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Ludie's expression fell, and she placed a hand over her mouth in genuine embarrassment.

"My apologies! I did not mean to offend, my la-, my la-, my l- hm."

Ludwig bit her lower lip and crossed her arms, an expression of excessive mental strain coming upon her face, before she snapped her fingers and said brightly:

"My la- Master. Force of habit."

But something was off. Her Master was getting awfully defensive, and looked confused, as if he hadn't been expecting any of this. The careening coal train that was Ludie's brain screeched and drifted onto a track parallel to the truth of the matter, and her expression brightened.

"Ah, a cautious Master! You wish to ascertain my knowledge... hmph~"

Ludie smiled smugly.

"Merely glance at your hand, and witness the bond we share in the form of your command seals. Ah, to be bonded by fate and mana to a beautiful young lady! ...Is not what happened, but damsel or no, you will be in distress without my assistance!"

Ludie grinned brightly, knowing in her heart that her clever Master would see in her wisdom... proof of their bond!


Lucia's first impression of Beatrice was 'wow, that is a very tall woman'. Her second was that this tall woman seemed very polite. Lucia's bright smile brightened even more, threatening to blind all those present. Could it be that this was a reasonable Magus? Most of the Church had told her that they were all pretty much scum, but she knew better. God made Humans, and Magi were Humans too.

Of course, she wasn't so naïve as to take everything at face value, but she liked to lean as positively as she could. Lucia beckoned Beatrice gently, like a shepherd to a timid lamb, and began leading her to the church.

"And a good evening to you, too," she replied with her usual radiance, "no, you're not interrupting at all. I was just picking some herbs from the garden... I'm about to put some focaccia in the oven, if you'd like to stay for dinner. I made extra dough, because... well, you're here, aren't you?"

Lucia turned over her shoulder, and threw Beatrice a playful wink.

"I was expecting we might be seeing a little company in the next few days. I'm sure the Overseer will be happy you've paid her a visit! She could use a bit more excitement, I think. As if I'm not enough, right? Ehee~"

She punctuated her comment with a downright angelic chortle, though for her saintly demeanor, a perceptive person might note multiple piercings on her ears. An exceptionally perceptive person might note one on her tongue. They were all, at this moment, unoccupied.
Ludwig casually admired her old handkerchief. If nothing else, her Master must have excellent taste! Gorgeous embroidery: a beautiful swan spreading its wings, as if about to take magnificent flight! For that handkerchief to still be in such good shape was only natural. The finest quality for the finest king. This one was...

Matilda. She could tell, even at a glance. The peasant girl who had fallen and gotten mud all over her beautiful face. Well, Ludwig couldn't let that stand. Of course, she had helped the young woman up. Of course she had dabbed her cheeks, and of course she had left Matilda with a token of their fateful meeting.

She wondered if Matilda had sold it, or had kept it until her final days. Well, either way, it was a gift. Once it left Ludwig's hands, it was hers to do with as she desired. That was, perhaps, the way of-

Ludwig turned her gaze towards the confused-looking young... man? That called out to her. She had specifically wanted to be summoned only by damsels in distress. Well, maybe it was a woman? They had a cute face. Either way, they were addressing her, and it was almost certainly her Master. Regardless of gender, their grand adventure was about to begin! Ludwig smiled brightly, and with shamelessness and grace, approached her young Master.

"This dude does, indeed, have the right house," she announced grandiloquently, "for you are my Master, and I your knightly Servant, here to deliver you from the horrors of this Holy Grail War! Worry not, my lady, for the legendary knight-hero-king Ludwig II has arrived!"


It was... an odd feeling to have summoned the Antichrist.

A bevy of holy relics were present as catalyst for the ritual, which Lucia had been walked through by a bunch of scary-looking old men in Vatican City. They had expected a Saint. George, Martha, Jeanne... all equal to the task and paragons of faith. A spirit that even the church could respect.

All attendees were flabbergasted when Nero introduced herself.

That Nero.

