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Midstep, Pen was forced to a halt, leg trying to get ground as a hand on his shoulder kept him back. "H-hey. What?" The larger Marine explained himself loudly, making Pen exclaim, "Wait, what!?"

From ahead, the Marine turned his gaze, spotting the two. Overly long silver hair flipping a bit, he stomped over, nabbing his other sword en route. He wore a white vest with blue pants and a gray coat wrapped around his waist. "Pendleton! To what do I owe the displeasure?"

Gritting his teeth at Lieutenant Junior Grade Janiel, Pen hissed, "Huh? I was just checking to see why they put a dump in the middle of town, but it was just you."

"Oh, that's the best you've got? Why should I bother with the likes of you?"

"Why shouldeth I bother with the likes of youeth?" Pen repeated in a screechier voice.

Eye twitching, Janiel scoffed, "I'm not dealing with you today." Turning back to the blacksmith, he slammed down a few big bills before taking both swords, leaving only the eyes watching the scene.

Pen grumbled, "Stupid money having..." Loosening up a bit,he slipped his hands into his pockets, slouching as he grumbled, "Let's go get some food."

A few minutes of travel through the dusty town later, Pen cracked open the swinging doors to a slightly dingier than usual looking place. Voices became hushed for a moment as the Marines began to enter, but while they weren't the only ones, most here seemed to be huddled in groups of at least two, speaking in hushed tones once the Marines made their way in.

"Don't get the eggs, you'll be in bed for a week. Unless you want to be in bed for a week: they're reliable like that."
Leading the way, Pen headed out of the Mess, tramping across dusty grounds to reach the edge of the HQ, moving beyond the walls to the Town. As they walked through, Pen's eyes watched as folk, women and children more often than not, mulled about in the early morning. The walking pair got the occasional smile, as Marine uniforms tended to receive in a town of those related to them, but at the same time, a few conspicuously looked away from the gruff duo. Pen didn't pay it much mind though: no point in fooling around with these people, as they were always 'well, my ____ is a Marine too!' Yeah, no shit.

Moving past the edge of the Base Town, the two went down yet another path, flanked by a poorly kept fence. At its end, a staircase built into the cliffside wound downwards, overlooking the shadowy buildings below, a port visible in the distance, many of the ships unmarked. As they began to head down, Pen scoffed, "Can you believe this is still Headquarters?"

After a steep trek to the bottom, the two were in Undertown proper. Now those mulling about were largely men, in various states between Marine and sour sea dog. Some even had tattoos or other markings of affiliation, poorly hidden, if they bothered at all.

Stepping around a few buildings, Pen knew the exact path he was taking. Turning one corner, however, a voice he heard made him come to a stop, glancing around.

"-this wave pattern? Did I ask for this wave pattern!? No, you're screwing around with me, aren't you!"

Sidling to the nearest corner, Pen watched as a Marine, holding a katana with a brightly colored sheath, shaking it as he raged at the blacksmith, who seemed a bit tired of the Marine's crap. Eyes wandering, Pen saw yet another sword lying on a barrel just behind the Marine.

Grinning mischievously, Pen suggested, "Well, that's not right. A Marine not giving business to our Marine contracted smiths? Well, he can keep his new blade, but that other one is Marine property!"

Letting that proclamation hang in the air, Pen shuffled forwards, moving to approach the Marine from the other side, leaving the sword on the barrel in the clear.
Oh you cheeky little...

I mean, have fun! >_>

Against who, I wonder?
Hmm, @Aldridge has been online but still hasn't gotten back to me.

@Tendo @Crimson Lion You guys still going good? o:
The sound surprise him every time: that gritty yet squelchy splat, followed by a strange wobbly sound.

Pen used to be starving, but he wasn't any more. Eyes glazed over as he walked over to an open seat, he set his tray down, still trying to gauge what color his food was and what color it used to be.

Of course, at this hour, the mess hall wasn't exactly packed. Anyone with any smarts had already gotten up early and snuck over to Undertown, or was on their way. Regretting his rare burst of responsible thinking, Pen muttered nonsense quietly, mentally grumbling, I can't eat this: you'd have to be drunk or dying. Actually I'd still probably turn my nose up then.

