Avatar of Olive Fontaine


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@BurningCold I like how your character has shaped up. Accepted! I'm looking forward to playing together ^^

Here are your completed stats. You can add this and your tarot draw to the bottom of your CS and post it in the characters tab.

It was April 10th, 1901, when you finally found yourself in Loudon. Bidden there by the unexpected offer of a hereditary fortune, the time had finally come to see what would come of the matter. This strange, provincial town was once famous the world over for its purported hauntings. Just now, in the light of earnest day, it didn't seem all that much to fear. Sure, the towering church spires, and the remains of other ancient stone constructions could be a bit intimidating. But they also added a great deal of character to that rural landscape. If you climbed up the hill a little ways you could look out and see just about all of it: The familiar collections of deep orange tiled roofs, the little white and yellow brick houses - thick with leafy trees throughout. And beyond, in the distance, there were promising golden fields stretching to the horizon.

It didn't have the fanciful storefront facades and electric lights of Paris, but the old cobblestone roads ran smooth enough. There were a number of shops and services to supply the needs of the town, and several inns as well. In particular, one of those tall high-rises in the east looked to be a very modern hotel. Yes, the changing times could be seen, even here.

It was a little after three o'clock when you were settled in to M. Herbachet's office - the notary who was assigned to settle this case. It seemed to be quite the proceeding, for not just yourself but about six people had been gathered together in that long wooden room to discuss business.

Monsieur Herbachet had a large desk at the end, but he seemed adverse to sitting in it - instead flitting around the room and welcoming everyone in as they arrived, occasionally dabbing his forehead with his handkerchief. He had a finely trimmed black mustache, though his hair was rather more grey. He wore a fine blue vest and bow tie, and a ring of keys jingled at his hip when he walked. His office looked well enough for a man in his standing. It was a bit run down, but clean. He had a large floral rug and bookshelves, some packed with case files. The shutters were drawn shut, so the place was lit only by candlelight when things got underway.

He cleared his throat and said "Of course, before we get into the details, I have to be sure of your identities. It's an unfortunate part of my profession, but very important for legal reasons, you see. Please do introduce yourselves, and I'll take a look at your papers."

Once he had gone through everyone's details to his satisfaction, he breathed a sigh of relief, and proceeded to inform everyone of his contract.

"As you will have read in my letter, my business here concerns my role as executor of a will. My client, who wished to remain anonymous in these proceedings, has unfortunately passed away. He was a wealthy man as far as Loudon goes, but he was survived by no suitable heir. He left behind very detailed instructions about what was to be done with his estate in this case, and though they are unusual - it is my duty to see it done." The man was a professional, though with a slightly florid attitude. He let everyone bristle for a moment while he produced a silver tray with glasses, and a bottle of fine cognac. It was common to offer spirits over serious dealings, and he gestured for anyone who wished to partake. He put a splash in his own glass and sipped it before continuing.

"You're probably all strangers to one another. I know some of you have traveled some distance for the occasion. But believe it or not, this town is not as alien to you as it may seem. You may not know it, but each of you has a direct ancestor that lived in this place many years ago. According to my client's family history, all of your families were close allies in the founding days of his house. When they fell on hard times, your families were the ones who bailed them out. Indeed, their house may never have enjoyed such success if it wasn't for that support. Respecting his family history, my client wishes to entrust the majority of his remaining fortune to those allied houses.

"The years have apparently changed this place more than we can imagine. None of your families have any surviving members in Loudon anymore - I've checked very scrupulously. Which rather brings us to the point. Gathered here today are the nearest living relatives of the families named as beneficiary in my client's will. Congratulations, everyone.

"You are each slated to receive some six-thousand francs, as long as you comply with my client's very modest wishes. He asks only that you each stay here a night in memory of your virtuous ancestors. I've already made arrangements. Each of you will have a room in a different corner of town, somewhere close to where your ancestor might have lived, as far as I can tell. When I have confirmed your stay tomorrow, we can go about transferring the money in a manner that pleases you. That is what my client has asked of me."
He finished off his glass and clanked it down a little harder than was appropriate, to which he quickly raised his fingers in apology.

"Look here, I have a wonderful advance for you all. I mentioned the family jewelry in my letter, yes? Here are the items in question..."

Monsieur Herbachet unlocked a drawer on his desk, and retrieved a polished box from within. He sat it out on the desk and flipped it open for all to see. Inside was a soft bed of velvet, and five beautiful golden rings. They all shone brightly, but each one was set with a different gemstone. Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire, Emerald, and Topaz.

"This one is for you, Mademoiselle," the notary said, offering Joséphine the sapphire ring. Even in the dim candlelight, the light blue jewel seemed clear as glass; a faint highlight danced behind it from the interplay of the facets.

