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As the alarm sounded, Ivorio shrugged, noting, “It’s fine, we’re almost there anyway.” Reaching the door, he muttered, “Wish I had my clothes, but whatever...” Stopping by the door, he said, “You hang back for a sec and get a breather, I’ll clear the way a little, just in case. I’ll call for you in a bit.”

Satisfied that he was clear, Ivorio kicked open the door, ducking as he went in, stepping into the harbor. It was partially open to the outside, the ceiling high above where more of the base was. Wooden flooring was split throughout several levels, a number of paths leading to the docks, where about a dozen ships of various sizes were stationed, including one scary looking battleship. Scanning the area, Ivorio saw Marine soldiers scrambling about as the alarm blared, readying themselves for battle. In the opening to the sheltered harbor, Ivorio could see the ocean’s expanse, lit by the orange light of dusk. Glancing over the ships, he spotted a couple that were without a doubt, non-Marine vessels, but even the smallest of them seemed a little large for only two sailors, which complicated things. Hoping Margaret would know a few tricks, Ivor was about to call to her, when a pair of Marines shouted from a little down the path next to him, “Hey! There’s a prisoner up here!”

As the two awaited reinforcements, they drew their blades, looking at the tall, imposing, orange haired pirate hard. Ivorio grinned as they glance to the door he’d come from, as being wary he might flee for it. Deciding to give Margaret a little more time, Ivorio instead went forwards, hopping over the railing with little trouble, landing in the midst of almost half a dozen soldiers, who recoiled in shock as he suddenly entered their range. With a grin, Ivor sprouted two hooks from his palms, spinning in his spot as he flung them outward. The two tendrils whipped out, snagging two unsuspecting Marines by their white, sleeveless uniform shirts, and they were dragged into the air. Ivorio stopped suddenly, one Marine crashing into one who’d been drawing his blade, and the other falling below as Ivor hissed, “Hook Hook Pitch.” Freed from their burdens, the hooks continued their momentum, being stopped as they wrapped around Ivor’s shoulders for a second, before being reeled back in.

One Marine gasped, “W-what the hell? He’s a User?”

Ivor smirked, “Oh yeah, guess I forgot to say something, huh? I ate the Hook Hook Fruit, so I suppose that makes me a Hook human.” Figuring resistance wasn’t too bad, Ivorio looked up at the upper level, calling, “Which one of these is yours?”
Sorry for being a little later than usual, my schedule was stupid. Also, if Margaret can't fight, I was thinking of introducing a doctor next, so that could be a good segue.
With no need for the keys, Ivorio tossed them aside, and they landed just barely within arm’s reach of one of the occupied cells. Ivorio raised an arm, offering his shoulder if need be, before heading off, with Wolf in tow.

The man’s mind racing, he rambled, “Okay, you got a ship, but the Marines probably got your ship, so they probably put it with their ships, in case they needed to...you know, ship, or something.” Looking around the halls, he mumbled, “I guess it’s this way?”

Going down a hallway, he pulled opened a door as he muttered, “Doesn’t really matter, we’ll find it eventually.” As the door creaked open, a sizable number of Marine soldiers could be seen in the armory, gearing up. At the noise from the door, they looked up, locking eyes with Ivorio and Margret in their black and white prison garb. The tall man swiftly closed the door, saying quickly, “Not that way.”

A focused look on his face, Ivor acted quickly, dropping his hands. As they fell, something seemed to come from his wrists: a pair of thick, metal hooks, attached to a sturdy looking black rope. Ivor swung his hands, one hook embedding itself into the wall above the corner of the door, and the other digging into the side crack of the door. Stretching his arms, the black rope seemed to grow from his hand, before each of them ended in another hook, which Ivor promptly dug into the opposite side of the wall, the two ropes crossing over the door. He wasn’t a moment too soon: the Marines on the other side attempted to push the door open, but the one way portal strained against the hooks and ropes. However, the hooks could only dig so far into the wood around the door: it wouldn’t hold for too long.

Ivor led Margaret away, getting some distance as he asked, “Can you fight? I mean, we should be fine, but..."
Good to hear!

Anyway, anything in mind for their position? I'd like to be aware so I don't try to come up with anything for someone of the same position, you know?
After listening to the woman, the man muttered, “Nah, I won’t look away. I’d rather take care of them for you.” Before she could say anything, there was a clatter as the man’s shackles fell from his wrists, banging against the ground. The tall man crouched, a few clicks being heard as the lower part became undone. Twirling a ring of keys on his finger, he stopped the gyrations, before using it to open the door, his smile wide, his eyes covered by bangs as he stepped out of his cell. A tooth could be seen missing from his mouth as he got closer to Wolfbane’s cell door, unlocking it. He said, “I’m a pirate Captain. If you’re as strong as you say, you’ve got a place on my crew. What do you say?”

Noticing the movement, the other prisoners began to shuffle, one of them hissing, “Hey, I’ll join, let me out.”

