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3 mos ago
Current Luckily history suggests an infinite ability for people to be shit heads ;)
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1 yr ago
Achmed the Snake
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2 yrs ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
2 yrs ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
2 yrs ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

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“Very sexy,” Jocasta agreed, stretching languidly as her body burned off the adrenaline from the chase. She smiled and extended a hand for Neil to shake.

“My name is Jocasta ap’Gwyn,” she said with a smile as they shook hands. Her face took on a slightly guilty look for a moment.

“Pleased to meet you Neil and you are locked and served,” she told him as her other hand came out of her jacket and thrust a stun tube into Neil’s chest, the injector cracking with a hiss of compressed air as it drove home its payload of narcotics and nerve inhibitors. The mechanic was still smiling as the sedative plunged him into blackness.


Neil awoke to the hum of subspace drives, the warm embrace of narcotic sleep still clinging to his extremities. He was in a cell which had probably begun life as military brig, but had been improved by the application of a thick coat of synthetic rubber to prevent prisoners from hurting themselves. A lattice of woven crystal mono-mesh had been installed across the door to prevent egress. A sonic shower and refresher unit were installed in one corner, though there was no provision for privacy. Outside a woman marched back and forth with precision that would have made a Galavite Drill Instructor proud. She was dressed in what appeared to be ancient Terran garments from the French Revolution, complete with a heavy musket slung over one shoulder. She was attractive, though the effect was somewhat ruined by the white powder she wore on her face and the fact that instead of hair she had a series of small snakes projecting from her skull. The snakes were tied up in a bun, and appeared to be gasping for breath which was restricted by the scrunchie the woman was wearing.

“Hey, you’re finally awake,” the woman remarked without pausing in her ceaseless and, now that Neil had time to contemplate it, silent, march. The snakes wheezed and hisses irritable as she spoke.

“You’ll have to forgive Cygi,” Jocasta said as she slid down an access ladder from an upper deck. She was dressed in a white flight suit with a green stripe down the seam. It was no affectation as one often saw in stationside bars, but a working suit, rated for vacuum with the addition of a helmet.

“She can be a bit eccentric,” Jocasta explained. All of the snakes ceased their gasping and tilted their head in exactly the same attitude as Cygi continued to march back and forth, switching her musket from one shoulder to the other with admirable precision. Several mechanical dragonflies floated down on soundless wings and the snakes began doing their best to strike at the little drones, though the hair tie prevented them from doing more than snapping a few inches short.

Jocasta took a selection of ration bars from a crate and fed them through a chute which emerged a few seconds later into the interior of the cell. She glanced up at her prisoner.

“Are you thirsty? We got some beer before we left Titan,” she explained nonchalantly.
The explosion was like a landslide. The krak grenade went of with little more than a snap and then there was a great whuffing sound which sucked all the air in the shaft down into it. Debris and dust ripped past us in a hurricane as we bolted up flights of stairs, tugging at our new found clothes. A moment later there was a colossal crack and then a boom so loud I felt it in my bones. For a moment all was confusion and chaos. Hadrian threw his arms around me as we were picked up by some momentous force and smashed into the ceiling. I had a moment to think how angry Selenica was going to be that a wounded Hadrian was taking this kind of punishment and then I was laying on the ground. Fire licked all around me and my ears rang like a gong. I could see Ortega, helmetless and bleeding from the nose shouting at me. I pulled myself clumsily to my feet and staggered towards him. Hadrian rose as abruptly as a carnival target beside me. Ortega grabbed him by the shoulders and shouted something that no one could hear. It was only then that I felt the floor shifting. My eyes widened and I ran, scrambling alongside Ortega and Hadrian. The whole turret was coming down, thousands of kilotons of steel and ferocrete. We reached what had once been an observation post in time to see the entire edifice slumping sideways.

"JUMP!" Ortega yelled, pointing to a gangway that was rapidly sliding away. I bolted for the edge and leaped, having just enough time to look down into the roiling pit of smoke below us, an unfathomable and unsurvivable depth, and then I was across, hitting the gangway and stumbling into the wall. Hadrian and Ortega followed a second later and we turned to watch the final destruction of what had once been a lance battery of a proud warship. It seemed to fall with slow majesty, crashing into the depths below like an avalanche of rust and debris.

