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Matsuri Miyazono



Matsuri, to put it simply, is just quick, flashy, and all over the place. She's a ball of energy that can't help but be active, sometimes to the point of annoyance, her loud voice not helping matters any. When that energy runs out, however, she tends to get lethargic until something piques her interest enough, like food. She's not afraid to talk to anyone who catches her eye, but whether or not its appreciated is another matter. Her demeanor is a bit childlike, and perhaps even a bit boyish, as she likes cool things and being cool. Matsuri may not be able to contain herself often, but her temper is in no way a weak point of hers, as she generally doesn't get very mad, brushing off most things without realizing or simply pouting, and ignoring any offenders at worst. Her over-excitability does get the better of her on occasion, occasionally in combination with her Quirk, and she's certainly less than average when it comes to intelligence, occasionally lacking in foresight. She is also known to get flustered when caught off guard.

Parents love talking about how their kids tend to develop faster than others, and in no way are quirks any different. But by the age of four, Matsuri had still yet to show any signs, being the slowest of her siblings to do so. That was until a call for lunch brought her back from playing outside with her siblings. Matsuri rushed to her food, gaining an incredible burst of speed, tripping over the lower doorframe, her small body tumbling into the table. While her leg, several plates, her father's dreams of saving money, and her mother's trust in her youngest daughter's safety were broken, Matsuri's spirit was not. As a constant source of boundless energy, her Quirk had a strongly desired functional use. Unfortunately, it didn't make Matsuri more resistant to, say, a hard surface, so she had some work to do.

During the semi-frequent hospital visit as she constantly tested the limits of her power, her bright mood meant that the staff and other patients tended not to mind her, but in those instances when she was stuck in a bed, unable to move, trapped in her own overly energetic body, she found solace in thinking about those paragons of pure inspiration. Doctors! Just kidding, superheroes, obviously, as much as the occasional staff member with a handy Quirk blushed when Matsuri used the term to describe them (even the nurse with a food flavor enhancing Quirk; especially her, actually). Matsuri met a few of them, either due to due them visiting or being in a hospital bed themselves. The media liked to spin heroes as invincible, but while Matsuri couldn't articulate it, seeing them stuck in bed next to her made her feel like a superhero even at the tender age of six.

That said, while it wouldn't be impossible for Matsuri to become a hero without going to one of the elite schools dedicated to it, man the TV ads made them look so friggin' COOL. Matsuri began shopping around for a part time job in middle school, but even if it weren't for her age she was basically unemployable. She didn't stop from trying though, even if her constant efforts in doing bit jobs for quick cash often left her draining it after breaking something.

But her persitence was not unrewarded. Matsuri's oldest brother, Mitsuo, earned a spot at a somewhat above average college. While Mitsuo had been accepted at better schools, this one had sweetened the deal by smoothing over many of the extra costs. With Matsuri having spent the last two years using her own money on her mishaps, plus her older sister moving out to live with her boyfriend, their father was able to save up enough money that he'd planned on using it for Mitsuo's tuition, but with Matsuri about to enter high school, the tight knit family decided to gamble on her passion and diligence. The fact that Mitsuo's college wasn't too far away from a hero school only sweetened the deal, but it wasn't close to their current home either. For the sake of their education, Mitsuo and Matsuri would have to strike out on their own, away from the rest of that family, for the sake of their futures. Matsuri only cried a little before getting on the train. After that she cried a lot. No way was she going to let them down...

Speedline – Upon the use of her power, Matsuri bursts forward at an astonishing speed with otherwise impossible acceleration. She can go from 0 to 80 MPH in less than a second, but beyond that initial burst, she can maintain that speed for only as long as she keeps running. Stopping is either an all at once thing in the form of painful injury, skidding to a slower stop, or otherwise trying to transfer her energy, like through a strike or jump. Think of it like a switch: once on, she speeds up to as fast as 80, and can coast on that as long as she can, but once she reaches top speed she can only continue or decelerate, and once she starts keeping speed she can't maintain it easily again or speed up until she's come to a stop. She can choose to burst out speeds lower than 80 MPH, and usually chooses too, but her emotional state can affect it; for instance, her overexcitability having gotten her into more than a couple painful meetings with the local architecture. Luckily, her Quirk doesn't seem to expend significant amounts of energy compared to her normal actions, but it might just be that Matsuri is so full of energy already...

Rosso Linea – Matsuri bursts forward at her preferred speed, but begins decelerating quickly. As she comes to slow, she passes off her kinetic energy through a punch or kick. She usually doesn't use very high speeds for this: pro boxers can punch as fast as 30 MPH at best, but Matsuri isn't built for that, so if she's going faster than 20 at the moment of impact, she's liable to stain or even fracture her arm even if she gets off a clean hit. Less clean hits or hits at fast speeds are more likely to get her hurt even worse.

Rosso Tronco Rather than a punch, Matsuri instead opts for a full on high speed body slam. This spreads out the force across her whole body and strikes a wider area, so she can afford to go faster while damaging herself less.

