Hina whined stupidly as Kaori carried her off, and then when Kaori webbed her mouth shut, she whined stupidly except muffled, which ironically seemed like it would be more suspicious. The Bystander Effect, however, was in full swing and no one seemed interested in inquiring about this whining girl. Seeing as the two looked, to these Humans, to be completely normal young women, they probably assumed that Hina was Kaori's little sister or something.
Hina quietly hoped that the Spider would not make Hina refer to her as 'big sis', only to find out later that Kaori referred to herself as 'big sis', which was almost just as bad.
As Hina was tossed into a random room in the Spider's admittedly nice residence, and the door was immediately locked, she knew that her life was probably in jeopardy.
Then Kaori said she'd give Hina as many cookies as she wanted later and, dumb snack-Goblin that she was, Hina immediately felt a little better. She liked cookies, after all, and so why would someone offer her cookies if they wanted to hurt her? With this flawless logic, Hina concluded that this would probably be a (slightly) positive experience with the promise of sweets. She stopped whining a little, and started putting on all sorts of outfits. Hina knew and liked most of the things the cosplays were from (except the rope ones, which she was pretty sure were just for Kaori's enjoyment, which sent a shiver down her spine), but all-in-all, it wasn't so bad. She liked cosplay, after all, and they were good quality outfits. It's just that Kaori was weird.
Then Kaori snapped a picture of her in the gradeschooler uniform, and Hina frowned.
"Eh? If you were gonna dress me up like this anyways, then what was with dressing me up in all that other stuff? I mean, the cosplay was fun, but still! But still!"
Hina stomped her little feet demandingly, puffing out her cheeks.
"You must be pretty lonely, taking all the time you can with me. Well, as reparations for dressing me up in all that weird stuff, I demand cookies! Infinity cookies, or else I'll never play with you again! Also video games! And figures of pretty anime girls! Gimme a Madoka! And, uh, uh, I want a Holo! And Abigail Williams! I want two!"
Hina was pretty sure, despite being very childish, that Kaori would give her whatever she wanted right now. And Hina wanted things.
"Also also! Say I'm the cutest! Cuter than Tomoko, that smug Human! Say it and mean it, and I might be happy with you! It's your best deal, because you got to have a lot of fun already!"
Hina quietly hoped that the Spider would not make Hina refer to her as 'big sis', only to find out later that Kaori referred to herself as 'big sis', which was almost just as bad.
As Hina was tossed into a random room in the Spider's admittedly nice residence, and the door was immediately locked, she knew that her life was probably in jeopardy.
Then Kaori said she'd give Hina as many cookies as she wanted later and, dumb snack-Goblin that she was, Hina immediately felt a little better. She liked cookies, after all, and so why would someone offer her cookies if they wanted to hurt her? With this flawless logic, Hina concluded that this would probably be a (slightly) positive experience with the promise of sweets. She stopped whining a little, and started putting on all sorts of outfits. Hina knew and liked most of the things the cosplays were from (except the rope ones, which she was pretty sure were just for Kaori's enjoyment, which sent a shiver down her spine), but all-in-all, it wasn't so bad. She liked cosplay, after all, and they were good quality outfits. It's just that Kaori was weird.
Then Kaori snapped a picture of her in the gradeschooler uniform, and Hina frowned.
"Eh? If you were gonna dress me up like this anyways, then what was with dressing me up in all that other stuff? I mean, the cosplay was fun, but still! But still!"
Hina stomped her little feet demandingly, puffing out her cheeks.
"You must be pretty lonely, taking all the time you can with me. Well, as reparations for dressing me up in all that weird stuff, I demand cookies! Infinity cookies, or else I'll never play with you again! Also video games! And figures of pretty anime girls! Gimme a Madoka! And, uh, uh, I want a Holo! And Abigail Williams! I want two!"
Hina was pretty sure, despite being very childish, that Kaori would give her whatever she wanted right now. And Hina wanted things.
"Also also! Say I'm the cutest! Cuter than Tomoko, that smug Human! Say it and mean it, and I might be happy with you! It's your best deal, because you got to have a lot of fun already!"