"I guess that is a little more effective than flamers to cover things up," I said, my voice cracking due to the coating of dust from the air.

"Im afraid you will have to close your file on the Under Council Inquisitor," Ortega admitted.

"Not quite," I said after a moment and then held out the two torn halves of the scroll they had been trying to compel me to read.
I sat up, head spinning and eyes burning despite Kian's attempt to shield me from whatever he had done. I hadn't had much experience with priests or magic in the past and I was beginning to see why people found it so unsettling. The rooms we found ourselves in would have been gorgeous if not for the fact that we shared them with half a dozen bodies.

"Myrmidia's tits," I cursed, grasping for a sword I had lost in our little tumble. The bodies were stuck with crossbow bolts or rent with swords.

"Wait aren't these..." Kian began.

"The Luccini delegation," I agreed in a shocked whisper. It was one thing to kidnap an ambassador from the far of Empire, Karl Franz might send remonstrances, even protestations, but he wasn't going to send an army. Luccini on the other hand was just as willing to fight for its honor as any other city state in Tilea.

"I don't see..." I began, but before I could finish there was a crash as the door to a wardrobe flew open and the Luccini ambassador came out slashing wildly with a rapier. I cursed and ducked sideways, tripping on a body and landing on my rump. The wild eyed man was half naked, dressed only in silk undergarments. He slashed down at me and I rolled sideways, kicking his legs out from underneath him. He went down in a pile and I rolled on top of him.

"Your excellency! We aren't assassins!" I declared, pinning the struggling man down until he ceased his efforts.

"You aren't with Romeo then?" the Luccinian demanded.

"Honestly," I replied sitting back, "I'm not really sure who we are with anymore."
Jocasta grinned as she worked the controls, slaloming gracefully between towering antennae and the stream of other speeders. Normally in interstellar space there were light seconds between objects, but here there was an immediacey of maneuver that got her heart pounding. She feathered the throttle and slid between two skyhooks, large expensive habitats for the rich and powerful that hung from the supports of the outer dome. Access was purely through spacecraft which added to the exclusivity.

"I could eat," Jocasta agreed as she pitched the flyer into a steep dive. It was at that moment she noticed two speeders behind her doing the same. Frowning she made a series of turns and was chagrined to discover that both speeders continued to follow her. Tails. There was always an outside chance these were Haegemony headhunters here for her, but the odds were very good that other hunters were after Neil.

"Something wrong?" Neil asked.

"Someone is following us," Jocasta replied.

"Any chance you boosted a few speeders or something and a few locals are here to settle a score?"
There was a final moment of tension and then the Imperials seemed to relax. I had to admit they were a tough looking crew, they lacked the strut and swagger of proper Condottieri, but the certainly looked like they could handle themselves. I peeled back the curtains and looked out over the city. Smoke was rising in several places, a sure sign that the fighting extended beyond the palace.

"These were Marco's men," I announced, to the general surprise of everyone in the room. It was a pretty typical reaction from millitary men, they were normally hypnotized by the tits and hips and any use they imagined for my mouth didn't involve speaking. The fact they had no idea who had taken their ambassador or where they might look for him also hadn't occured to them.

"Meaning what?" Kian asked, holding a hand up to stop the troops from marching out. I drew a deep breath.

"Meaning that Marco dosen't have your Ambassador, or he wouldn't be sending people looking for him, and he wouldn't be sending people looking for him if he didn't need him for something. Probably he has already seized the gold your Emperor Frank sent and he needs your ambassador to ratify that HE is the ruler of Remas and thus the gold is his," I explained speaking very slowly as though to children. Kian coughed.

"You were... speaking Tilean there," he told me and I coughed with embarassment.

"Who do you think took him then?" Kian asked, smoothing saving me from having to repeat the whole thing.

"Well, by process of elimination it has to be one of the other Triumirs," I continued in Riekspiel.

