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I studied Bio in high school once.

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@Dragonfly 9 just wanted to touch base, are you still interested? :)
No worries Fetzen. Take your time. We have a whole arc for you to do it :)
Awesome! We would love to have you :). Feel free to take your time to shift through everything.

We built a discord as well which doubles as a wiki for the RP with links to a bunch of different world lore. Feel free to PM me once you are ready to make a character or ping me in the OOC :) Once your character is finalized I'll give you a link to the discord.
Thanks org! Going to Add my other Character Sheet. Gonna wait on the others to post theirs and see if we can get any new players :)

Chres Sansus




Home Nation:
Half Touch, Half Sight

Chres is a Tempraisionist, touch based magic which uses body heat as a fuel. He has a knack for fighting and protecting. He doesn’t do much protecting anymore though.

Light brown hair with a few wisps of grey. Grey eyes. No Axe. Wears a Metal Glass pendant and gloves.


Lately his outlook on life has been pretty grim. Since his life altering event Chres has never been the same man. He still wears his ring, and will call himself a married man if asked. He doesn't drink anymore. He no longer trusts himself to drink. He has a bit of a dry sense of humor.

He’s become a bit suicidal since the event. Always putting himself in fights and situations to try to get himself killed. In his mind he deserves physical punishment for his crimes and he keeps trying to find humiliating ways to die. His plans to die are always thwarted though. A part of him still wants to keep living.

He carries a flask containing flavored water in it. He also keeps looking for ways to get himself beaten up or killed.

The cold. His disire to put himself in dangerous situations.

Chres carries a knife in each boot and a dagger at his side. Usually he’ll shape the weapons he needs with his magic.

Other items of importance includes his two Familiar pendants. The one his wife bought him he wears around his neck it’s active. The other he keeps in his pack.

Chres’s Familiar will switch between the form of a female fairy like being to a tiny ferret. Curious about the world and mischievous too. Chres calls her Sil.
Basic character sheet template. Feel free to add sections as you wish. Please run your character sheets by me before posting. Thanks!

Home Nation:
Our Discord:
(includes a 'wiki' of information about the world)

The Five Senses - Arc 2

Saencila, The Land of Senses. A Land where the five senses spew magic and are worshipped as pure and holy. A Land rich in long lost history. The sole unbroken continent in a world torn apart by a battle of ancient forces long forgotten.

Amidst a new war between two great nations, dormant forces awaken seeking dominion over all. The Cult of Insight schemes, the Crazed amass, the Discarded stretch their prison thin. As the night grows dark, chaos threatens to swallow the land once more.

The Basic Premise

What's currently being worked on

As of November 2023 we are fending off an ambush of Crazed inside of a lord's manor.

In addition, we are hoping to recruit new members.

Link to map (Allows for zooming in)

Link to see the current battlegrounds for the war. The land highlighted in red has been taken by the Nation of Touch.

The Rulezz

1 - Please use your common sense (our sixth sense :P).

2 - Your character sheet should contain all info on your character’s abilities. If you want something to be a secret from other players, PM me.

3 - You are allowed to have multiple characters if you want to just make sure you can maintain them.

4 - Certain abilities I may feel to be too powerful to have for a main character. Teleportation, Immortality, Invisibility, Mind Control, Telepathy, Telekinisis are a few. If you really want a power that might be considered powerful, PM me we'll talk and see if there's a way to make it work.

5 - Magic abilities must be linked to one of the five senses. This connection can be literal or metaphorical, but if it's metaphorical, I may request some adjustments if the tie to a sense feels too abstract.

6 - Please be patient if I can't respond right away. I'll do my best to be available and answer your questions.

7 - New hero characters should be pactmakers for now, unless there's a compelling reason otherwise. Pactmakers are those who have unknowingly make a pact with the Being of Many Names. Upon death, pactmakers lose their legacy to the Being, and their existence can only be remembered by other pactmakers.

8 - Have fun :)

About the land of Saencila

Yup, I'll be making the OOC tomorrow.
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