But as the old men began discussing whether or not there was a way to send her back, Lucia stood firm. She didn't like it. Of course she didn't like it, but for Nero to appear in front of so many holy relics was nothing short of a miracle, and miracles were the domain of God. She saw this as a sign.

Lucia was meant to redeem Nero. If that woman could be redeemed in the eyes of the Lord... if the suspected Antichrist could be saved, then it would prove that anyone could be. It was an incredible task, but if Lucia was chosen to take it upon herself, then she knew it must be possible for her. God believed in her. God knew that she was kind and just and right. It was with this attitude that she initially engaged with Nero...

But that didn't last long.

As the two toured Rome, Lucia introducing the new and Nero introducing the old, it became remarkably clear that Nero wasn't quite the person the church had imagined she was. Lucia tried to be suspicious. She tried to notice the serpent through its honeyed words, but the woman was remarkably genuine and had an unimpeachable charm. Was this really Nero? Who was Nero?

Lucia was still figuring out her feelings as the Sako Holy Grail War was about to begin. On this beautiful evening, she was picking herbs from the garden she had recently started just outside the church. There was so much open land around, it would be a shame not to utilize it. She'd already finished the focaccia dough, and just needed to put together the toppings before it headed into the oven. As she knelt, humming happily while she snipped some rosemary, she noticed a woman approach out of the corner of her eye. She stood, and brushed off her habit.

"Lucia," she addressed Nero gently, like a mother or an older sister. The Emperor was a whimsical girl, and Lucia feared that if she didn't give her plenty to do, Nero would blow their cover faster than was strictly healthy. Of course, the rouse would likely not last the whole war regardless, but Lucia did have a boon. Most command seals appeared on the hand, but Lucia's was... elsewhere. It was an oddity among oddities, that most Masters probably wouldn't even consider.

A blessing from God.

"Could you please ask the overseer what she'd like on her focaccia, and inform her that we have a guest?" Lucia entreated, smiling gently. Nero was, at this moment, among the flowers she had also planted. Lucia's goal was to make the churchyard significantly less drab and significantly more beautiful before she left this place.

Whether or not Nero was keen to listen to her was another story, but Lucia greeted Beatrice with a friendly wave and her loveliest smile.
Was this woman a jester? Her garish magic tricks were utterly ridiculous, and Gertrude's lips remained frozen in a frown the entire time she performed until that awful wreath appeared on her head. Her eye twitched, and she ripped the wreath off, glaring at Amy. Gertrude did not like being taken by surprise. She unceremoniously discarded the wreath as they continued on their way, not bothering to acknowledge Amy's little prank save for the daggers she glared.

At least the value of a pretty garden was one thing on which they could agree.

"I'd enjoy a little quiet, but I guess I can't get that," she jabbed, voice still sharp and venomous from that wreath prank, "but sure, maybe a few pretty flowers in bloom can help assuage my abject annoyance."

Though Gertrude downplayed it, taking naps among flowers was one of her favorite things. She was actually looking forward to it a little, but the nosy little Devil just couldn't leave her be. Her spine chilled slightly when Amy confronted her about Gretchen. What could she possibly know? How could she know it? Gertrude's story was fine, so she had to have some reason to be suspicious.

She had to know something that most people couldn't know. Gertrude just had to figure out what and how.


Gertrude smirked. It was her usual pompous, bratty accompaniment. She couldn't let Amy know that she was actually worried about being figured out.

"So that's what you are. I thought you were acting too nice, and I was on the mark. You're a hypocrite. Unsurprising for a 'religious' sort. A 'rules for thee but not for me' situation. You expect me to trust you with my secrets, if indeed there are any, but you won't do me the simple courtesy of telling me how you know this thing you apparently know. Well, trust is a two way street, and if you want something, you have to give something. But you won't, because you think that you're right and I'm not worth wasting basic decency on."

Gertrude let the Demon have it, blasting her with everything she could think to say to make Amy tell her what she knew and how she knew it. If Amy was half the kindhearted person she made herself out to be, she'd have to tell Gertrude. If she wasn't, well, that was one more person Gertrude could safely (pretend to) be better than.

