Avatar of Phase


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4 mos ago
Current Last night, I dreamed about a hedge maze from roleplayerguild.com/topics/…. At the center, there was a lost city.
1 like
4 mos ago
And, just as suddenly, my post:day ratio is now 2.
4 mos ago
And before I knew it, my post to day ratio had become larger than 1.
4 mos ago
Last night in my dream, I tried to summon a cupcake, but only the bottom part appeared. In the same dream, I caused two gods to fight making a house blow up.
4 mos ago
Tried to use AI to create an image of my character wearing my profile image as a mask. It didn’t go well.


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<Snipped quote by Phase>

*Hesitates, nods toward another room, and keeps the gun pointed at you*
Sit down. Don’t make any sudden movements. How did you get in here?

When I found this place it was just sitting in the middle of nowhere.
*Grabs the doorknob from behind my back and turns it, opening the door.*
The door wasn’t locked.

<Snipped quote by Phase>

*I peek over a corner and point a pistol at you*
Hey, you! Hands up, don't move!

*Puts hands up*
Sorry! I thought this place was abandoned.

*Continuing to explore the abandoned mansion, I open the next door along the corridor and step though to an unexpected sight.*
Ok. Now that my schedule is more open, I’m finally ready to jump in. Here goes…
In olleH 4 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Thanks. My schedule is going to be completely booked for the next 3 days, but after that, I’m ready to jump in.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Ah, we can make that work too (sorry, my OOC responses are slower than my IC ones). There are a few peeps outside combat right now in @Shadrack Nor’s event, or we can find something entirely unrelated if you'd rather do that. Any preferences?

I’m not sure. Can you explain what the current threads are right now? If no one would be able to fit me, I could start a new interaction. I was planning on posting something like *Continuing to explore the abandoned mansion, I open the next door along the corridor and step though to an unexpected sight,* which anyone could easily either incorporate into their thread or start a new bit in whatever way suited their character best.
I’m intersected in joining, but @Shadrack Nor’s event currently appears to be in a massive battle at the moment. I would like to introduce my character out of combat, so should I wait a bit or join somewhere else?

Since Phase first remembers, he has been exposed to the broader multiverse. Because of the dream-like nature of his existence, reality warps around him, and he will often stumble from one world into another. Despite this, he hasn’t yet run into any of the characters from the Myriad RP yet, so the way I imagine introducing him into the RP is to have him exploring somewhere, and he opens a door that leads him into another world right where another character is randomly at.
In NEW 4 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Perchance do you also like coffee but not tea?
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