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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by VahkiDane
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Sergio della Gherardesca

For now I let the others take the lead with the questions - most of what I intended to ask the others had already gotten to. It is an odd thing, though, seeing a dead legend seemingly reanimated in front of your face for whatever test this is. The recent spell of magic spawned insanity is definitely starting to get at me.

"A meal before we embark is wise." I say, somewhat absent mindedly, agreeing with Gerard's pitch.

@HereComesTheSnow @VitaVitaAR @Raineh Daze
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 21 days ago

Steffen Gravinir

The Ingvarr's display would have normally been perplexity and mild annoyance at the utter disregard of personal will in these so-called tests, but that grueling grind of perpetual death the other night already dulled his sense of impertinence. For now, Steffen simply let that Knight-Witch speak her piece, her praises left for later, and the journey proceed in silent observance. It was definitely weird, and made little sense from the world he came from, but he expected nothing less from this pseudo-dreamworld, but he'd give it ample credits that it was quite vivid and full of creative imagination like the paintings she sent in. Even more vivid was the old legend Cyrus in front of everyone. Steffen had close to zero doubts that this was a brush stroke on Merilia's canvas, and that the real legend was indeed relegated to that of legends, but it was such a lifelike recreation that even a small part of him was skeptical this was simply a memory fragment.

His mentioning that everybody of his caliber was in this city, everybody except for Elionne and Tyaethe, sparked an interest in him. Ever since that night, the words of Erich continued to kite in his head at the least expected moments, the Erich that was created by the same Knight-Witch. Would he have the same recollection of that night then? What else does he have to say? The Ingvarr wanted to see him face to face, outside the bloods a battlefield where his mind would be sharp and reflection clear.

"Old man Erich is here, huh?" Steffen finally spoke up, stepping up from behind the group of knight, the deeper voice echoed a more serious aura compared to Cyrus and Fionn's more playful banters. "Am I going to have to find him myself? Or will there be directions?"

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 5 days ago

Fleuri Jodeau

As wild as it was at the thought of meeting the original Roses- or at least Merilia's dreams of them- it was probably a good idea to start figuring out more about this dream world. Fleuri opted to head to the library behind Sir Rolan. The other knight had expressed interest in looking over the maps, probably in hopes that the maps in this dream castle's library were an accurate depiction of the dream world. Cyrus' words implied that things shifted around though, so it wasn't impossible that the maps might show something completely different than the current state of the dream world.

Fleuri was a bit more interested in the other books, though. What sort of tomes and texts could be found in a centuries-old Witch's dream plane? Were they the same as those in the real Candaeln's library, or perhaps as they were when Merilia was an active member of the Roses back in the days of Elionne?

There was only one way to find out. Fleuri headed to where Cyrus had pointed them, hoping that the location stayed put like the ancient knight had assumed would happen. Once inside the library, it was easy enough to see Rolan, looking through the maps. He wasn't the only one here, however. There were two others in the room.

The first was unmistakable- Mirror Knight Florian. Unlike the last time Fleuri saw him, Florian was wearing fine clothing instead of armor, and he was with a Hundi, whom Fleuri presumed to be Raya. Or it might be Randon- as Lein had demonstrated at the ball, a male Hundi could look quite feminine in a dress.

"It's...good to see you again...Mirror Knight," Fleuri spoke somewhat stiltedly but sincerely, taken aback by running into the knight in his dream. "I found our duel very enlightening."

Fleuri was very curious as to whether these dream-knights remembered anything from the first dream. The answer would help a great deal to figure out what the knights were truly dealing with in this dreamscape.

@Raineh Daze@Eisenhorn
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 26 days ago

"If you are, it's only as a test of patience."

Nicomede's smile was easily the match of the little maid's (if that was really her job in life), but his might have had at least some sincerity. He stood equidistant between the maid and the Knight-Captain, albeit a step off to their sides, angled just a little towards the newcomer. He didn't block anyone, didn't even intrude upon their space, but just as surely his intent to separate them was clear.

He understood Gerard's reaction, as well as Sir Fionn's, but he didn't intend to be as confrontational. The Knight-Captain had slapped her down— much more politely than she could have— as was required, but he didn't have to escalate things. Actually, he didn't find Gertrude— that was how she had introduced herself, he remembered— troublesome at all. Little Lucia had a real talent for trouble in her youth, and a chip on her shoulder nearly the size of Gertrude's. A girl like this could escalate until judgement day if you gave her the fuel. Better to be calm.

Actually, the resemblance between the two of them was a little unnerving.

"But I think you're pretty practiced at testing that, right?" Nico actually chuckled. He had been feeling unbalanced, off of his axis, since arriving again in this place. Quelling bickering between these two— maybe four— brought him right back to center, a long forgotten feeling to set him back on his feet. "If you're feeling picky, how about you come with us humble knights to pick out your food. Gerard can probably protect me from kicked shins."

