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I studied Bio in high school once.

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OOC is up roleplayerguild.com/topics/189518-the…

Saencila is a fantasy world, in which the five senses are considered holy and all magic powers depend on them. It takes place thousands of years after two related apocalyptic events which threatened to destroy the world. The aftermath of these events left behind a broken world. Most of the evil responsible for these events have been sealed away and long forgotten. There is only the faintest of references to the event in ancient myths throughout the world. The evil that remains in the world is now considered to be a mysterious phenomenon that naturally occurs for reasons unknown, in a region called The Broken Islands.

The story takes place during a war between two of the five great nations which make up the Land of Saencila. The nation that is losing the war, The Nation of Sight, currently has become desperate. In their desperation, they have reached out for help from The Cult of Insight, a fanatical group of religious followers who have fallen prey to the last remaining evil force active in Saencila. By turning to the cult for help, this nation has unwittingly opened a floodgate that will eventually lead to the start of another apocalypse.

On the hero’s side, we have the Pactmakers. A group of unrelated people who have unwittingly made a pact with an ancient Entity known as The Being on Many Names. As implied by his title, the Being goes by several names and titles. Of which includes: The Lord of Senses, Tricksters of Tricksters, and others.

On the other side, we have the Discarded. Ancient powers long locked away in an ancient prison. All save for the Discarded of Sight. The entity that the Cult of Insight worships. These entities seek their freedom and the destruction of the Being. Their existence has long been forgotten to time.

However a new faction seems to have awakened in this conflict. One that currently seems to be helping the Cult and the Discarded. The Crazed, magic wielders whose magic inevitably drives them insane. The Crazed have long been known to the world and have even started wars in the past to break free from their discrimination. Now though, things seem to be different. For these Crazed seem ordered and disciplined and do not leave a path of destruction in their wake. However, their wrath for the normal people of Saencila exists all the same.

So who are the main players here? Well you are. You are just an everyday normal or not normal person who has suddenly found themselves caught in the middle of a war of people and god-like powerful entities.

There are two types of magic abilities in this rp.

Magic weilders are people with magic abilities that are related in some way to one of the five senses. Their abilities runs on a fuel of your choosing, unless they have crazed magic. The fuel for crazed magic is one’s sanity.

Adepts are the second magical abilities. These are people born with one of their senses enhanced in some unique way, like being able to smell different types of magic or night vision.

A character can be both an adept and a magic wilder.

-Collab Between Pezz570, 13org-

Viktor Frost

Arc 1

End of Arc 1

Arc 1

The Being of Many Names (A.K.A. Bud)

Interactions with @Jerkchicken

Bud smiled at Jen's comment. "My dear Dirty Bastard... wait- I'm sorry. That's right, you go by Jen now.-"

Bud snapped his fingers. A copy of him appeared next to Jen and elbow nudged him on his wounded shoulder.

"Look at you, switching names on us like that! Taking after your good ol' friend Bud, huh?"

Bud snapped his fingers. The copy disappeared.

"My dear Jen, if there was an easy answer to this problem, then I would have done it years ago. Alas, fixing myself has proven far more complicated. However, wiping out the cult might be a sure way to start." Bud said the last sentence more to himself then the others.

"At one point I thought, that by isolating the cult to their Broken Islands would be enough to starve them of new members. Near the dawn of the current era, the world had turned against the cult and forced them to their current home. Resented by all, they were isolated for many a year. And while their power started to wane, I underestimated the cult's resiliency.

"I figured that given time, their great All-Seeing Eye, wouldn't hesitate at the chance to turn its remaining followers into Sightless. It sustains him after all. Keeps him strong. What I didn't expect was his capacity to resist temptation. He resisted the urge to convert all his followers, and allowed them to build families on the isles. Generations of followers. Generations of Sightless.

I thought that time would ultimately put an end to the cult. And while it might have eventually ended them, what I didn't expect was for time to turn enemy on me. As millennia passed, the people of Saencila began to forget their hatred of the cult. It started with trade, which turned into visitation, which eventually led to the acceptance of missionaries."

