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Voltus_Ventus said
Appearance: Hugo: "The world ain't black and white... It's gray."Igo: "Shut the f*** up c**t"Under the mask: he's got dark brown hair and a rough goatee, he's got really pale skin and green eyes.(just use your imagination.)Name: Hugo (and Igo) TuringAge: 22Gender: MaleFaction: Survivor (Formerly Smuggler) Weapons: Makarov Pistol, Monkey Wrench (The Ambassador)Short History: once upon a time, there was only Hugo. He was happy with being a smuggler, he got good pay, decent quality accommodations and a healthy serving of adventure until the day he was hit by a bolt of lightning while fixing a radio transmitter, then fell. ever since then there was Igo, so basically there are two people living in him head that take turns on the controls. Igo is what you can consider insane, he's pretty much bi-polar, one second he's insane happy, the next insane depressed; he's foul mouthed (I'll censor it don't worry) and could kill you with a monkey wrench a million ways to Sunday. Soon after Igo was formed, Hugo quit smuggling because Igo was NOT helping, and he decided to become a lone wolf, dedicated to keeping people away from Igo.

So here's my CS for Emma's older brother, Daniel. He's my favorite of my male characters, but this is the youngest, most tuned down version of him that I've ever made. (In Myst's Walking Dead RP, he's like, Ex-Army Special Forces, 29 years old, 6'5 and like... 220 pounds of sexy)

Name: Daniel Emmett Crowe
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Faction: Smuggler
Short History: Daniel was merely an infant when the outbreak came. His dad left him and his mother when he was barely one year old. He grew up and never knew his dad, and through the man that his mother had his younger sister Emma with, Nathan, Daniel experience the loss again, but this time it made a large impact on his life and perspective. When he was 7, his mother had his sister and Nathan disappeared, never to be seen by the family again. The three made their way to the Boston Quarantine Zone by the time Daniel was 14 and Emma was 7. Their mother died three years later in the QZ by getting the infection from spores in the abandoned part of the city and was put down by soldiers.
Weapons:(Max of 3): An M16 assault rifle(one extra clip of 5.56 NATO's), a 9mm pistol with three clips worth of extra ammunition and a hunting knife.
Other Equipment: Backpack, matches, emergency flint and tinder.
Kirra said
Alright here's my two characters. I'm still looking for a picture for Cameron but haven't found one that fit him yet. Cameron is the one that is going to be joining you Nobodyman but I'm still debating if I should increase his age or not, what are your thoughts. I'm fine either way.Appearance:[ img =pretend there's a link here that is displaying a picture]Name: Cameron CoyleAge: 15Gender: MaleFaction: Survivor but claims to be a smugglerShort History: Due to his parent’s death occurring at a young age, he has very little memory of the two besides the stories his uncle used to tell him about them. While he was young he lived with his aunt within the quarantine zone as his uncle worked as a smuggler. Wanting to be like his uncle, Cameron begged his uncle to take him every time that his uncle got a job but always received the same answer in which he was too young to leave the quarantine zone. However on the most recent trip, his uncle budged and said that he could come since the job appeared to be a simple one. Thrilled to leave the quarantine zone, Cameron made his way towards Massachusetts, learning about becoming a smuggler along the way. However as they arrived to their destination, the two quickly found out that the job was much worse than neither expected. Cameron lost his uncle that day and barely made it out unharmed but lost most of his equipment as well as his way back home. Now on his own, Cameron has been working hard to survive on his own.Weapons:Shotgun with a bag of shotgun shells and a hunting knifeOther Equipment: A reuseable water bottle and a zippo lighterAppearance:Name: Tia DaleAge:27Gender: FemaleFaction: HunterShort History: Living in a household with a single mother that was gone more than she was at home and an older brother edging his way towards juvie due to gang activity, Tia learned early on that she couldn’t depend on anyone besides herself and she watched society collapse as the infected took over, this philosophy stuck with her which is probably one of the biggest reasons for her survival since she doesn’t think twice before stealing or pillaging and if she has to, killing and sacrificing others for her own survival. Over the years she has worked alongside groups and other people but is just as ready to turn on them if the situation become too dire or she fears that being with them would hinder her survival. Weapons: A handgun, a rifle and bullets for eachOther Equipment: Reusable water bottle, zippo lighter, pocket knife(too dull and small for a weapon), a half empty first aid kit and some foodAnything Else: Be careful of her damsel in distress ploy

I don't know what it is about your characters, but I find them brilliant! Accepted :)
By the way, are Tia and Cameron together or in separate locations?
Well, hey... I've been rping since I was 13(I'm 17 now) and I've seen some pretty stupid people in my time...
MrRPGod said
omg y u a pornstar tht is not cool !!! pornstarts r not allow on these famly frendli forums !!!!!!

I hope you're a troll... I really do...
Addison had just sat down from throwing his lunch away when Mr. Z came on the intercom. "...Paintball..." He cocked an eyebrow curiously. Paintball could be fun... just as he was about to stand, Vincent joyously shouted in triumph, knocking over his coke can. The contents of the can spilled over and wet the side of Addie's jeans. "Frickin- Vincent!" He groaned angrily. It was a good thing he'd brought extra clothes for the games. The first game of the year was always something sporadic and surprising.

Addie stood and walked out of the lunch rooms towards the locker rooms. He changed into his black sweatpants and dark red under armor shirt. He hurriedly rushed to the team's base, where people were getting ready. Everyone received masks and guns. Addie checked his gun over and then nodded to everyone else. He looked down to the others - as he towered above most. "Ready..."
I believe it is a unanimous vote that Ellen Page (Though maybe pre-assuming at times) is awesome. *Raps Gavel* This court is adjourned!
solamelike said
I thought the pic was a ellie cosplayer XDLooks like ellen page to me :P

Actually I got the picture by searching for redhead hairstyles and that was the one I liked that didn't look like an emo chick
Totts said
*coughs* PANDA USED AN ELLIE! *coughs*

*cough* how? The only resemblance- okay yeah I did base her appearance of Ellie a little bit. But actually, Emma is my OC for one of Mysts RP. She's my signature Character if you will, and I hadn't noticed she looked like Ellie until after submitting the first CS for her. Also comes the fact that she's not emotionally like Ellie. But yeah thanks for calling me out.... -_-
So here's my character app, just so you know. Myst, Atom, and Winter... I promise you that you've NEVER met this OC before... *wink*....never.

Btw, thank you all for such a gushing amount of support! I hope everyone enjoys this RP as much as I will! Have fun; I hope to see the IC posts flowing in!
Name: Emma Jane Crowe
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Faction:(Survivor, Military, Hunters, Smugglers) Survivor
Short History: Emma's mother died when she was ten and her father left her mom and brother when the outbreak came. She lives in the Boston Quarantine Zone with her older brother, Daniel, who is an aspiring smuggler.
Weapons:(Max of 3) A Simple 9mm pistol and a knife.
Other Equipment: She has a black rucksack
Anything Else(Questions? Comments? Smart Remarks?) Nope
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