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Thanks!...now to figure out where I can come in XD but first some chores!...woo...XD but first I'll move her to the character tab.

Name: Sylvia Blaire

Gender: female

Age and academic grade: 17, year 2

Appearance: Sylvia is very angelic looking, her only demonic feature being her eyes, which are blood red. Though she usually has those covered up by a pair of goggles. She short, curly, golden blonde hair, pale skin and two angel wings. The left one being a pure white feathered one, the right one being a silver metallic wing. She usually wears comfortable clothes that she can get dirty.

Species: half angel, half demon

Biography: She was born on earth to an angel and demon who left their respective homes to be together, and she was happy until when she was still a young child, her mother grew tired of living on earth and soon went back to heaven. Sylvia tried to follow but was unable to, getting into an accident that took her right wing, which had been a demon wing. After that Sylvia's father distanced himself from her, leaving Sylvia alone for most of the time. Sylvia used this alone time to start building things which she had a major talent for, going so far to even building herself a new wing to allow her to fly again. She was invited to Kawaii due to her intelligence.

Powers: Having both devil and angel blood in her negates any powers she might have inherited from her parents if she had been a pure blooded angel or demon. But what she does have is super intelligence and the ability to build limitless amazing things with her hands. Also, she can fly.

Others: When asked what she wants to do after school, she says she wants to take over the world with an army of robots.
She rather bored most of the time unless she's working on something challenging.
She modeled her mechanic wing after an angel wing so that it'd be easier to fly.
Lives on coffee.
Angelica "Ann" Byrd

“In these times I don't, in a manner of speaking, know what I want; perhaps I don't want what I know and want what I don't know.”


Sex/Gender Identity

Sexual/Romantic Preference

School Year
2nd year

Pro/Anti/Neutral Match

Green fruit

Pressure (both of the pyhysical and emotional kind)
Cottage Cheese
sleepless nights


She has a fear of the future and where her place in will be in it. Like if she will do something big or at least meaningful, or if she'll just dissapear with the rest of history that was to mudane to remember.

Ann is a pretty easy person to get along with, able to start up a conversation up with just about anyone. She's also very honest with people, though she's been told that she dosn't really have any tact. Living in the moment and having fun is important to her and she easily stresses about grades, important things that need to be done, and things like that if she spends to long thinking about them. She also can't seem to really hold a grudge or stay angry for long, and even when she is angry she's not to hot tempered. Overall she's just not a serious person.


Ann was born to a photographer (her mom) and a history teacher (her father). Growing up she heard amazing stories of the trips her parents took after they graduated and Ann started to have dream big dreams for herself. But as she grew up her dreams started to fade away as she realized that even after her parent's amazing adventures, they had just settled down and lead ordinary lifes. Ann soon started to think that that was her fate as well, and she was unsure of how to change it. Her parents, seeing their daughter like this, decided to have her enroll into Ivy Wood Academy. After all, it was were they met and their lifes changed. While Ann was excited to be going to a new school she wasn't sure if this was the right choice for her, not acedemic wise. It was the match making part that worried her. On one hand, it would feel good to not have to worry about finding the person for her. On the other hand, Ann wasn't sure if she would feel satisfied that she hadn't put in the effort herself to find her match. But Ann wasn't about to let her mixed feelings get in the way of enjoying the adventure of a new school so she packed her bags and set out for Ivy Wood Academy.
@ViolentViolet @ThatWeirdChick @Avanhelsing
Angelica "Ann" Byrd

“In these times I don't, in a manner of speaking, know what I want; perhaps I don't want what I know and want what I don't know.”


Sex/Gender Identity

Sexual/Romantic Preference

School Year
2nd year

Pro/Anti/Neutral Match

Green fruit

Pressure (both of the pyhysical and emotional kind)
Cottage Cheese
sleepless nights


She has a fear of the future and where her place in will be in it. Like if she will do something big or at least meaningful, or if she'll just dissapear with the rest of history that was to mudane to remember.

Ann is a pretty easy person to get along with, able to start up a conversation up with just about anyone. She's also very honest with people, though she's been told that she dosn't really have any tact. Living in the moment and having fun is important to her and she easily stresses about grades, important things that need to be done, and things like that if she spends to long thinking about them. She also can't seem to really hold a grudge or stay angry for long, and even when she is angry she's not to hot tempered. Overall she's just not a serious person.


