Sabine hated admitting she was wrong. If people knew one thing about her is that she
dreaded having to swallow crow. However, recent events had made her re-think a lot of things. Her talk with Danni, her meeting with Dorian, the break-up with April, the…extra-curriculars and heart-opening conversation with Leah, made her look back on the school year thus far.
And she remembered what a bitch she was. Ok is, but she’s a bitch who cares about people more.
So she was thinking back to the people she hurt. She made up with Dorian, she was chill with Leah now (understatement) but there was one moment that stuck out. Danni made her remember it and she knew she needed to say something.
Andy. Sabine rarely talked to her and, when she did, she was mean. No, something needed to be done about that. So Sabine sent a message to Andy hoping to meet up. A neutral location in the quad.
And Sabine brought an industrial bag of crow, ready for consumption.
Now, this had been surprising. Andy’s phone was charged and in her pocket when it chirped. She didn’t even remember giving Sabine her number. She frowned, shrugged to herself and headed off to the quad. She didn’t know what to expect. But she doubted it would be anything that Andy couldn’t handle. Well, that wasn’t to say that Sabine didn’t terrify her. But if Sabine tried anything Andy could take her down with her at least. They had some M.A.D. going on.
There was Sabine waiting.
"Uh, hey. What’s up?” Andy mentally facepalmed. That phrase was easily the most ‘90’s thing she could say. Why was she saying it so much lately?
Sabine looked over, admittedly not thinking Andy would show. But sure enough.
”Oh hey, thanks for coming.” Then she kind of…stood there. Awkwardly. Why was this awkward? Just apologize!
No, you had to mean apologies. How many social media influencers did or said something terrible and then make a video about it where they apologize like a robot? No she had to be sincere.
”So…umm…I wanted to talk to you. I had some….I recalled…I mean I was talking to Danni and he reminded me that I said some…things in the past…Oh fuck it! I’m a bitch. I know I am a bitch. I own that. Suffice to say, I was a bitch to you back at the carnival. In the moment I knew it was terrible and I said it anyway. And it’s been too long so there’s no excuse. But I am legitimately really really sorry. I am…working through a lot of things and I wanted to make amends for past Sabine. So…I am sorry.”Andy blinked surprised. She might have expected it after Danni’s apology, but she hadn’t. She had never expected this from Sabine. So, she was surprised.
"Thank you.” She said after a moment.
"That means a lot. I didn’t expect it, and I appreciate it. I was honestly a little worried about becoming friends with Danni and Dorian and then having us be awkward. Especially since Leah and I are friendly.” Andy knew about Leah, Sabine and April dating. She did not know about April breaking up with them. She still hadn’t talked to April, that was a conversation she dreaded more than she had every thought this one would happen.
Right, there was that to think about. Wow what a horrible friend and girlfriend she was to not know the other relationships the people closest to her had.
”Right, that would have been awkward. It was long overdue. I am trying to be better. You did not deserve that. No one does, except maybe racists or homophobes and even then that’s just an energy drain. But I am happy to hear that. Danni and Dorian are good people. So is Leah. So if you’re cool with them, you are cool with me.”Andy laughed at the comment about racists or homophobes.
"I’d be self hating if I were a homophobe. And in... well everyone’s defense. I showed up in clothes I bought in a thrift store seventeen years ago. I was comfortable in those clothes. I still am. Though, now I’ve got some new stuff I got with Mads and Zari a while back. But it wasn’t like anything I was wearing was fashionable. However, I grew up on the streets or foster homes. So being fashionable wasn’t an option. Comfortable was.” She shrugged.
Right, now Sabine felt like a bigger bitch than she did before.
Of course she had to make fun of someone who grew up in foster homes and had to make do with what she could. Christ she was horrible. Sabine’s face registered that and she did her best to hide it.
”Oh god Andy, I am so sorry! Not sorry you grew up in a foster home! I mean that’s not great because parents can be good…but it’s also good to have people who want to help other children, but sometimes they could be bad too! I mean, no thrift shopping is cool! You can find really good stuff there. And it wasn’t right of me to comment on that! Dear lord put me out of my misery now, please.”Andy laughed.
"It’s fine. You’re good. You didn’t know, and I wasn’t talking about it because I was afraid.” She shrugged, then took a deep breath.
"I’ve not lived in the same home for more than a couple of years since I was like five. I don’t get attached to people. Not until...Well let’s say not until Zari. I don’t know how to do deep friendships or anything. I haven’t had any. So, yeah you all hurt my feelings, a lot, that first day. That did not help. I didn’t even want to try after that. But...I’m willing to try to be friends. I’m willing to learn how to do it. If you are willing to try and learn too.” She smiled. They both needed lessons in how to be good friends.
”Yeah that’s something I am learning. With…” Did she bring up April? Was that airing out their dirty laundry?
”With everyone really. Perspective really helps.” After all, her home life wasn’t anything great either, but this was Andy’s moment. She didn’t like it when people made someone else’s struggle about themselves, even if it was a way to connect. If Andy wanted to know, she could ask.
”Yeah, I would like to try to be friends. And I am glad you have Zari. She seems cool.” That was another person Sabine should really talk to, but baby steps. This was already hard enough.
”Thanks Andy. I hate that it started off so poorly, but I am glad it led us here.”A huge grin split across Andy’s face.
"Zari is really cool. But let’s do it this way. Day one of school, that carnival, it didn’t happen.” She held out a gloved hand,
"Hi, I’m Andy Drummond Gallio-Lensherr. Nice to meet you.”What a dorky thing to do, but damn if it didn’t make Sabine’s little heart grow three sizes this day. So Sabine took the hand offered and shook it.
”Sabine Bassard. A pleasure.” Once released, Sabine let out a breath she had been holding.
”So, now that we have lots to look forward to I would love to treat you to a coffee. Or a tea. Or whatever you fancy.” "Coffee. One-hundred percent every time. Coffee.” Andy started following Sabine to the promise of sweet caffeine.
”Hey so, I've got a question I need you to not judge me for. What the fuck is SuperLink?”