Metropolis, the infected Daily Planet building...
Hawkman tried to stick as close to the vampiric Batman as he could but the creature of the night was too fast. It would take weeks to get used to the new wing harness on his back and the weight of the new armor in his flight suit. His guns were drawn from their holsters, his aim just wasn't as great as some of the other heroes. He managed to punch a couple face huggers into submission though, and ripped them from their victims faces. Scott Hendricks didn't know if they'd make it to the first floor of the Daily Planet or not, as Hawkman he had to press forward. The wings are no good in confined spaces, but when Hawkman entered the central hub behind Batman... it was a lot more advanced than the tech growing in California.
"What the hell Bats?! Are you putting part of that computer thing on the wall on a hot plate?" Jimmy asked.
"I'm taking a sample if at all possible, I'm trying to find a way to get rid of the organic tech more so than the alien starfish..." Batman explained, "Give me some cover while I finish taking this culture..." he then instructed.
"I'm gonna switch to explosive rounds and take down that wall.." Scott explained as he took a shot at the tech'ed out wall and blasted a hole roughly the size of a giant flat-screen tv in it.
Through the new window, Hawkman could see the rooftops outside and Zod and the golden skinned alien darting through the air taking out the larger defenses. The powerhouses seemed to take blows when they could on the satellite dish type device, made of the same organic tech, and in the shape of a star. That was when some Starros without hosts flung themselves onto a larger Daily Planet employee who was already under the control of a Starro on his face. Within seconds dozens had piled onto the man, essentially making him an eight foot tall hulk-like creature.
"Bats?" Hawkman yelled as the dark knight ignored him for his science, "BATS?!? You MIGHT want to turn around and take a look at this."
Batman finally looked up and across the large bullpen of writers' desks and workspaces, knocked out Starros, and fleeing civilians, and saw the Starro Man.
Hawkman tried to stick as close to the vampiric Batman as he could but the creature of the night was too fast. It would take weeks to get used to the new wing harness on his back and the weight of the new armor in his flight suit. His guns were drawn from their holsters, his aim just wasn't as great as some of the other heroes. He managed to punch a couple face huggers into submission though, and ripped them from their victims faces. Scott Hendricks didn't know if they'd make it to the first floor of the Daily Planet or not, as Hawkman he had to press forward. The wings are no good in confined spaces, but when Hawkman entered the central hub behind Batman... it was a lot more advanced than the tech growing in California.
"What the hell Bats?! Are you putting part of that computer thing on the wall on a hot plate?" Jimmy asked.
"I'm taking a sample if at all possible, I'm trying to find a way to get rid of the organic tech more so than the alien starfish..." Batman explained, "Give me some cover while I finish taking this culture..." he then instructed.
"I'm gonna switch to explosive rounds and take down that wall.." Scott explained as he took a shot at the tech'ed out wall and blasted a hole roughly the size of a giant flat-screen tv in it.
Through the new window, Hawkman could see the rooftops outside and Zod and the golden skinned alien darting through the air taking out the larger defenses. The powerhouses seemed to take blows when they could on the satellite dish type device, made of the same organic tech, and in the shape of a star. That was when some Starros without hosts flung themselves onto a larger Daily Planet employee who was already under the control of a Starro on his face. Within seconds dozens had piled onto the man, essentially making him an eight foot tall hulk-like creature.
"Bats?" Hawkman yelled as the dark knight ignored him for his science, "BATS?!? You MIGHT want to turn around and take a look at this."
Batman finally looked up and across the large bullpen of writers' desks and workspaces, knocked out Starros, and fleeing civilians, and saw the Starro Man.