Hidden 17 days ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 17 days ago

Mary Sue Sullivan

Location: Framework Area

One moment, Mary Sue was pondering the complexities of time travel, the next, she was quite literally gut shot. It was at a time like this that a hero that was more trained, or experienced, or who had been mortally wounded before would be something to try to save themselves, but unfortunately, Mary Sue was none of those things. She collapsed on the floor, trying not to hyperventilate. The most she knew was that if she tried to pull it out, she might die from the blood loss, so it had to stay in. One bright side was that it took agonizingly long to die from an injury like this, the bad side was that it was going to hurt like a bitch as it dragged her to death's door.

Bonus Mary Sue, on the other hand, was looking incredibly concerned at her purported future self. Her voice was filled with worry, and she asked, as Andy dragged her away. "If... if she dies do I die?" She had no idea what emotions she was supposed to feel about this. Could she have empathy for herself? Should she be scared? Human brains weren't designed for this. The emotional maelstrom that was rolling through her were ineffable. Why wasn't she doing anything or trying to save herself? It felt like, if there was one thing she knew she felt, it was disappointment.
Hidden 16 days ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Zelda Flynn and Zarina Raynordattir

Location: Framework Area
Skills: Emotion Manipulation

Zari wasn't exactly what to do or anything with regards to the situation with April. However that was a small thing compared to the big issue that was her powers going haywire and going out of their way to hurt other people with it. Everything was flying, and she turned her attention now towards Mary Sue that got injured. Thankfully it didn't seem to be the one that was from the past. That would have opened a whole other can of worms with regards to time paradoxes. Like, causing time to actually unravel and that would not be a good thing.

She went over to check on the other Mary Sue, as Andy told her to grab one of them, however moving the Mary Sue that was seriously injured? Yeah, that would be a really bad idea. "Are you okay?" she asked the Mary Sue that was injured pretty badly. "Well, on the bright side time won't unravel since you're the one who traveled with us so yay? But also we probably shouldn't move you, that could just make things worse."

Zelda wasn't too sure what to fully think with regards to April's problems with regards to the chaos she was seemingly causing. There was a bunch of people already crowding around her with regards to it, and in her mind, trying anything with so many people around would likely cause a screw up or something like that. She probably would just make the entire situation worse if she attempted anything, but after the strike out that caused some injuries, there definitely needed to be something done.

Truthfully, she was heading towards doing something she typically never really did with her own powers. Personally the most she ever did with regards to her powers was either amplify someone's emotions, or overwhelm them with her own. Trying to calm someone's own chaotic emotions and emotional state? That was something entirely new to her. "...I guess I can try something," she muttered, not entirely sure if anyone would really hear her. Zelda tried using her powers, and at first, nothing seemed to really happen at all. But the second time she tried a bit harder, her hand glowing slightly as things calmed down. The whirl of water and the storm April had caused died down, as she seemingly calmed down. Guess that worked out in the long run, but that had not exactly been something she was expecting to attempt to do today. Here's hoping that April would stay calmer now.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

??? - Tue. November 23rd, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute

Embraced by her girlfriends, her fears spoken aloud and dealt with by Sabine, Leah's strong arms wrapped around her, and under the influence of her sister's calming aura, the chaos spasming in April's mind subsided, at least for a little while. The water fell flat on the ground of the room, no longer thrashing violently. She slumped over like a puppet without strings, thoroughly exhausted, the mental toll exacting a physical consequence. April didn't lift her head, instead just resting her face against Leah's chest, not even minding the sand paper feel of Leah's coarse curls.

"Well, this is touching, but we have people bleeding out," Percy hissed, emphasizing the urgency. One of the Mary Sue's had been stabbed, as had Mads and others. April's panic attack had completely destroyed the room around them, an added injury after the fight with Arcade that they had barely managed to survive. The psycho wasn't even hurt, having been relatively unscathed after April's onslaught. As much as Sabine had just argued that April wasn't her family, Percy found himself disagreeing.