Behind her smarmy, in-control facade, however, her emotions told a different story. She was, as always, a horrifying tempest of negativity. Her dark complexes and sick logic were likely enough to make most empaths retch. Tellingly, anger was at the forefront, but tempered with fear. Gertrude knew how capital-W-Witchcraft was looked at. Suspicion at best, a lynching at worst. If Amy were to learn, she could hold it over Gertrude's head or just tell everyone. Gertrude, as always, was constantly thinking about ways other people could hurt her.

The 'why' didn't matter. People wanted to hurt her. They couldn't be trusted. That was the truth of the world she had learned.

And sadly, her paranoia sometimes served her well.


Gretchen almost scoffed at Renar's statement. 'Clever' was, perhaps, one word for it. But the truth was, they were playing with two gigantic cheaters and one confused Hundi. The newcomers were on the obvious backfoot, to the point where schemes on their end would scarcely even the playing field. Gretchen went forward with her plan to mark the cards into unrecognizability for the experienced knights, which she did under the table, but it was going to be slow going.

If she was to play the long game, she'd have to take a bath the first few rounds.

Eventually, this might have worked. Might have given her an immense advantage.

But as a few hands went by, and Gertrude made her counts, it became immensely obvious.

These shits were using more than one deck, and what's more, they were hiding cards in a way that even the immensely observant Gretchen couldn't suss out. She needed a different strategy, but what could she do?

Then, Fanilly awkwardly stumbled into the room, and a possible avenue to victory revealed itself. Gretchen casually leaned back in her chair, and looked to the Captain.

"Ah, has the new Captain of the Iron Roses come to peep on our little game? I'm not doing so well, mistress."

Gretchen frowned.

"But I suppose that's to be expected. Can't outdo the famous traitor in duplicity. Don't worry about not knowing how to play the game, Captain, because someone here is playing by pretty different rules anyways."

Gretchen made a show of the fact that Fanilly was the new Captain of the old bastards' order, figuring she could play into a desire to act more chivalrous in front of the new generation. More specifically, she saw Edwin as the weaker link, and if he were needled about his nature as a traitor, he might be tempted to give up his brother's tricks to retain some honor.

Ironically betraying him once again, but of course, people didn't change. She just hoped someone else would pick up what she was tacitly suggesting, because she didn't have the magical backup to say anything too outrageous. To lay into Edwin the way she wanted to.

She hated that she was even sort of relying on anyone else, but Gretchen was painfully aware that she was barely even capable of walking on her own.

Goddesses, this girl got on her nerves.

Amy was just so bright and cheery and it was incredibly unnerving because Gertrude knew that no one was as nice as this Demon- this literal Demon- pretended to be. The way she just assumed she could trot up and boop Gertrude's nose made her nostrils flare. Her nose was not for booping, and she growled as the chatty little monster went on about how nice she was.

What a fraud, but at least Amy was preferable to the people who already wanted to physically harm her. For now. At the very least, the woman was easier on the eyes than the cavalcade of sweaty, musclebound dullards that made up most of the ranks of the Iron Roses. Like her dad, them. She almost couldn't wait for the opportunity to show them all how much stronger she was than anyone else.

Gertrude had honestly hoped to scare Amy a little by suggesting they depart alone, but it was almost as if it never even occurred to the Demon that Gertrude would hurt her. She annoyingly strutted off, happy as a peach, and left Gertrude clicking her tongue as she followed. Along the way to their first stop, Amy needled and prodded her with off-putting questions. The comment about Gretchen, especially, was concerning. Everyone else was ready to just accept her lies, and they were easy lies to swallow considering there really wasn't a feasible alternative story. Why would Amy pick on that? She had to know something. Gertrude scoffed.

"Who else would she be, if not my sister? Did Merilia drop a broom on your head, too? What manner of daft insinuation is that?"

