Uzeokigia Dynasty
:Royals & Leaders:
High King Mithra Aeynore & High Queen Urricea Aeynore
The Three seekers of magic
High King Mithra Aeynore & High Queen Urricea Aeynore
The Three seekers of magic
This dynasty has changed many times with many different families, murders, marriages, life, and death. The rulers of the kingdom in the trees are the Aeynore's who have been ruling for around a thousand years; bloodline-wise. Before and during the consumption of war 'The Void' the kingdom participated in worldly affairs.
While many were slaughtered because of the extreme war and the original kingdom burned to the ground, the royal family saw their defeat with many others that still stood beside them. This caused the council to come together and discuss their options. While discussing and figuring out their options, no one knows what happened to the Dynasty of Aeynore. The high elves, magical creatures, and others that live beside them decided to disappear without a trace into the darker parts of the forest.
Upon disappearing into such dangerous parts of the forest, many died to get to the spot the new kingdom is at, which the outer world is very oblivious to. The High King and Queen of this dynasty thought it would be best to disappear from the outer world for a while for their future children's sake and others. This took away the roles of the kingdom in helping heal other alliance soldiers and fighting alongside other nations.
After disappearing was the time that all the kingdom considered "The peace", since no outside forces could wreck their new ways of life or bother it in any way.
While many were slaughtered because of the extreme war and the original kingdom burned to the ground, the royal family saw their defeat with many others that still stood beside them. This caused the council to come together and discuss their options. While discussing and figuring out their options, no one knows what happened to the Dynasty of Aeynore. The high elves, magical creatures, and others that live beside them decided to disappear without a trace into the darker parts of the forest.
Upon disappearing into such dangerous parts of the forest, many died to get to the spot the new kingdom is at, which the outer world is very oblivious to. The High King and Queen of this dynasty thought it would be best to disappear from the outer world for a while for their future children's sake and others. This took away the roles of the kingdom in helping heal other alliance soldiers and fighting alongside other nations.
After disappearing was the time that all the kingdom considered "The peace", since no outside forces could wreck their new ways of life or bother it in any way.
The Kingdom of Peace and the Dynasty of Aeynore is a peaceful place hidden away from the rest of the world. Self-sufficient and completely stable in the way of life. Living off the nature around them, co-existing with the wild animals and plant life, the people of the Peaceful Kingdom make everything from scratch.
Additional Information:
Different Locations of the Kingdom -

The Cursed Forest is a very common child's tale when it comes to the stories about it. Many ruins can be seen from the woodline, magical creatures, rare and unique wild beasts, and dangerous man-eating plant life live in the forest. A beautiful forest that holds the ruins of the old Kingdom before it burned down during the war. Already the vegetation has consumed the majority of the ruins from the conflict and has taken its property back to nature.
The entrance in the forest is hard to see, somebody that excels at arcana would have to work their eyes and fingers into the magic symbols of the tree portals/entrances.
Most stay out of the forest because of what they fear, the fate that is destined for them if they cross the woodline of the Cursed forest. Many tell tales of how they have almost died from hideous and horrendous creatures while in the forest. Others tell stories of how they know somebody that went into the forest and never came back.
Only the elves and other species that live in the forest know how to track through it without touching or running into dangerous animal or plant varieties.

The Kingdom of Peace is high up in the ancient trees of the Cursed forest. This technique and building style help keep people alive and away from the dangers that lurk on the ground especially at night.

The palace holds the royal family and whoever else decides to take shelter in the Kingdom of Peace. Throughout the years many have accidentally come across the hidden kingdom.
The giant tree that holds its place as the capital of the kingdom is called "Mother" by all. A mother tree that holds spiritual powers, protects the ones that live in the peaceful kingdom, teaches the healers her ways, and allows all different living things to reside inside of her.
Healers live inside the Mother tree to learn her advanced ways of healing people not only physically but mentally and emotionally. This is how the elven healers learned how to advance their healing past the physical threshold.

The Banner is of the old kingdom, they kept the style as the memory of their roots and origin. This has been the same banner for centuries before the old kingdom burned down. Anyone in the world that has one is ruined, unlike the people that come from the Peaceful Kingdom.
Prince "General" Kivessin Aeynore