Ann was born to a photographer (her mom) and a history teacher (her father). Growing up she heard amazing stories of the trips her parents took after they graduated and Ann started to have dream big dreams for herself. But as she grew up her dreams started to fade away as she realized that even after her parent's amazing adventures, they had just settled down and lead ordinary lifes. Ann soon started to think that that was her fate as well, and she was unsure of how to change it. Her parents, seeing their daughter like this, decided to have her enroll into Ivy Wood Academy. After all, it was were they met and their lifes changed. While Ann was excited to be going to a new school she wasn't sure if this was the right choice for her, not acedemic wise. It was the match making part that worried her. On one hand, it would feel good to not have to worry about finding the person for her. On the other hand, Ann wasn't sure if she would feel satisfied that she hadn't put in the effort herself to find her match. But Ann wasn't about to let her mixed feelings get in the way of enjoying the adventure of a new school so she packed her bags and set out for Ivy Wood Academy.
Is it okay to put the appearance in a hider?
I'd kind of want to run it but we already have one pro star organization...but I don't know where else Castor would fit properly. I guess it's up to duck. If he still wants to make this a thing I'm fine with it (though it may just be us two for awhile)
So what does this mean for my other character?
"Dollies? They're nice." Lyra told the girl, smiling, unable to see the doll that was being held up to her face, but hearing something being brought up. She also noticed the girl smelled like...Chocolate cake? No, not Aquarius...There was chocolate cake right next to her. Had she brought it along as a snack? Then again, Lyra remembered that using sweets as a bribe had been mentioned in that phone call, so perhaps she or the man she was with had brought it for that reason? Before Aquarius could respond though, Lyra heard a skateboard coming their way (along with shouts of people that might have nearly gotten run over?) and soon there was a boy near them, saying that he was Del.

"Hello!" Lyra said as she stood up to face where she thought he was. "Hello, Del. I'm Lyra." She told him before something quickly went by Lyra and there was a kind of bang, like someone falling back on the floor. "Uhhh..." Lyra said not sure what happened, but she heard Aquarius talk to Del so...had Aquarius tackled Del? Ugh...this was where she wished she could see in the light just so she could know what was going on.

Lyra was so distracted by her partners that she didn't notice someone else walking towards them until she spoke. "Oh! Hello, Miss Scythe! We're going on a mission together!" She told her happily, facing in the direction her voice came from. Miss Scythe had to be Lyra's favorite teacher here, as she was not only nice but also helped introduce Lyra to the world by showing (putting pictures into her mind really) and telling her about things so she wouldn't be so confused when she came to be in darkness. "Did you come to see us off or did something happen?" News didn't get to Lyra quickly around here...
Name: Castor
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Current location in the world: Cygnus X-1

Location and notes on star mark: 5 on the ends of his right-hand fingers. They have five points and are only the outline of stars.
Star power: Able to manipulate and control any electronics. The range varies. If it can be connected to wi-fi, he can control from pretty far away, but if it was a tv or something like that, he would have to be close to it.
Also able to make some electricity but only enough to power electronics or stun someone.
Corrupted or Uncorrupted: uncorrupted.
Personality: Not as Angsty as you would think Somewhat quiet and distint, but determined. He just wants to help people, stars and espically the corrupt stars, and throws himself into his work.
Biography: Castor was born into a loving home with his twin brother Pollux. When they were around 11, Pollux's star appeared along with his powers, which was manipulating electronics, and the organization came shortly after. They convinced their parents to take Pollux away from the house. Castor stayed in touch secretly with his brother for the next two years. Near the end of those two years, Pollux told Castor that they were going to give him special training and after that Castor didn't hear much from his brother for a bit, and then got short messages to him...but they weren't exactly messages. "It hurts! stop it!" and several other messages like that would be in the email that castor received and as they went on the messages would get more and more scrambled. They would all delete themselves before Castor could show his parents. The final message Castor ever received from his brother was oddly composed. It was Pollux writing his goodbye to Castor, saying what Nova had done to them was too horrible to live and that he was going to kill himself. Shortly after that, Castor's star showed up along with his powers, which were exactly like his brothers'. He kept his star hidden and ran away from home to make sure his parents didn't send him to Nova as well. Eventually, his powers got him noticed and in contact with Cygnus X-1 and he joined. He's one of the main hackers of the group.
I can see her being a villain with that power, but it would seem like the organization would keep a close eye on someone of her power. also, would she be corrupted or not?
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