Their steps slowed to a stop as they reached their destination. Apparently Amy meant to start with the most useless place in Candaeln. Gertrude rolled her eyes, and then snorted when Amy claimed to be a cleric. A Demon cleric? She'd never heard something so ridiculous. Then, Amy revealed that she at least knew some basic magic tricks and offered her a wreath. Did the woman think Gertrude was stupid? It was obviously a prank of some sort. The moment she took it, it would explode or scream or something. The finale to her dumb little show. Well Gertrude wouldn't be had so easily. She crossed her arms under her chest and frowned down at the Demon.

"Sure, I'll visit the chapel if I don't have anything more useful to do. But I doubt the castle will run out of wall to smack my head against any time soon," she said, not hiding an ounce of the disdain she had for Amy's supposed religion, "I probably have too many sins for those old hags to handle, anyways. I enjoyed the song and dance, it was cute, but I'm not taking that wreath. I know what happens when I touch it. It's a prank, right? You want to screw with me, just like the others. I'm not interested in looking like a fool, so I won't even bother to confirm it with a spell. Just take me elsewhere. A good place to nap, perhaps."


Gretchen did her best to hide the smug smile that wanted to creep up on her face as Renar and Gerard took a seat at the table. This would be like taking candy from babies. Even if an idiot plays a million games, he'll always be an idiot. They both seemed so confident, too. Did their foolishness know no bounds? Gretchen had rarely played before, herself, because gaming with the other apprentices rapidly devolved into a magical cheating contest. Not that she couldn't win such a competition, but it was so much more gratifying to completely trounce a person fair and square-

...And then she took a look at the deck they were playing with.

An addendum: Even if you're an idiot, if you play a million games with the same cards, you'll eventually learn what everything is by sight.

Gretchen frowned. There was no doubt that she could quickly learn all the cards as well. However, if other players also had perfect information, it was a solved game. Skill, probability, and deception didn't even enter into it. There was one remedy for it.

"Surely you'll extend the hospitality of allowing the newcomers to deal, yes?"

It didn't matter who else dealt, as long as they couldn't pick out the exact cards that everyone would have. From there, Gretchen would learn the cards, and mark up every card she could put her hands on to make sure that only she could tell what was what. In just a few hands, she could probably render half the deck unrecognizable to these old cheaters.
  • Name: Ludwig II
  • Class: Berserker
  • Appearance:
  • Personality: I wish to remain an eternal enigma to myself and to others. The Swan Knight of legend, who adorned the walls of my family’s castle growing up, was much the same. What could be said about this mysterious knight-king, but that she is a true romantic? That much should be obvious. But my character is of such depth and intrigue that I could talk about myself for years, and one could scarcely scratch the surface. Not since Arthur has there been a king of such chivalry and brightness, a beacon for her people! Hope!

    Young, beautiful, and dashingly handsome! A bewitching swan sang its final song well before its time, and the entire world wept. Shall I wax poetic about the importance of dreams, no matter how impossible? Shall I weave a tragic tale of madness and betrayal? Shall I spin a story of great love, and even greater loss? All these epics I could recite from my heart, because I lived them all.

