"Hey there Grayliks!" Bonum smiled when he saw him appear on the castle's courtyard in much the same way as he had. And shortly after that Bonum felt a gust of wind and looked up to see Erezin make her entrance. He waved back at her after she landed and when she greeted him, he replied, "I'm doing well, just got done with a few requests. It's been awhile since we've done a quest with one another." It was interesting to go on quests with Erezin, being a high-level paladin like himself, you could see a few of their class's similarities but also their differences since Erezin chose to specialize while Bonum stuck to the regular path.
Bonum gave another wave to Momo_Hime as walked in, followed by Nacht teleporting into the courtyard followed by his entourage of NPC's. Bonum saw Nacht being on the different end of the spectrum, with Bonum trying to help people and Nacht trying to conquer. But Bonum liked and respected Nacht and its not like Nacht was trying to ruin the game like common bullies did, he was a tactician after all and he sat himself up like a final boss.
Bonum was wondering where Food-kun was but it wasn't like he never missed out on quests before. So that made Nacht the last to arrive, which meant it was time to look over the quest. Bonum was interested in this kind of quest, fighting quests were too easy and he didn't care for them to much either way, and collecting treasure wasn't his thing either. Besides, a cafe sounded all nice and relaxing, even if filled with monsters. "Well, I got to say my interest has been peeked, so sure, count me in." Bonum smiled and stood back as the others got their stuff together and the polymorph potion situation sorted out. He did a quick check of his armor and put his weapon away for now. He wouldn't need it for awhile, and not even then if all went well.