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When the gates of hell opened, humanity cowered and feared at what was to come. Infernal beasts. Abyssal dreadmaws. People expected the devil to come with trident in hand, ready to unleash the apocalypse. It was quite a surprise when he showed up with board shorts, a beach towel, and a sunhat.

Turns out, demons were pretty alright. The stories of hellfire and eternal damnation were blown out of proportion. It was more of a frigid bureaucracy, if anything. They were just like us, except for the horns and magic. They just wanted a nice spot for vacations.

To deal with the international political issues that would arise from a friendly demon invasion, an independent island city was built in the middle of the Caribbean sea. The city of New Helle is the one city on Earth where demons can freely visit and live. As such, it's a city filled with casinos, beaches, resorts, and general vice.

Of course, not all demons were interested in fun little excursions to the mortal realm. There wasn't just criminals interested in slinging hash or extorting money. Now there's demons ready to blast skulls with brimstone and hellfire.


Character sheet:

[img]image here--try to make it anime or at least similar to others if you use one[/img]
[b]Age:[/b] (Normal human limits, for the most part. Demons vary--the slower the metabolism, the longer the lifespan. Don't go ancient, though. Call it a 250 year max, not counting hibernation. No being part of the old days of Hell)
[b]Description:[/b] (Consider this a combination of appearance, personality, and history)
[b]Ability:[/b] (What your character is good at, more or less. Magic, whether contracted or innate, goes here too)
[b]Artifacts:[/b] (Put what artifacts--be they talismans or blades--your character possesses and uses. Fundamentally, they should just be a written description of what its called, what it does, what it looks like, and its associated history if applicable)
[b]Connections:[/b] (What does your character think about others and vice versa? Also list any recurring NPCs here)
[b]Misc:[/b] (Put anything that doesn't fit in other sections here. Fun facts, home locations, important things I need to know that don't fit in other locations, etc.)
In garbage zone 2 mos ago Forum: Test Forum

Well, you know your assignment. Uh, before you go, got a lighter?
Section 7 Chief Armand Reyne

The ephemeral and aloof chief of Section 7, Armand is the dishevelled leader of Section 7. He's a man with zero goals and an endless supply of languid apathy. Often enigmatic, he's the sort to tell people to trust in the plan--even though other detectives can't tell if he even has one. In terms of his sense of justice, he doesn't seem to have one--at least on the surface. He keeps strange bedfellows in all of the city's factions. Though, it's obvious from the consequences of his actions that some powerful people are supporting him. Despite this, he still believes in the greater good of the city. That's what his subordinates think, at least.

If one cares enough to dig up his past, one would find a man mired in all sorts of controversy and confusion. His pictures from his time as a rookie in Section 6 show him with great jubilation and a healthy glow. Tabloids of his exploits fill gossip magazines. A trail of excessive force claims littered throughout his career. Years of non-existence form the middle of his career.

In short, he's the perfect person to lead Section 7--at least what some of the powerful people in the city think.
Hey, I did my time. I'm not doing field work unless one of you jerks are bleeding out.
Section 7 Detective Alia Lialala

this woman is probably being reworked
That's probably enough people. If people want to get started on their characters, they can. I'll repost the character sheet here--you can probably fill out most of it except the connections section which does probably require other characters and a general idea of who the accepted cast will be. I'll probably leave the interest check up for a few more days before the OOC. Here's a Discord link, which is probably the fastest place to reach me for any questions.

[img]image here--try to make it anime or at least similar to others if you use one[/img]
[b]Age:[/b] (Normal human limits, for the most part. Demons vary--the slower the metabolism, the longer the lifespan. Don't go ancient, though. Call it a 250 year max, not counting hibernation. No being part of the old days of Hell)
[b]Description:[/b] (Consider this a combination of appearance, personality, and history)
[b]Ability:[/b] (What your character is good at, more or less. Magic, whether contracted or innate, goes here too)
[b]Artifacts:[/b] (Put what artifacts--be they talismans or blades--your character possesses and uses. Fundamentally, they should just be a written description of what its called, what it does, what it looks like, and its associated history if applicable)
[b]Connections:[/b] (What does your character think about others and vice versa? Also list any recurring NPCs here)
[b]Misc:[/b] (Put anything that doesn't fit in other sections here. Fun facts, home locations, important things I need to know that don't fit in other locations, etc.)
When the gates of hell opened, humanity cowered and feared at what was to come. Infernal beasts. Abyssal dreadmaws. People expected the devil to come with trident in hand, ready to unleash the apocalypse. It was quite a surprise when he showed up with board shorts, a beach towel, and a sunhat.