"I can tell ya feel the same lad, 'ahmean who actually enjoys this drool? Naw us men need real food, meats and strong drinks. Whadya say?"

Pen blinked for a moment, looking up at the large man who's stature didn't quite match his rank and file uniform. Actually Pen was 90% sure there was a 0% chance he saw this guy before, and he wasn't any good at math. Discarding that information, he glanced down at his food again, stomach turning. Gritting his teeth, he shoved it aside, agreeing, "Yeah, screw responsibility! I know a place, you see. Name's Pen, by the way."

Sure, Commander Ferghus could arrive at any time, but unless he had some awesome cooks, Pen wasn't exactly in the mood to be jumping on his vessel.

Standing, Pen adjusted his suit coat, grinning, "You aren't afraid of Undertown, are you?" Not like anyone has reason to be, all bark and no bite...

As reveille echoed throughout the dawnlit Base, a red haired man in slacks and an undershirt rolled over, discarding himself from his low bunk and flopping unceremoniously to the ground. As a laugh from one of his peers in the fairly small officer's quarters (know for it's slightly fluffier and bug free beds, while also being closer to the lounge) rang out, Pendleton Abernathy sputtered, "You shut up."

Sitting up, a hand rubbing the short hair of his pounding head, fighting itself in hangover, Pen made to dress himself, throwing on a slightly wrinkled blue suit coat to match his slacks and a white tie over a light gray dress shirt, along with a MARINE band on his arm. Scratching at his green eyes, he stumbled along as the officers moved out, Justice coats ruffling as they were slung over shoulders.

In minutes, they were neatly assembled at the head, as the enlisted Marines filed up by division in neat rows. Though next to the officers, already standing stalwart, they were indeed a cut above. (Though as if to challenge that observation, Pen's head lolled a bit as he tried to sneak in some extra Z's)

He snapped up once everyone had assembled, as a cry of "Attention!" rang out throughout the dusty courtyard. Stepping in front of the men of the South Blue Marine Headquarters, a broad man in a silver suit with a blue tie came to a halt facing the rest of the Marines. His head of long orange hair was topped by a Marine cap, while the white Justice coat fanned out behind him.

Rear Admiral Zhuque announced, "Men, at ease!" As Pen loosened his stance, the man began, "The seas around here have quieted too much, so today marks a change in tactics! Divisions are going to be reorganized, and we will be sending out another patrol boat. Assignments will be posted by nine hundred hours. It will also include reassignment for those boarding the ship of Commander Ferghus MacLaomainn of the 120th Blue Branch Base. He will also be bringing in a contingent of civilian workers, who have been contracted to refurbish select areas of the base." There was a murmur of interest, and a few hopefuls making guesses as to what was getting fixed up. This Headquarters was not in the best shape, to be honest. With a nod, Zhuque concluded, "Dismissed."

As the crowd broke up, many going to their daily tasks, or off for a meal at the mess, Pen was hunkering for some solid food as well. Shame he wasn't quite fond of the slop regularly served. Sadly, he prefer dining in the Undertown when he could make it: beyond the walls of the HQ were the Base Town, where families of stationed Marines lived, but further below those cliffs was the impressively slimier Undertown. It wasn't so much a den of criminals as it was a hangout, where folk talk about dealings in quiet or code rather than actively engage in anything unscrupulous. Shame for them, Pen had a good ear. But with that Ferghus set to arrive at any moment now, Pen would just have to settle for the standard grub for today...
It was what he said before calling Vice. I figured that it would be easier for you to handle it from there however you wanted, be it an full conversation or not.
Sorry, @Otaku95, I've actually found myself in the process of starting two 1x1s, so I'm not really looking for any more games at the moment. Thank you for asking though!
Hillan has reported that he's had progress on his end, though I know you and Tendo have been busy. Collabs take time!

I've never been particularly OOC chatty, to be honest. >_>
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