Sopra Linea – Matsuri manages the energy of her burst upwards, effectively managing a high or long jump. She can't land and keep going at high speeds, as it counts a deceleration, and until she comes to a stop she can't reaccelerate, but it does wonders for her mobility.

Durability – Matsuri is not invincible. Due to practice and more than a few broken bones and some lucky Quirks from the hospital staff, she's a bit more resilient than the average 14 year old girl. If she doesn't take note of her speed and whatever it is she's aiming to run into or through, she's liable to get pretty hurt. A protective superhero costume could offset this, but the bulkier it is the more limited her mobility would be. It might also limit her top speed, but her hyper-fast acceleration would be relatively untouched.

Turning – Matsuri's powers work best at going in the direction she can aim in. Turning is not yet in her range, as the torque and agility required results in her tripping over self more often then not, and even in the instances she doesn't it's because she started decreasing her speed. Cruising at her chosen speed while turning even a bit just isn't doable for her right now. Jumping gives her some mobility but it's still just two dimensions of movement.

Environment – Due to practice, Matsuri has reflexes that generally allow her to slow down or push herself off a wall before becoming a splatter, but if something happens that she doesn't expect then it's going to hurt. Her inability to go in anything but straight lines with the exception of jumping makes her movement more restricted, and thus more predictable, when constrained by obstacles she's not capable of blowing past.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hwah! Giko really heard it, Claribel quickly found out. It wasn't that loud though, was it? She didn't seem to notice, or mind, as the seagulls began to crowd about, despite their obvious Marine symbolism. But then...Claribel was rebuked by a sudden interloper, who took Giko's hand in his.

Giko didn't seem to mind, or hear, simply asking Claribel another question, but then a seagull got way too close, shoving itself into Giko's mouth.

"Ah! You..." Claribel hissed, charging over, slipping past the dude, grabbing the offending bird and pulling, yanking the struggling bird out of Giko's mouth. Holding its lower body, it began to flap its wings fervently, Claribel and the dude guy both within its range. Claribel got a face full of feathery fowl f...f...wings...before she let go of the bird, tossing it into the air furiously, before kicking her feet at the crowd still picking at donut bits. She cried, "Go away you stupid birds! Birds are so stupid and boring! They just fly and poop!"

Calming down, she looked between Giko and guy person, before slipping her TD off of Giko's head, eyes flipping between the two. Expectantly. Claribel seemed to be expecting a lot these past few minutes!
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Watching Giko eat, Claribel had to stuff a bite of her own food into her mouth to keep from giggling. She really ate it! This was making her day. What else would Giko do?

Claribel's ear twitched as she caught the shopkeeper's remark, and she paused before taking another bite. She looked over at Giko again...naaaw. Marine thing? No way! Claribel passed over Giko's portion...was the puppeteer eyeing it? Whatever.

"So what's with the, uh, the shells? Are they some kinda fashion around these parts?"

Claribel blinked, tilting her head as she mumbled, "Eh?" Eyes widening, she gasped, "Eh!? Are you kidding!?" Crossing her arms over her chest, she began, "They're TDs! Er, Tone Dials. They're only the best invention, like, ever~! Back when the Soul King was getting really, really huge they started making these so people could listen to music easier! And now tons of bands put them out so I can music without having to go watch someone play! Here!"

Pulling her silvery pair off her ears, she threw them over Giko's, giggling, "This is a new one. Try it!" Claribel tapped the button on the side, letting it play for the puppet. Looking down at Giko...wait...she was wearing...blue and white? Claribel unmistakably glanced sideways at the puppeteer...
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Claribel cooed, "It's not your face that's scary!" Under her breath, she whispered, "Kinda." She insisted, "Anything can be scary if you don't know it's coming likeRIGHTNOW AH!" Claribel hopped towards Giko suddenly, but the two were about the same height, and Claribel's scale leaned all to way to cute as opposed to creepy, so it didn't have much impact.

Backing up, Claribel insisted, "Hmm, that one didn't work, but it could have! Anyway, I'm Claribel!"

Looking around, there was something she just needed to...aha! Running over to a certain open restaurant stall, she offered up some cash, getting some freshly baked, sugar coated little doughnuts in two little baggies, one for each of them. Taking Giko's, she speared one of them with a toothpick, holding it up to her. Claribel's eyes sparked with a clear interest in watching Giko eat.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Claribel pondered on that as the puppet held up a sketchpad. There wasn't much natural about this whole scene in the first place, so if she was supposed to act like this was natural...hey, this was getting interesting. Stepping forwards, Claribel got a closer look at the guy: he had a bit of facial hair, and his clothes were on the muted side, but one of his arms was definitely inside the puppet girl.

Claribel giggled, waving her arm in front of her own face, "Eh? There's no one behind you! You just spooked me." Getting closer, she looked over the pair, before grinning, grabbing the puppet by one of her arms. Stars starting to shine in her eyes, she glowed, beginning, "Anyway, what's your name? What are you doing in the quiet part of town?" As she asked, she thought she heard some rambunctious echoes from closer to the sea somewhere else in town. Probably nothing.

