Alright here's my two characters. I'm still looking for a picture for Cameron but haven't found one that fit him yet. Cameron is the one that is going to be joining you Nobodyman but I'm still debating if I should increase his age or not, what are your thoughts. I'm fine either way.

Name: Cameron Coyle
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Faction: Survivor but claims to be a smuggler
Short History: Due to his parent’s death occurring at a young age, he has very little memory of the two besides the stories his uncle used to tell him about them. While he was young he lived with his aunt within the quarantine zone as his uncle worked as a smuggler. Wanting to be like his uncle, Cameron begged his uncle to take him every time that his uncle got a job but always received the same answer in which he was too young to leave the quarantine zone. However on the most recent trip, his uncle budged and said that he could come since the job appeared to be a simple one. Thrilled to leave the quarantine zone, Cameron made his way towards Massachusetts, learning about becoming a smuggler along the way. However as they arrived to their destination, the two quickly found out that the job was much worse than neither expected. Cameron lost his uncle that day and barely made it out unharmed but lost most of his equipment as well as his way back home. Now on his own, Cameron has been working hard to survive on his own.
Weapons:Shotgun with a bag of shotgun shells and a hunting knife
Other Equipment: A reuseable water bottle and a zippo lighter

Name: Tia Dale
Gender: Female
Faction: Hunter
Short History: Living in a household with a single mother that was gone more than she was at home and an older brother edging his way towards juvie due to gang activity, Tia learned early on that she couldn’t depend on anyone besides herself and she watched society collapse as the infected took over, this philosophy stuck with her which is probably one of the biggest reasons for her survival since she doesn’t think twice before stealing or pillaging and if she has to, killing and sacrificing others for her own survival. Over the years she has worked alongside groups and other people but is just as ready to turn on them if the situation become too dire or she fears that being with them would hinder her survival.
Weapons: A handgun, a rifle and bullets for each
Other Equipment: Reusable water bottle, zippo lighter, pocket knife(too dull and small for a weapon), a half empty first aid kit and some food
Anything Else: Be careful of her damsel in distress ploy

Name: Cameron Coyle
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Faction: Survivor but claims to be a smuggler
Short History: Due to his parent’s death occurring at a young age, he has very little memory of the two besides the stories his uncle used to tell him about them. While he was young he lived with his aunt within the quarantine zone as his uncle worked as a smuggler. Wanting to be like his uncle, Cameron begged his uncle to take him every time that his uncle got a job but always received the same answer in which he was too young to leave the quarantine zone. However on the most recent trip, his uncle budged and said that he could come since the job appeared to be a simple one. Thrilled to leave the quarantine zone, Cameron made his way towards Massachusetts, learning about becoming a smuggler along the way. However as they arrived to their destination, the two quickly found out that the job was much worse than neither expected. Cameron lost his uncle that day and barely made it out unharmed but lost most of his equipment as well as his way back home. Now on his own, Cameron has been working hard to survive on his own.
Weapons:Shotgun with a bag of shotgun shells and a hunting knife
Other Equipment: A reuseable water bottle and a zippo lighter
Name: Tia Dale
Gender: Female
Faction: Hunter
Short History: Living in a household with a single mother that was gone more than she was at home and an older brother edging his way towards juvie due to gang activity, Tia learned early on that she couldn’t depend on anyone besides herself and she watched society collapse as the infected took over, this philosophy stuck with her which is probably one of the biggest reasons for her survival since she doesn’t think twice before stealing or pillaging and if she has to, killing and sacrificing others for her own survival. Over the years she has worked alongside groups and other people but is just as ready to turn on them if the situation become too dire or she fears that being with them would hinder her survival.
Weapons: A handgun, a rifle and bullets for each
Other Equipment: Reusable water bottle, zippo lighter, pocket knife(too dull and small for a weapon), a half empty first aid kit and some food
Anything Else: Be careful of her damsel in distress ploy