    Loneliness, too. I could tell you of that, my dear subject. But do not dwell on those thoughts. Instead, are there any damsels that need saving? Dragons that must be slain? Villains to be thwarted?
  • Stats:
    • Strength: E
    • Endurance: D
    • Agility: D
    • Mana: C
    • Luck: A
    • Noble Phantasm: A
  • Class Skills:
    Märchenkönig C++: Ludwig’s personalized version of Madness Enhancement. She believes herself to be like a knight from a fairy tale. Enhancement becomes stronger the more she buys into her own fantasy, which includes adhering strictly to a chivalrous code. If the necessity of pragmatism leaks into her fantasy identity, she may become more lucid and less powerful. Uniquely, this ability boosts her further against dragons, monsters, and villains of any stripe.
  • Personal Skills:
    Appreciation of the Arts D+: Chance of identifying the true name of a servant through seeing their noble phantasm. This chance is increased dramatically if the servant is related to fairy tales or Christian myth.
    Charisma B-: Ludwig was beloved by her people, as a king unlike any other. She has charisma enough to lead a nation, though those with power were wary of her lofty dreams. Ultimately, she was betrayed not by her people, but by her own ministers.
    The Perpetually Open Vaults of The Fairy Tale King B-: Ludwig always has enough funds to buy anything she’d like, as long as it is artistic or frivolous or whimsical. She won’t buy anything incredibly useful.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Neuschwanstein Castle: The Nexus From Which Dreams Spring and Return
    • Rank: A
    • Type: Anti-Army
    • Appearance: That dreamlike fairy tale castle that never existed even in the days of legend. Contained within are various rooms and displays, each more entrancing than the last. Though unfinished, it was built from the dreams of many, and serves as the groundwork of many dreams to come.
    • Effects:Neuschwanstein Castle is a reality marble in which Ludwig can fully realize her ideal of a fairy tale knight. All of her stats increase significantly, and if she considers her opponent to be a villain, the villain gets weaker. A hero should win against a villain, after all. That is the knightly ideal. In addition, plans and strategies that should not normally work have a high likelihood of turning out favorably as long as they are conceptually possible. Neuschwanstein Castle is a place where imagination becomes as powerful a weapon as any sword. In truth, it is a place in which Ludwig can live out her fantasy of being the hero of a story to the fullest.
    • Name: Carmen Cygni: The Swan’s Last Performance Over Lake Starnberg
    • Rank: D
    • Type: Anti-Unit (Self)
    • Appearance: Takes the form of a blue pendant on Ludwig’s chest, but exists conceptually beyond that.
    • Effects:If Ludwig would die, her saint graph is instead applied to her master to form a demi-servant. Ludwig’s castle exists far beyond anything a Human could build. Long after her death, it continues to inspire imaginations the world over. Take your dreams in your hand, and build.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Changes: Ludwig II’s grandfather, and her namesake, asked that his son’s firstborn also be named Ludwig. Ludwig I, a fanciful man who enjoyed fairy tales as much as his granddaughter eventually would, found a fey sort of humor in the naming mishap when Ludwig II was born a girl, and so the name stayed. In early life, Ludwig II was somewhat reclusive, and so very few knew that she was a woman. Only that her name was undoubtedly male. The family assumed that Otto, her younger brother, would take the throne. As Otto grew, however, it became increasingly obvious that he was deeply disturbed even from a young age. With no other recourse, Ludwig II ascended the throne through a set of ridiculous circumstances that seemed almost like a fairy tale in itself. Upon her introduction to society, all those who looked upon Ludwig II would likely describe her as “a beautiful, delicate, and lovely king”.
Gertrude was feeling pretty smug as a new person... a Demon? In a religious knightly order? As Amy interjected. It seemed the lunk needed to be bailed out. Well, it only figured. He was in way over his head. But as he departed, he got one final shot in. The only one that stung.

Gertrude was here of her own accord. She was ready and willing to use these fools as much as she needed to reach her goals. Merilia didn't force her to be here, but Renar's words managed to cut all the same. The simple truth was, if Merilia wanted her here, she would be here whether she wanted to or not. There was nothing she could do about it. She could protest that it was her choice, but the fact remained.

As long as she wasn't the most powerful, she wasn't really free. That old envy simmered, even though it was a fool's errand to compare oneself to a full-fledged Witch.

She managed to grumble one last "fuck you" as Renar departed, before turning to Amy. The Demon was a little taller than the Captain, but Gertrude still towered over her.

Gertrude hid her bitterness at that last remark in a faux-friendly grin, and crouched slightly to come to eye level with Amy. She could have just regarded the woman like a normal person, but Gertrude wanted to make her feel small.

This one was apparently canny enough to put together the context clues and guess at Gertrude's role as a mage. She wouldn't let her expression betray whether Amy was right or wrong, but as long as no one knew she was also a Witch's apprentice, it would be fine.