Excitement getting the best of her, Claribel's stomach let out a rumble. Claribel puckered her lips, before turning around, moving to pull her along. "Let's get some food!"
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Head bobbing lightly to the music, Claribel was completely engrossed, her feet trumping along without much rhyme or reason to her approach.During a lull in between songs, she let out a giggle: she'd have to keep this one. Sorry, boss man.

Feeling something on her shoulder, she realized how wrapped up she was getting. A bit groggy, she lifted one side of the TDs, turning to look at her caller.

"Heeeeeeeeey theeeeeere~" the voice of the firm face spoke out, a wooden shutter clunking closed over one of the eyes.

"GUHEEEEE!" Claribel cried out like some kind of rodent, thoroughly spooked, bouncing a few steps away. Landing on her feet, her eyes were wide as she stared at the girl puppet and...uh...some guy.

Tapping the button on her TDs, pausing them, her expression was vacant as she blinked, looking over the pair. W-was this some kind of show? There really wasn't anyone else around: Claribel stuck to quieter areas when listening to music, whether on purpose or not.

Raising a hand, she greeted, "G-good morning?" Actually, had Claribel eaten yet? She was just gonna steal her boss' lunch but that wasn't happening today...
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I think coming up with moves on the fly is fine, depending on the character.

Luffy's techs pretty much amount to him hitting things, or him hitting things with a power up. Him pulling out something like Balloon or Axe or Storm for the first time isn't egregious because it's still within his known limits, while the Gears are a bigger deal because they change those limits.

I think the issues might come from characters suddenly being capable of things they haven't been established doing, or suddenly being capable of it. Usually One Piece handles it pretty well though. Usopp brings out new stuff every so often but pre-timeskip it's been dials with already established effects or gear made of store bought tools, while with Franky a lot of time was spent on Water 7 (and the Puffing Tom) establishing his capabilities, then again on Fishman Island. I forget the last time Usopp brought out a new Pop Green too for that matter.

I think characters like Scab and TJ are going to be less likely to pull out something weird compared to some of the more gear/tech oriented characters like Giko and Tenmon, but as long as we're aware of it I don't see that happening.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Eyes closed to the world, Claribel flinched as a beam of sunlight weaved through the building tops and chimneys to smack her in the face. "Hnn?" she groaned as she lifted her head, blinking her blue eyes. Parting her long pink hair, it didn't do much to block the sunlight.

Still not quite awake, Claribel dropped her head back down, thumping it against the wood, before letting herself stay adrift in that half awake state as the sun climbed a bit more. After a few minutes, a voice called out, "Claribel? What are you doing here?"

Lifting her head off the door to her workplace, Claribel stumbled a step away, before yawning, "W-work."

Her mustachioed employer moved to unlock the door, noting, "You're off today, aren't you?"

Eyes snapping open, Claribel gasped, "Eh!? No way!" Pouting a bit, she admitted, "I-I forgot..."

"Well, that's normal, at least for you. Still, I can't complain: at least you're forgetting you don't need to come to work instead of the other way around," the boss said, moving into the store.

Claribel followed, habitually raising the blinds over the window, which was plastered with posters advertising some music groups: largely local, but plenty that had gotten East Blue or worldwide renown. Looking around, she saw the walls covered with hooks, many dangling sets of headset TDs, labeled with prices, a good number of them empty and in need of restocking. There were also a few shelves and ground space dedicated to bigger ones and other music players. While the boss went to the back room, Claribel yelled, "I don't want to go home so I'm going to borrow one!"

"Again? At least write down which one you took, so... Actually, we got a new shipment last night." A few moments later, the boss came out with a yellow and silver TD headset. Tossing it, Claribel caught it as he suggested, "New 'Shin Grasp'. You're good at making recommendations, so give it a listen before you come in tomorrow."

Throwing it over her ears with a smile, Claribel giggled, "Got it!" A bounce in her step, she bolted out the door, out into the town. As she stepped out, she raised her hand, about to start the music, but something came into her head...

She'd forgotten to go to work before, but now she was forgetting not to? Why was that? Did it have to do with the reasons she came her in the first place? This was the one and only Loguetown after all.

Just as she had begun to dwell on it, her finger tapped the button on her TD, music blasting away her worries in the dawnlight.
In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Well, what would be easier for you? You're probably going to be coming up with most of the antagonist parties. If they all have stats then that's way more work for you, and if they don't then what's the point of having stats except in those rare instances of PvP?

Honestly, I'd personally be satisfied with leaving the strength management to you. You probably have a rough idea of how strong each character is, so when you set up a fight all you have to do (at least for me) is say how the NPC fights, their personality if it's important, and about what level of challenge it would be for my character.

If you aren't sure about strength management, then one idea I had might be to have everyone PM you a strength ranking of all the current cast, and you average it out to decide roughly what level the crew is next to each other.
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