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Among those who taken up the task of informing the officers of the present situation, Seaman Jo Joe Josie had come from the Commander's Quarters confused and a bit lost. The recent reassignments meant that about a quarter of the 2nd Patrol's men were new and rather unfamiliar with the quirks and quandaries surrounding those at the top, and adjustment was...a work in progress.

Jo's wanderings took him down to the engine room, where a worker tending a burned face pointed him to some more experienced superiors, who sent him down to the cargo hold. Jo passed by the brig, face twisting into a grimace of confusion and disgust as he watched men with long spears, tips dull and rusted, poking and prodding as the tried impale caged pirates caught more than a week ago, laughing about how the unpolished weapons will hurt more when they go in. Keeping his head low and slipping by, he finally reached the hold, and by following grunts of anticipation and calls of low or high, he came across a group of Marines huddled around a pile of cards, bills, and coins. One Marine held a card from his hand out out, over a pile where a 6 lay, while the one sitting opposite of him pondered with a hand on her chin, before finally stating, "Low."

Her opposite dropped a Jack on the pile, leaving Vice-Admiral Freyja to let out a groan, throwing her free hand to slap her forehead as her opponent chortled, the witnesses joining in as the pot was taken back. Reaching to grab a few bills as she looked over her cards again, Freyja separated one, holding it up, before finally taking notice of Jo. "Yo."

Jo stared blankly. "Ma'am...we're under attack!"

"Don't call me ma'am. I'm not some old fart like Colt."

As if on cue, there was another quake, and the ship rocked to one side, Jo managing to brace himself up against a crate, while the sitting gamblers had no issue, instantly dropping their hands to keep the cards in place.

"It's an emergency!"

Freyja waved her hand, "Chill out, kid. It's probably just Pop Brine. Happens all the time around here."

A bit lost, Jo elaborated, "There's a ship! It could be the Scrapyard Pirates!"

Freyja clicked her tongue, muttering, "Gross..." Letting out a sigh, she threw her cards down before letting out a yawn. "Better give it a look," she stated as she stood, grabbing her coat from behind her and throwing it over her V-neck shirt and slack gray pants, blades at her hip. One thin, the tip practically touching the ground from its length, and one wide, the hilt shaped like a scaly curled tail and seeming to twitch at the movement.


Going from the dank and mildewy hold to the fresh salty spray of the sea air as another thunderclap rang out, sending a wave of water to the deck as the warship rocked lightly. "Evasive action? Smart. Or whoever's attacking us is shit at adjusting their aim." Seeing some men fumbling with cannons, Freyja called, "Double time on those!" without making a move herself. She spotted the Scrapyard Pirate flag: a mishappen metallic skull with sharp teeth dripping black oil into the background of the sail, dark clouds of billowing smoke trailing behind the ship, dancing in front of the sun and casting shadows on the patrol division. The cannons were just a formality: against any crew of note in the New World, they were an annoyance at best...
Awesome, i think a zoan fruit would work well, the idea being he became a cyborg after he ate the DF and the robotic components were crafted to shift with him? or just a normal paramecia that works on his still remaining human parts?
I don't think the robotic components would shift with a Zoan completely. Like, a robot arm wouldn't turn into a robot wing just because the user became a bird. It might shift position slightly to match but it wouldn't outright change unless it was built for it, and more advanced cybernetics would require more effort to justify through the rest of the sheet, but that's up to you.
Still waiting on more of them sheets!
OOC is up!
Johannes loosed up a bit, nodding and he said, "Thank you. I was truly at my wits end..."

Lina stood, suggesting, "Let's go inside. I'll make some food."

A short while later, the four men sat at the table as Lina went into some quick prep work for a quick easy meal. Johannes studied her at work for a moment, perhaps unsure of the least piracy person in the room, before he turned to the others. "Let's get to business. I suppose, where to start...what exactly are the Companies doing in the Antler Kingdom every year?"

Macario let out a sigh, "There's definitely some competition between them, but it seemed like it was supposed to be friendly." He cringed, dreading the Dredical, before he continued, "They were working together when they tried to attack the ship though."

Johannes nodded. "There's a collaboration to their efforts, I believe. Apparently, as the Four Color Wine was stolen by Quartz Company members, the Abaggio Museum was ransacked by Azure, while the fencing around the royal palace was damaged by the Crimson Company. I don't know what the Verdan Company was doing but I wish to find out."

