Avatar of Phase


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4 mos ago
Current Last night, I dreamed about a hedge maze from roleplayerguild.com/topics/…. At the center, there was a lost city.
1 like
4 mos ago
And, just as suddenly, my post:day ratio is now 2.
4 mos ago
And before I knew it, my post to day ratio had become larger than 1.
4 mos ago
Last night in my dream, I tried to summon a cupcake, but only the bottom part appeared. In the same dream, I caused two gods to fight making a house blow up.
4 mos ago
Tried to use AI to create an image of my character wearing my profile image as a mask. It didn’t go well.


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<Snipped quote by Phase>

As much as I try and lie to myself, I was dragged into your world kicking and screaming.

I’ve been… *looks down at my boots* kinda lonely. Finally finding someone like me *looks back up at you* It’s really nice to meet you.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

A loner, then?
*Spins the gun on my finger, flicking on the safety and hooks it onto my belt*
As much as I hate to admit it, you’re not the only one like you.

*Straitens up. Starts to look at your raptly from behind my mask*
More like me…
Are you one of them?
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Your ilk find their way to this planet like ants to a candybar melted into a carpet. I’m starting to think I have some kind of superdimensional scent you’re latching onto.

I swear I didn’t know you were here. I just opened a door and you popped out at me. That happens a lot to- *Pauses, coming to a realization.* But wait - you say you’ve met others? Like me.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

I’d rather you have been one of the government’s goons.
*Motions my gun toward you*
So what is it that you want? Why are you here?

No real reason in particular. I didn’t intend to find you in the first place
*Pauses for a second*
How did you know?
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Name two oceans. Or the last war we fought. Or really, anything that proves you’ve lived here longer than a day.

…Well, no, you’re right.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

That’s what I thought. You’re one of those interdimensional freaks, aren’t you?

I don’t know what you’re talking about…
<Snipped quote by Phase>

*Narrows my eyes*
Name the country you’re in and its ambassador.

A - Uh…
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Where are you from?

*Slowly sits down on the sofa*
I just came from some port town - I don’t remember its name. I was traveling for a bit, and then I found this place.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

You don’t know? Who randomly waltzes into an abandoned house like this? I have half a mind to shoot you where you stand.

How could you not want to explore an abandoned mansion? I’m an explorer.
Anyways, I didn’t see any traps.

<Snipped quote by Phase>

I have this place loaded with traps—I would have noticed any normal person walk in. Who are you, really? Did my sister send you here??

*As I back up, I look behind myself and realize that I had just explored this same room a few minutes ago, and now it was completely different. Over my shoulder, I saw I was being moved backwards into an old sofa that that had replaced the shabby wooden stool that was here before, and the wallpaper had looked different and was peeling off.*
I swear I don’t know what you’re talking about.
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