Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala - BasementHmm, a busted generator. Lute frowned from his place in the sidelines where he was able to see sparks bursting out of everywhere from the machine thanks to Amy’s gem. He immediately switched to worst case scenario and assumed that this was the work of a group of people. Finding the persons responsible for this property damage was their next priority, and although the virtuoso was worried that said culprits may aim to cook up more trouble while the electricity was out, he stayed behind with Estelle to await her orders.
The light that came from the intermittent sparks hurt his eyes and Lute turned away from the generator, only to bump against Dylan. The matter artist looked fine, if not still inebriated, and he swayed from side to side. “Um, do you need a hand?” Lute steadied him by the elbow and then let go, but the young man immediately bumped against Dalia next. He sighed and gave the priestess a worried smile before listening in to Xandra’s suggestion, still staying behind the matter artist in case he fell down.
“And I could walk ahead and tell you guys if you’re going to bump against something! Kind of. I don’t reckon we could use much noise though, so my sight would be pretty limited too, sorry,” Lute ducked his head and waited for Estelle to say where they were going next. Once she decided, he’d stay near the head of the group, feeling for any disturbances… He’d just have to spot a running person, right?