@Octo @HereComesTheSnow
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


"Oh? No, no, she's never done something like this before, or hasn't since long before our time," Florian answered, shaking his head, "I hope you won't mind if I show you the city first? Merilia didn't tell us anything about how your goal is to be accomplished, and better to make a day of exploring Talderia than to rush headlong into the wilderness."

On Fleuri's entrance, the hundi left the famous knight's arm, energetically darting from place to place to examine him before giving a satisfied hum. "This is the tournament knight, Flori?"

"Yes, that's the one."

"He doesn't look that impressive."

"Randon dearest, I've told you time and again that creativity and willpower are at least as impressive as technique. All the skill in the world may give you excellent results, but a repeat performance quickly grows stale without a willingness to thrust yourself into something novel.

"Now, I was just offering to show your compatriot around, Flower; you're more than welcome to join us. Perhaps you would like to remove that armour first? It looks to be a hot day."


"Ericht visits occasionally, but I think someone could show you to his townhouse. Shorty would be the best for that, but she's out..." Cyrus stroked his beard, "I can't say I've ever visited myself. I'm more interested in his countryside estates."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Fanilly found herself leaning back, her cheeks coloring somewhat as the maid leaned closer. Of course, her family's maids and the maids assigned to her were a familiar sight, but this unfamiliar girl dressed as a maid felt different somehow. In a manner that left Fanilly uncertain what to say.

She hesitated a moment, her cheeks growing redder, and quickly tried to make some distance between herself and the taller girl before considering what she'd say next.

"I, er, see...?"

Of course, the moment she said as much, Fanilly realized it didn't really make any sense at all. Especially given that the maid had been brought here in the first place, and introduced as requiring further experience. There had to be something else going on with her, wasn't there?

The witch-Knight had mentioned it was a request from her little sister, or something? Did she have any siblings...? The history books hadn't said anything about them, if she did, but it wasn't as if the written record necessarily recorded everything. Especially given that Merilia's personal history was shrouded in mystery.

She took a deep breath.

"I understand it may not seem like it, but you must be here for a reason. I don't think..." Fanilly trailed off for a moment. She still couldn't be certain exactly what was happening here, aside from it not being a dream. She'd learned of particularly powerful Fae being able to establish their own, closed-off spaces in which the logic of the world could be bent. Faerie Realms were rare, but they were a known phenomena. Was this something akin to that?

The Knight-Captain didn't know enough to say.

"I don't think you'd be caught up in this by accident, and the Knight-Witch mentioned something about more experience."

When Sir Cyrus spoke, she tensed for a moment. It was still hard to accept being in the presence of a living legend such as him, even if he'd proven himself to be every bit as friendly as the tales said.

"I-I understand," she replied, taken aback by the casual mention of Saint Elionne. Was she really here?

Fanilly wasn't certain she'd be able to handle meeting her if she was.

"For now, Sir Gerard is right," she added, trying to push that thought from her mind as she raised her voice, "It's for the best that we get something to eat. Whatever this test might be, we probably shouldn't undertake it with empty stomachs."

@Octo@The Otter@Raineh Daze@HereComesTheSnow
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rolan furrowed his brow when it was mentioned that they tour the city of Talderia. The city was in good order? Things were prior to the city sinking into the ground and becoming an eternal monster producing hole in the ground, and hearing that the dead legend knights, at least the Mirror Knight, had no idea of any of this sort of punched a hole in the theory that had been developing. Still, if the city was a resource and not a hurdle, well, all the better to get a grasp on what it could provide. "Considering my current theories hold about as much water as an paper sieve, a tour of Talderia would be a good first step."

Allowing the attention to shift to Fleuri, using the chance to gather more information. The Mirror Knight knew Fleuri, that implied the dream fights that, apparently, they had collectively had were remembered by the dead legends. That meant, should he cross paths with Parvan again, well, he would have to actually hold a conversation and trade blows and barbs. That was a concern he would need to mull over at a later time, as it was reiterated that the Mirror Knight had offered a tour of Talderia. Knowing the city before its fall, before its tragedy, could prove to be rather useful. The suggestion to remove one's armor almost brought a scoff from Rolan. One advantage to not prancing around in heavy armor all the time made it easy to shift from combat to patrol, to even wandering around during periods of downtime, without too much need to change things up that much. Still, another Rose would be very welcome, especially if Fleuri already had a rapport of sorts with the Mirror Knight.

"Commentary on attire aside, it is probably a smart idea to not wander off without at least someone else from our merry little band of those hand picked for additional training. Safety in numbers, as they say."