"Well, Amy, would you call it 'spite' or 'hostility' to be manhandled by an oaf, glowered at by a boor, and threatened with a lynching if you speak out of turn by a scoundrel? Either way, it's hardly knightly behavior, I should think. At least you pretend to be pleasant. Good on you, the most knightly of the bunch," she said pointedly, drawing herself back up to her full height.

"But, well, far be it from me to look a gift Demon in the mouth. I may be spending some time here, and it would be stupid of me to not get a lay of the land. I hope we'll be going alone, though, because I'm not really in the mood to deal with the rest of these jackanapes."


Gretchen was remarkably quiet as they made their way to the kitchens. She didn't even snap at Gerard for offering to help her. She didn't shoot her mouth off at every little thing, knowing that no one could hurt her.

Because they could.

The broom gave her enough mana to defend herself, but she was hardly safe. When separated from Gertrude and her ability to protect the both of them, she largely returned to the meek girl she was long ago. Without power, she was a shadow. She could only get away with so much, because there was no way for her to back it up.

Gretchen and Gertrude were the same person, only Gretchen didn't have the strength she had always coveted, and it felt terrible. She'd just have to deal with it for now. There was very little that either of them could do about it.

Gretchen took the first seat she could grab, which just so happened to be across from yet two more of the original Roses, as revealed by the current. She wanted to rag on Edwin alongside Renar (who she was still pissed at) for being the one that nobody liked, but what if he tried to hurt her? There wasn't much she could say except...

Those pastries looked good.

"Alright, deal me in," Gretchen said, taking Parvan up on his offer, "I'm just here to make sure no one messes with our food, anyways. Might as well have a little fun while I'm at it."

Her skills in adaptability and memorization made her particularly suited for gambling, anyways. The pastries would be hers.
Gertrude smirked at Fionn.

"Finally got up the courage to say something to my face, huh? Well, while my tongue is skilled and I do look amazing in this uniform, that doesn't even nip at the ankles of my prowess. But given what I've seen so far from you blackguards, my uniform alone clears the lot of you anyways."

And with that rude and self-aggrandizing comment hanging in the air like a series of aggressive coughs at a funeral, she humored Renar by lending him her ear, and was actually quite pleased by what he had to say. Finally, someone who was borderline straightforward in their threats. She nodded, oddly politely for her, and whispered back.

"Yes, your captain seems... sweet," she started, her choice of words very conspicuous, "and you're right. I could use the Roses. But I have no intention of heeling like a dog. I'll play along as it benefits me, but I am not fond of leashes."

Gertrude smiled wider. It was her turn to return threats with threats.

"But you and me... we're on the same page when it comes to Merilia's magical deathless playland. Though when the fighting inevitably comes about, I'll let you decide who should be scared of whom."

As Gertrude was having fun with Renar, Gretchen got to her feet shakily, like a newborn fawn. The walk had worn on her far worse than Gertrude, so she propped herself up with the broomstick. Gertrude and Gretchen had silently decided to let her take the broom for now, in case she needed to protect herself. She'd need the extra mana.

With a displeased expression that was only a shadow of Gertrude's, she hiked over to the Nicomede and Gerard group. She addressed Nicomede, rolling her eyes.

"No death doesn't mean no pain, and some poisons aren't quick. That's something we should all keep in mind, going forward," she said oddly helpfully, "anyways, you two lead the way."

...Because if there were any traps, those two would be the ones getting blown up.
Name: Lucia Lombardi

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Personality: A beacon even in the darkest abyss. Graceful, gentle, and kind like a mother or an older sister, with a maturity that belies her age. She believes that everyone deserves a second chance, that all can be saved. Though she has been told that magi are heretics that pervert the natural world, she does not hate them. In fact, she’d much rather understand them than hurt them. As much as many magi believe themselves to be above Humanity, they are Human. They are God’s creation, so they must also serve God’s purpose in some way. Her love is endless, though it is true that some lambs need the crook to teach them the way they should go.


