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Multiple characters will be allowed after some commitment (about a month of activity).

If you're worried about the Advanced requirement, I feel as though Casual has a huge amount of players who are more than capable of Advanced, and I marked the game as Advanced more for my expectations and hopes that players will be proactive and communicative. As long as you keep that in mind, there should be plenty of fun storytelling opportunities for you!
Canon Fruits will be allowed! There's a small number that will be hard banned (the Gum-Gum fruit, the Dark-Dark Fruit, and the Op-Op Fruit, due to canon importance I'd rather not put on the table right away), and I currently have no canon Fruits reserved for NPCs. My hopes is that anyone applying with a canon Fruit will aim to use it in a way all their own, be it developing its abilities in a sensible but interesting direction, or it being so fitting to a character that nothing else makes sense. I'll also be a bit apprehensive towards Mythical Zoans. But with an interesting enough character concept, I think I'll be comfortable with just about anything!
“Tell me, Elders! World Nobles! What are you hiding!? What is in this world you’re looking down on that you’re so afraid of!?”

In the year 1632, Age of the Sea, these words rang out across Marie Geoise, the capital of the world, during the largest attack ever staged against the World Government. Avalon “The Devil” Duskar, the worst pirate in history, leading his infamous legion, staged an unprompted two prong attack on the Red Line. It took over a decade for the surrounding area to recover, and the loss of life on both sides was tremendous. The Warlord system was established, the Government forgiving the crimes of pirates to add another layer of defense after their major facilities were crippled, while the Abyssal Call was disbanded, Avalon and many of his most elite men vanishing from history. And yet, while the fallout was well known and researched, the question the world never learned the answer to was ‘why’? Avalon had supposedly circumnavigated the globe, becoming the first to reach Lodestar Island at the end of the stretch of ocean still known as the Devil’s Seas where he had reigned. Was he unsatisfied without lands to further conquer, though rarely heard rumors mentioned another island somehow beyond? And what did he believe the World Government was hiding from the world as he lashed out? While those sacrificed might know, their lips are sealed by 6 feet of soil as the World Government buries them with a sin of 800 years.


One Piece: The Devil’s Due will be a player-driven, open(ish) world RP set in a world of One Piece lacking any canon characters. Influenced by the Absolute Comics style Superhero RPs, my aim is to find a balance between multi group and single group One Piece RPs. Multi group games allow players more room to move, but often without direction. Single group games have more focused narratives, but are particularly vulnerable to the inevitable loss of players. With The Devil’s Due, players join under the expectation of being able to give themselves direction and work with other players to develop characters, conflicts, plots, and otherwise tell their stories without needing a GM every step of the way. As such, this game is Advanced, as players are expected to be active, not reactive. I will be contributing as an overseer, with both my own characters and with ‘GM Arcs’ in which I’ll take a more active role in the stories of PC groups at times. I’m very excited to expand on this version of the world of One Piece with you all!

I’ve already got a lengthy OOC cooking, but probing for interest never hurt anyone! I'll also take any questions~
"Guh," Gold grunted as Silver pulled him aside. Not even spotting the cop, he simply mumbled, "You just got here too, how would you know any shortcuts?" Still, he didn't have much choice as he was guided around, through an alleyway. As they were pulled away from any people mulling about the town, one slightly larger and more open than New Bark's forested makeup, Gold realized he had felt a relief he couldn't quite place, until a minute or so later when they came out. Feeling glances on him, Gold felt his heart starting to beat faster as his nerves got the better of him. Pulling the rim of his cap over his eyes, he grumbled, "Where the hell is 'outside Cherrygrove' supposed to be?"

"What are you two doing, skulking around!?" came a cry from above. Gold froze, not looking back towards the voice of a younger girl at the edge of the rooftop, and not moving away either. "Hey, over here!" they called in the direction of the police officers mulling about. At that point, Gold, sweat budding on his forehead, broke into a run.
Gold didn't respond immediately. A sign nearby observed the way to Blackthorn City, and once Gold saw it, her kept his eyes away, intent on the ground he walked, as though it didn't exist.

At first Gold's expression was indignant, but after a moment, he relaxed, turning his hat so that the visor pointed backwards again. "Well, it's not that different. New Bark is practically wilderness as it is. There not being a lot of people around is weird." And my feet hurt.

Clasping his hands behind the back of his head, he admitted, "Not like it's going to be a regular thing though. After this I'm just going to go back home and do whatever until school starts again." Though Gold made that claimed, really, he had know idea what was to come. Most of the kids he grew up with were out and about on journeys with Pokémon partners on their coming of age rituals and all that junk Gold didn't care about at all. He did wince as he recalled the monster kept in a ball in his pocket, but that hardly counted if he was going back home anyway.

"Heytheekidsyounew? WannalearnhowtocatchPokémon?" Gold's heart nearly exploded, the boy crying out in surprise as a young adult pounced on them. "It'sprettyeasyyoujustdothis." He ran off, looking around until he spotted a Rattata sleeping under a tree. Arm flailing, he shot out a Pokéball, which hit the Rattata and encapsulated it. The ball shook, before bursting open, the Rattata Growling indignantly before running off. "Ohwellyouwinsomeyoulosesome. It'seasierifyouweakenit."

"...What is your problem!?" Gold cried. He just couldn't get a break, it seemed. Perhaps man was the real monster.
"Hmmmm..." Gold mused, taking in Silver's words but not responding further, the hint very much taken. However, with that, the two were left in awkward silence as they journeyed on.

