Ludie's expression fell, and she placed a hand over her mouth in genuine embarrassment.
"My apologies! I did not mean to offend, my la-, my la-, my l- hm."
Ludwig bit her lower lip and crossed her arms, an expression of excessive mental strain coming upon her face, before she snapped her fingers and said brightly:
"My la- Master. Force of habit."
But something was off. Her Master was getting awfully defensive, and looked confused, as if he hadn't been expecting any of this. The careening coal train that was Ludie's brain screeched and drifted onto a track parallel to the truth of the matter, and her expression brightened.
"Ah, a cautious Master! You wish to ascertain my knowledge... hmph~"
Ludie smiled smugly.
"Merely glance at your hand, and witness the bond we share in the form of your command seals. Ah, to be bonded by fate and mana to a beautiful young lady! ...Is not what happened, but damsel or no, you will be in distress without my assistance!"
Ludie grinned brightly, knowing in her heart that her clever Master would see in her wisdom... proof of their bond!
Lucia's first impression of Beatrice was 'wow, that is a very tall woman'. Her second was that this tall woman seemed very polite. Lucia's bright smile brightened even more, threatening to blind all those present. Could it be that this was a reasonable Magus? Most of the Church had told her that they were all pretty much scum, but she knew better. God made Humans, and Magi were Humans too.
Of course, she wasn't so naïve as to take everything at face value, but she liked to lean as positively as she could. Lucia beckoned Beatrice gently, like a shepherd to a timid lamb, and began leading her to the church.
"And a good evening to you, too," she replied with her usual radiance, "no, you're not interrupting at all. I was just picking some herbs from the garden... I'm about to put some focaccia in the oven, if you'd like to stay for dinner. I made extra dough, because... well, you're here, aren't you?"
Lucia turned over her shoulder, and threw Beatrice a playful wink.
"I was expecting we might be seeing a little company in the next few days. I'm sure the Overseer will be happy you've paid her a visit! She could use a bit more excitement, I think. As if I'm not enough, right? Ehee~"
She punctuated her comment with a downright angelic chortle, though for her saintly demeanor, a perceptive person might note multiple piercings on her ears. An exceptionally perceptive person might note one on her tongue. They were all, at this moment, unoccupied.
"My apologies! I did not mean to offend, my la-, my la-, my l- hm."
Ludwig bit her lower lip and crossed her arms, an expression of excessive mental strain coming upon her face, before she snapped her fingers and said brightly:
"My la- Master. Force of habit."
But something was off. Her Master was getting awfully defensive, and looked confused, as if he hadn't been expecting any of this. The careening coal train that was Ludie's brain screeched and drifted onto a track parallel to the truth of the matter, and her expression brightened.
"Ah, a cautious Master! You wish to ascertain my knowledge... hmph~"
Ludie smiled smugly.
"Merely glance at your hand, and witness the bond we share in the form of your command seals. Ah, to be bonded by fate and mana to a beautiful young lady! ...Is not what happened, but damsel or no, you will be in distress without my assistance!"
Ludie grinned brightly, knowing in her heart that her clever Master would see in her wisdom... proof of their bond!
Lucia's first impression of Beatrice was 'wow, that is a very tall woman'. Her second was that this tall woman seemed very polite. Lucia's bright smile brightened even more, threatening to blind all those present. Could it be that this was a reasonable Magus? Most of the Church had told her that they were all pretty much scum, but she knew better. God made Humans, and Magi were Humans too.
Of course, she wasn't so naïve as to take everything at face value, but she liked to lean as positively as she could. Lucia beckoned Beatrice gently, like a shepherd to a timid lamb, and began leading her to the church.
"And a good evening to you, too," she replied with her usual radiance, "no, you're not interrupting at all. I was just picking some herbs from the garden... I'm about to put some focaccia in the oven, if you'd like to stay for dinner. I made extra dough, because... well, you're here, aren't you?"
Lucia turned over her shoulder, and threw Beatrice a playful wink.
"I was expecting we might be seeing a little company in the next few days. I'm sure the Overseer will be happy you've paid her a visit! She could use a bit more excitement, I think. As if I'm not enough, right? Ehee~"
She punctuated her comment with a downright angelic chortle, though for her saintly demeanor, a perceptive person might note multiple piercings on her ears. An exceptionally perceptive person might note one on her tongue. They were all, at this moment, unoccupied.