Name: Sylvia Blaire
Gender: female
Age and academic grade: 17, year 2
Appearance: Sylvia is very angelic looking, her only demonic feature being her eyes, which are blood red. Though she usually has those covered up by a pair of goggles. She short, curly, golden blonde hair, pale skin and two angel wings. The left one being a pure white feathered one, the right one being a silver metallic wing. She usually wears comfortable clothes that she can get dirty.
Species: half angel, half demon
Biography: She was born on earth to an angel and demon who left their respective homes to be together, and she was happy until when she was still a young child, her mother grew tired of living on earth and soon went back to heaven. Sylvia tried to follow but was unable to, getting into an accident that took her right wing, which had been a demon wing. After that Sylvia's father distanced himself from her, leaving Sylvia alone for most of the time. Sylvia used this alone time to start building things which she had a major talent for, going so far to even building herself a new wing to allow her to fly again. She was invited to Kawaii due to her intelligence.
Powers: Having both devil and angel blood in her negates any powers she might have inherited from her parents if she had been a pure blooded angel or demon. But what she does have is super intelligence and the ability to build limitless amazing things with her hands. Also, she can fly.
Others: When asked what she wants to do after school, she says she wants to take over the world with an army of robots.
She rather bored most of the time unless she's working on something challenging.
She modeled her mechanic wing after an angel wing so that it'd be easier to fly.
Lives on coffee.