Homemaker- Lucia is very skilled at a variety of household tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, and sewing. She finds peace and comfort in daily chores, and actually enjoys them to some extent. Her jota triestina is absolutely amazing.

Technologically Literate- While she’s no genius super hacker, she can put “computer skills” on a resume and set up a gaming console. Her aptitude in technology is not particularly notable except in comparison to many magi, especially older ones, who have no interest in such things. She has Bible.com bookmarked.

Lamb’s Demeanor- Lucia’s natural allure and gentle spirit are enchanting. Most are inclined to under-estimate her, or to believe the best in her even at first meeting. She’s very easy to talk to, and even easier to listen to.

Quality of Circuits: A
Quantity of Circuits: E
Elemental Affinity: Aether
Attribute: Natural Order (Returning things to how they should be)

Baptism Rite: A 10-count ritual (reciting parts of Psalm 91) that disperses spiritual bodies. This is the only Sacrament allowed to members of the Church, at least in the public eye. Lucia’s aptitude for sending spiritual bodies back where they belong is exceptional due to her attribute and circuit quality, though even she cannot harm Servants as they are bound to a Master via Command Seal. Even at such a young age, she is a top quality exorcist.

Conceptual Weapon (Natural State): By holding a folded page of Psalm 104 in between her middle and forefinger, she pours her Prayer Power into the excerpt to create a short, thin black blade like a scalpel. This Conceptual Weapon returns things to their natural state as dictated by Lucia, or rather, what Lucia believes that thing’s natural state should be as defined by God. In the simplest sense, it can heal sick and injured bodies and destroy curses. Hypothetically, she could also use this weapon to damage magical circuits or dispel magecraft, as she believes they are perversions of God’s will. However, she can always choose to cut around some things, meaning she is entirely capable of healing Magi without also damaging their circuits or dispeling their abilities.


Backing From the Holy Church- If not win, the Church would like Lucia to last long enough to inform them about the other contestants. They will furnish her with enough to facilitate her survival for a while, hoping they’ll be able to assess who might have a wish that will not be a blight on God’s Earth. Her participation is a close-kept secret, and she has sanctuary at Sako City’s church. Her cover is that she is an apprentice to the overseer.

Fragment of the Jug of Saint Moses the Black- A minor holy item that Lucia carries inside her rosary, which secretly serves as a reliquary. The carrier of this relic will be gifted with superhuman physical ability, which can only be used offensively as long as they are protecting themselves or another. The carrier may never be the aggressor, and even in self defense, may not kill a living Human. Aberrations, however, may be destroyed with impunity.

Brief Backstory: Lucia was given up to a small convent in Italy shortly after she was born. She never knew her biological mother or father, but the Sisters and Mother Superior treated her like family. For a while, it was an idyllic life in the Italian countryside, where everyone was nice and generally got along. All the Sisters loved each other, broke bread together, told stories, shared secrets…

Then, one day, a strange heart-shaped mark appeared below Lucia’s bellybutton. Not knowing if it was the work of God or Satan, they contacted the Vatican, which sent a priest to inspect the phenomenon. He was a strange, dour man. Not like the jolly and kindly priests in the village. The man proclaimed that Lucia had been selected by God for a mission that only she could do, and quickly whisked her away to Vatican City. In only a couple of weeks, her entire utopian life had been uprooted.

Lucia was briefed on the world of Magi, the Holy Grail War, and what her mark meant. It was so far from anything she had known that she could scarcely wrap her head around it, but they were short on time. She would need to learn the Church’s holy Sacraments if she was to fulfill her mission: to win the Holy Grail War, or at least prevent the more sick and depraved Magi from succeeding.

To give her an edge, Lucia was given a holy relic and taught the Baptism Rite. She took to this Sacrament remarkably quickly, and seemed to have an innate talent for performing miracles. Since Lucia seemed to be particularly gifted, they took a gamble trying to teach her about conceptual weapons before the next War. Despite how long it takes most individuals to learn this secret Sacrament, Lucia was able to create her own conceptual weapon in only a year. Hers, however, had different effects from the Black Keys that she had used as a jumping-off point.

