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Yeah, this is private, unfortunately.
"This is by far the stupidest thing I've ever been involved with," Macario stated firmly.

"...You coming?"

"Yes. Freakin..." Macario grumbled, before coming along.


Macario hadn't seen so much red staining the ground in his life. Things were fine at first, but then Chester rolled in and...the carnage.

As the Crimson Company returned to their camp, reveling in victory, Macario wanted to know when it'd be over, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be so simple.


Stooping down, Lina repeated Kuhn's question, "Who did this? I thought there was a festival going on?"

The girl muttered, "This is...normal."

"...What!?" Lina gawked.

"It happens every year...just not this bad. Such is fate." Slumping, the girl collapsed, wallowing on the ground.

Blinking in bewilderment, Lian turned to Kuhn, stating, "This isn't right! This is supposed to be a festival! What's going on here!?"

"Cause and effect is the natural order of things." Looking over, Lina saw tall woman with long hair streaked in black and white, a crinkled cigarette in her hand, yet to be lit. Her face was somewhat wrinkled, indicating her middle age, and she wore a loose white, long sleeved shirt and long green running pants. As Lina stared, she continued, "If 'effect' is fate, then 'cause' is human actions."

Lina tilted her head. She kiiiiinda got it.

The woman came over, clapping her hand on Lina's shoulder. "My name's Kobicha. What brings you two here?"
"Are we really doing this?"

As Chester continued to load up on beer, Macario muttered, "We're really doing this..." He merely hoped things wouldn't get too out of hand.


Lina answered, "I can't really imagine Chester dying. I mean, he said he couldn't swim, but Macario should be fine... I mean, they could be dead..." Even as she said it, she failed to convince herself of even the possibility.

As the skies continued to clear, Lina and Kuhn took the Breeze to the island, avoiding the docks, which were packed with visitors. She came to realize, "How are we even going to find them? I mean, they'd probably end up here." Looking out to the cities of Stagio in the distance, her face twitched as she tried to avoid grinning, suggesting, "We should look everywhere for them."

As she bounced off the gangplank, she was surprised that while there were no cities in this more deserted realm of island, among the light trees and shrubs were tents. However, the earthy colored shelters had been ruined, its folk scattered about like refuse.

Approaching, Lina gaped, "Who did this?"
Macario stared blankly as events unfolded. He sat there in the sand, soaked to the bone, waiting for Chester to wake up, for this.

Answering Chester, he muttered, "Well, I can see why. You're like a stray dog, except with booze." Briefly, he mimed punching Chadwick in the face, but his shirt was actually making it harder for him to move his upper torso: it was absolutely going to burst at some point. It was a wonder they got it on in the first place.

Letting out a sigh, he muttered, "Let's just go." Looking down towards his still soaked shoes, he leaned to pick them up...and stopped. His shirt pulled against him as he reached, but every strained movement threatened the shirt. Standing back up straight, he crossed his arms over his chest, as though nothing was wrong.


The storm long since died down, the squall blown away, Lina had a spyglass affixed to her eye, watching closely for any signs of waving arms or land. She new they couldn't be far from Stagio, but who knew where they were.

"Aaaaahhh!" Lina cried as she stared at the fresh opening in the railing. She almost rushed to help, but Kuhn kept her away, lest she join the others in the stormy seawater. As they tried to get things under control, Lina realized that there wasn't going to be much way they could get back in this weather...


The storm raged for another hour, Lina and Kuhn only managing to keep the boat from going completely off course. By the time the squall blew itself out though, there was still no sign of Chester or Macario. Rain pattered lightly as Lina took a break, leaning against the door inside. Soaked to the bone, Lina roared, "STUPID FISH!"
Macario shook his head. "He's hanging on the rod, dumbass." Coming over, he picked it up, saying, "Just reel him i-"

A gust of wind shoot the boat, the sails starting to groan. The God Fish continued to be pulled by the wind, and the rod slipped out of Macario's hands.
"I never got the knife." Shaking her head, Lina gave an exasperated sigh, "Honestly..."

Macario suggested, "You know, I think he's telling the truth."

"Really!?" the God Fish gasped.

"Oh, about the book thing, not the virtuous luck crap. Animals pick up stuff from humans all the time." The fish seemed to slump back, but a gust of wind sent him flying about.

Lina said, "We just ate...put him in some water and cook him later if you want to. I don't want to try cooking something that was just screaming at me."

"I'm not screaming!"

"Hypothetically," Lina insisted. But then...hypothetically...what if he was telling the truth. Getting a bit nervous, she turned away, suggesting, "Just throw him over board. He probably wouldn't taste good anyway."
Lina cringed, "Gross..." Shielding her mouth with her hand, she grumbled, "And what's with the colors?"

As a gust of wind tore through, Lina pulled up the hood of her coat, tucking her hands underneath her arms. Ignoring the weather, Macario leaned in, poking the fish and watching it struggle.

"I've got about five reasons you should let me go!" the fish argued.

Macario shrugged, "I really don't care too much..."

"First and foremost, if you let me go, your crew would be blessed with amazing fortune in the days to come!" Cold eye glancing around, he added, "You like you need it. Yeesh, look at this dump of a ship."