"They probably want him as a hedge against Marco," I told them. I didn't mention they might kill the ambassador and try to hang the whole thing on Marco. I doubted it. It wasn't the way of Remas politics to forclose an option so soon but one never knew. If Marco's coup was going to be successful then the Ambassador was a powerful barganing chip.

"What should we do then?" Muller demanded.

"You should defend this wing," I advised, "the ambassador is useful, but the rest of you are witnesses. So long as you hold here though you have leverage. One party or the other will have to deal with you."

"Why here, there are better places to fort up surely?" Muller demanded. That was true, the gatehouses and the citadel were literal fortresses.

"Once you are out of the palace, it will be too easy to barricade you out, plus they will be able to say you ran away and they had to 'save' your ambassador," I explained.

"Listen bitch we don't run away from..." Muller flared.

"I run away all the time," I cut him off, "but the right move now is for me to go and figure out where your ambassador has gotten off to."

Muller looked at Kian arching an eyebrow in question. The priest nodded his agreement.

"Alright boys, fan out, knock some of this fancy furniture over and build some barricades, start barring windows. Krieger, take a couple of lads and raid the kitchens, lets not make it easy starve us out," the old veteran barked. I leaned close to Kian as soldiers began tramping this way and that.

"If I'd sucked your cock last night, you'd be ready to swear I was Shyalla returned," I whispered.

Jocasta smiled, charmed in spite of herself by Neil’s brash enthusiasm. She wondered just what he might have done that someone was willing to throw down several million credits to ruin his day. She resisted the urge to think of him as a harmless local, such things had gotten her into trouble before.

“Sure,” she giggled, “a Callisto might suit, let’s see what you have.” They left out the front door pursued by inarticulate cries from the shop owner. Neil took her hand and lead her through a hanger past a series of ships in various stages of disrepair. Some of them looked like junkers, others looked like they were worth a small fortune. Clearly the shop didn’t discriminate when it came to clientele. None of the ships was large enough to be jump capable and Jocasta smiled, wondering what Neil would make of the Dragonfly. She scolded herself for the thought, he was going to get a look at the Dragonfly very soon, though spending a week in her little brig probably wasn’t going to endear him to the ship.

“What do you think, Callisto Mark III,” Neil said, pulling away a greasy cover cloth with a dramatic flourish. The ship beneath was sleek and shaped like a fluted arrowhead with a long projecting bow and short stubby wings. It was painted with green and gold racing stripes of which Jocasta heartily approved.

“Whoa,” she said. Neil nodded and grinned.

“We don’t only deal in clapped out junkers,” he agreed, slapping the canopy release to make the cab retract with a smooth hiss. Jocasta climbed in and turned on the power. It really was a nice model.

“You know how to fly one I take it?” Neil asked.

“Sure do,” she replied, patting the passenger seat, “hop on in, need to make sure I dont steal it.”
Ten thousand credits for fuel. Fourteen thousand credits to replace lateral fuel unit number two. Six thousand credits for nav updates. Five thousand credits assorted bribes. Nineteen credits for lunch. That last purchase at least seemed to be paying off Jocasta thought as she munched on some kind of crispy fried tuba. The server claimed they were potatoes from earth, but then you couldn't swing a dead Venusian lizard in Prime Sol without people crying that it was genuine earth whatever. The cost of the meal did underscore her immediate problem however. Money. She had come to Sol chasing Gorban Fleck, only to find that he had managed to get himself run over by a ground car. There was something funny about an interstellar serial killer getting himself pancaked on the strip in front of a casino on Titan. It was less funny that the bounty on him was for live capture, and now nearly two million in credits was gone into a food reprocessor.

Jocasta was broke, and Prime Sol was a bad place to be broke, everything this close to the old homeworld was expensive and it was a long way out to more profitable sectors like the Neo-caliphate or the Hanseatic quadrant. She had sunk her last few credits into repairs to her ship and if she left now she was going to arrive wherever she went without a cred to her name. Sighing she tossed the paper packet which had held the allegedly earth grown tubers into the trash and sipped the last of her caffeinated pollen. It prickled and stung at the back of her throat and she smiled with the simple pleasure in spite of the straits she was in. She was about to stand up when one of her little dragonfly drones flitted down to her, curving around the disreputable looking patrons of the Soak Stack. It attempted to land on the table, underestimated how greasy the compressed plastic table top was, and skittered and slid across the table to crash into Jocasta's arm. She arched her eyebrow as the little drone picked itself up with wounded dignity, scrubbing at itself with its rear set of manipulators.

