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As the boat began to move and Margaret pointed out the barrel, Ivor blinked, before cautiously heading over. Balto seemed to not have heard the conversation, and simply went about with piloting the ship, the lantern above shaking with the waves. Sprouting a hook from his hand, he jammed the implement through the edge of the barrel, prying the container open easily. Setting aside the top, he looked into the dark barrel, hearing a snort, before something popped up. Ivorio blinked as he saw the lady doctor Dara standing up, groaning sleepily, “Good morning...” The girl tried to maneuver herself out of the barrel, using her arms to push herself up, but tripped over the edge, causing the barrel to fall, the woman crashing to the ground.

Looking over at the noise, Balto blinked, before grumbling, “Dang, can’t take her back since we’re short on time. Oh well.”

Confused, Ivorio asked as the woman got up, “What are you doing here?”

Her black and white eyes half shut, Dara mumbled, “Oh, I wanted to make sure Miss Wolfbane was alright before she left, but I knew she’d be leaving before I woke up, so I decided to wait here overnight and fell asleep.” She giggled at her absentmindedness, before opening her eyes a bit and looking over to Margaret, asking, “How are you feeling?”
As the woman approached, Ivorio threw her a smile, glad that she was up and about, while Balto nodded, “Aye, just waiting on you. Now let’s get going!” As Balto began to make preparations, quickly setting sail once Margaret was on board. As the boat began to head away from the wooden under city, Margaret could feel a presence in one of the barrels, her Fruit Power sensing life.
At Scarlet’s simple question, Ivorio launched into an explanation, revealing how he secretly ate a small piece of the Devil Fruit he was arrested for stealing, before using it to snatch the keys and allowing them to complete the breakout. He then further explained how they found the underground section of Lebara and ended up here. Deciding to go a bit further, he also mentioned to Margaret how there really hadn’t been anything interesting over the past three days, excluding the arrival of the fishman Balto.

As he finished the trilling tale (and the less than thrilling one afterwards), he stood to his full height, saying, “Well, get some rest. I’ll see you early tomorrow morning, I guess, as long as you’re good.” With a wave, the tall Captain headed out, back to the droll mulling about of the underground town.
Several hours later, Ivorio found himself waiting on the docks outside of Raining Sunny’s headquarters, standing nearly a fairly medium sized boat, with one cabin and a small number of barrels. Someone had been sent to fetch Margaret, while Balto made the last minute preparations on the ship. As he worked, Ivorio asked, “You sure Dara can’t give one last check up on Margaret?”

Balto responded, “Eh, from what Marco tells me, Dara sleeps like a rock, so I wouldn’t worry too much. If you wanna wake her, be my guest.” Ivorio simply shrugged, hoping his crewmate would be fine. Dara was a genius, after all...supposedly.
After Margaret explained her Fruit, Ivorio said, “I’ve got the Hook Hook Fruit.” The man quickly showed it off, creating a hook with one hand, which remained attached as he pulled it with his other, before reeling it back in.

Balto nodded, “Excellent, excellent. I think you two will be more than up to the task. See, we’ve got a ship coming in early tomorrow morning, before the sun comes up. We’re a bit worried that the Marines might catch on, so that’s where you two come in.” Pointing his finger between the two, he said, “You guys are the muscle: if the Marines show up, you beat them back. We don’t want them to find out about this place, you know?” Standing, he towered as he finished, “So, that’s that. You guys get some rest, it’s gonna be starting early. I’ll be taking you on a smaller boat to meet the other one at sea.” With a nod, he headed out, with Marco leaving behind him.

As they were gone, Ivorio leaned back in his seat, shrugging, “Well, that doesn’t seem so bad...” Looking over to Scarlet, he asked, "I figure it's just a ship of smuggled goods?" Turning back to Margaret, he added, "What do you think? Not like we have much choice..."
“Nice to see you up, Margaret,” Ivor smiled as he leaned back in his chair. He’d gotten a change of clothes in the past couple days, now wearing a white vest over a dark purple shirt and blue pants, with a pair of light sandals.

At their words, the doctor, her blonde hair down, turned to the woman on the bed, her eyes closed as she smiled. Getting closer, Dara opened them as she examined Margaret with her bizarre eyes, the ‘whites’ of her eyes being colored black, surrounding a white iris and pupil. She insisted, “You seem particularly robust, but I would still recommend another day of bed rest. Now if you’ll excuse me.” With a nod, Dara took her leave, letting the three have some privacy.

After a minute or so, Ivor gestured to a pile of clothes, noting, “Scarlet picked these out for ya, so no need to worry about going around in prison crap. We do have a bit of a problem though.” Ivorio scratched his chin as he explained, “I mean, we broke out of prison empty handed, so we can’t exactly pay for your medical fees. I was able to barter with their boss though, but I’m not quite sure about these guys.” Looking around, as if the walls had ears, he explained, “This place is the base of a crime group called, ‘Raining Sunny’. I haven’t heard much about them but apparently, they do smuggling. We’re supposed to escort a ship to the island tomorrow morning, so we’ll be heading out before dawn.”

“Oh, excellent timing, I was just in the mood to discuss business,” came a voice from the door. A man entered the room, followed by Marco and Dara. He was fairly large, possessing a big nose, and wide, toothy mouth. His skin was dark gray, and he appeared to have fins on his back and arms and gills on his neck. He wore a red aloha shirt and green shorts as he sat down on one of the vacant chairs, the wooden legs straining against his bulk. Dara moved past him, placing a tray of oatmeal and fruit in from of Margaret, before the fishman waved her away, saying, “We’re gonna be discussing business, Dara, so leave us be for a minute, okay?” The woman simply nodded, smiling as she turned and left.