I could have just done this myself... Gold considered as the silence stretched on. Then, as if to curse him, flapping of wings erupted from a nearby tree. Despite himself, Gold jumped up, barely keeping a shriek at bay, the sound coming out as a low hiss of air. Watching a small flock of Pidgey move on, Gold glared at their behinds before turning back to Silver, getting a word in before he could. "Family, huh? Who would that be?"
"Who's scared of Pokémon?" Gold muttered, turning his hat around so that the visor covered his face. As the two moved from the lab, getting closer and closer to the edge of town. Within minutes, Gold would be further from home than he'd ever recalled. Luckily, the path of route 29 was clear, the dirt road stretching on, with signs noting the distance to Cherrygrove and Violet City, but still. The array of buildings and the view from his bedroom window was all too familiar to him, his step becoming a bit hesitant as he crossed the threshold into route 29 proper, quickening his pace to match Silver, who hadn't slowed down at all.

"...What are you even doing here anyway? In New Bark, I mean." Gold kept to the other side of Silver from Bjork, habitually.
Gold felt his guts twist as his face went red. "I-I am not! I just thought it would be better to observe from a distance!" he choked. Fists clenched, he was once again tearing up as even the professor was laughing at him.

Silver(ado) making his pick, Gold furrowed his brow at the name Bjork. Moving back into the lab, letting his anger at Silver and Elm fuel him, he got as close to the lax Cyndaquil and modest Totodile as he dared. Gold swallowed as he reached his hand out to the Cyndaquil. "I think-"

Before he could finish, the Cyndaquil yawned, and with it, flame burst from its back as Gold had reached down. Feeling heat, Gold cried out, bouncing back. Luckily, his skin wasn't burned, but emotionally he had been. Gold grumbled, "Fine, I'll take that one." He nodded towards the Totodile before turning off.

"Shouldn't you give him a nickname?" Elm said, nudging Totodile after Gold.

Gold stopped, putting his hands into his hoodie pocket. "Like what?"

Elm tossed Gold and Silver the Pokéballs for their respective Pokémon as Cyndaquil lazily returned to his. "Well, something that captures the mood of the Pokémon, or your feelings towards it."

Totodile hopped up to Gold expectantly, bright eyes looking up at his new trainer.

Gold grimaced. "Antipathy." Totodile's mouth had already been hanging open, but at that, his jaw dropped low before Gold returned him to his ball. "Anti for short."

Elm let out a sigh, scratching his head. "Well, be safe."

Grabbing the case, Gold followed after Silver. "Cherrygrove's to the west." He remembered. "Also it's not Galdino, it's Gold."
Gold clenched his fists, but despite his exterior, Silver's words had cut, Gold once again beating back tears.

Not noticing Gold, Elm responded, "Oh, you wanted one? Well, labs distributing them is a limited, local service, so Gold is the only one eligible. However, for a foreigner like yourself, I might make an exception if you give Gold a hand."

Quelling a sniffle, Gold kept his head turned away, arms crossed. "I don't need help."

"Well, still sounds like you agree to take the errand!" Elm said, walking back to the machine a short ways away. Snapping up the three Pokéballs, he returned. "No takebacks."

Gold pouted, relenting. "What is that anyway?"

"It's an egg! If Mr. Pokémon and I have our suspicions confirmed..." Elm's eyes went dark, gaze distant as though it gazed into the past. "They'll see. They'll all see! No more will I be mocked!"

Clearing his throat, he ignored the slight fear on Gold's face. "Anyway." With a flick of his wrist, the three balls clattered on the ground, bursting open. Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Chikorita appeared, looking around as they took note of their surroundings.

The astute observe might have noticed that where Gold formerly stood, instead a dotted outline took his place, blinking for a few moments before fading away. Close to the entrance now, Gold stood, visibly unfettered despite having crossed half the lab in moments.
Gold glanced between the key pulled from under the mat, and the set of keys in Elm's hand. Gold felt as though it was wiser to say nothing. As Elm moved to go back into the lab to search for his missing keys, Gold explained, "I'm not xenophobic! I didn't know this nerd was from Kanto!"

The door to the lab opening, Gold sighed in relief as he saw that it was empty of other people or Pokémon. Forcing Silver to come along, he kept talking. "Mom told me to take care of an errand, and I saw this guy being suspicious!"

"See, were those extra syllables that difficult?" Elm responded as he took a seat at his desk, setting his briefcase down. There was a slight clatter as his keys came free, but he didn't notice. "Oh, that's right. You were going to take care of that."

Gold raised an eyebrow as Elm cracked open the briefcase. Lodged within the the cut, protective filling was an egg shaped...egg, patterned with red and blue hollow triangles. "I was going to deliver this to Mr. Pokémon for his educated opinion. He lives outside of Cherrygrove. The trip should take more than a few hours."

Gold went cold. Mr. Pokémon sounded like the last person he'd ever want to meet. "Ch-Cherrygrove? You mean, 'not-New Bark Town' Cherrygrove?"

Elm's eyes went empty. "Galdino..."

Don't pull out the first name on me! Gold anguished. "B-but there's wild Pokémon! I can't do anything about that."

"I'll give you one of mine!"

"But I've never been outside of town before."

Elm's neck turned at an odd pace as he looked to Silver. "He can go with you."

"Wat," Gold grunted.

Elm smiled at Silver, but it was not a gentle one. It was full of cunning and a knowledge forbidden to this world. "If he helps you, I'll overlook his prior indiscretions. Sounds good to me!"
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