@Crimson Paladin @Raineh Daze
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Octo
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Octo Tentacular Cephalopod

Member Seen 3 days ago

That was the look Gertrude wanted.

The way Fanilly recoiled, the way she couldn't summon up words, the way she tried to put space between them.

The way her cheeks colored as Gertrude closed in.

This was the reality of the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights. Any confidence or authority she could affect was just a façade. This woman was a weakling at the core, and someone Gertrude could feel good looking down upon. She would give Fanilly no quarter. As the Knight-captain backed away, Gertrude-


Gertrude clicked her tongue as the man who had 'helped' her up earlier grabbed her collar to keep her away from Fanilly. If he had known who she was, he wouldn't have dared to grab her again. She wanted to teach him a lesson, but she was outnumbered.

Not outmatched, of course, but outnumbered. Theoretically infinitely. And all the spells she was interested in were for killing, and not subduing. Gertrude kills, and they come back. Over and over. Until she runs out of mana, if they were stubborn enough, and then she dies. Gertrude didn't like pain. It had been years since she'd had to deal with it, and she wasn't about to have to deal with it now.

"I'm glad you agree with me, Gerald," she practically growled, "but that's twice you've grabbed me without my say so. Not very knightly, is it? Next time, I may not be in such good spirits. I'd be absolutely ecstatic if you'd get me my damn food as recompense."

With Gerard grabbing her, Fionn glaring daggers at her, and now Nicomede stancing up next to her, it made her almost sick how quickly they jumped to Fanilly's defense in different ways.

Weaklings shouldn't be able to get the amount of devotion these knights obviously had towards their Captain. Weaklings get beat down and humiliated. Weaklings don't get to have affection. It was infuriating, and now she couldn't even kill her problem away. She regarded Nicomede.

"Hmph. As knights, you could stand to learn a little patience," she said as she side-eyed Fionn, her attitude having turned from volatile anger to simmering antagonism through her own contemplation of the current situation, "and while I won't be tricked into getting my own food, Gretchen will go along to make sure that whatever you all get for me isn't poisoned or spat in."

She turned, once more, to Fanilly.

"So, you've gone from scolding me to showing at least a little concern," she said, the barest hint of a smile creeping back up on her lips, "I'll take it, mistress."

The way she said 'mistress' was anything but sincere, but she was at least not spitting venom at the moment.

"Well, you've heard it already, but whatever. I'm Gertrude, and we're in the same boat. I don't really know what I'm doing here, either. I don't need to train or grow or anything, since I'm already great. I was just supposed to be a consultant, but I guess that's not enough for the old-"

Gertrude frowned. Could Merilia hear her here?

"For Merilia. But don't even try to get in her head. Witches don't think like people do. All you can really do is take her at face value, if you wanna get out of here sane."

Gertrude smugged and crossed her arms underneath her chest as she followed some relatively good advice with profoundly bad advice:

"And she said to look after me, so that's probably part of the package."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

Member Seen 30 min ago

Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@Octo@VitaVitaAR@HereComesTheSnow@Krayzikk@VahkiDane@Conscripts

Even knowing that Cyrus was looming behind him ready to grab at any moment (much like he had probably done with Tyaethe in the past, he had to guess) did nothing to diminish Fionn's desire to step in and chastise Gertrude for the way she was acting. At least one of his assumptions about the girl was rapidly proved correct as she began speaking, so consumed by her own sense of just how special she was that she couldn't even maintain her act. "Mayon save me, it's Clarice all over again," he muttered to himself. He'd had no desire to deal with such in their midst again so soon, but unsurprisingly, his desires mattered little to the universe around him or the witches that populated it.

"Well, Gertrude, I hope you can prove as capable as you say in something other than insulting our captain," he spoke in the silence following the woman's short, self-absorbed tantrum. "Or testing our patience, as Nicomede put it. I doubt Merilia would've dropped you here if that uniform and your tongue were the sum total of your skills, like. Otherwise you'll have to rely on Gerard keeping you out of trouble." He turned back to Cyrus, putting the recalcitrant girl out of his mind for the moment as best as he could.

"Any specific ideas where the others may be milling about? I've got to have a talk with Florian at some point while we're here."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Renar Hagen

This situation with their newest tagalong was rapidly devolving into a comedy. Or at least, it would be if Renar couldn't see where this was going. While he'd prefer that Fanilly have handled the situation more firmly, at the end of the day, it didn't matter all too much. That said, it'd be best if someone impressed certain information upon the girl before she did something particularly stupid. Sun and Moon, not even Serenity was this willfully obstinate regarding the captain.

"Let me handle this." Renar murmured aside to Fionn, giving his friend a firm pat on the shoulder before striding up on towards Gertrude.

