Avatar of Phase


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4 mos ago
Current Last night, I dreamed about a hedge maze from roleplayerguild.com/topics/…. At the center, there was a lost city.
1 like
4 mos ago
And, just as suddenly, my post:day ratio is now 2.
4 mos ago
And before I knew it, my post to day ratio had become larger than 1.
4 mos ago
Last night in my dream, I tried to summon a cupcake, but only the bottom part appeared. In the same dream, I caused two gods to fight making a house blow up.
4 mos ago
Tried to use AI to create an image of my character wearing my profile image as a mask. It didn’t go well.


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<Snipped quote by Phase>

I was a lot like you once. Younger. Free. Felt like I had the whole world at my fingertips.

Really, the world has me at its fingertips.
*continues along the hallway, noting down each door*
I just roll with it.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

I’m guessing you’re someone who loves to visit new worlds and does everything you can to find someplace new? Every day is an adventure?

You’ve got that right.
*steps out into the corridor and continues mapping the mansion*
But I don’t really have a choice, even if I didn’t want that I mean. However your existence works, it must be a lot closer to a regular person.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

The truth? I’ve done everything I can to avoid it for the past fifteen years.

*Looks down at the notebook and begins to slowly sketch the shape of the room we’re in*
You’re like the exact opposite of me.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

I—er, sure. Where are we walking to?

I’m going to map this place. This is too important to pass up.
Anyways, how do you go between worlds. I can tell you don’t do it like I end up doing.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Then you should know that there are more like you. Many, many more. Not nearly as many as all the people ignorant about the multiverse, but enough.

I mean, I’ve always assumed, but you’re the first I’ve met.
*takes a notebook and a pencil out of a pouch on my belt*
Hey, do you mind if we walk as we talk?
<Snipped quote by Phase>

*Pauses, staring at a decrepit grandfather clock for a few moments as it strikes a pitiful tone to indicate the passing of the hour*
...It’s ironic, isn’t it? Someone like you searching for people like me, and someone like me trying to stay as far away from people like you as possible. It’s as if the multiverse was trying to tell me something.

Reality is fickle like that.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

But you really didn’t come to hunt me down? My sister didn’t send you?

Your sister? If she could also travel between realities, I’d remember her. I’m happy to have found you, though.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

A planet as far in the middle of nowhere as you can find. This mansion is nothing special though.

Speak for yourself. It’s places like these that I live for
*Lightly punches the wall*
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Katherine. I’ve been staying at this abandoned house for months now, hoping whoever owns it doesn’t show up.

*Stops to think for a second*
Where is this place exactly?
<Snipped quote by Phase>

You may soon wish you were alone again. I always did. What’s your name?

I’m Phase. *Stands up* What about you.
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