Bud shook his head. "No, time doesn't work against the cult. It only makes them stronger." He looked to Jen. "In all honesty I'm not entirely sure how to proceed. It's something I'm still working on."

Chres frowned as he tried to absorb he information Bud presented. There was context missing here. It seem Bud often like to omit context in his explanations.

"You were spot on though." Bud continued after moment. A hint of amusement returning to his face. "Offerings and prayers won't help me. And as for faith?" Bud laughed. "Faith won't do any of us any good. It sustains neither me nor you."

Chres narrowed his eyes.

"So then... what does sustain you?"

His attention turned on Chres. An uncomfortable frown appearing on his face. It made Chres uneasy. Bud didn't seem to like this question.

"You know Chres, perhaps we-."

"Answer the question." Chres pressed. Suspicion filled his voice.

Bud shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "Your legacy." He sighed finally.

Chres furrowed his brow. Their legacies?

"The Unspoken Pact. You've heard the Sightless mention this term before."

"They call us pactmakers." Chres nodded hesitantly.

"Like with the Insight. Throwing in your lot with me comes with... conditions."

"What kind of conditions." Chres asked. His question sounding like a growl.

"The kind I wish... I didn't have to make." Bud said reluctantly.

Chres stared Bud down. Waiting expectantly.

"Upon your deaths, I take everything. Everything that you did in life. Everything that you were in life."

Chres' felt his blood go cold.

"Your names. Your memory. Your experiences. The memories others have of you. I take it all. Your legacies, Chres." Bud said somberly. "Aside from your fellow pactmakers, the world will not remember you... Any of you... Unspoken... forever more..." Bud hesitated. "I-I'm sorry."

Chres felt his heart begin to race. Outrage filling his blood. Sorry? SORRY?!

"Why?" Chres felt his voice trembling dangerously. "Why are we only hearing of this now?"

Bud looked to Chres almost sorrowfully. "Because," Bud started, his voice full of shame, "as I am right now, without a consistent flow of Pacts, I will die."

"YOU will die? YOU?!" Chres barked out a dry laugh at the irony of the statement. An entity that lived off of the deaths and erasure of other people did so out of fear of his own mortality and erasure from memory.

"This isn't a pact most would make if they knew the conditions ahead of time." Bud said. "And my death is the last thing you want."

"Funny, because right now, your death is very close to my top ten."

For a while, Bud said nothing. "If I die now. The entity that is me will vanish, but the power I control will not. It will live on and pass to another. And as of right now, the top candidate for taking my power is one the Sightless worship. Vi'daerus."

Yet again, shadow fell upon the room when the name was spoken. This time though, it was accompanied by a sharp wind that began to blow through the room.

Chres looked around, surprised by the sudden wind.

"Mark my words." Bud continued. "You do not want Vi'daerus as the 'god' of this world."

The room began to shudder with Vi'daerus's name uttered twice in quick succession. The wind began to roar and rage, as the ceiling of the cellar began the creak as if it were being pulled from its hinges.

"Vi'daerus. The product of my sins."

The winds turned into a cyclone and ripped the ceiling clean off. A red night sky appeared above, with bulbs of light that looked like stars but bigger. The red night sky cracked and shattered. A Sightless white eye appeared from beyond.

"Speak his name and his eye will fall upon you. Wise, it would be, to fear the Discarded of Sight."

Oily black tendrils shot from the cracks in the sky, reaching for Bud.

Chres' mouth opened in awe and fear. Unable to comprehend what he was seeing.

"Farewell, my friends. Until we meet again."

Bud snapped his fingers as the tendrils rushed for him. The world blurred. Time rushed in on itself. The cellar returned to its normal, non-destroyed, state prior to the Being's appearance. The unseeing eye, he named Vi'daerus, gone.

The Being... Chres noted that he did not think of him as Bud anymore... Odd as it were, he didn't linger on the thought long.