With her talent, Lucia’s trainers eagerly suggested that she create a weapon that could easily kill Magi as well. They were only blights, after all, and it would give her a great advantage in the upcoming conflict. This is where Lucia put her foot down.

“God did not give me this gift to hurt people.”

To Lucia, the idea of killing a Human, even a Magus, was unacceptable. If she had to kill a person to reach her goal, then it was not a goal worth reaching. If God wanted her to succeed, it would be through kindness and perseverance. Though the Vatican filled her head with dehumanizing ideas about Magi, they were still Human. This, she knew.

Her stalwart beliefs stymied even the Church’s most influential men. They had to accept that she would participate in the War on her own terms, which even they could not dictate. Her life until then, although humble and ignorant, bred a beast inside her that was horrible in its conviction.

What Lucia believed the world should be, God believed the world should be.

Lucia was shipped off to Japan a few months ahead of the War to get comfortable at the local church and build rapport with the overseer, with one last thing nagging at the back of her mind:

“What would my wish be, I wonder?”
That was the look Gertrude wanted.

The way Fanilly recoiled, the way she couldn't summon up words, the way she tried to put space between them.

The way her cheeks colored as Gertrude closed in.

This was the reality of the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights. Any confidence or authority she could affect was just a façade. This woman was a weakling at the core, and someone Gertrude could feel good looking down upon. She would give Fanilly no quarter. As the Knight-captain backed away, Gertrude-


Gertrude clicked her tongue as the man who had 'helped' her up earlier grabbed her collar to keep her away from Fanilly. If he had known who she was, he wouldn't have dared to grab her again. She wanted to teach him a lesson, but she was outnumbered.

Not outmatched, of course, but outnumbered. Theoretically infinitely. And all the spells she was interested in were for killing, and not subduing. Gertrude kills, and they come back. Over and over. Until she runs out of mana, if they were stubborn enough, and then she dies. Gertrude didn't like pain. It had been years since she'd had to deal with it, and she wasn't about to have to deal with it now.

"I'm glad you agree with me, Gerald," she practically growled, "but that's twice you've grabbed me without my say so. Not very knightly, is it? Next time, I may not be in such good spirits. I'd be absolutely ecstatic if you'd get me my damn food as recompense."

With Gerard grabbing her, Fionn glaring daggers at her, and now Nicomede stancing up next to her, it made her almost sick how quickly they jumped to Fanilly's defense in different ways.

Weaklings shouldn't be able to get the amount of devotion these knights obviously had towards their Captain. Weaklings get beat down and humiliated. Weaklings don't get to have affection. It was infuriating, and now she couldn't even kill her problem away. She regarded Nicomede.

"Hmph. As knights, you could stand to learn a little patience," she said as she side-eyed Fionn, her attitude having turned from volatile anger to simmering antagonism through her own contemplation of the current situation, "and while I won't be tricked into getting my own food, Gretchen will go along to make sure that whatever you all get for me isn't poisoned or spat in."

She turned, once more, to Fanilly.

"So, you've gone from scolding me to showing at least a little concern," she said, the barest hint of a smile creeping back up on her lips, "I'll take it, mistress."

The way she said 'mistress' was anything but sincere, but she was at least not spitting venom at the moment.

"Well, you've heard it already, but whatever. I'm Gertrude, and we're in the same boat. I don't really know what I'm doing here, either. I don't need to train or grow or anything, since I'm already great. I was just supposed to be a consultant, but I guess that's not enough for the old-"

Gertrude frowned. Could Merilia hear her here?

"For Merilia. But don't even try to get in her head. Witches don't think like people do. All you can really do is take her at face value, if you wanna get out of here sane."

Gertrude smugged and crossed her arms underneath her chest as she followed some relatively good advice with profoundly bad advice:

"And she said to look after me, so that's probably part of the package."
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