"Gertrude, was it? Walk with me for a moment." He leaned in closely, speaking quietly so that the others couldn't overhear.

"Frankly, you should be grateful that the Knight-Captain is as...lenient as she is. Were some other people in her position," No points for guessing what other alternative there would be. "They wouldn't have quite tolerated such disrespect so nearly as well. So thank the goddesses that Captain Fanilly is a decent sort. Now, I'd invite you to think very carefully as to the opportunity you have here. Association with the Iron Rose conveys many benefits, both direct and indirect. If the Knight-Witch sent you to aid us, you may as well have carte blanche to join the order. After all, you have to be useful in some capacity. Now, ask yourself if you truly want to offend the person who has final say on whether you get a generous stipend, fine quarters, and finer food." His smile didn't quite meet his eyes.

"Moreover, even should you continue on with us with your attitude, ask yourself if any of the rest of us will be willing to tolerate it overmuch once we're out of a situation where death isn't final." Renar backed away, his smile more threatening than comforting. "Food for thought, as it were."

@Octo @The Otter
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


The blond man ducked briefly to look outside, gauging the position of the sun in the sky. "Maybe still in bed...? I don't know what sort of night he had. I don't think anybody will have gone down to the city yet."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 5 days ago

Fleuri Jodeau

Fascinating, Fleuri mused- whether or not this Florian was the real Mirror Knight, he remembered. More than just remembered- judging by what Randon had said, Florian had spoken of the experience to another in the dreamscape. Speaking of Randon, he couldn't help but be amused at the thought that Lein wasn't the first male Hundi Iron Rose to put on a dress and make the look work.

The ancient knight's words were no less fascinating. Fleuri had for some time looked at his past tournament history with some shame, despite the considerable benefits it had yielded for him. At the time of Fleuri's knighting, his mentor offered to put a good word in with the Roses and ensure that their unsung two-man crusade against the necromancers during the war would be taken into account with the order. In other words, he could've joined the Roses right away and started fighting the good fight. However, between the war ending and being put off at how heroism and merit meant nothing in the Roses when it came to who would succeed the fallen Captain, he had opted to fight for himself instead.

Up until meeting Florian, he had been hesitant to look upon his tournament career with anything other than regret. But if Florian approved of the diverse avenues of combat that Fleuri had pursued, just maybe he was looking at this the wrong way.

"I'll certainly join you," he replied to Florian's offer. "Where might I leave my armor?"

@Eisenhorn@Raineh Daze
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 26 days ago

"There wouldn't be a lot of point in poisoning it, would there?" Nicomede mused out loud. "Not here, at least. Aside from satisfaction, maybe."

"That's progress, at least. Right, Gerard?"

@Octo @HereComesTheSnow
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Octo
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Octo Tentacular Cephalopod

Member Seen 3 days ago

Gertrude smirked at Fionn.

"Finally got up the courage to say something to my face, huh? Well, while my tongue is skilled and I do look amazing in this uniform, that doesn't even nip at the ankles of my prowess. But given what I've seen so far from you blackguards, my uniform alone clears the lot of you anyways."

And with that rude and self-aggrandizing comment hanging in the air like a series of aggressive coughs at a funeral, she humored Renar by lending him her ear, and was actually quite pleased by what he had to say. Finally, someone who was borderline straightforward in their threats. She nodded, oddly politely for her, and whispered back.

"Yes, your captain seems... sweet," she started, her choice of words very conspicuous, "and you're right. I could use the Roses. But I have no intention of heeling like a dog. I'll play along as it benefits me, but I am not fond of leashes."

Gertrude smiled wider. It was her turn to return threats with threats.

"But you and me... we're on the same page when it comes to Merilia's magical deathless playland. Though when the fighting inevitably comes about, I'll let you decide who should be scared of whom."

As Gertrude was having fun with Renar, Gretchen got to her feet shakily, like a newborn fawn. The walk had worn on her far worse than Gertrude, so she propped herself up with the broomstick. Gertrude and Gretchen had silently decided to let her take the broom for now, in case she needed to protect herself. She'd need the extra mana.

With a displeased expression that was only a shadow of Gertrude's, she hiked over to the Nicomede and Gerard group. She addressed Nicomede, rolling her eyes.

"No death doesn't mean no pain, and some poisons aren't quick. That's something we should all keep in mind, going forward," she said oddly helpfully, "anyways, you two lead the way."

...Because if there were any traps, those two would be the ones getting blown up.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Gerard Segremors

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Krayzikk@Octo

Somewhere in the realm of the second scolding starting up, Gerard’s response was to loose a breath as he continued his “ornery cat” treatment, setting Gertrude down with little in the way of fanfare. True to metaphor, her feet caught her well enough, leaving the knight to eye her warily as Renar swooped in to say his own piece, the pair of them in lockstep before he knew it.