"That bastard..." Chres whispered. Fatigue, pain, anger and hopelessness washed over Chres as he lay on the ground, unable to pull himself to his feet with his broken leg.

"Senses... Did we win?" Chres absently heard one of the touch soldiers ask.

"We won! We did it! We killed the monster!"

The soldiers let out a cheer. As they gathered their wits and set to work on tending to the pactmakers. One even heading back through the tunnel to get help.

Chres lay there motionless, not saying a word.

As help began to arrived, they tended to the pactmakers and lifted Chres to safety. Still he remained nothing but silent. Broken.

He was going to take everything, The Being. His reason for living. His reason for dying. His ability to punish himself and tarnish his own reputation, should he learn that he indeed did deserve death. All of it, The Being has just made meaningless.

'You don’t understand.’ His wife's voice rang again. 'You don’t understand!’

What? What didn't he understand?

The Being had forced Chres' hand. He had but one path left. One outcome to hope for. Learn the truth behind his wife's actions, and pray that what he learned did not justify self punishment.

Chres felt his consciousness slip as he was carried away to the army makeshift infirmary. His wounds tended to by touch healers.
The Being of Many Names (A.K.A. Bud)

Interactions with @HokumPocus

"You words, not mine." Bud said with a smile. "Did I use to be an entity of extraordinary power? Oh, yes! Of course! But was I a god?" Bud's smile deepened. "That question is a little more up in the air. An answer that depends on perspective and, perhaps more importantly, on your definition of a god.

"That said, it seems your missing the point. A point I thought I made clear. I do not wish for worship or rulership. Though, perhaps, it was not a misunderstanding between us friends. Perhaps... it was a statement of envy..."

Bud cocked his head, an amused look on his face.

"I see. So that's what it was. My, my, how familiar." Bud spoke, as he stared into Octavio's eyes. only to shake his head soon after.

"But I digress. You asked a question I've oft been asked many times before. Why don't I help more? Well, perhaps there are other people out there who I've thrown my lot in with. People besides the lovely Octavio and his Pactmaker friends. Or perhaps such facilitation is part of the reason the world is in its current mess. Hmmmm... wouldn't that be an interesting twist? Or perhaps, oh yes perhaps, the wonderful Bud is not so great and mighty, as he lets on. His attention only able to focus on so many things at once. But perhaps, just perhaps, the answer is all or even none of the above."

The strange man shrugged. His amused smile ever present. "I don't know. Pick a reason."

Chres' expression darkened at the response. "Try this for a reason. You're a cunt who doesn't actually care whether we live our die. All of this is nothing more than a game to you."

"My, my Chres, you ought to wash out that mouth of yours."

Bud snapped his fingers. A bar of wet soap appeared in Chres' mouth. Chres spat and sputtered. The bar of soap fell to the ground.

Bud smiled at his prank, only for it fade away shortly after. The more serious side of Bud appeared to resurface.

"The years have made it hard for me to care, Chres. Though in my own broken way, I do care about my pactmakers. Your Unspoken Pacts maintain my existence. It feeds me names and knowledge. I depend on our connection to survive, however, perhaps that same connection keeps me at arms length."

Bud's smile re-emerged. "So, Chres, how about you try that for a reason instead?"

Chres remained unimpressed.

Bud rolled his eyes and sighed. Finger raised in the air, he turned his attention back to Octavio. "Oh, and by the way Octavio, I do call myself what I want. Or have you not caught on to that yet? Last time we met, I went by the name Gin. Today, however, I've been going by the name -drumroll please-" With the snap of his fingers, a large circular drum appeared behind him and literally began to roll across the room. "-Bud."

The drum crashed into a wall. Smiling, Bud snapped his fingers again. Confetti popped around him and a 'Tada!' sound effect echoed across the room.
The Being of Many Names (A.K.A. Bud)

Interactions with @13org

Again a shadow seemed fall upon the room when the name, Vi'daerus, was spoken.

