Like a hunter, Mergoux stalked her prey. She moved through the crowds with ease, seeming to vanish in one place, only to appear in another, such was the degree of her proficiency towards catlike stealth. Despite her gliding through the crowd, her eyes never left her targets for long. Only a few seconds at a time could she not see them. The two slaves and their new owner. They were headed towards the main exit, an unfortunate thing. She'd hoped that the ambush would take place in a smaller alleyway, somewhere she could trap the mage. Then again, with her display of fire magic, perhaps it was better to have room to maneuver.
The butcher followed them out of the marketplace, into the streets of the city where the Mercenaries hired by the Lord who'd spoken her in her head were lying in wait. Probably, she assumed, the Lord had spoken to them in the same manner, informing them of her arrival and her allegiance. She nearly spat at that. The idea of working with mercs never excited her, far from it she would rather take the girl alone. At least that way she could assure the young woman wouldn't be killed. With the company of unknown hired goons she couldn't be sure.
Her trained eyes kept watch both on her prey now, but also on the buildings to either side, watching for any signs of her new allies. Of their ambush. She wasn't sure of the exact location, but where they were now would do just fine. The crowds were thinning as Mergoux increased her pace, striding towards the unaware fire-mage, coincidentally at the same time the Mercs began their attack
@landaus five-one @zoey white @letter bee
The butcher followed them out of the marketplace, into the streets of the city where the Mercenaries hired by the Lord who'd spoken her in her head were lying in wait. Probably, she assumed, the Lord had spoken to them in the same manner, informing them of her arrival and her allegiance. She nearly spat at that. The idea of working with mercs never excited her, far from it she would rather take the girl alone. At least that way she could assure the young woman wouldn't be killed. With the company of unknown hired goons she couldn't be sure.
Her trained eyes kept watch both on her prey now, but also on the buildings to either side, watching for any signs of her new allies. Of their ambush. She wasn't sure of the exact location, but where they were now would do just fine. The crowds were thinning as Mergoux increased her pace, striding towards the unaware fire-mage, coincidentally at the same time the Mercs began their attack
@landaus five-one @zoey white @letter bee