“We’ll have to take what we can get.” he intoned ruefully to Sir Nicomede a moment later, Fionn’s veiled threat ringing in his mind more than it seemed to in hers. “She’s a stubborn one. More like me than different, there. We rural folk don’t change our minds easy.”

The spark of recognition had been mutual between them, though he'd spent longer tempering his expectations. His prior life had seen his ability to read body language, the subtle postural and gestural differences between people, honed to a razor's edge to account for every important person keeping their face behind a blank slate of blackened leather. Gertrude, whether she intended to or otherwise, couldn't hide the way she carried herself.

"By your leave, Ma'am." he then said to Fanilly, inclining his head and electing to ignore the flush of her cheeks. Pretty a girl she may have been, but he was quietly thankful that this hadn't gotten too distracting for their commanding officer. In this world, that would have been a hell of a weak point that enemies could potentially exploit... In any event, such would be why Captains had lieutenants, and other advisors. For now,

He turned those same analytical eyes to the mirror image in front of him, no doubt a twin save for perhaps her muted personality. Looking her up and down for a moment, the poor girl turned in a sorrier sight than her lively sister. Weak at the knees, leaning on the broom, barely caring to muster her retort beyond a caution that may well apply to all present...

"Right, let's get going. You look like you need food more than anyone. Lean on us if you need to."

In earnest, Gerard set off, leading the two blondes and whomever elected to tail them down a familiar path, towards blessed sustenance. While on his own he would have stomped through at a concerted march, possibly breaking into a jog, he kept things to an easy amble to account for Gretchen's fatigue.

They came upon the kitchens in short order, the exterior mess sparsely populated at the moment save for a unremarkable figures, one emerald-haired and dress-clad Hundi... and a pair of unmistakable figures, each carrying the same fidelity as Agrahn had in Gerard's prior dream. His eyes narrowed, pensive, as they drew upon them in their approach. One of these was an honored founder, whose legend was unassailable as it was an ongoing inspiration.

The other...

"Sir Edwin. Sir Parvan. It's an honor to meet you both." he said, certain to address them at the very least. If Sir Cyrus was here in this dream as he was in his prime... then Gerard had to imagine that this would be the maligned half of the brothers (at the very least in all but name, Gerard had always heard it told as them sharing blood) before he had turned upon the Order. If he were still worthy of being within this dream, then he was doubtless still worthy of, at very least, this much respect.

Ideally, he'd get the pleasantries out of the way quickly. Gretchen looked like she needed beef and barley the way most people needed air in their lungs every couple of seconds, and while he had plenty of questions from his childhood days bubbling beneath the surface, he had a job to get done first. As he understood it, the Founders were expecting them anyway— they'd be there when provisions were set.

This smelled all wrong, personally. If this was to train them when they had such legendary figures as even mere assistance... they needed everyone at the top of their games before tackling the city.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

At the Chapel

Amy watched quietly as Sergio slowly unwrapped the fabric covering the delicious treat, revealing to the sweet-toothed half-demon a tasty looking brick of tiramisu. Her eyes lit up immediately, thoughts ablaze with the delicious flavors she'd experience if she took a bite of it. A soft blush slowly formed on her cheeks as she looked back up at Sergio and his half-brother, feeling just a tiny bit uncomfortable as she was presented such a gift in front of a Knight she'd just met, and her grumpy vampire superior/bestie. For a moment the thought of refusing the gift formulated in her mind, but she quickly dismissed it as she found herself too attracted to the sweet smell of the fresh pastry to say no.

"Ah! F-for me?" With a shy smile she'd tilt her head to the side a little and gently put her hands together. "Thank you Sergio, you really shouldn't have. It wasn't that long ago that I ate some, uh..." Maybe admitting to her "crime" of stealing pastries in front of Tyaethe wasn't the best idea, even if she doubted the girl would care. She wasn't that hungry, but that Tiramisu was looking reeeeaaaalllly good. "Nevermind~ If you and your brother, sorry, half-brother, baked it for me, I can't refuse, now can I?"

Smooth going Amy. Now they DEFINITELY won't figure out that in fact you are dying to give it a taste. With an almost invisible smug smirk on her lips, Amy grabbed a little piece of the tiramisu, and mumbled a quiet excuse me as she tasted the creamy dessert.