She had as much control as the Scarlet Witch.

At seeing his mother, Maria, rush into the room though, Percy's knees briefly went weak. For a split second, he felt very much the young kid that he still was, having survived a dangerous situation only to then be faced with his mother. Part of him wanted to slump over and sob, to cling to her suit. But he pushed that down, instead straightening his back, as he saw his mother's coworkers quickly join them - Hawkeye, She-Hulk, Shang Chi, and Ant-Man. "You're late."

Hawkeye raised a gray eyebrow, the scars on his face shifting. "Nice to see you too, punk." He then paused, glancing at April - and then at Arcade. "That him?"

Percy nodded.

"Great," She-Hulk said, before formally arresting Arcade, reading off a version of the Miranda Rights used particularly for supervillains - and then Shang Chi cuffed him, the cuffs designed to dampen powers, glowing a sinister red.

The Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel then alighted in the room, having finished their sweep from outside. "All clear," Carol said. "Everything's secure."

Wanda nodded in agreement, before seeing the various injuries around the room, and she frowned. Her eyes flashed red as she whispered an incantation, a spell that had been taught to her by her tutor, Agatha Harkness, and the wounds slowly began to close.

"I need you all to give me a good number to call - we have to inform your guardians as to what happened," She Hulk then said.
@Forsythe: There's no response from Scott, nor is there one from anyone else in the family group chat.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Dorian Gray

Location: Mario World
Skills: Work Out Fit

Dorian wanted to reach out, to help April. But his boyfriends cutting remarks were right, too many people piling onto her would only make it worse. These panic attacks were more manageable when it was only the three of them. But as their circle grew, so too did the amount of people who cared for her, as well as the amount that may surround her against best thoughts. Dorian watched as the glass behind her began to spider web. Cracking slowly as the pressure grew from his best friend's distress. He tried to think about the best way to protect Arcade and himself, too far removed from Danni physically. He couldn't phase them both, but he couldn't leave Ed alone either.

Dorian didn't get the chance to finish his thoughts, the glass bursting at the seams as water and shards came barreling towards everyone in the room. The next few moments were a blur. Water washed over his face and eyes like a wave crashing down on him, he felt his grip slip away from Ed's, and was able to make out the familiar blue glow of his boyfriends powers appearing where he once stood. After that, everything went black. Dorian's head had smashed against the hard walls of the training room, blood pouring out and inking the pool of water red making it more difficult to tell just how much blood had been lost.

In either sense, the water made the wound flow more, drawing the blood out as Dorian lay there unconscious but alive. That's how it was for a moment, pure darkness as vague sounds could be heard from beyond him. Then suddenly, he felt something familiar. It wasn't exactly the same, all magic has its own signatures, but it was similar nonetheless. Someone was healing his wounds, the same way his father had many times before. As the scarlet magic did it's work, Dorian began to stir from his slumber and looked at the cast of the Avengers standing before him. Ed was in cuffs, She-Hulk reading him his rights, and it took everything in Dorian to stand up and speak out.

”She-’ulk, please, ‘e's already stated ‘e regrets what ‘e's done. ‘e's begun t’e process of change. Don't be too ‘ard on ‘im, please…” Dorian spoke, propped up against the wall he was bashed against. Apart from the blood tinging a side of his face red, his cheeks began to flush as well when asked for parental contact. Several of the Avengers knew his parents, and if either James or Ben found out about this they may not let them continue if they didn't think it was safe enough. ”Well, most of you ‘ave my dad's number anyways. Aaaand April may ‘ave busted my phone unless we can get some rice and a bag.”
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Danny Kingston

Location: Framework Area
Skills: N/A

“Whelp, shit.” That wasn’t meant to come out-Danni never had a great time with inside thoughts-but he found his field of fucks to give barren as the tanks burst. Danni screeched as the water hit him, throwing his arms up fruitless, and then promptly coughing as water surged into his mouth. Danni hacked his way out of certain, watery death as Leah and Sabine got April calmed enough for the water to chill out.