Lina growled, "We cleaned the hell out of it, thank you."
Sun peeking over Melonberry, the town began to rise. Fishers scuffled to their boats, farmers tilled the fields, and Mafia goons went on their patrols.

"I'm going, Lino," Reno said, leaving his home, a blue coat over his island garb, his head still bandaged and arm in a sling, though otherwise he'd healed well. His eyes went alert as he saw the terrible trio of Gin, Kin, and Seido.

"Oi, Reno: there's a visitor for you."

As his thoughts turned to what day it was, Reno felt a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.


Stepping into the Azure Company estate, Reno winced as he saw the huge form sitting in front of Momo. He was almost Reno's height though he rested with one knee propped up. He had heavy black boots, gray combat pants stuffed into them, and a white tank top over his large chest. Coiled around his waist was a black and white sash. A blue coat and its sleeves dangled over his shoulders, two tanned, thickly muscled arms poking out. One of them seemed to be holding up...a hand mirror? As Reno entered, he lowered it, the face within the mirror turning on Reno, contorted into a surly gaze. Sunglasses covered his eyes, and a thin, pointed beard jabbed from his square chin.

Getting closer, sitting in range of both him and Momo, he began, "Boss Cerulean, I presume?"

Boss Cerulean [Azure Company Commander – Boss "Iron" Cerulean, 30 Million beli bounty] replied, "And you're the punk who elbowed his way into our ranks?"

Reno answered, "I'm sure you're up to date on the situation."

Leaning down, Cerulean demanded, "Where's Chester?"

Despite himself, Reno leaned away slightly. Cerulean made no move to strike him, but it wasn't about whether or not he would, it was about whether or not he could. Remembering the stakes, he said, "No clue. Do pirates still care about the Grand Line?"

Momo tapped out her pipe, stating, "The other Companies have been told to keep an eye out for him. If he's active we'll hear in a day or two."

Cerulean growled, "And then what? We send my other Lieutenants after him?"

Momo recalled, "He wanted to go fight you specifically."

Cerulean snorted, "Then he'll be getting a fight."

"And then what?" Reno interjected.

Cerulean cricked his neck. "I'll win."

"Not what I was asking. What happens here?"

Cerulean insured, "I'll be back in control."

Reno hissed, "And? So what?"

As Cerulean stared daggers, Momo began, "Actually, since we've stopped our sugar monopoly, productivity has increased. We aren't making more profit, but it's not much of a loss at all. And that's accounting protection costs..."

"It's not about money!" Cerulean roared. Slamming his fist on the ground, he continued, "It's about the message. Some random brat sailing around with the rights to Melonberry's affairs in his pocket... I won't accept that." Standing up, he spat, "I'm going after him."

Momo began, "But the Meet is in a month!"

"I'll adapt." Cerulean squeezed his way out the door, moving back to the docks.

Once he was gone, Reno loosened, letting out a sigh of relief. His heart twinged as he considered his sister... Standing, Reno looked to the window, mentally praying for the best.


"Coo, coo."

"Bout time."

Tossing a few coins into the news coo's pouch Macario took the days paper. Adjusting his purple dress shirt, he looked up to the gray morning sky, which was already starting to darken. What a pain...

Taking a look at the paper, he saw the front page advertising the annual Four Color Festival on Stagio Island. He grinned. A few days ago he'd suggested that as the next stop, but he'd forgotten the festival entirely.

Heading into the Breeze, he caught the whiff of food, but strangely enough, Lina was cleaning dishes, wearing a dark red coat over a pale pink blouse and white, knee length pants. "Hey, where's breakfast?" Macario demanded.

Lina huffed. "Early bird gets the worm. The slowpoke mole not so much."

Macario sighed, before taking a seat. "Mole?" he repeated. Cracking open the paper, his eye twitched as he caught a double page spread going on about Terra. The Government loved their propaganda, and when combined with what was basically celebrity gossip, Macario had to avoid gagging.

Leaning over his shoulder, Lina wondered, "Who's that?"

Macario turned to her, blinking, "Have you been living under a rock?"

"I kinda know, but I figured since you like talking I'd just let you have a go."

"...If I had food I'd think about it."

"Leftovers are in the fridge. Be earlier next time," Lina stated, before heading out, a slight limp in her step from her still burned leg.
"...Let's just go," Macario replied, not wanting to argue.

Cracking open the briefcase, Lina's eyes lit up as she saw the fresh amount of cash. Her hands twitched in cheer as she gave a satisfied cackle. Locking the briefcase back up, she scampered down below deck.

Sitting down near the rope to his boat, Macario watched as Kuhn boarded. Throwing an accusing finger, he jabbed, "If I just pass out the least you could do is make sure I don't die."

Busting out of the door, Lina returned, four bottles of booze in hand. "We're all in varying degrees of pain but forget that! We're almost a real crew now!"

"What are you guys missing?" Macario wondered.

"A name."

"I thought it was the Grog-"

"Shhhhh..." Lina hissed, passing the bottles around. Raising a bottle, she said, "Two Companies down!"
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