The Pyres Never Stop Burning
@Archazen sent me an application via PM and was approved. Here are your results in the Great Game of Knowledge. Add this to the bottom of your CS and post it in the Characters tab.

The cards tell a tale of a young man bound on a long and winding journey. Tossed by the winds of chance, in a world that seemed more cruel than indifferent, he never received that chance miraculous aid which might have set his heart towards heaven -- nor would he. That was not his fate - your fate, boy. You have been given few blessings in this life, apart from your cautious insight and calculating mind. Whether one such as you can succeed seems a matter of chance, but I advise you that boldness is auspicious for one who has few advantages.

Cards: The Black Moon, -hidden-, The Wheel of Fortune, Eve (reversed), The Cabalist (reversed), the Monk, -hidden-

Finished Stats:
12 Strength
13 Perception
12 Skill
10 General Knowledge
16 Rationality
5 Spirituality



I'm going to go ahead and get the IC started later today. The accepted characters and myself will get the ball rolling on our story. But I'd still be happy to have a few more players. So if you're still interested, just get in touch or post a character profile here and you can jump in with us!
@Archazen Absolutely, we're still accepting. If you're interested, please do put together an application. It doesn't have to be super in-depth.

Sarah Hopkins

At first relief had washed over Sarah. She was in the clear. But those feelings were quickly crushed by her next thoughts. Sure, she was safe for now, but is that really why she came here today? If the power rangers put these villains down in the next few minutes, they'd likely disappear without a trace. That was what the all the papers had claimed about the group. If that happened, she'd lose her chance - maybe her only chance- to find out what happened to her brother. Her blood pounded hot. 'What is this? Have I gone soft from playing human too long? I've got to make my move.'

The rangers were still struggling against Uion. They landed a few hits here or there - but then the villain charged himself up with some kind of energy, and he started batting them around the area like it was nothing. The soldiers below Sarah were distracted by the fight, cheering on their superior. She glared at them from above, letting the keen instincts of a varrigal huntress take over. Her transformed arm gradually shifted to its original state; the pale ringed fingers becoming a large black claw.

Sarah jumped the railing and came down hard on the unsuspecting soldier, dealing a devastating slash to his back. The other soldier was shocked, but jumped to attention and engaged Sarah in melee. She tried to get another quick hit in, but he stepped back and counterattacked with his one-handed trident. She swiveled around his stab, but he fended off her claw again. These empire soldiers were pretty good. They fought pretty evenly for a bit, but Sarah could tell she was getting nowhere fast. If she could at least disrupt the imperial forces here, it might buy her the audience with the rangers she was looking for. Suddenly an idea occurred to her.

She feinted another attack with her claw, but then retreated to the downed soldier instead of following through. She quickly grabbed him with the large alien hand, and yelled towards the leader of the squad. "Hey flytrap! Eat this!". She got a running start, and then threw the soldier - launching him right towards Uion!
Looking forward to my tarot reading! I know I DM'd you my concept, @Olive Fontaine, but should I fill out as much of the sheet as possible pre-reading or wait for the cards?

I'm so sorry for the wait. I did your reading a few days ago, but I needed some time at my computer to put the picture together properly like the others. I'm excited to see how your app comes together.

It's starting to become clearer to me... is that a love triangle I see in your past? Or was it someone very dear that you lost? Our fallen Eve card is so very forlorn. You are good with your hands - and you have not the eyes of a dullard. And yet it may seem that there is always some tenacious demon around the corner, tempting away the happiness you seek. Take heart, child. You may not know it, but you were born under a lucky star. The going may not always be easy, but in your darkest hour you are sure to find your way.

Cards: Luck, The Cobbler, Eve (reversed), -hidden-, The Devil
Stat Changes: +2 Skill, +1 Rationality. Some potential for Black Magic. You also have a special protection from the Luck card.


I may make a character to throw into the mix as well. I just kinda wanted to see what you guys were going for first, so I can make someone who complements the group well. I might also try another recruitment push. I've done a good bit of prep work, so I'm about ready to start the IC once we get characters situated.
@enmuni Accepted! I think you summoned quite a verisimilitude with your character sheet. I really appreciated the small details that were era-appropriate - like referring to the Catherinettes rather than one of the other names for unmarried women. You can add this little blurb to the bottom of your sheet. It has your completed stats and tarot draw.

@baraquiel Thanks for your interest! I am still looking for players, so please do apply if you feel up to it.
I'm also still interested, and I'm willing to take a different route than the android girl concept if you'd rather go supernatural only.

@PatientBean @enmuni @Belikroz @ChronicleMan

So, how are we feeling guys? Has everyone chosen a profession for their character? If so, I'd be happy to start the game off soon.

BurningCold sent me a nice character concept and will likely be joining us.

Let me know if anyone wants more setting info on anything in particular. I've been amassing references to help immerse myself.

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