The taller man sighed, “How many ships have you destroyed?”


“A hundred!” Came another voice.

“Only twelve, but they were all battleships!” said a third.

Rolling his eyes, he muttered, “Oh hush.”
Elsewhere, in an office higher up in the base, the bearded Captain Muscovy sat at his desk, managing paperwork, his white Justice coat draped over his shoulders.

As he worked, a clean shaven man stepped in, the Captain looking up from his work and asking, “Yes? What is it, Lieutenant Commander?”

The second in command, Lieutenant Commander Barbary, had a worried look on his face as he began, “Er, about that prisoner...”

Muscovy raised an eyebrow, thinking of Wolfbane. Her torture had been severe, but some of the men she taken down were rather sensitive individuals, pirates who’d committed theft of some rather important items, which were believed lost, except for what the woman might have known. Of course, it had been far too long, and she was set to be executed. Hoping for good news, Muscovy asked, “Well? Had she said anything?”

Barbary shook his head, beginning, “Er, no, it’s not her. It’s the one across from her, actually, who got brought here the other day, from Cannis Island?”

Muscovy nodded, “Yes, I recall now. He stole a Devil Fruit, but it was returned.”

Barbary swallowed, “Er, well, Count Adomas claims that his guard captain who took a bite didn’t get any power from it.”

Muscovy snorted, “So it was a fake?”

“A closer inspection of the Fruit found that a piece had been cut out, and then replaced. The problem is that the piece removed is too small for the gap. The skin fits perfectly, but there’s a pocket of air where some of the Fruit is missing, so...” Barbary explained.

As he trailed off, Muscovy realized the implication, jumping from his seat as he realized, “Ivorio Fontaine is a Fruit user!?”
Stepping away from the now freed Wolfbane, the tall man asked with a smile, “Can you move? What’s your name? By the way, I’m Ivorio Fontaine, but you can call me Ivor.”
Well, things are going decently so far. Couple things:

I hope your overuse of ellipses is because of Wolfbane's current state, I wouldn't mind it being toned down.

Also, could you describe her appearanc when she's freed? She is a wounded woman with purple eyes, that's all I know.

I got a quick idea for the next arc on the same island: after our characters escape, they go to where your ship might be (not sure if the Marines acquisitioned it or what) and discover it stolen, leading to the next arc where they try to find it after learning it might not have gone far somehow. What do you think?

Lastly, are there any crew roles you'd like to reserve? I have a ton in mind for all positions, though we will need a navigator at some point.
The man was silent for a few moments, before he spoke, “Me? I pissed off the wrong guy. Stole something of his, but he got it back. Of course that just means I’m here to rot for a good, long while, but still...”

After another moment, he asked, “So, three ships, huh? You’ve gotta be pretty strong then. If you do get out of here, what would you do? Go back to fighting pirates? Become a Captain? Join a crew?”

Before Wolfbane could answer, the door opened, a Marine stepping in. Looking around on his patrol, he walked through, not giving any cell more than a glance. As he passed between Wolfbane and the tall, shackled man, a glint could briefly be seen at the soldier’s waist, though the man did not shift from his position.

When the Marine was gone, the man asked, “Well? If I got out of here, I’d probably want to become a pirate Captain. I mean, there’s so much of the world I haven’t seen, and a bunch of interesting treasures to be found. Seems like a dream, almost...”
As the Marine officer in charge of the South Blue’s 35th Branch Base left the prison sections, there was a slight stir from some of the other cells in this block, each containing a single prisoner, whom had been roused awake in the evening, the last vestiges of sunlight filtering through the west facing windows. As they rolled over to go back to rest, or readjusted their lounging positions, it became quiet once again.

After a short while, the newest arrival, having just been chucked into his cell, sat leaning against his bars opposite of Wolfbane, his back facing her. Even from that position, it could be seen that he had shaggy, mid length orange hair covering the back of his head. He also seemed quite large, looking to be about eight feet tall when taking into account his legs, bent upward, the ankles shackled to his wrists.

As things became quiet, he stood, showing off his height in full, his shackles clattering as they bounced against the ground. Peeking over his shoulder at Wolfbane, a blue eye could be seen poking through his hair as he mused, “Man, they certainly haven’t been easy on you. What’re you in for?”
Okay! I'll do what I can to reply today.
If you want! I haven't figured out anything beyond 'our characters are stuck in a pair of jail cells in a Marine base, set to be executed.

Hmm, some ideas for the Arc in general: our characters start chatting, then they escape (already have something in mind, since I imagine your character will be caught in seastone, and thus unable to do much of anything. Then, they fight their way out, tussle with a couple officer Marines and escape into the night.

Next arc, perhaps they end up in one of the smaller towns on the island, the Marines still on the hunt while they try to find a way off, perhaps running into our next character? I don't have anything in mind though, but nothing's set in stone until its posted, so feel free to toss me some ideas to flesh it out!
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