Avatar of PatientBean


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Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
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It's Valentine's Day but it's not too late for anyone to express their undying love to me
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2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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2 mos ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
3 mos ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

File Name: Maria Gardner

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Name: Maria Gardner
Age: 42
Occupation: CEO of NurtureInc
Marital Status: Married to August Gardner
Children: Raven Gardner (15), Alix (12), August Jr. (6)
Job Status: Not Complete

Date Section: Maria Gardner came looking for help regarding her husband, August. Per Maria, August is engaging in "questionable" behavior and has recently been blackmailed. August Sr. initially denied behavior despite objective proof gathered. Blackmailers threatened to reveal photographic and digital proof to the media if they were not given $50 million in three days. Maria offered substantial payment if blackmailers "taken care of" and all proof is wiped.

Relevant Information Gathered: Looked into August Sr.'s actions and they can only be described as...well why am I trying to downplay it? He likes 'em young. All the more ironic that his wife is the CEO of NurtureInc, a nonprofit dedicated to helping single-parent households with employment, housing, groceries, etc. According to what I could find he has been in contact with, at least, 10 underage girls ranging from 12 to 17. There was also an 18-year-old though according to August Sr. she was "of legal age" when he first contacted her. Information garnered showed she was just shy of her 18th birthday.

Information on blackmailers coming in. Interesting that the blackmailers knew intimate information re: the Gardner family such as the color of daughter Raven's room considering Maria just had it re-painted. Means blackmailers are being lead by someone the family knows. Would assume it is someone in dire financial straits but history and experience has told me that even rich people just want more and more. Currently tailing prime suspect: Yesenia Blake, Maria's younger sister. Reason being that Yesenia, by all accounts, loves her sister and her family. No one spoken to has a bad word to say about her.

Which means she is guilty as fuck.

Last sighted at nearby cafe where she overtipped the barista. Appears to be headed home but made an interesting detour.

File Closed

Cloverfield had seen better days. After the Cataclysm it tried to rebuild itself. And, to it's credit, the north side had painted over everything in gold as a means of distraction. A not-so-subtle way of telling the populace "hey we know what happened but if you want to continue sipping your nonfat venti white iced mocha frappes while scrolling through Instagram you would do well to forget it."

Quill didn't. Part of her job was remembering details. It paid to know information as information was as good as a black AmEx card. People either wanted information or they wanted information kept secret. Information took down dictators and presidents as well as bumped up unlikely heroes. And information was always controlled.

Outside November reared its head. Quill enjoyed this time of the year. Fall was her favorite season. She felt her phone vibrate and looked down at the name. Goddamn Maria. Calling for updates. She flipped the phone so she could avoid staring at the screen. She was waiting for her mark to exit the building she had entered. Interesting that it wasn't her home. A quick search on Zillow as well as a deep dive hacking job (sorry FBI agent!) revealed it was the home of the Crane family. What was even more interesting was that Mr. Crane was at work while Mrs. Crane stayed home to take care of their one year old.

So what was Yesenia doing here? Quill chuckled inwardly. She knew from a quick search of Millie Crane's socials. Money didn't mean intelligence and some people quickly forgot that no matter how hard you scrub your internet presence is never fully clean.

Quill saw the door creak open slightly and then a little more as Yesenia stuck her head out. Her oversized sunglasses not doing much to hide her obvious intention of leaving without notice. Quill grabbed her phone and put it in her pocket, opening the door to step out. Quill leaned against her car watching Yesenia creep (actually creep like in the old TV shows) away. Thinking she was scott free she began to walk.

"Ms. Blake. A word."

Yesenia Blake jumped probably 10 inches off the ground as she swiveled on her heel facing Quill. "Who the hell are you? Paparazzi?"

Quill shook her head. "Ms. Blake, you aren't famous enough to warrant a single papparazzo. No I am here for a simple message. Leave August Sr. alone."

Quill was not 100% certain Yesenia was guilty but that shot up to 120% when Yesenia's tanned skin all but turned ghostly white. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Let's cut the bullshit. You have dirt on him and are using it to blackmail your own sister into giving you money. Hell I get it. It's a gig economy."

