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Well, we could just start and introduce late joiners partway through. We'll need to anyway in the event that someone leaves and we need a replacement.
Well, I PMed you!
Hells yes. Wanna take it to PMs to discuss some things or shall I just throw up a thread?

And what did you have in mind? My idea of a couple of guys meeting up and becoming pirates or something a little more out there? o:
...How many people were you planning hoping to accept before we get started, again, Fellsing?
Neat! And hello to y'all too.

Also, if I may weigh in on the whole thing with Charak having two Digimon, what I find a bit more troubling than having two Digimon is actually the fact that, name aside, you seem to be more concerned with what Digimon the Tamer has than the actual Tamer himself. There's no backstory and personality yet, which I would argue are far more important than what Digimon he has. I'm not assuming that you've done nothing on that front, but I'd rather see that at the end of the day.
Tamer Character:

Name: Dimitri Thomas
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Digivice Colour: Red and dark green

Appearance: Only a bit taller than average, Dimitri doesn't have a lot of flair. His orange hair is rather short, the bangs nearly covering his light green eyes, and he usually wears a light blue, unzipped, hooded sweatcoat, the white, short sleeved shirt underneath usually showing. He also has a liking for plain, blue jeans as well as plain, white sneakers.

Personality: Despite his fairly plain appearance, Dimitri has a surprising amount of presence, having a talent for saying the right thing at the right time. He's no forked-tongue trickster though, generally being rather up and front about things. He tends to have nice things to say, but truth be told, he generally isn't too concerned with others. While he may offer a smile there or a compliment there, he'd much rather find his own enjoyment out of life, whether or not another is needed. He doesn't take betrayal lightly and isn't one for second chances, and while he's loyal himself, he tends to be cautious enough not to stick out his neck too far for himself, let alone for others. While he is a bit selfish, at the same time, he wouldn't purposely harm another. He also tends to be rather passive, not getting angry easily.

Brief History: Average. Almost blisteringly so, in fact. Dimitri had a normal, loving pair of parents, square in the middle class, with a younger sister whom was equal parts annoying and adorable, and schooling in a city neither too crime infested nor glamorous. It wasn't a bad upbringing in the least. He passed his days hanging out with his neighborhood kids, going on the occasional, innocent adventure, going through school with only a bit more than the minimum required effort, and even soccer for a few years, though he never advanced past the skill level of 'decent'.

However, while he was never spoiled too much, he never really suffered much hardship. He heard about it, sure: his father was an avid watcher of various news channels, and Dimitri often caught some before dinner, and there were the occasional whispers of wrongdoings throughout town, but nothing he ever got personally involved with. He only really had one notable moment as far as hardships went, and that would be a bit of an existential crisis after the death of one of his grandparents whom he hadn't really been close too. The human lifespan was really rather short in the grand scale of things, so Dimitri began to feel as though any moment where he wasn't enjoying himself was wasted. Though he was never an anti-social person, he seemed to become even more outgoing, becoming a little more adventurous and yet also more lax. After all, wasn't everyone else trying to enjoy themselves in life too? No reason to hinder them. However, that normal life came to a rather abrupt and unexpected end, and a much less normal one began with what initially seemed to be an unassuming earthquake.

Digimon Partner

Name: Floramon
Gender: Female
Attribute: Data
Type: Plant
Appearance: Link

Personality: Best described as an adventurer, Floramon has always been something of a wanderer, in both body and mind. Walking long ways is something of a hobby for it, in whatever direction seems most interesting. Her natural curiosity gets her into trouble occasionally, but luckily nothing lasting. She has something of a knack for recalling bits about various parts of the Digital World due to having seen much of it, but at the same time, there is much more that she hasn't seen. Her wandering mind is something of an enigma: one moment she's drinking in knowledge like water and nutrients from the soil (sometimes literally, in fact), and others she gets so wrapped up in her own thoughts that nothing short of pain or vertigo will snap her out of it. Despite her stores of knowledge, Floramon isn't the cleverest Digimon, however, but she is excitable.

Evolution Line: Yuramon-Tanemon-Floramon-Mikomon-RoseSagittarimon-Kyujumon

Mikomon and above are original, I'll come up with more for them later (can't draw them though). Their theme is plants+bows though, for the record.

I guess I will explain the names, at least. Mikomon comes from miko preistesses, the Digimon fitting with Kabukimon and Shurimon with the plants+traditional Japanese theme. RoseSagittarimon is pretty blatant: Sagittarimon with a plant/rose theme (though I imagine the appearance will be a little different to better fit the previous and next forms). Kyujumon comes from kyujutsu, the name for the martial art of bowmanship. I haven't fully developed their appearances/attacks though.
Aaaaaaand last bump.
Seriously, it's like a drug, I can't not be in a One Piece RP for very long apparently. Just a short list of what I'm looking for.

*Someone at least somewhat familiar with the setting: I find the setting well built, so I'd like to preserve that. I'm something of a lore monger, so I hate to see original stuff that meshes horribly or outright contradicts the series. Not to say I hate original stuff, or that stuff that contradicts the setting or my interpretations can't be done well. One Piece is far from a generic pirate setting, so I'd like to see some heart or charm in what you come up with too.

*Someone who can post at a Casual/Low Advanced Level: I'm not expecting a novel at any point, but I'd still like you to do your best!

*Someone aware of the possibility of the game being long: Given my usual ambition, and the series itself, I like to plan my OP games to be far spanning and grand in scale, even if they've never gotten that far.

Beyond that though, I'm pretty flexible!

I think the generic idea for a game would be you and I playing as a couple characters who meet and form a crew, before going on adventures and adding more crewmates, not unlike the series itself. I've done games like that before, but most everything was lost when the Guild exploded. I might be willing to try something else if you have something in mind!

If you are interested in working something out, hit me up! I'm willing to do games through threads or PM. Also note, I don't do a lot of OOC talk...
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