Lina muttered, "No clue..."

Macario noted, "They might be trying to regain some face though. The paper this morning said that they were up to some shit on Cransod. We were involved in a big mess on Kesrizu, and before...I read something in the paper about Melonberry, which you guys were involved in, apparently."

"I'm from there. Didn't I say something?" Lina noted.

Macario shrugged, "Sure."

Johannes murmured, "I see... The power dynamics of these Companies does rely on reputation. They could take an island with such an infamous presence alone, but if they are no longer taken seriously, to do so would require fighting, which would be costly to both sides. So, if they achieve something grand here when all their forces are present...but what?"
Johannes had a baffled look on his face as he was forced to engage in Chester's...Chester. Lina took some pleasure in it, finding his innocent confusion endearing in light of the proud demeanor he'd previously displayed.

As he regained himself he began, "Pirates, then..." Taking another step forward, he dropped down to a seating position. "I would like your help in dealing with the Companies. From the sound of things, it seems like they are a mutual opponent."

Lina blinked, before noting, "Well, yeah, but why get our help? We're pirates, sure..."

"The World Government has had a long standing no tolerance policy towards pirates, certainly, but I am no Marine: I am a Knight Marshal of the Four Seasons."

Macario's eyes widened, and he chimed in, "Yeah, there's a rank for you..."

Johannes continued, "Our grand alliance will respect the bounties put out by the Government, and issue our own for dangerous criminals, but simply flying a flag is not a crime. Scuffling with the Companies is no crime. As far as I have seen, you have done no wrong."

"But I am a man who's lived among nobility for much of my life, and in the military I'm used to dealing with that which faces me in the field, not the expansive secrecy of these shady Companies. Even though they're known to be active here yearly, their crimes have few lines of commonality, and they don't seem to be operating in unison. I've been making arrests, but nowhere near the progress I'd hoped. You've had prior dealings with them, and you know more about how those in the underworld think, correct?"

"I hope to work out some kind of arrangement: one that will ultimately bring our mutual enemy to their knees. I simply don't know where to begin. I have sway with the Antler Kingdom, and complete command over my own men to offer. What do you say?"
Lina frowned, slumping a bit, tracing lines in the deck as she was consumed by her thoughts on her home. "So the Azure Company is in charge again..." Clenching her fist, she said with renewed vigor, "So we just need to beat Cerulean again! You're still a member of the Azure Company, technically!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Macario began. "We don't even know where he is."

"We could find them!" Lina suggested.

"I do hope so."

At the third voice, Lina turned about, while Macario moved his briefcase further away, perching over it defensively. Stepping from the gangplank onto the deck, the platinum blonde haired Johannes, halberd slung over his back.

Glancing up at the sails, swapped from their black counterparts, Johannes stated, "What reason for blank sails? No emblem of company or kingdom, no expression of the self." Eyes stern, he put it bluntly, "You're pirates, no?"

Teeth clenched, Lina held her arms up, surrendering her right to speak while she glanced back at Chester.
Letting out a sigh, Macario hopped over to his ship, noting, "Cerulean got you good uh?" Dipping into his boat, he came out a few minutes later, returning to the deck of the Breeze with an armful of medical supplies. "Let's get you cleaned up. Save the explanation for when the others get back..."


"Boss! We've got trouble!" A blue clad man stepping up to Cerulean's hulking form on the streets of Stagio. As Cerulean turned to face him, he explained, "Chester's not dead! He showed up at the ship. Wounded, but..."

Cerulean scoffed. "Then he's not worth the effort. If he comes for me I'll squash him again. Our arrangement has already been settled."


A short while later, Chester's torso was properly bandaged while Macario kept watch, the Company goons wisely keeping their distance. As Lina and Kuhn finally returned, Lina grimaced at Chester's wounds, the whole Melonberry situation rushing back to her. Getting to the deck properly, she sat down on her knees, asking, "Did you get him?" It felt like it'd been ages, but she still remembered Reno's deal with Momo. If Cerulean won, that meant that the Azure Company would take back control of the island's affairs...
Hmm, I've got a bit of a Fairy Tail itch. You have anything specific in mind storywise? Because otherwise I'm sure I can come up with something.
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