Turns out, demons were pretty alright. The stories of hellfire and eternal damnation were blown out of proportion. It was more of a frigid bureaucracy, if anything. They were just like us, except for the horns and magic. They just wanted a nice spot for vacations.

To deal with the international political issues that would arise from a friendly demon invasion, an independent island city was built in the middle of the Caribbean sea. The city of New Helle is the one city on Earth where demons can freely visit and live. As such, it's a city filled with casinos, beaches, resorts, and general vice.

Of course, not all demons were interested in fun little excursions to the mortal realm. There wasn't just criminals interested in slinging hash or extorting money. Now there's demons ready to blast skulls with brimstone and hellfire.


Hey, welcome to the RP I've been cooking on and off for 4 or so years.

A good ol' semi-supernatural cop comedy-mystery-drama with a tourist take on gell that takes place on an artificial Vegas that's as corrupt and money-grubbing as it is entertaining. It turns out, Hell is real. But rather than eternal damnation of holding the souls of the dead, it was really just another world that was cold as hell. Demons were just like us, turns out. They worked day jobs just as boring as ours.

As the appearance of demons would upend the world a little too much, the world's governments decided on a self-governing exclusion zone around the portal to hell. With demons interested in the warm Caribbean sea came the construction of a magical artificial island city. With the fair weather came tourism. With tourism came money. And with money came the struggle of criminals, businessmen, and criminal businessmen.

Inspirations are things like Black Joke, the Yakuza franchise, Project Moon, a bunch of series, with a sprinkle of old procedurals.

Players will take the role of Section 7 investigators: detectives of questionable origin who operate outside of the regular chain of command to solve the crimes that the rest of the police force is too corrupt or afraid to deal with. There can be some concessions made for the narrative if one doesn't want to immediately be a Section 7 investigator, but bring that up with me so we don't too-many cooks the same trope.

In terms of narrative, I'd probably describe my plans as a linear sandbox. At least for the first few arcs, the story will follow a narrative about corruption, power struggles, violence, and greed. While the plot will follow a few points I have planned, your ideas and way you want to handle things will shape the journey.

I'll probably give the same spiel as I always do. Weekly or bi-weekly posts (depending on how things go). Play nice. Communication is key. The basics, you know.

Use this link for the work in progress(?) lore. Some things might change or be added, but for the most part, it should be 99% accurate

There's also a character sheet in there. It's probably final and has some guidelines, but some things might change. Probably not though, since this isn't an RP with defined mechanics.
In SPIRITUM 2 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Of course--Morden's hunch had to be correct. Things just had to immediately be fucked up. Just the luck of the Barghests.

Justice was the first to notice. The sudden vanishing of mist was too different to not notice. The wind on her skin as if it were blown by a storm. She knew what this was about. Justice didn't become 2nd class because she was good at being a shield and radar dish.

The door creaked open.

Justice had already began to run down one of the guards in the corner. She closed the distance in a flicker, the spook barely being able to lift his handgun up. The bullet fired. The bullet grazed her hair as she drove even closer with hand parrying the pistol upwards. In one fluid motion, she knocked her fist directly into the guard's throat, sending him reeling.

Clink. The flashbang hit the ground.

She didn't stop running. No, she ran the guard down. With agility, she used his knee as a step as she ascended the spook. Once reaching the summit, she kicked behind her using the wall as leverage. The guard was sent stumbling towards the center of the room.

Then he tripped.

He landed on top of the flashbang.

"Anything!" She yelled to the Barghests. They would know what she meant.
i am alive
In garbage zone 2 mos ago Forum: Test Forum
When the gates of hell opened, humanity cowered and feared at what was to come. Infernal beasts. Abyssal dreadmaws. People expected the devil to come with trident in hand, ready to unleash the apocalypse. It was quite a surprise when he showed up with board shorts, a beach towel, and a sunhat.

Turns out, demons were pretty alright. The stories of hellfire and eternal damnation were blown out of proportion. It was more of a frigid bureaucracy, if anything. They were just like us, except for the horns and magic. They just wanted a nice spot for vacations.

To deal with the international political issues that would arise from a friendly demon invasion, an independent island city was built in the middle of the Caribbean sea. The city of New Helle is the one city on Earth where demons can freely visit and live. As such, it's a city filled with casinos, beaches, resorts, and general vice.

Of course, not all demons were interested in fun little excursions to the mortal realm. There wasn't just criminals interested in slinging hash or extorting money. Now there's demons ready to blast skulls with brimstone and hellfire.