Bud cautiously glanced around only to give what seem to be an almost nervous chuckle. "Not of the faith, are you Ice Flower?" He mused at Karina's words. "Well you might be happy to hear that neither am I. They call me the Lord of Senses. Though honestly, I would prefer to not really be a Lord of anything. If you would take away anything from this encounter, then take away this. I do not wish to fashion myself as a god. So please, if you would be so kind, spread word to my would be 'followers' and tell them to go... sniff a butt." Bud smiled. Amused by his very unclever butt joke.

"Their Goooooooooooood commands it!" He spoke the last sentence as if preaching to a quire. Hands shooting into the air.

"You still haven't answered the question." Chres growled. His patience was thin. Not just due to Bud's annoying nature, the pain from his injuries or from to his own tiredness. No, he feared this lack of patience was starting to come from something much deeper.

Bud eyed Chres, and gave him a lopsided grin. "Alright. Alright. I give." He said. His hands raised in the air innocently. "Believe me though, the answer is not very satisfying."

Bud snapped his fingers. A chair appeared behind him. Taking a seat, he said. "I'm actually not entirely sure what I am." Bud's pride and arrogance seemed to fall away with his words. His coy smile turning into one far less certain. He seemed to age in that moment. Not physically, but mentally.

"At the very least, I seem to be a bubble of awareness, shattered long ago. I can create these temporary bubbles of existence, occasionally move minor objects to and fro. Aside from that though, I can't do much else... well, other than my ability to form pacts with the likes of you.

"My shattering imprisoned me to this land. Trapped me for many a year. I do not seek godhood. I simply wish to be free from this world and the bonds that tie me here. The Cult's continued existence is the final healthy bond that holds me to this world."

"That is why I came to you. By gambling on all of you, I knew that at the very least it would save you all from the day of Madness that struck Shimmertown the day after. So while yes, I am using you as pawns, I did so knowing that it might save your lives for another day."

Bud sighed. He bent forward in his seat and looked to Karina. Bags lined the bottom of his eyes. "I have seen all this world has to offer. It tires me, Karina. Makes my essence grow thin. To see the realms that lie beyond, that is what I need. For this prison, it drives me mad. It is a madness I'm sure you have already seen. A madness I wish to stave off a while longer."

Chres frowned. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of Bud's words. The man joked from one moment only to become serious the next.

"And yet," Chres spoke hesitantly. The itch, it clawed at the back of his neck. "when we met, you claimed that your involvement wouldn't save my life. You claimed I would survive the aftermath."

"I said, they would take you. Convert you." Bud waved his hand to the corpse of the Seed. "Did my involvement not save you?"

"Only if what you claim is true." Chres said coldly, the itch digging ever deeper.

'You don’t understand’ His wife's words rang through his head.

"And even then, I wonder if a little Insight wouldn't have hurt."

Bud blinked. A cold look crossing his face. For the first time since he first appeared before the Pactmakers, Bud actually seemed bothered by one of their statements. "Then by all means, run off to your friends in the Cult, Chres. I'm sure they would welcome you with open arms."

Now it was Chres' turn to blink. Why had he said that? He shook his head. The wariness was getting to him. "I'm sorry." He said warily to the others. "I didn't mean..."

Bud gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "Noooo..." He said getting up from his seat. With a snap the chair disappeared. "I'm sure you didn't mean anything."

He gave Chres a smile that didn't reach his eyes. In that moment, the ware and tear seemed to vanish from Bud's face entirely. The normal Bud began to resurface.

"You know on second thought, Karina. Maybe you shouldn't go around telling people that I told them to go sniff a butt. Senses no! For if you did, I fear they actually might start doing it! Knowing them, they would make it some sort of tradition! Can you imagine, Karina? Everyone sitting around for evening prayer only to be told, 'And now we end this ceremony with the ceremonial sniffing of the butt.'"

