@JaceBeleren @Wade Wilson To be frank I care little for what people think of me, I like trying ideas that are out of the ordinary. If it doesn't work then it doesn't work. if it does then it'll be a fun experience. Either way I don't plan to actual work on this idea until some time later, this was mainly to get people's opinions and even some feedback of possible things to do with such an idea, like if there are anything that could be improved.
Also this is not an April fool's joke Wade. For one it's pretty much an entire month to late for such a thing, or should I say it at lest feels that way for me.
I have often done roleplays in random little groups I've joined or made on video games or sometimes other sites, and these roleplays have no distinct purpose, we just designed the world and went with what ever the heck we wanted to see what could come out of it. Only rules we ever made in those was simply rules to keep us in balance with each other in terms of Character strength/development. Other wise it was pretty much free game to do anything in the design of the world we created, even create Demi-Gods if we wanted. Some of those roleplays was the funniest I've done. It always interested me to see how far we could take a concept, and if something didn't work out we just shrugged it off and tried something else.
Kind of the entire point in roleplaying sometimes, is to try things out of the box and see what can come out of it. Sometimes great stories can be made from a very loose concept, other times a chaotic concept can turn into an amazing experience. The more you do, the better you become. The more you limit your ideas the less they can become free-flowing.
In the end this would probably become my first Open roleplay where there is no plot. Simply live and survive in a crazy world, creating your own unique story with each of the roleplayers apart of it that could be entirely different if another group does the same concept. I will probably set a limit on the amount of roleplayers allowed at one time or else it'll become to much to keep track of everything, but that would be one of the only few rules I'll do for this. This is simply a chance to try something completely different, hence the name 'Breaking the Mold'.
I could very well change concepts of this roleplay, like removing the entire minecraft aspect of it. For that was simply the concept I had on hand at the time of typing this, and create a complete and unique world that constantly changes for one reason or another, or maybe it's simply the group of people are thrown to one dimension after another. This was simply a rough and basic concept of something I felt like doing, and was simply looking to see if people do one of three things; Sure, Nay, or feedback to improve on it.