"You're wrong! I don't need the money.."

"No you are right. You are very well off. No I don't think you are doing this for the money Ms. Blake. You're doing it to hurt your sister."

"I love my sister! And her husband and children! I would never harm them."

"It's a cute act. Be the loving sister and sister-in-law, the best aunt, all the while watching as their lives burn. No see, I know you want to hurt your sister. And do you want to know how I know? Because even a little digging showed August there is not just into young girls. He wants to keep it in the famiy. How long had you been sleeping with him when you found out what he really liked?"

Yesenia took a step back like she was about to run. Which would have been stupid. "I don't know..."

Quill sighed. She both loved and hated this part of the job. "Ms. Blake I asked to cut the bullshit. I know it all. I know what you did. I know what he did. And I know what you were doing in Mrs. Crane's home and it wasn't to admire her new kitchen countertops, though I would not be surprised if you both broke them in nicely. And before you ask no, I am not here to out you. I cannot promise the same to Mrs. Crane though."

Yesenia took off her sunglasses and Quill could tell she was cracked. Not broken, not yet. "What do you want?"

"As I said, I want you to stop blackmailing the Gardners. Delete all evidence you have, I will know if you do or not, and pretend like it never happened. I will give you to the end of the day and if you have not done as I asked I will release any and all information I have on Mrs. Crane's activities and ensure the two of you will never be together. You may not want the world to know but I know she will lose more than reputation if her husband found out."

Yesenia stood there for a moment before she took out her own phone. She typed a few things before responding. "Done. I'll wipe my computer when I get home."

Quill nodded. "Very good Ms. Blake. I hope for your sake we never have to meet again."

Quill turned to get into her car before Yesenia spoke again. "How can you do this? Protect that man knowing what he is?"

Quill paused before turning her head. "I don't have to like my clients Ms. Blake. I just do my job." Quill got in her car and started it, peeling off the side curb and into the city proper.

"So it's done?"

Quill stood in her office. Mrs. Gardner sat on one of her dark purple chairs facing Quill's desk as Quill scrolled on her phone. True to her word Yesenia deleted the files and wiped her comptuer clean. Quill had taken the liberty of relieving Yesenia of the physical copies the day prior.

"It is. You shouldn't be getting any more blackmail messages. Life can resume as normal."

Mrs. Gardner let out a light, airy titter. "Yeah, as normal as can be." She reached into her bag and pulled out an envelope, handing it to Quill. "Your fee."

Quill took it and stowed it in her desk, turning the key befor pocketing it. "Appreciate it. There's just one final thing to take care of before I close this file permanently."

Mrs. Gardner had been ready to leave; most likely to get ready for the charity auction she had planned later tonight. "What's that?"

"When did you find out your husband sexually assaulted your sister?"

Mrs. Gardner was better than her sister in that her face didn't shift to show emotion. Mrs. Gardner, after all, had to deal with lots of people in her line of work and, more often than not, the interactions were not pleasant and it behooved her to not show her hand. "What do you mean?" Her words were laced with a light venom, a warning to tread carefully.

"You knew your sister was behind this. Hell if I had to guess the two of you orchestrated the whole thing. A layman would assume you did so after you found out your husband played with non age-appropriate toys but you knew that going into your marriage." Each word spoken shifted Mrs. Gardner. Quill didn't need to read her thoughts to know that if the woman had a gun in her Gucci purse she would unload the clip on Quill. "Now I am all for supporting women's rights and wrongs so why you got into a marriage with a..you know...is not my business. What is my business is the job you hired me for which is to find the blackmailer and put a stop to it. So this is me warning you as well as your sister that the information I have can and will be used should it need to. I would highly encourage your husband to cease his actions going forward. Now with that being said our business is terminated. Should you need my services in the future, please don't hesitate. Oh, and tell your friends!" Quill handed her a business card. Mrs. Gardner snatched it and tore it up. "Bitch," she said as she storemed out.