At least it was better than toilet water this time.

Danni laid on the ground for a few moments, just catching his breath and resisting the urge to intrude on the trip's moment, but rolled his head as new people came in. The West Coast Avengers sauntered their way in and took ‘Cadie off their hands. Two problems solved, with the healing thrown in, and Danni sighed, thankful that at least Pops wouldn't hear-

“WAIT!” Danni shot up, jumping to his feet and sliding on the slippery floor to an awkward, arm flailing stop in front of She-Hulk. “Please, please, please, please, please do not tell my parents. I'll do anyt'in’. Like Papa would be okay at first, but t'en ‘e'd get all dramatic and t'en tell Pops and t'en Imma be so grounded. Like, six feet under grounded. T'en I might not be allowed back and it took so much work ta get ‘ere in t'e first place, it'll all ‘ave been for not'in’.” Danni begged, giving his best puppy dog eyes in hopes it would change anything.
Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Diana Novikova

Location: Avenger's Academy, Framework Room.
Current Outfit: Workout Fit
Skills: N/A

Diana followed shortly behind her mother and into the Framework room only to see the huge watery mess all over the place and some people were injured. She looked over at Percy and quickly went over following shortly behind her mother they both were really worried about Percy as Maria spoke up. "We got here as quickly as we could." Maria said as she looked at her son and quickly pulled him into a hug, she was just glad that he was okay. "You aren't injured are you hon?" Maria asked looking at Percy.

Diana watched as She-Hulk and Shang-Chi approached Arcade and started to put him into cuffs and gave him his Miranda Rights as he was slowly being escorted out. Diana rolled her eyes slightly when Dorian practically started to plead them to go lenient on him, Diana really didn't have any sympathy for him. He was a member of her team and he betrayed her trust and basically tried to murder her, her brother and all of their friends. "Почему он нравится тебе как твой парень после того, как Аркейд пытался нас убить?" Diana asked speaking in russian as she looked over at Percy.

Maria turned to look at Danni who practically was begging not to call their parents. "You do realize that it'll eventually get out regardless if you tell them or not right?" Maria said shaking her head slightly. "Just get it out of the way now i'm sure they'd prefer to hear it from you instead of being on the frontline news." Maria pointed out to Danni she looked at Scarlet Witch giving her a slight nod as she healed the injured kids in the room.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Framework Room.
Current Outfit: Workout Fit
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne sighed slightly as she was glad that Sabine, Leah and Zelda were able to calm April down from causing anymore injuries she turned to looked at the group of Avengers as they started to come into the room, she was glad that they were actually here now as She-Hulk and Shang-Chi cuffed Arcade and were getting ready to escort him out. Madalyne watched as one of them approached Percy she assumed were Diana and Percy's mother seeing her hugging him.

She looked at Dorian and rolled her eyes slightly when he was basically begging for them to go easy on him she would never trust Arcade again but she didn't say anything else really. She held her injured leg wincing slightly as she looked down at the blood flowing down her leg, when it started to slowly heal thanks to the Scarlet Witch.

"Thank you." Madalyne said looking at Wanda as Captain Marvel asked them all to get in contact with their parents and tell them what happened. She really didn't want to call her mother who would worry about her after finding out what happened but she knew that word would eventually get out anyway. "My phone is in my dorm but I can get it." She said to her she was dreading having to make the phone call really she looked around and noticed that Vicky wasn't here. "Where's Vicky?" Madalyne asked everyone.