Character sheet:

[img]image here--try to make it anime or at least similar to others if you use one[/img]
[b]Age:[/b] (Normal human limits, for the most part. Demons vary--the slower the metabolism, the longer the lifespan. Don't go ancient, though. Call it a 250 year max, not counting hibernation. No being part of the old days of Hell)
[b]Description:[/b] (Consider this a combination of appearance, personality, and history)
[b]Ability:[/b] (What your character is good at, more or less. Magic, whether contracted or innate, goes here too)
[b]Artifacts:[/b] (Put what artifacts--be they talismans or blades--your character possesses and uses. Fundamentally, they should just be a written description of what its called, what it does, what it looks like, and its associated history if applicable)
[b]Connections:[/b] (What does your character think about others and vice versa? Also list any recurring NPCs here)
[b]Misc:[/b] (Put anything that doesn't fit in other sections here. Fun facts, home locations, important things I need to know that don't fit in other locations, etc.)

and the rage of a mage

Macaron followed as the razor-like strings returned to her skin. It was probably a bad idea to follow strangers, but she did so anyways.

With each word from the werewolf woman, Macaron's face became more and more distorted. It was anger that had quickly boiled over. She was only moments away from interrupting and screaming at the werewolf. Then, the object of her ire had ran off. Before Macaron could begin cussing at her, gunshots echoed throughout the empty streets.

"What's much is the fact that you won't just fucking say what happened." Macaron yelled at the woman as she ran off. Of course, Macaron chased after the werewolf woman--whether it was to rabbit punch her or deal with whatever conflict was ahead, she hadn't decided yet.

It didn't take much to figure out what was going on on the other side. A bunch of mages wielding guns. A beast raising its haunches. Macaron's form was already distorting with magic. Her fingers became distended, nails becoming sharp claws. Her mouth and jaw warped, twisting to a more lupine form with dagger-like teeth exposed from her snarls. Her muscles bulged and swelled, her coat doing what it could to not rip and tear more than it already had.

The young, brown-haired mage advised them all to listen. Macaron was beyond that. No, at this time, the only language she spoke was violence. As the spikes from the blonde mage erupted, Macaron had bounded across the street in a feral leap at the beast. Her ceaseless rage--one built over the smallest inconvenience--would only stop when enough violence had been extolled.
In SPIRITUM 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

For once, everything came up Justice. In spite of her comrades' best efforts, there was no critical failure that would have given her a conniption. She put her papers back in her pocket and waved to the guards outside the city.

To the Dunbarton Bier Fest it was. Rather than the screams of disaster and chaos, it was the screams of revelry and men being tossed through doorways for getting handsy. It was a vile place. One that assaulted the senses and sickened every part of her. But she'd live. It was better than going from fight to fight just trying to get from point A to point B, at least.

All that they needed was to hand off the princess. Just that. Then they could go back to their regularly scheduled itinerary of whatever city it was.

"I think I need a drink." She said to nobody in particular with an exhale. "But after we get the princess to whoever. We'd probably lose her if we started to celebrate early."

and the sweltering grudge building inside

The can of soda did its job. While she would have enjoyed the woman in front of her being pelted by a can, the sticky alternative of hours-long discomfort was good enough for Macaron.

"Yea. We're even. Even Stevens." She said with a shrug. Though, in her mind, they were very much not Even Stevens. But Macaron could wait to get even. She had a whole lifetime ahead of her to settle her newfound grudge--probably.

Surprisingly, the comment of Macaron shirking her lineage didn't bother her. Most of it was her not giving a shit about her lineage. To her, her blood was what it was. A nuisance she was born with and learned to live with. And it wasn't like she was awful at magecraft--that good little girl made sure to carve her body with some semblance of mastery of her family's craft even if unstable. One that wouldn't decay, no matter how much she languished and wasted away.

"I wonder." She said as she brought her hands together. A faint hint of magecraft--transformative in nature--warmed the pale air of the Dark City as Macaron moved her hands apart. Threads of skin stretched between her hands in a childish pattern. A game that Macaron quickly began playing alone, the skin-threads looping around her fingers as she gestured to form different shapes. The snake-like woman would have a feeling that if she tried to partake in the fun, her fingertips would be sliced off in thin sheets.

"And it's not a competition. We can both be little children. Goo goo gaa gaa."

She paused.

"And elaborate on shit--because most people have the common sense to not send letters unless you're a fed or sending it to Santa."

Seemingly, a brief moment of lucidity came over her.

"Especially letters to me."
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