Quill smiled warmly. Job satisfaction, it was a beautiful thing. Quill returned to her desk, closing the Garnder file, before reaching for a piece of gum.

It was a hard job. A necessary job. But it was rewarding. Should August Sr. not decide to remain loyal she would see to it he faces justice. But she figured Mrs. Gardner was a force to be reckoned with and would see to it in her own way.

So Quill sat and waited for the next client to roll in. She was hoping it would go as smoothly as this last job, but what was the fun in that?
Looks interesting.

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity didn't quite know what to expect. Whatever the hell was going down was causing panic so screaming wasn't unusual. This sounded raw though. Real. Not a quick panic but something more viceral.

And that was the right word for it, wasn't it?

Verity walked closer to where she heard the scream, Flynn following shortly behind her. A real gentleman would have sped up but she didn't consider him to be one of those. Finally she got to where the scream originated and saw the scene unfolding. It took every ounce of steel inside of her not to recoil because surely that wasn't a person biting into another, right? But it was and things had to be taken care of quickly.

Verity glanced around, eyes landing on some wrenches and other car repair tools. Verity grabbed a tire iron and stood near Gus, facing the crazed worker. "You heard the man, get him elsewhere." It was more for protection than anything, but given the fact the worker took bits off an actual person she wasn't about to take her chances.
That works for me but I am a 'go with the flow' type so whatever majority wants.
Got room for one more? Blizz recommended this to me and they know how amazing I am :D
Sabine Bassard

Location: The Gym
Fit of the Day: Gym Outfit
Skills: Acting

All was as well as it could be. That's what Sabine told herself to avoid the fact that there was trauma bonding happening as well as injured people. Still, she had her girls with her and that was not nothing.

Before she could radiate in the warmth of her girlfriends, in walked Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, She-Hulk, and Scarlet Witch. Sabine had to keep her hero worship down to a minimum, but they were not here for a social call. It seemed that clearing up the mess that Arcade had caused was the order of the day. Hopefully, Arcade would be given some leniency as Dorian asked for. She was still mad and had every right to be. But when people hurt you, inflicting pain back on them solves nothing. As much as she was an advocate for returning energy, she saw Arcade's memories. The boy was hurt. Hurt people hurt people. He needed therapy. And he should pay for his crimes.

Her thoughts were disrupted when She-Hulk made it clear no one was leaving to return to some semblance of normalcy until their parents were informed. Sabine groaned inwardly but stopped herself. She looked at Leah and April. Her girls had horrible family dynamics in one way or another. While she detested her step-mom and felt she was the root cause of evil in the world, she wasn't some monster like Leah's father or some actual super villain like Magneto. Compared to that, Sabine had it pretty good. And, she would admit, her father was not present, but he cared in a way.

So Sabine made a plan.

"No, you two sneak out. I am going to distract them while you guys head back to the dorm. I do not mind if my parents are called. My father will be worried and my step-monster will make it all about herself, but that pales in comparison to what you two got. Go, I got this."

Sabine, wet and injured, made her way over to She-Hulk. "I can give you my father's number, but I should warn you that he isn't going to care much. God, the stories I could tell you. My step-mother is the worst. You think Thanos is bad? This woman would snap her fingers in a heartbeat if it meant all eyes would be on her. Forget righting the universe's wrongs." Sabine went on and on relaying how awful her step-mother is and how annoying her step-siblings are.

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: New Orleans, Gardens
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry took some deep breaths, feeling the pain subside a bit and then a bit more. Mary seemed to be back though it was hard to say if and when Chrysi would make an appearance. Perry slowly stood up, thankful Annie was nearby and that the others were concerned for her, but it was Mary who needed their help.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." She still felt the emotions, but it was a bit easier to see. "I can help with whatever the plan is." She hoped this would go easily, but the fact she could still feel the emotions battling it out with each other led her to believe Chrysi and the Phoenix would make an appearance, and soon. She didn't want to tip her hand, but if they came out everyone needed to be ready.

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