior Sam's mind was also racked with the same fear that gripped Mae. Watching the house pull people inside through an invisible force made it so... real. Yet he still stood firm. Now was not the time nor the place to show his fear to the rest of the group. "I can have a moment alone to show my fear, but not right now," Sam thought as he took a deep breath.

"Anyway, I can control the wind."

"Wind?" Mae asked.

Sam pushed forth a gust from his hand. The burst was weak but was strong enough to blow through Mae's hair. "Yep, wind. How about you?"

Mae paused as she recoiled from the sensation for a brief moment. The wind carried with it a strange sensation. It felt like wind, but it different from a crisp autumn breeze or a warm summer gust. It felt unnatural. It felt magical. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, Mae shot her eyes down to the ground and then back up to Sam. "I call myself a technomancer. I can access electronic devices, and make them do stuff. Internet devices can be tricky but I have access to them all the same."

Sam took a step back. Taking a deep breath, he tapped his phone that resided in his pocket. "Please don't view my browsing history."

Mae let out an uncontrolled laugh that she reigned in after a moment. "I am not new to the internet, I know what you guys do in the dark. I value my sanity too much to ever give it a look."

Sam smiled in response. "I am Sam," he paused as he shot out his hand, "pleasure to meet you and know that I am not alone in this magical adventure.

"Mae, likewise."

Sam motioned for Mae to follow him and the duo entered the house together. As Mae walked and Sam and anyone else followed they would notice the lights would begin to flicker. With each bout of darkness, the house would once again appear to be in a state of disrepair. It would feel different than before. A strange sensation would hang in the air that would force everyone to remain alert to a possible unseen threat.

- - -

Alora and the group

Alora watched as the group began to enter the room. Again, as with the first few, drinks and snacks would float through the air offering themselves to the guests. Her breath still felt stolen from her as she took in the sight. One member of the group, however, decided to make a mockery of the situation.

"First, don't call me princess ever again," she paused as she flashed a finger. "Second, I haven't had magic long and I could not find even the smallest bit of information online about this magic. Forgive me if I seem amiss." Pausing again as she flashed two fingers. "Third, if wanted to hear your advice I would ask you for it." The third finger flew up as a dull thud could be heard. The noise was soft, almost rhythmic, and seemed to be coming from a far corner of the house. Alora paused as she turned her head back to the center of the room, back to the man, and back to the center of the room. "And fourth, and finally, why did the ghost stop sweeping?"

Alora's eyes did not move from the dustpan. It was held about two feet off the ground and trembled ever so as it held its position. As it shook, the lights would flicker with it with each flicker sending the house back into darkness. With each bout of darkness, the house would appear to be once again in a state of disrepair. The group would hear the soft thud reveal itself to be a heavy footstep. They would know that it had begun to make its way towards the living room. Step by step, the thuds closed in . They would each feel a collective dread fall over their room. This would be a sensation that they had never felt that would also feel known. It is as if their body and souls know something they do not.


As the steps continued to get closer, the dustpan would begin to shake slightly. As they got closer, it would shake ever more so. As it shook, the lights in the house would start to flicker. The source of the footsteps would be revealed as a tall, well-dressed figure as he stepped into the room. He wore a dark three-piece suit that was tailored to him. We carried a cane in his off-hand and he leaned up against the frame of the door. The cane itself had a massive red ruby on its head that seemed to make up its entire length.

"Welcome," the man's voice bellowed. It was deep, and his accent sounded almost English but mixed with something older. "We have much to discuss. You may call me the benefactor." The group would feel that intense feeling of uneasy surge and would also find it difficult to keep their eyes on the benefactor. It was as if a long-since dormant part of their mind was screaming at them to run.

Alora would find her breathing and take a deep one. She had her eyes fixated on the benefactor despite the protest of her brain. His features were stunning. His chiseled jaw, his well-maintained and cared-for hair, and his eyes were so blue that Alora thought she could hop in a take a swim. Meanwhile, Mae would have her gaze averted. While she lacked the ability to ignore her brain like Alora, it did not mean that she was not also interested in who he was. With a breath, she closed her eyes and searched out for an electronic device on the benefactor. Finding one, she set about breaking in. Sam, meanwhile, also had his focus fixed on the benefactor. His look was more curious than Alora's. While he felt the same sensation as the rest, he could overlook it.

"You all must have questions that demand answers," the benefactor spoke with gravitas, "I intend to answer them in kind." The benefactor finished as he shifted his weight onto his cane.


Approved- feel free to move it over and feel free to join the discord!!

We did just have a spot open up! I plan to leave this open all the same so if anyone is interested feel free to sign up!

The Return of Magic:
Act 1 - An Intro

Scene two - The house beckons

The sound of the others arriving caught Alora by surprise. Her attention had been locked on the house itself. She turned around, raising her hands up as she did, and conjured forth her magic. She did not mean to but she still did not control her power. Two lines of flowers sprouted forth towards the source of the noise, hitting the feet of a mage who had stepped out of a portal. The flowers were a variety of colors and types, though they were pretty. Alora breathed a sigh of relief as the group appeared to have been invited by the benefactor as well.

