Avatar of ONL
  • Last Seen: 10 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1888 (0.50 / day)
  • VMs: 4
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    1. ONL 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I now identify as a Master Procrastinator. Thank you all, and good night.
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1 yr ago
New medical term: Dizzy mummy (condition of patient when world is spinning and only treatment is confinement to bed). I hate being sick...
1 yr ago
@Vampiretwilight: Funny indeed. Now to make it into a roleplay here...let the madness and sassy Narrator commence.
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1 yr ago
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1 yr ago
Anyone up for some esoteric fun with cosmic horror? Wait! The stars are soon right! Tekeli-Li!


-The bio will be added once the profile user can be bothered to finish it. Right now he's probably busy doing nothing and stressed about more. Please come back later. Have a nice day.

Most Recent Posts

@rivaan Hoping for same great eldritch action as soon as everyone has posted!
@rocketrobie2Awesome! Father Charles is accepted and allowed to move to the character section, and for him to enter the IC. Read the opening post and act accordingly.
@Remipa AwesomeExcellent. Move CS to the Character tab and then proceed to join IC.
@rivaanExcellent. Proceed to read opening post in IC and roll requested roll for me. PM me result of said roll to recieve possible information.
Oh damn just fell upon this and saw the last spot's been taken.
Have fun! (Do let me know if an opportunity to rustle something up arises, been wanting to play a CoC game for a long while)

I'll be sure to contact you if another spot opens up in the future! Keep stalking us as we unfold the story for the TIME Investigators, if you wont ^^
@VertigoYou snuck into the last spot then for now, so welcome to TIME. Do PM me what you have for a concept for the nurse if you can, and I'll see how we can get her into the team.

Call of Cthulhu - Talbott's Investigators of Mysteries Enlightened

Chapter One: The Crack'd and Crook'd Manse

Monday, May 4th, 1925.
Arkham, Massachussets, United States of America.

With the spring fast earasing the signs of a hard winter, so is life coming back to it's regular interval of warmer days, shorter nights and an increase in activity in all ways of life. The bugs are crawling, the birds are chirping, and the people are coming back to life. All across the town of Arkham, Massachuttets, life is coming back alongside the spring thaw.

For good, and for worse.

Arkham isn't lost on life's darker sides, and so its need for problem solvers are at an all-time high. Be it spirirutally in an age of technology, industrial slaughter exemplified in the Great War and Arkham's veterans home, or in the down-to-earth cases of simple crimes for the police to solve in due course and by the book, everyone needs their heroes.

Or their Investigators.

We move our gaze from the bird's eye view of the town landscape, steep roofs and winding streets of cobbled stones, down to our pedestrian view of an office building. Plain and simple, this is where our story begins. Not The story, but the story of our beloved Investigators. Welcome to The TIME Agency, Mr. Talbott's pet project of unknown origins. When you've got a case in need of solving, but strange occurances and unexplainable happenings keeps our reguluar police force or streetwise gumshoe from taking it seriously, you can always turn to TIME, and her Investigators.

Our Investigators find themselves called to the newly-established Arkham offices of TIME on a chilly, yet sunny monday morning in May. Their handler and superior, Head Detective or whatever you'd like to call him, Harry Peacock, has called the small Arkham investigative team together for their first, real mission into the unknown world of mystery. Everyone makes their way to downtown Arkham after been sent this message, recieved one way or another:

"Important message; Case of missing New England millionaire, Arthur Cornthwaite of Gamwell. Attorney of Mr. Cornthwaite request assistance. Responsibility given to YOU, presence required ASAP. Harry Peacock."

However they make it through the sub-glacial Arkham morning, the Investigators will sooner rather than later find themselves stepping through the newly greased front door of TIME, the pleasent warmth of interiour heating warming the mammalian blood within them all. Mechanical clicking from behind an imaculate office desk announces the early presence of friendly face in the form of the secretary, Miss Henrietta Babson, who without missing a single key continues to type away at her signature typewriter, giving each entering Investigator the same message.

"Harry's waiting for you in the main office. Don't make him wait, dear, he's finally got something big for you. Good luck."

Rythmic beats of a drum whips in place the soothing melodies of a saxophone, disrupted by the marvels of technological radio waves; Harry Peacocks loves his radio, to which you know he personally ordered installed in the main office of TIME Agency. Wherever he goes, a tune follows, almost as if he was the figmet of someone imagination in a radio drama.

Today is no exception, as he welcomes each of you entering seperately or together, giving a simple nod to your respective chairs around the office. He himself remains seated on top of his office desk, ready to get on his feet to follow a lead like the experienced detective he was, and very much is as far as you know.

Harry Peacock

Location: TIME Agency office - Downtown Arkham

"Ah, glad you could make it this early in the morning. Gives me some hope there's some detective inside of you, after all." Harry humours you as each of you enter the office, puffing out cigarette smoke as if second nature. Investigative eyes scan you, though not with malice. Harry's the type to give one a good look before picking his words. As Harry himself would put it, words of wisdom to any detective he learned from an old cop friend in New York. As people seat themselves and make themselves comfortable in their own chairs, their office desks reflecting their personalities, Harry turns down the radio's volume and picks up a pair of papers.

"Let's play 20 questions, gumshoes. What do you know of a certain Mr. Arthur Cornthwaite, you Snoops-in-making? Ready to figure out if he's really missing, or just acting like millionaires do?"

*Roll for KNOW/EDUCATION to remember information about Arthur Cornthwaite. Other skill might be requested for other information. PM me your rolls for outcome.*
Chapters of "Call of Cthulhu: TIME"

Chapter One: The Crack'd and Crook'd Manse

What you call typos, I call creative writing :3 xD No worries will give it the olde double check tonight.

xD Well great, looking forward to seeing the creative writing improved!
@RBYDark Professor Jeremiah Dupree is accepted and allowed to be moved to the Character section of the RP. Intro post will be coming soon, so be prepared to write your introductionary post for TIME agency.
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