"That's Hellmouth," Jessica answered Jude, indicating Haywood, "and he's SUPER COOL. We're both pretty experienced at evil stuff like LOITERING and NAME-CALLING. I'm pretty sure the skills transfer to WILDERNESS SURVIVAL."
Now that Jessica thought about it, her ability wasn't entirely useless in this context. It would be just like her video games, with CRAFTING MECHANICS. She looked around at everyone, and thought for the first time in her life that maybe she was needed by someone.
Or at least her epithet was. But that was fine too.
She drifted somewhere between gloom and joy, and then settled swiftly on joy when Penny kicked that asshole from earlier. Jessica snickered.
"SHIT, Eyeb- ah... Penny. That was ice cold! I could use someone with a sense of PETTY VENGEANCE like that," said Jessica, nodding, "keep up the EVIL WORK and I MAY just invite you to join my SECRET CLUB."
There was a wide grin on Jessica's face, but for once it wasn't particularly evil. She just happened to look like a happy little delinquent.
"Well, we should fan out a little to cover the most ground, but stay close enough in case we get into trouble. I'm sure if we all COLLECT STUFF on our way, we'll come back with enough for shelter and dinner."
Now that Jessica thought about it, her ability wasn't entirely useless in this context. It would be just like her video games, with CRAFTING MECHANICS. She looked around at everyone, and thought for the first time in her life that maybe she was needed by someone.
Or at least her epithet was. But that was fine too.
She drifted somewhere between gloom and joy, and then settled swiftly on joy when Penny kicked that asshole from earlier. Jessica snickered.
"SHIT, Eyeb- ah... Penny. That was ice cold! I could use someone with a sense of PETTY VENGEANCE like that," said Jessica, nodding, "keep up the EVIL WORK and I MAY just invite you to join my SECRET CLUB."
There was a wide grin on Jessica's face, but for once it wasn't particularly evil. She just happened to look like a happy little delinquent.
"Well, we should fan out a little to cover the most ground, but stay close enough in case we get into trouble. I'm sure if we all COLLECT STUFF on our way, we'll come back with enough for shelter and dinner."