Suffice to say, it was enough for Sergio to score a point with Amy. Anything even remotely sweet was a surefire way to earn the half-demon's goodwill, and something as delicious and soothing as tiramisu would go a long way to impress her. Cleric or not, Amy wasn't above worldly delights, especially not this one. As she got a good taste of the sweet dessert, she let out a happy little moan before clapping her hands politely as a smile flashed across her lips. "Wow, that was really delicious! Hope you don't mind if I taste-test the rest of it, haha~" She put her hands lightly on Sergio's shoulders as she giggled a little at her own joke, before she stared into the Knight's eyes for a brief moment. "Thank you Sergio, that's a very sweet gift! I appreciate it! If you keep baking delicious sweets like this, I can tell you and I will be on great terms~"

With the rest of the knights leaving the chapel, Amy sat on one of the pews beside Sergio, and spent the next few minutes making some small-talk with him. Certainly, the tiramisu was the highlight of the day for her, but she definitely appreciated the time she spent with her fellow knights and getting to know them, especially the ones who made her tasty treats. Perhaps Tyaethe was right, she was still young and new to the knights; with time she'd make plenty of friends with her fellow knights.

In the Dreamscape

A dusty plateau under a pale blue sky. She didn't recognize this place. It felt... off somehow. Like when she was projecting in a dream. Or when she tried to take a deep dive into someone's mind. A sensation akin to floating in water, senses dulled even if the mind was sharp. Or maybe the other way around? Whatever it was, something weighed on her, like a heavy hand on a shoulder as it made itself known without outright trying to suffocate her.

Maybe she was just finally getting used to overbearing emotions and thoughts after the last two massacres she was a witness to, but this time there wasn't any blood. Or even hostility. Just serene, peaceful... choking silence. Amy had plenty of questions, but she found herself unable to speak as she finally got up on her feet and spotted the rest of the knights. All familiar faces, those she'd spent her last few weeks with in and out of missions. She expected them to seem equally confused and disoriented, but it became immediately clear that none of them seemed too bothered by their predicament. Clearly she was the only one truly surprised, and most infuriatingly, she couldn't ask questions. Even her mental powers were obfuscated by whatever was in the air around them, though slowly she was able to tune that out and start making sense of what was going on.

But then, a woman appeared, and the mystery of their current predicament became a little less confusing. Whatever she was feeling until now, it was linked directly to the aura of this woman. With a clear source in sight, and a pattern of sorts that she could identify, it was much easier to drown out the almost static-like noise of emotions and thoughts that she was feeling before. Like surfacing from a lake, she finally felt free, her mind focused and her own again.

Giving her newfound attention to the Witch, Amy didn't learn nearly as much as she had hoped. Indeed, she found herself having many, many more questions. She realized that she knew woefully little about the history of the knights and about the name being mentioned, though a few rang bells in her mind. Maybe she should've listened more when these things were explained to her, but she never was a fan of memorizing people she hasn't met before: the emotions of people made for a far easier method of remembering them than their name and who they were (as told by others).

In the end, all that she could surmise was that they were brought here to get stronger... and to babysit a surprise guest. Er... two of them. Forgetting the part about potentially dying several times and having to face tough challenges, allegations Amy found to be a bit overly dramatic, she was extremely confused as she tried to approach the two girls. She was hoping she could make friends with these... twins, but as she approached there was something weird with them. They felt like the exact same person, down to the very last detail of their auras that she could detect. Their emotions were in constant flux all the time though, and they didn't match up like they should've if this was some sort of powerful illusion magic. It's like she was faced with a single personality, but two distinct bodies with their own emotions. Or maybe it really was twins who were incredibly similar? No, that couldn't be...

"... what in Mayon's name is going on?" A quiet mutter under her breath, Amy decided that this mystery was one she'd better look into once they were in a safe space, and for now assumed that there was some magical trickery going on that was connected to the dreamscape. If the Witch could take all of them into this weird dreamscape built from memories, then maybe she could just as easily obfuscate the magic around people two make them appear like the same person. If she did her research, then the Witch would've known about her powers after all. And even if that wasn't the case, whatever magic was the cause of the uncanny similarity between the twins, it didn't change the fact that it made her job somewhat easier if she wanted to find them, as she only had one signature to look for and she'd find them both. Awkward as it was to get used to constantly sensing two of the same person, by the time they had reached Candaeln, she had gotten somewhat used to it.

Which was great, because everything felt off about this place. It was simultaneously just like the place she was used to, but it carried an entirely different atmosphere with it. If this was built from memories, then Candaeln used to be a VERY different place in the past. Hard to decide if that was for the better or worse, but perhaps she was a bit biased towards what she was familiar with.

For the best part of the conversation Amy was spacing off, trying to make sense of their current predicament, and looking out for any trouble. But she couldn't sense anything just yet, the knights of old seemed as genuine and helpful as they claimed themselves to be. However, what wasn't helpful was the incessant ramblings of the new girl. By now, Amy had dashed any hopes of making friends with her... them, and she uttered a silent prayer to Mayon, hoping she wasn't this annoying when she first joined the Knights.