Hand this his face, Bud shook his head. "Ooooh, the humanity!"
The Being of Many Names (A.K.A. Bud)

Interactions with @13org @Fetzen

"Bravo! Gold star for man with girth!" Bud exclaimed proudly. The man snapped his fingers. A gold star shaped adhesive appeared on Týfurkh's forehead.

Bud frowned. "Then again, you weren't entirely on the ball there, so maybe you get more liiiike... half a star."

The man snapped his fingers. The star tore in two; the torn half falling loosely to the ground.

"Its a side effect of loosing access to godly power all at once. A recoil of power that rebounded back on the physical body that channeled it.

"As for what to do with it..."
Bud shrugged. "Take as much as you can for all I care. I'm sure you'll get a pretty price for it from the right seller. Oooooor, you could keep a bit for yourself. The stuff cancels out any sight magic just by touching it. I'm sure you'll find much joy in using it to threaten the little fairy that follows this one around." Bud said while nodding in Chres' direction.

Chres stared coldly at Bud. The man was not winning himself any points with off hand comments like that.

"I wouldn't be so fast take it." Chres said. "Seeing that General Frost is Karina's Father, word of this cache of shadow metal will inevitably get back to General Frost. Even if Karina decided to turn a blind eye to any of us taking the shadow metal, You can be sure that her father will have our belongings searched for the metal. Especially considering the type of magic he is known for. This thing, it's not just a gold mine, but a weapon as well."

Chres looked to Karina. "Isn't that right, Karina?"

"You could also use it as a rock to smack around Mr. 'I don't know how to have any fun' here." Bud said quickly.

The comment earned another glare from Chres. An amused smile spread across Bud's face.
The Being of Many Names (A.K.A. Bud)

Chres looked around the ruined cellar. This sensation. This stopping of time. He felt it early. Back in the tunnels beneath the city. Before they entered the Cult's Church.

'You could have run.' Those were the words he had heard back then.

Chres looked back to Bud. He had taunted Chres. Played on his desires to have left and be done with this. Played on his growing frustration. Yes, he could have run after the army took the wall, but there was danger in doing so. Danger in being seen as the enemy trying to escape.

The hostility returned in Chres' eyes as he stared Bud down. This man, whatever he was, he was toying with them. Playing with their lives.

Chres' gaze fell back onto the corpse of the Seed. Its remains now turned to Shadow Metal.

Bud frown, perhaps sensing the room's hostility. He turned his gaze to the Seed as well.

"By killing it, you cut the Seed off from its source of power. Speak his name and his eye shall fall upon us. The Root of Insight. Discarded of Sight-" Bud smiled softly as he spoke the next few words, "Vi'daerus, the Omniscient."

A shiver suddenly ran down Chres' spine. It felt as though a looming presence had fallen upon the pactmakers. A presence which made the itch on the back of his neck intensify.

"Vi'daerus?" Chres said hesitantly. Again his itch intensified.

"It is the inevitable fate of all Sightless to eventually give in to the deepest temptations of the Insight. It binds them to its power. Brings them as close to godhood as one can reach without bodily destruction. So close, in fact that their body requires an anchor to bind them to this realm.

"A connection to the land. A deep relation to the place in which they root. To become be a Seed requires one to merge into the fabric of reality itself. Whether it being born to the land, to have greatly influenced the land or to have lived in the land for many a year, whatever your connection may be, it is this anchor that holds them to this world. Without it, the world will surely reject them."

Chres shook his head. There was too much here to take in. "Merge with reality?" It sounded like a word salad to him.

Bud smiled. "Tsk Tsk, my dear Chres. That Distortion, do you think it natural? The roots of the Seed dug deep into the fabric holding this realm together. It influenced it! Changed it! Distorted it! Such is a thing that the world normally resists. But by having ties to the land, one can trick the land into thinking it belongs! Kind of like how you've been acting this whole time, am I right Chres?"

The itch of Chres' neck flared again, he couldn't help but scratch at it. He expression darkened, but bud seemed to pay no mind. Instead he casually strolled over to the remains of Neiffar. Rotten remains which, unlike O'Kal's, had not turned to Shadow Metal.