Hidden 4 days ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Framework
Skills: Gay

There weren’t many things that could bug Leah. But her girlfriend being distressed was certainly one of them. She clicked her wet hair backwards over her shoulder and held April close. It was a bittersweet sight, these three being so intimately close to one another in a flooded room of broken glass and bleeding teenagers. The Avengers had taken over, cuffing Ed and healing all the injuries. Thankfully, the three of them weren’t in any bad condition. Not physically, at least. Leah still wanted to reduce Ed to dust for what he did- For what he would try.

But when She Hulk mentioned their parents… A small part of Leah cringed up.

”Why don’t we just get out of here?” She whispered, just loud enough that the two of them could hear. She put a hand around Sabine’s waist and pulled her in closer. ”They can handle this. And if they know about this, April’s parents definitely know by now. Let’s go, just the three of us.” It would probably do April a lot of good to be away from all of this. ”You can stay in our dorm for tonight if you want, April?”
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Gym
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy didn't know how to answer that question. She didn't know what would happen, but Zari seemed sure that Mary Sue would be fine, especially after she was healed. That reassured Andy. They still had to deal with the copies of themselves, and now the adults who wanted to call their parents. Andy wasn't concerned with parental opinion on the matter. Andy had done exactly what her mother would want her to do. She had killed someone.

It wasn't the first time Andy had killed. It was the first time she had used her vampirism power to do it. She knew that some shift had happened inside her now. Control would be harder to maintain.

Andy wasn't certain how Magento would respond to the situation, and that was alright. She didn't think he'd punish her or anything like the others seemed to be concerned about. He wasn't overprotective. Honestly, she would be surprised if he acknowledged it. She did worry that if he did decide to acknowledge it and came to the school or something like that the truth about where...or rather when she came from would get out. Who all knew she was from the past? She had kept it a secret as best as she could. Magento knew, Zari's parents knew, and obviously her mother. Likely Agatha knew, guessing from the reading she had given. But Agatha wasn't at the school anymore so that wasn't an issue.

Of all things, the most surprising was that none of the adults were mentioning the double Mary Sue's in the room. She suspected as soon as double Andy and Zari's came up the stairs it'd be a different matter.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by PatientBean
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Sabine Bassard

Location: The Gym
Fit of the Day: Gym Outfit
Skills: Acting

All was as well as it could be. That's what Sabine told herself to avoid the fact that there was trauma bonding happening as well as injured people. Still, she had her girls with her and that was not nothing.

Before she could radiate in the warmth of her girlfriends, in walked Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, She-Hulk, and Scarlet Witch. Sabine had to keep her hero worship down to a minimum, but they were not here for a social call. It seemed that clearing up the mess that Arcade had caused was the order of the day. Hopefully, Arcade would be given some leniency as Dorian asked for. She was still mad and had every right to be. But when people hurt you, inflicting pain back on them solves nothing. As much as she was an advocate for returning energy, she saw Arcade's memories. The boy was hurt. Hurt people hurt people. He needed therapy. And he should pay for his crimes.

Her thoughts were disrupted when She-Hulk made it clear no one was leaving to return to some semblance of normalcy until their parents were informed. Sabine groaned inwardly but stopped herself. She looked at Leah and April. Her girls had horrible family dynamics in one way or another. While she detested her step-mom and felt she was the root cause of evil in the world, she wasn't some monster like Leah's father or some actual super villain like Magneto. Compared to that, Sabine had it pretty good. And, she would admit, her father was not present, but he cared in a way.

So Sabine made a plan.

"No, you two sneak out. I am going to distract them while you guys head back to the dorm. I do not mind if my parents are called. My father will be worried and my step-monster will make it all about herself, but that pales in comparison to what you two got. Go, I got this."

Sabine, wet and injured, made her way over to She-Hulk. "I can give you my father's number, but I should warn you that he isn't going to care much. God, the stories I could tell you. My step-mother is the worst. You think Thanos is bad? This woman would snap her fingers in a heartbeat if it meant all eyes would be on her. Forget righting the universe's wrongs." Sabine went on and on relaying how awful her step-mother is and how annoying her step-siblings are.

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