She was content with observing from afar for the most part, but even she got upset when Gertrude spoke to Fanilly the way she did. More disrespect than even she could tolerate with her whimsical personality. Seeing Fion seethe with rage and Renar trying take the girl to the side to talk some sense into her (and failing), it made her realize that she can't exactly stand by idly. It wasn't exactly her responsibility to teach people manners, and she also didn't expect her words to change the behavior of this bratty girl, but at the very least she could keep her fellow knights from possibly murdering this person within a short timeframe.

Sliding beside Fionn, she waited until the knight was done talking with Cyrus (who's imposing stature definitely scared Amy despite his calm demeanor), and placed a hand on his fellow Rose's shoulder. "Sir Fionn, I sense a terrible pressure inside of you. I know you feel strongly about discipline and manners, I've seen it last time, but I suggest you avert your mind from Gertrude's rude behavior. People like her thrive on interaction. Starve her of words she can cut into, and you'll find her a manageable nuisance, rather than a babbling menace." Amy offered her kindest smile to Fionn, doing her best to lift his spirits and make him forget about his previous annoyance before lightly patting his arm and taking a step back. "I'll see what I can do about her with Renar. But if you ever feel your heart fill with anger, don't be afraid about coming to me. I know a few quick prayers that will clear your mind and cleanse the hate, just like that~" She explained and snapped her fingers, and a delicate flower wreath appeared on top of Fionn's head. Simple and unobtrusive by design, it had just enough flair to it so that the knight wouldn't immediately discard it. Of course, not like she could, or would, try to stop him if he did.

Waving a quick goodbye to Fionn, she turned her attention to Renar and Gertrude, biting her lips in anxiety as she approached the two. It only lasts but a moment, before she put on her best smile once more, humming quietly as she stops beside Renar. She mused over placing her hand on his shoulders too, to show Gertrude that she was standing against the whole team with her rude behavior, but Amy honestly couldn't decide if she was more afraid of Renar, or failing to do anything in the situation.

"A new member, I see~ And already fitting in quite nicely to boot!" Amy teased lightly as she politely bowed towards Gerturde before she looked up at Renar. "Sir Renar, there's no need to try and scare our newest member on her first mission, especially in such a weird dreamscape as this one. I'm sure that she is merely unaware of our etiquette, and feels out of place with so many armed knights who seem out to get her at the slightest slip of the tongue." Whether or not she was doing it on purpose, it wasn't clear whether or not Amy's words were meant to be sarcasm, or a genuine concern for the other girl. "I think it's best we forgive and forget, and have a fresh new start without all this unnecessary..." She stopped for a second as she looked off to the side, and waved her hand in a circle as she was trying to find the words. "Let's call it spite. Hostility is such a strong word for a friendly spat like this, right Renar?" She asked, looking once more up at the knight for support, though she very much expected him to counter with much stronger words. She never took Renar for the type to say more than he needed to, much less try to obfuscate the true meaning of his words. She respected that, but at the same time, she knew some situations required a more... delicate touch.

"Anyways, I think everyone should forget about leashes and orders, and just focus on the task at hand." Amy clasped her hands together and smiled brightly at Gertrude. "Do you want me to show you around? I might not be a veteran like the others, but I know my way around Candaeln, even if this version is a bit different. Plus, I doubt anyone wants a guided tour from Renar, he's much too..." Amy stopped for a moment as she looked back at Renar, sizing him up for a second as she deliberately made a concerned expression before turning back to Gertrude. "Tense. Of course, I'm sure that a capable wizard like you who's trusted to be able to keep up with the Roses doesn't need guidance, but it never hurts to ask. Part of being a knight, and all~"

@Octo@Psyker Landshark@The Otter

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Renar Hagen

Cocky little bint. Renar afforded Gertrude an amused smirk. At least he understood where she was coming from. Give someone a taste of power and they think they're on top of the world. Was this why Merilla stuck her in with the Roses? To give her a taste of humility? Well, it wasn't much of his problem in the end, barring the girl's attitude.

"We're all bound to one sort of shackle or another. That's reality. If you were a free woman, would you be placed in this situation by Merilla?" His smile turned bitter.

Speaking of attitude, their latest recruit before this one was trying to salvage the situation. Hah. Good luck with that. If the demon girl didn't command mind magics, he wouldn't be able to take her seriously at all. Fortunate for her that she did, then.

"Oh, I've no problem with this fresh start of yours." Renar kept his insincere smile up as he glanced at Amy. "As to whether she does, well, I see you've so graciously volunteered to find out." Something he heard barely in earshot afforded him an opportunity to wash his hands of this whole mess for now. Let Amy deal with the little harpy. Sufficient payback for the nonsense with his cloak the last time they rode out from Candaeln. "I'm merely going to join my good friend Ser Gerard for a bite to eat. Try not to call anyone a dunce or anything sufficiently offensive in that regard, Dame Amy."