High Elf
High Elf
Many do not know more than the surface when it comes to Kivessin Aeynore; keeping to himself or his family member(s) most of the time. He is a proud high elf that strives for excellence in whatever he does. This might cause some egotistical manners to come out of him especially if people get him drinking.
In his book, elves are the better species of the planet, but he usually doesn't vocalize this for no reason. This might cause natural conflict with other species/races, but he tries to ignore the thoughts of elves being better.
Many do not know more than the surface when it comes to Kivessin Aeynore; keeping to himself or his family member(s) most of the time. He is a proud high elf that strives for excellence in whatever he does. This might cause some egotistical manners to come out of him especially if people get him drinking.
In his book, elves are the better species of the planet, but he usually doesn't vocalize this for no reason. This might cause natural conflict with other species/races, but he tries to ignore the thoughts of elves being better.
It is not a common thing to be born without magical powers, but Kivessin was. A lot say that them being born in the cursed forest caused such a curse, a high elf to be without any abilities. This caused Kivessin to strive for greatness in the arts of fighting and war. Even this was off for everyone in the kingdom of peace, usually asking the young elf why he needs to practice for such things as war. Being smart on his feet, he would always reply with "Why do we have guards, soldiers? War can come."
Advancing in swordsmanship of double-blades and archery. He has been practicing hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, archery, and stealth since a young age. All of this work was structured along with his other studies, writing, reading, intellect, reasonability, rationality, tactics, cartography, and much more.
Prince Kivessin Aeynore has made his parents very proud even though he has no magic compared to them or his twin sister. This has pushed him to strive to become the best general the kingdom of peace will ever know or have; he will be ready if anything happens.
It is not a common thing to be born without magical powers, but Kivessin was. A lot say that them being born in the cursed forest caused such a curse, a high elf to be without any abilities. This caused Kivessin to strive for greatness in the arts of fighting and war. Even this was off for everyone in the kingdom of peace, usually asking the young elf why he needs to practice for such things as war. Being smart on his feet, he would always reply with "Why do we have guards, soldiers? War can come."
Advancing in swordsmanship of double-blades and archery. He has been practicing hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, archery, and stealth since a young age. All of this work was structured along with his other studies, writing, reading, intellect, reasonability, rationality, tactics, cartography, and much more.
Prince Kivessin Aeynore has made his parents very proud even though he has no magic compared to them or his twin sister. This has pushed him to strive to become the best general the kingdom of peace will ever know or have; he will be ready if anything happens.
Skills & Abilities
- Short and/or light blades
- Double bladed
- Daggers
- Double bladed
- Daggers
- Creating and understanding maps
- Short or long-range
- Longbow
- Shortbow (more experience)
- Longbow
- Shortbow (more experience)
- War tactics and strategy
Weaknesses & Flaws
- Thinking High and other elves are the better species
- Emotionless and strong-headed
- Pride
- Emotionless and strong-headed
- Pride
Princess "High Healer" Aelua Aeynore