Turning to the others, the basking shark fishman began, “I’m Balto, visiting, er, supervisor. Marco runs this place, but I’m a bit higher on the chain, if you will. So anyway, I heard that you two are Fruit users, right? What kinda powers you got?” He seemed excited as he looked between the two, ignoring Scarlet, hoping for an answer.
Alright, I imagine the next part of the arc being Ivor and Margaret getting roped into doing the crime group a task to pay for the treatment. Feel free to timeskip to Margaret waking up after the treatment if you want.
As the two crashed into the pub, they got a few displeased glances from the nighttime pub goers, who grumbled at the disturbed atmosphere. Ivorio didn’t give any of them a second glance, as they were too short on time.

Luckily, is was mere moments when the man named Marco showed up. He was a little shorter than Scarlet and Margaret, and wore an open brown shirt over his bare chest. A sash was wrapped around his waist, and a pistol was barely concealed within. His pale blue hair was cut very short, and on the side of his jaw was a tattoo of a stylized sun. His thin eyes glinting from the small amount of light at the three, he said, “Oh dear, let’s not waste any time.” Pushing past them, he led the way out, heading out into the walkways outside.

As they walked, he looked over to Ivor and Margaret, noting their prison garb and saying, “Well, that explains the ruckus up above. You’ve caused us a little trouble you know.”

Ivor grumbled, “Hey, I’m just doing what I need too.”

Marco shrugged, “I suppose there’s no fault in that...”

After what felt like ages, the group finally arrived at a fairly large building, the top built into the rocky ceiling above. There was another stylized sun mark like Marco’s tattoo above the door, but Ivor didn’t question it. Marco knocked on the door, and a small, sliding hatch opened on the portal, before closing, and the door opened. As they walked into the building, which had various people about, Marco called out, “Someone wake up Dara!”

Moving up a set of stairs and taking a turn, the group reached a door, opening it into a medical room, with a pair of beds and several shelves of supplies. Ivor wasted no time in getting Margaret onto one of the beds.

After a few minutes, the group was greeted by yet another face. It was a woman, who stood a little shorter than Margaret. She wore black pants underneath a large, brown poncho, which fluttered a bit as she staggered sleepily into the room. Her pale hands went to work on her long blonde hair, pinning it up into a bun. Her eyes were half lidded, but something seemed off about them. She also had visible surgical scars at the edges of her drool stained lips. Turning away from the others, she mumbled, “G-good morning.” Ivor blinked as the woman known as Dara headed over to one of the shelves, coating her hands in gloves and putting on a face mask, before waving her hands, “Please leave, I can take things from here...”

With a nod, Marco complied, taking Scarlet and Ivorio from the room, closing the door behind them. As it swung shut, there was a clattering as a fair number of metal implements, such as scalpels, hit the ground. With a bit of worry, Ivor asked, “Er, is she gonna be okay?”

Marco smiled, “She’ll wake herself up in no time. Er, you mean the wounded girl? Yeah, probably.” At the uncertain glances, Marco grinned wider, explaining, “Seriously though, Dara’s a genius.” Looking over Ivor, he said, “And brilliant surgeons require brilliant pay.”

Getting the implication, Ivor scratched his head, muttering, “Oh right, money.” Helpless in that department he looked over to Scarlet hopefully.
“You know a doctor!?” Ivor gasped as he stooped down to help carry Margaret. The fairly large Ivor had little trouble with her, thus didn’t need any assistance. Thinking to her earlier question and the mention of ‘Cap’, he replied, “Well, I was imprisoned, and she seemed to be at a level above the other prisoners so I broke her out too.” Looking over her wounds again, he figured an explanation was in order, continuing as they walked, “I think the Marines thought she knew something, since they were trying to beat information out of her. No clue what it was though.” Realizing something as they walked, he asked, "How do you know her again?"
Running through the dark, woodwork, Ivor kept calling out, hoping for some aid. He was confident Margaret wouldn’t keel over while he was gone, but the sooner she got help, the better.

As he ran, getting a few odd looks here and there, the first to pay him any attention was one man, who had been sitting and chatting with some companions. He yelled, “Pipe down already, sheesh.” As he looked over the taller person, he noted, “Hey, what’s up with that prisoner outfit?”

Ivor grunted, “What do you think?”

The man grumbled, “As long as the Marines don’t catch on to the fact that this is down here. How the hell did you find it, anyway? You look new.”

Ivor shrugged, “Not important.” Ignoring him, he continued to run, still on the search for assistance.

After what he felt like was too long, he turned back, returning to the little boat. His eyes widened when he saw what appeared to be a red haired woman standing above Margaret, who was on the ground. “Hey!” he cried out as he approached, reaching the two, his height an imposing two feet above the woman. However, on a closer look, it seemed like she had no ill intent. Calming down a bit, Ivor asked, “How’d she get here? She was in the boat where I left her...and who are you?”
There are people coming in and out all the time, of course there are people to treat! :B

Yeah, that sounds good, I'll go with it. Also, the doctor is a lady, if you were curious.

(Also, looking back, you might want to reconsider the name of the navigator. You already have a 'bane', silly)
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