"What is it?" Jocasta asked in a quiet voice. The little drone was worth a lot of money and she didn't want to draw attention to it. The drone stood up on four legs and pointed towards a man leaving a table. It pointed its nose like a hunting hound and made several jabs to indicate him. Jocasta peered at the man, he was tall and handsome in a rakish kind of way, or might have been if he wasn't covered in engine oil.

"Are you trying to find me a date?" Jocasta asked with an arched eyebrow. The drone pointed its projector into Jocasta's eye and a woman in hunters attire, complete with a racoon hat, appeared in her eye, a holographic image only she could see. A speech bubble appeared above the huntress as she gesticulated wildly.

"Neil Edwards. 4.5 Million. Wanted alive on Chronos."

Jocasta opened her eyes wide. Cygi, the artificial intelligence on her ship, was monitoring system wide traffic. She must have just caught the announcement of the bounty as it was beamed across the system. Cygi put her hands on her hips and made an imperious gesture in the direction this Edwards had gone.

"Ok, ok!" Jocasta agreed, standing up and heading out after Edwards. Her drone zipped ahead flying up and over the gangways above the concrete and steel canyon that made up this section of the station. It flashed for a moment before she lost it in the sea of neon signs advertising food, sex, cheap loans, and various other vices. A part of her mind followed its progress through a link to its visual feed, tucking it away until it flagged something interesting.

Jocasta sachet into the repair shop. She was dressed in a long coat with green and white check around the bust and a silvered metallic undersuit which she completed with glossy black combat boots. Her hair was currently a vibrant green, a result of an injection of molecular copper which she could use to alter the natural pigment of her hair, albiet at the cost of not being able to eat shellfish or asteroid mollusks for a few days.

"Hey there," she said conversationally, leaning forward to give Edwards the full effect of her outfit.

"I'm looking for something fast, care to take me for a test drive?" she asked.
I don't know if you have ever tried to hide from a group of heretics while naked and painted with arcane sigils, but it isn't even as much fun as it sounds. I ducked through access ways and pipework, worming my way deeper into the decayed heart of the ancient machine. From what I had seen the heretics knew they had been made, judging by the fact they knew Hadrian's name, that was because they had been warned and not merely because their man had been killed. I dearly wished I were sifting through astropathic communiques rather than dodging las bolts in the underhive to find the answer. They were obviously burning the evidence of whatever it was they had been doing here, denying intelligence to Hadrian and the Ordos.

"Find the bitch and kill her!" someone shouted off to my left and I turned right, heading away from the sound as silently as I could, my shoulder blades itching for the las bolt I was certain they were about to collect. I heard activity up ahead of me and slowed my pace, peering out from the edge of a gangway into a vast open space. It took my mind a moment to realize it was a starship shuttle bay, though turned on its side when whatever ancient ship this was had crashed here. Dark fluids fell from above, making the air shimmer with rainbow refractions.

"Throne of Terra," I breathed as I realized that every ancient refueling line had been broken open and were currently spilling ancient prometheum down into the void below. All it would take would be a stray blast and this whole place was going to go up like the mother of all fireworks. I doubted the higher ups had bothered to inform their low level cultists about this face. A las bolt burst against the bulkhead beside me in a shower of sparks.

"She's on the shaft rail!" someone shouted. Praying their wild firing didn't touch off the waterfall of volatile petrochemicals I bolted up a nearby set of stairs, chased as I went by a stream of las bolts.
I could only watch in abject horror as the crossbowman fitted the bolt into his weapon, cocked it back and pointed it at Kian. Part of my mind, the part which kept track of shifting political currents was trying to determine if this were a coup by one of the Triumvirs. It was difficult to know who would have an incentive to murder an Imperial Ambassador, although perhaps framing someone for doing so might be a benefit.

