Gulls squawked in raucous irritation as the squad of Defenders of the Stone tramped up the gang plank, ignoring the protestations of the Tarboner captain. With brusque efficiency half of the squad herded the small crew onto the forecastle and began to search them at sword point. The remaining soldiers disappeared below deck, doubtless to begin an equally thorough search.
Zoya Sakura watched, chagrined, from the porch of a wine shop. The captain of the Golden Pike was wringing his cap together in his hands and calling out curses and lamentations. He didn’t have what these soldiers were looking for but it was a rare captain indeed who could face the port authorities with a completely clean conscience. Hopefully it wouldn’t occur to him to disclose too much about the woman who had tried to book passage on his ship to Mayene. When the soldiers were done with their search, they tramped back ashore and the Golden Pike cast off. Two black clad soldiers remained aboard with the river pilot, when they reached Gordan at the mouth of the Erinin they would take ship back to the city, making it all but impossible for anyone to slip aboard one of the vessels. Only once the ship reached the outer harbor did the Defenders move on to the next vessel to be cleared. No ship had been allowed to leave the harbor without inspection for two days. No wagon or rider had been permitted to pass the gates without submitting to a similar search. The High Lords had given no reason for these measures, but rumors abounded, ranging from great treasures being stolen, to noble daughters attempting to elope with low born suitors. The most extreme versions of this tale even suggested the suitor was an Illianer.
The real reason for the High Lords’ agitation was more esoteric and much more damaging. Signs had been discovered of an intruder in the Stone. Initially assassins might have been suspected but once roused, Tariens could be damnabley efficient. They had discovered that a break in had occurred at the Great Holding, the vast fortified repository in which High Lords had, for hundreds of years, hoarded every item of Power they could find. Angreal and Ter’angreal in numbers that existed no where in the world save the Great Vault beneath the White Tower, all piled and collecting dust. Once the Holding had been indentified the Tariens had quickly realized that dozens of objects, described and recorded in dusty records ledgers were missing. Such an intrusion, so deep into the Stone and so close to Callandor was unthinkable and their determination to reverse it was bone deep and iron strong.
“Will there be anything more m’lady?” the wine shop attendant asked unctuously. Zoya sighed. She was no kind of a lady, but it was an easy mistake to make. She was short but full figured, giving the impression of a somewhat squashed hourglass, with dark brown hair and the olive skin of the Shadow Coast. Her accent was less definable, an amalgam of many lands that made most people shrug and speculate: Andor? Zoya’s most striking features were her eyes, they were large and spaced so as to give her a perpetually curious look, as if constantly fascinated by everything she beheld. This impression was not misleading and those who knew her quickly discovered that she just could not leave well enough alone. No onlooker could have guessed that for all her grace and beauty, she had been born in a hovel in an unnamed village, the daughter of a simple crabber.
That she was an Aes Sedai of the White Tower was a more likely guess, and a considerably bigger problem.
Not that Zoya exhibited the classic signs, the Great Serpent ring she won only a few years ago was hidden away in her rooms and she was too new to the sisterhood to have yet developed the ageless look for which they were famous. That was fortunate, for Aes Sedai were not welcome in Tear at the best of times, and this was far from the best of times. For all these precautions, a woman alone was suspicious in this land. Not for the first time she wished she had a warder who might pose as husband or servant, but she was a solitary woman, secretive and contained even in her own mind. To open herself up to another person was not something she had yet found the time for in her few years in the Shawl.
“No, thank you,” Zoya responded, producing a silver half crown and passing it to the man. Even at the somewhat inflated marketplace of Tear, it was twice what the drink was worth. The wine stood, barely touched, in the clay cup it had been served in. Zoya found the drink too sour. As a child she could not afford it, and since going to Tar Valon had found neither time nor inclination to develop a palette. Perhaps she should have forced herself to finish it for the sake of appearances but she could always plead a tender belly. The Light knew she felt a certain queasiness, she wasn’t getting out of Tear by ship, and that meant she needed a new plan.