High Elf
High Elf
A lot cannot be assumed when you first see Aelua Aeynore, but two things you will never forget are that she is extremely kind and has no cultural bounds even to the elves. A natural-born healer, she stands mainly for all the innocent and wild creatures in the world and will even stop to heal others that she believes needs it even if they are by blood her enemy.
Brave naively and impulsively, Aelua knows what she has to do versus what others want her to do, nature calls to her, she can hear the wildlife ask for her help, and the winds of fate pull her away to help others.
Her forthright nature is what many cherish her for. Aelua cares too much and has a bigger heart than she should, she will listen to others when needed, try to heal their mental, physical, or emotional states any way she can.
Nobody's perfect of course and Aelua has conflicting natures when it comes to people. She is sometimes too passionate when it comes to people hurting animals for no reason in her eyes, somewhat over-emotional at times, and a childish mentality that can turn shallow.
Fortunately, her curiosity chines brighter on most days.
A lot cannot be assumed when you first see Aelua Aeynore, but two things you will never forget are that she is extremely kind and has no cultural bounds even to the elves. A natural-born healer, she stands mainly for all the innocent and wild creatures in the world and will even stop to heal others that she believes needs it even if they are by blood her enemy.
Brave naively and impulsively, Aelua knows what she has to do versus what others want her to do, nature calls to her, she can hear the wildlife ask for her help, and the winds of fate pull her away to help others.
Her forthright nature is what many cherish her for. Aelua cares too much and has a bigger heart than she should, she will listen to others when needed, try to heal their mental, physical, or emotional states any way she can.
Nobody's perfect of course and Aelua has conflicting natures when it comes to people. She is sometimes too passionate when it comes to people hurting animals for no reason in her eyes, somewhat over-emotional at times, and a childish mentality that can turn shallow.
Fortunately, her curiosity chines brighter on most days.
Aelua is the younger twin of Kivessin and the only daughter of the royal Aeynore bloodline. A princess of a forgotten kingdom, she was the only one in birth to be pleased with magical abilities. Being the one that was easier, she grew up in the Mother tree learning the process of healing from the ancient one. This specialized type of schooling along the basic necessities caused the young girl to practice for perfection; perfection came easy to this young elf.
Over the years she became one of the highest healers known in the kingdom of Peace, a handful of others, including the Mother would stand beside her in accomplishment. In the hidden kingdom she feels like she is held captive from the outside world. The only things she knows about the outer world are from the books, scrolls, and elders' stories of what it was like outside.
Extremely protected, she usually stays in the Mother, as she practices her magic and daydreams of somewhere else. This somewhere else is so close but far at the same time; Aelua is glad to have her brother to fulfill some of that daydreaming. He sometimes brings her out into the Cursed forest to hunt, practice, and have some fun. Other than that the guards or sometimes their parents stop them from their mischievous adventures.
Aelua is the younger twin of Kivessin and the only daughter of the royal Aeynore bloodline. A princess of a forgotten kingdom, she was the only one in birth to be pleased with magical abilities. Being the one that was easier, she grew up in the Mother tree learning the process of healing from the ancient one. This specialized type of schooling along the basic necessities caused the young girl to practice for perfection; perfection came easy to this young elf.
Over the years she became one of the highest healers known in the kingdom of Peace, a handful of others, including the Mother would stand beside her in accomplishment. In the hidden kingdom she feels like she is held captive from the outside world. The only things she knows about the outer world are from the books, scrolls, and elders' stories of what it was like outside.
Extremely protected, she usually stays in the Mother, as she practices her magic and daydreams of somewhere else. This somewhere else is so close but far at the same time; Aelua is glad to have her brother to fulfill some of that daydreaming. He sometimes brings her out into the Cursed forest to hunt, practice, and have some fun. Other than that the guards or sometimes their parents stop them from their mischievous adventures.
:Skills & Abilities:
Communicating with animals and nature -
Healing Abilities -
__Full Understanding__
__Work in Progress__
__Has no idea what she should do/unhealable to her knowledge/unhealable to others knowledge__
The more that people/Aelua allows herself to do above the skill level of 'Full Understanding' can tire her out, hurt her, cause her to bring that issue upon herself, or even death.
If she attempts to do things above the 2nd skill level, she would result in herself in a coma, death, or worse.
Communicating with animals and nature -
- Aelua can talk, understand, and communicate with any animal
- She only can talk and understand only trees when it comes to plants
- She can listen and hear what the winds of fate want her to do, but she cannot communicate at all with this spiritual happening.
- She only can talk and understand only trees when it comes to plants
- She can listen and hear what the winds of fate want her to do, but she cannot communicate at all with this spiritual happening.
Healing Abilities -
__Full Understanding__
- Physical Wounds: Abrasions, Lacerations, and punctures. First to second-degree burns of any kind.
- Mental Wounds: Can ease or make headaches, migraines, ghost-pains, and nightmares disappear for a decent amount of time.
- Emotional Wounds: Can ease emotions for only a short period of time.
- Mental Wounds: Can ease or make headaches, migraines, ghost-pains, and nightmares disappear for a decent amount of time.
- Emotional Wounds: Can ease emotions for only a short period of time.
__Work in Progress__
- Physical Wounds: Avulsions, 3rd-degree burns of any kind, nervous system issues
- Mental Wounds: Can ease Anxieties (panic attacks and anxiety attacks), stress, nervous system issues
- Emotional: Heavier emotions/is beginning to ease emotions for a longer period of time
- Mental Wounds: Can ease Anxieties (panic attacks and anxiety attacks), stress, nervous system issues
- Emotional: Heavier emotions/is beginning to ease emotions for a longer period of time
__Has no idea what she should do/unhealable to her knowledge/unhealable to others knowledge__
- Physical Wounds: 4th-degree burns, amputations of any kind, cancers/cancer-like illnesses, severe internal wounds. Blind, deaf, mute.
- Mental Wounds: Mental illnesses, phobias, personalities, and anything that could change you as a person/living thing
- Emotional Wounds: Trauma, scars, PTSD & similar problems, and personality
- Mental Wounds: Mental illnesses, phobias, personalities, and anything that could change you as a person/living thing
- Emotional Wounds: Trauma, scars, PTSD & similar problems, and personality
The more that people/Aelua allows herself to do above the skill level of 'Full Understanding' can tire her out, hurt her, cause her to bring that issue upon herself, or even death.
If she attempts to do things above the 2nd skill level, she would result in herself in a coma, death, or worse.
:Weaknesses & Flaws:
- Aelua could possibly put herself to death, stuck alive in an astral plane, another plane, or in a limbo of some sort, or in a coma from doing higher levels of healing magic than she fully understands.
- Childish and Shallow personality traits that will cause her to try and act like you are not there
- Overprotective of innocent children, animals, and nature.
- Childish and Shallow personality traits that will cause her to try and act like you are not there
- Overprotective of innocent children, animals, and nature.