"No!" I shouted and stepped forward as the crossbowman fired. I waved the sword in desperate negation and to everyone's evident amazement the bolt cracked into the blade and sent the weapon spinning from my hands, deflecting it away from Kian's chest. Everyone froze for a second to stare at the spectacle.

"That is enough luck for one day," the surviving spearman said, drawing back his weapon to thrust it at me now that I had no weapon. I danced aside as he thrust knocking the shaft sideways with my hips as I snatched up a marble bust of Myrmidia from the mantle and brought it around in a wide arc that crashed into the side of the spearman's helmet. He staggered back, dropping his weapon in a daze. I glanced around desperately for a weapon, and lunged for the dropped sword. The uninjured mercenary kicked it aside and struck me across the shoulders with the hilt of his sword, sending me tumbling to the ground. I hit hard and rolled onto my back, looking up as the mercenary stood over me raising his sword. I felt cold terror surge through my body, but before he could thrust home I saw his eyes widen. A figure leaped over the top of me, dressed in fine silk and carrying a ridiculously heavy broadsword.

"Le Dame!" Guy de Pounce shouted as he brought down his weapon in a great overhead blow. The mercenary brought up his slender weapon in an attempt to parry but the heavy Brettonian weapon knocked. The mercenary's arm, severed at the elbow dropped to the marble floor, fingers spasming around the hilt of his sword. Guy whipped his sword around in a figure eight which took the man's head from his shoulders. The surviving spearman turned and ran, casting away his weapon and leaping through a window, crashing into the shrubbery below. Guy glared after him, the tips of his thin mustache twitching with irritation as his nostrils flared.

"Cowardly zellswords," he sniffed as he wiped his blade clean on one of the fallen men's tunic.
Jocasta had acquired several strings of beads by the time she reached the end of the first street, the glass ornaments clicking against each other atop her unbuttoned jacket. The mood of the crowd was festive though there were signs, a few overturned patrol cars and smashed store fronts, that suggested that high spirits took several forms. Makeshift bars had been set up, usually by piling liquor bottles atop ground cars or simply rolling barrels of ale out onto the street where one could simply scoop a cup of booze as one passed. Enough people were openly carrying guns to make Jocasta think that after a few more hours of drinking this place was going to be considerably more lively.

The place had the garish magnificence of an explosion in a bordello. The habs and shop fronts were colorcrete in attractive soft pastel shades, though poverty and lack of maintenance meant not two colors matched exactly. Some of them had awnings of pressed thermoplastic which were printed with patterns ranging from the simple geometrics to advertisements for beers and canned soups. Beyond that, ever structure was draped with whatever colorful articles the residents could find, dresses, bed sheets, rugs, clothing, even a flag though Jocasta couldn’t identify the world or organisation it might represent.

“Hey girlie have a drink with me,” a drunken man called to Jocasta, thrusting a bottle into her hand. She smiled and slid past his attempt to grope her, taking a polite pull from the neck of the fluted liquor bottle. It tasted strongly of passionfruit but must have been well north of fifty percent alcohol. She rounded a corner into a small square where the crowd was particularly energized.

“Vol! Vol! Vol! Vol!” they were chanting in a variety of tempos that blended together to uncomfortably remind Jocasta of an unstable warp field. She felt her heart sink as she heard the chant.

“Who is this Vol?” she asked a woman who had taken her top off completely, her impressive chest mostly obscured by strings of beads. The woman blinked in confusion and then brightened.

“He is a hero!” she burbled drunkenly before throwing her arms around Jocasta.

“He stole millions from some crimelord and just gave it away,” she snickered.

“Everyone on the level got like ten thousand credits,” she said in a tone of stunned wonder.

“They cops came to try and take it back but…” she made a gesture towards one of the smashed patrol cars with a champagne bottle.

“Where is this hero now?” Jocasta asked.

“D’know,” the woman chirruped, “Staying out of sight I guess.” The woman frowned at Jocasta, apparently having caught a glimpse of one of the little drones concealed beneath her jacket, but too drunk to be sure.

“Rumor is that assassins will be coming to kill him… we arent… going to let that happen,” she hiccuped drunkenly.
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