"Makes sense," Alora whispered as she took the mages in. There was no way she could be the only one who had magic bestowed on her. She was not the main character even in her own story. She was curious though, as it was evident that each mage had a power unique to themself. One could do some form of portal magic, one mentioned they could speak to the dead. The others had yet to reveal their powers, and Alora wanted to know more about these individuals. She rubbed her temple as dark thoughts entered her mind once again. Could she trust them? While she had no reason to not, the letter made no mention of any other. She scanned the faces of the mages before a calming sense fell over her. None of these people felt like a threat, at least on the surface. Yet, her attention lingered on Matthew for a brief moment. There was something about him that seemed off.

Alora took a deep breath and flashed a quick, but genuine smile. "I was not crazy, I knew this was real," she whispered. "I, uh, can control and feel nature? I can also cause plants to grow," she motioned to the flowers on the ground, "that is the best way I can describe it." Alora paused as took in a deep breath. "I'm Alora, and I am guessing that you all got the same letter from a benefactor. Does anyone.. anyone kn-..," Alora's voice trailed off as a strange sensation fell over her body. "What does.. Does anyone feel strange?" The confusion grew on her face as her body was pulled around against her wishes. It soon faced the door. To the others, it looked like she turned around. Alora started to panic as she could no longer move nor could she divert her attention from the front door.

Something inside the house forced her focus onto the structure itself and prevented her from tearing it away. There was something hidden underneath the facade of this dilapidated mansion and it had begun to make its presence known. Alora's breathing began to quicken as she tried to fight whatever spell she was under. She could not speak, nor could she move a muscle. Each second that passed felt like more and more senses became muted. Her breathing quickened and soon its sound filled the air. She could not sense the clothes she wore and the only thing she could hear was a rhythmic wind. It seemed to emanate from the door out of the house. The wind rushed over her body out to the forest before it pulled itself back. Again and again, Alora felt this sensation. Again and again, this wind washed over her body and she felt like her energy was draining.

Was the house breathing?

Alora was not alone in her stasis. Matthew, and Ashe, would feel their focus fixed on the mansion. No matter what they would try they would be unable to break the spell. Something inside the house had the trio under its control. If any of the other mages attempted to touch or pull them out of their trance they would feel a pulsating vibration. As the spell reached its peak over the trio, it broke and they would have complete control over their bodies again. They would feel a slight weakness as if they ran a mile and back. Alora looked around at the group as she took a step back.

"What the fu-" Alora started as she breathed in and out before the sight of a lone individual reaching for the doorknob caught her attention. As he went for it Alora, Matthew, and Ashe would all feel the sensation of the spell taking over again. This time felt different. It felt calmer, and they could now move their bodies. Alora sensed that if that door was opened something would happen. "No don't open that doo-" Alora tried to shout but the wind billowed forth from the house again and it was deafening. Alora groaned as her hands struggled to cover her ears. The rest of the group would feel the rush of this wind for the first time. Once his hand connected with the doorknob the door itself slammed open and James would be thrown back against the railing.

Alora, Ashe, Matthew, and James would all rise in the air before they were pulled inside by the unseen force. As they flew through the air, a trail of flowers were conjured forth in the dirt behind Alora. The only words that would leave her mouth were "HOLY SHIT." The rest of the group would be unaffected by whatever spell was cast.

- - - -

From the outside, those who remained would start to see a very curious sight. The house itself would start repairing. The broken floorboards of the porch would start to become whole once again. The tree that broke the side of the house would groan as it was pulled away and find itself planted in the ground once again. The tree would sprout with leaves in a violent visual explosion of color. Glass would rise from the ground and find its home back in their panes. And finally, once the exterior of the house looked pristine, the group would see the interior light up and pull it back together. As the commotion of the repair subsided, the group outside would hear a faint song playing from within.

- - - -

The group pulled inside would find themselves planted on a couch in a massive living room. Adorned with various pieces of art and expensive-looking decorations, the room had a very regal look to it. In the corner, they would notice a record player that had begun to play a song. A door on the far side of the room would swing open. They would see a few cans of soda float into the room, as well as various snacks. The snacks would find a home on a table in front of the couch while the drinks would float in front of each person.

The drinks would move forwards and backward. First a coke, then a Pepsi, and then water, and so on and so forth. Was it asking them which one they preferred? Alora pointed with a shaky finger towards a can of coke and it shot towards her hand. As she grabbed it she watched as the can opened. She looked down at the drink and back up with a bewildered look on her face. A broom and dustpan floated into the room and started to sweep the floor. In the room behind the door, the sound of a stove being lit could be heard.

Alora, drink open and in hand, could only shout one thing.

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