"Our fool of a friend Nieffar knew all this before taking the dive into the depths of Insight. Yet still he took the plunge."

Bud smiled softly. Causally he pointed his thumb behind him towards Nieffar. "This guy, am I right? He stayed in Shimmertown for what? A week? Surely he knew better?"

Bud sighed and waved his hand to the rotten corpse. "But alas, such is the result of his foolishness. Good for us though, right?" Bud said while giving the Pactmakers a knowing smile.

Chres frowned. He didn't share Bud jovial attitude. Instead of smiling, he looked back to the corpse of Lord O'Kal, thinking on what was said. So that was why they turned him into a Seed. Who better than the Lord of Shimmertown himself?!

Bud followed Chres' gaze back to O'Kal's corpse. The Shadow Metal corpse appeared to devour the light around it.

"That one though, with his anchor well cemented,-" Bud said frowning. "-he became one with the Insight. It changed him. Transformed him. By killing him, you cut him off from the power. A Stray Thought, snuffed out like a candle. This-." Bud kicked aside a stray tendril of shadow metal, "-is the result."
The Being of Many Names

The Being's smile grew as Týfurkh finished his inquiry. With a snap of his fingers, the Being vanished and reappeared besides Týfurkh.

"Týfurkh. Týfurkh. Oh my dear friend Týfurkh." The Being said while shaking his head condescendingly.

The Being reached out as if to place his arm on the Giant's shoulder, only to hesitate soon after. Týfurkh was far too tall for the Being to put his arm around the giant without it seeming awkward.

The Being frowned and snapped his fingers. The Being's legs grew instantly, putting him at a comparable height to Týfurkh. With his arm now comfortably wrapped around the giant's shoulders, The Being smiled and nodded as if to say 'Much better'.

"You sure have a lot of breath for a man with cracked ribs." He teased with a smile.

"Who am I? Just your best bud of course! What am I? Same answer -Is what I would say if I just wanted to mess with you- However, today, I'm feeling generous. So who am I?"

The Being snapped his fingers. A bag materialized in his right hand. The Being of Many Names reached into the bag and pulled out a piece crumbled paper. Unfolding the piece of paper showed a name scribbled on it. 'Bud'.

"Ah-ha! Bud! What a wonderful name to wear today! So who am I? Please, by all means, Týfurkh. Call me Bud." The Being, Bud, smiled as if pleased with himself.

"It's not... dangerous." Chres said breathing deeply in between words. "Its the black sheep of magic deterrents. A metal softer... than gold. Soft, and rare..."

"Why, thank you Chres. You're such a wealth of knowledge."

"Shut up and answer his questions." Chres growled while wincing in pain. "What the hell happened there?!" He said, pointing at the Shadow Metal. "Where... in Senses were you?! And why us?!"

Chres didn't have the patience for Bud's shenanigans. He was tired, beaten, and broken in more places than one.

Bud's smile seemed to wane. "I apologize for my attitude. When you exist as long as I have, you begin to lose yourself. It becomes important to find a way to cope."

Bud turned his attention back to Týfurkh "As I told the others in the past, my absence was important for you all to succeed. Any prolonged appearances would have signaled your location to the Sightless as it did the first time I met the others... Besides-" Bud's smiled returned. "I'm largely useless anyway. Aside from this bubble of existence that I've created, my ability to impact the world has long since been stripped away.

"As for why I picked you lot? Call it a gamble on my end. I may not have a connection to the Insight, but I do catch glimpses of what's possible. It was honestly a roll of the dice when I choose you lot. And would you lookie here? It seems my gamble paid off -please hold your applause"

Chres frowned. The hostility leaving his eyes somewhat. "You should be applauding us. Not us applauding you."

"Oh, but I did." Bud said. "Did you not hear my slow clap after you all bravely slew the Seed?"

Chres grumbled. Slowly he forced himself into a sitting position.
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