With that said, Renar turned with a swish of his cloak and made his way towards Gerard, falling in step beside him.

"Right, I tried." He murmured aside to his friend as they walked. "The bloody girl better be useful, if she's going to be like this."

Upon arrival in the kitchens, Renar's expression turned stony as he beheld who was awaiting them. Oh, Sir Parvan wasn't an issue, but...

"Edwin." He said flatly, not even affording him a knight's honorific. "Do try not to assault my ears with anything particularly idiotic this time, would you? I may test that ability to not die in here just to escape your blathering."

@Octo @6slyboy6 @HereComesTheSnow @Raineh Daze
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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"So, now that's done," Cyrus said, smiling at them again, "Is there anything the rest of you want to get to?"


"Safety? It might be a big city, but it's just... people," Randon said, vaguely outlining the shape of a person with his hands. "Even if you keep getting robbed in Aimlenn, it's not like anybody's going to start something with Flori and me with you."

"Yes, the city is quite safe, your challenge can only lie beyond it," Florian said, nodding, "If you leave your armour here, then I'm sure a servant will take it to the rooms assigned to your cohort. Or I could show you to a room myself, if you'd like...?"


With a sigh, most of the players placed their cards down, the small pile on the table pushed over towards the blue-haired man--on closer inspection, and once he started eating one of them, it seemed that they had been betting with some form of layered pastry, cut into small squares, slightly oozing honey and... that was probably cheese. Now busy chewing, Parvan didn't immediately respond, just giving Gerard a jaunty wave.

"Not really the response I was expecting..." Edwin muttered, visibly rolling his eyes at Renar's interjection, "That's more like it. Don't worry about me, it's Cyrus who's going to get on your case if you're not careful."

"So, you're the knights we're supposed to help?" Parvan picked up, mouth now free of the sticky cake, "We could work something out once you've eaten. Or you could join us."

He gestured towards the cards, off-handedly knocking the now-pouting Hundi's hand away from the cake pile, "Most of the food the cooks have should be familiar, but they like to experiment with Talderian recipes."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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"I haven't forgotten what a person looks like, broadly speaking, I just tend to forget things are cleaner here. Never was much of a city person, out in the country was far preferrable."

Adjusting the clasp on his cloak, he made sure everything on hand was in good shape to head out and see the sights. Of course, he had no intention of changing or leaving any of his gear behind. Never knew when things would become problematic, and when you would need your gear. Even if death lacked penalty, he was not in the mood to be testing that unless he had to. He died plenty enough in the first dream for his liking. Besides, despite being 'just people', effectively every problem he ever had, does, or will deal with was because of people, so that didn't exactly instill confidence, though he wouldn't show that of course.

"I'll stay here until we are ready to depart for the city. The maps might be worth less than I would have liked, but I am sure I can find something of value while waiting."

Rolan turned back towards the scattered maps on the table, tidying up a bit before starting to dig through more practical books. If the east was anything, broadly speaking, like it was in the waking world than he could look into what would be useful for survival and living off the land in said climate. He didn't assume the luxury of always operating out of Candaeln, especially if they, as a group, were going to be marching 'off the map', as it were, so being able to forage and identify anything of value survival wise would be useful. Living out in the woods as a single person wasn't the trickiest, providing for a warband would be....harder. Better to be prepared early, and supplement anything they took with them with forage on the march.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Renar Hagen

"Tch," Renar didn't let up his glare towards Edwin. "I'll train with whom I'm bid to, though it would be more motivating to spite you. Any idea when they actually begin to intend to instruct us?"

He glanced aside to Gerard for a moment.

"I never did give you the specifics of my little run-in with the most mischaracterized villain in written history, did I? As it turns out, him being a vile arch-traitor is somewhat of an exaggeration by the victors, likely to preserve the fool's own dignity. If Merilla's recollection here is accurate, Edwin was a bloody idiot that threw away everything he'd already had and accomplished for even loftier ideals that had no basis in reality. Somewhere in there is something of an abject lesson, I would think."

Renar gave his friend a meaningful look at that. If anything, Edwin was an example of when not to dream too grandly. Gerard's idealism was fine enough on its own, but only because Gerard knew the way of the world at the end of the day. Edwin tried to force the world to conform to him, and look what happened.

"In any case," He addressed Parvan this time. "This is a dream realm. Do we even feel hunger or require sustenance while we're locked in Merilla's play pen?"

@Octo @6slyboy6 @HereComesTheSnow @Raineh Daze
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